HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956 09 17 CC MIN1856 09 17 CC MINHÄ—@¸—; Í«164 I OLD CENTRAL SCHOOL AULlITCBIUK.BALDWIN PA &, DAY, SEPTEMBER 17,1956 7:30 P.M. COUNCIL CFIM4BERS) The City Council of the City of Baldwin Park met in regular session at the above place at 7:45 P.M. The City Administrator introduced Cc ander Bill Presentation of Neiman of Abraham Lincoln Post 241, Aarrioan Legion, National and Baldr3n Pork, and Kra. Beanie Hudson, President of State Flags to American Legion loam's Alaiiliary, Unit 241, Baldwin City of Baldwin Park, who in turn presented the City with National and Park by American State flags, aovplete with standards and bases, for use Legion. in the Council Chamber. The flap were accepted by Maroc Bimh;ua. Mayor Blaotoa led the salute to the Flag. Flag Salute. Invocation was given by Rev. Gordon James, Pastor of Invocation. Methodieb Church, Baldwin Park. ROLL C AIL; Present Couaei men Cole, Duskin, Roll Call LittlajohD, Soovotti and Blaotlraa; City Clerk, City Attorney and City Treasurer. Moved by Couaailnr Dnsidn, seconded by Cou cilaan Cole, and w,aran+ s *awl ad, that reading of the minutes of 8-34-56 and 9 % be weived and that nd.nutes be approved as presented. Malror Blcotham requested that Planning Commission Case No. 5, Tuttle Binearing Co. Subdivision Tract No. 18797, Planning Candesi n Resolution No. 54, be consider- ed first, to which there was no objection. Moved by Councila-n Littla3ehyseconded by Councilman Cole, that the final flap be asoeptsd ei 3ect to the re- oomwendatione of the PlawAng Coatidsalce and the SnXineers and that it be granted under those restrictions. The City Attorney stated that the above notion would not suffice, whereupon Councilman Littlejohn and Councilman Cole withdrew the motion, and the second. Moved by Councilman Littlejohn, and soconded by Cou=ncilman Cole, that the map be accepted; that the City Er4oneeJ and City Clck be authorised to sign the same on behalf of the city upon the posting at a bond in the sum of t'45,000.00, g aranteoing installation of the improve- ments. Above motion was adopted by the follo n vats; AYES: Coivnailnan Cole, vuskin,. Littlejohn, Scovotti, and B3.athem 1tM: Hone ABSTAINING: Nome Application 4'ce Charity Solicitation License United Fund of Baldwin Park formerly Baldwin Park Covmea ity Chest, Arian Red Cross, Faali]y Comso3.ing and Baldwin Park Sorvico Council)- solicitation of ftrnds. Minutes of 8-30.56 and 9-4-0- Reading waive d and approved as presented. Case No. 5 Tuttle Frig-. Co. vSubdiv.Tract No. 18797, P.C. Res. No. 54. Map approved City Engr. & City Clerk to sign M~oinr posting $458000.00 bond guaranteeing in- stsllution of improvements. Clarity Soli.aita-- tion License Ur d. Fund of B.P. granted with waiver of fee. BIB] 39582-U01 1856-U02 09-U02 17-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117122-U03 DO117157-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/13/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1856 09 17 CC MINHÄ—@¸—; Í«165 I PAGE #2, OLD CENTRAL SCHOOL AUDITCRIUM,BALDWIN PARK,MONDaY, SEPTEMBER 17,1956 7:30 P.1i Moved by Councilman Scovotti, seconded by Mayor Blaxham, and unanimously carried, that license be granted with waiver of foe. Letter to Mayor Bloxham from Coordinator, Area D, Civil Area D Civil Defense, attaching copy of letter sent to Councilman Durkin Defense. re meeting in Carlsbad. City to join and Moved by Councilman Durkin, seconded by Mayor Blaxham, pay fee. and unanimously carried that we join Area D Civil Defense program. Letter from Citizen's Cmimdttee for Yes" on proposition 5, dated 9-7-56, endorsed by League of Calif- ornia Cities. Moved by Councilman Cole, seconded by Councilman Littlejohn, and unanimously carried, that the matter be tabled. Letter dated 9-6-56 from Robt. F. Lanham, 13914 E. Los Angeles, Baldwin Park, re City's request to dispose of dogs at 13914 E. Los Angeles Street, Baldwin Park, asking for ninety days extension. Moved by Councilman buskin that he be given a 90 day ex- tension to dispose of his dogs. Motion lost for lack of a second. Moved by Councilman Cole, seconded by Councilman Scovotti, and unanimously carried, that the matter be taken under advisement. Letter from League of California Cities re meeting in Long Beach on Thursday, Sept. 20, 1956 at 7:00 P.M. Tabled Petitions from residents in vicinity of Howelihurst Drive between Puente Avenue and Ardili,a Avenue, and residents on Lante Street from Nubia to Arrow Highway for improvements under Improvement Act of 1911. Moped by Councilman Scovotti, seconded by Councilman Duskin, and unanimously carried, that tho City Adminis- trator be authorized to employ special counsel and initi- ate proceedings. Following letters received re annexations: West Covina 8-29-56, El Monte 8-24-56 and 9-5-56, Arcadia 8-2-56 and Monrovia 9-5-56. Moved by Councilman Scovotti, seconded by Councilman Durkin, that resolution be drawn and sent to the City of Arcadia, requesting them not to make the annexation. No action other annexationss. Above motion adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilman Cole, Duskin, Littlejohn,, Scovotti and Blaxham. NOES: None ABSJUIT None Letter from Citizen's Com- mittee re voting Yes" on proposi tion 5. Tabled. Request for 90 day extension to dispose of dogs. Matter to be taken under advisement. Meeting of League of California Cities in Long Beach 9-20-56. Tabled. Petitions re im- provements under Improvement Act of 1911. City Administrator to employ special counsel and in- itiate proceedings Resolution to be drawn and sent to Arcadia asking them not to make the annexation. No action on other annexations. BIB] 39582-U01 1856-U02 09-U02 17-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117122-U03 DO117157-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/13/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1856 09 17 CC MINHÄ—@¸—; Í«166 PACE #3 OLD CENTRAL SCHOOL AUDITORIUM,BiLLDWIN PARK,*)NW, SEPT. 17s1956 7:30 P.M. Letter from Department of Finance, Sacramento, dated 8-21-56 re Christmas Tree Fund". No action. Letter 9-6-56 from Board of Supervisors re agree- ment for County Engineer Services Subdivision Maps. No action. Letter from Municipal Court, titrus Judicial District, dated 9-6-56 re Distribution of Fines and Forfeitures fcr Baldwin Park far Month of August,1956. No action.. Letter from Jean H. Beaumar, dated 8-10-56 re Ford Gum Machines. Letter from Sacramento re Christ- mas Tree Fund. No Action. Agreement for Co- unty Engineer's Services Subdivision and Maps. No action. Distribution Fines & Forfeitures for August,1956. No action. Action re Ford ham Machines. Councilman Cole advised that as a member of the coml. License granted mittee appointed to investigate this mtter he wished with waiver of fee. to state that the matter had been taker. up with Mr. Lyddiard in Baldwin Park, who owned the machines. Mr. Lyddiard'a wife stated that Mr. Lyddiard was working and had sold all his machines and was no longer interest- ed in the matter, and as no other local person was int- erested Councilman Cole made the following motion, seconded by Councilman Duskin, and unanimously carried: That Mr. Lyddiard be granted a license with waiver of fee for the balance of the year. Copy of letter dated l Z" to Registrar of Voters from Board of Supervisors LACO re Res. #58 of the City Council of Baldwin Park submitting to voters of City proposition to pay elected and acting councilmen and mayor a monthly salary and to establish date when salaries to start. City Clerk stated that he needed authorization to ask the Councy Auditor to make these payments by county warrant.. There will be about 220 warrants to be drawn and if county will draw those warrants it will save us considerable expense. Moved by Councilman Durkin, seconded by Mayor Bloxham, and unanimously carried that the City Attorney be directed to draw a resolution covering the above and bring to the next meeting. Letter of 8-25-56 from Mrs. J.S. Van Norman, 314024 E. Olive Street, Baldwin Park, re rudeness of San Gabriel Huaaax. Society and treatment she received from them regarding some thoroughbred dogs they had in their possession. Submission of Res. #58 of City of B.P. to Registrar of Voters from TACO Bd. Supervisors re pay for council- men. City Attorney to draw resolution asking County Auditor to make these payments by county warrant., and bring to next meet- ing. Letter re rudeness of San Gabriel Humane Society with regard to some dogs in their possession. No action. Mr. Maurer, Superintendent of the Humane Society spoke in defense of the Humane Society and explained the situation, stating they had not mistreated this woman. Mr. Victor Case, 1859 N. Maine, Baldwin Park, asked if the dogs were placed in good homes, to which Mr. Maurer stated they w ere$ and without charge. No action. i BIB] 39582-U01 1856-U02 09-U02 17-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117122-U03 DO117157-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/13/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1856 09 17 CC MINHÄ—@¸—; Í«167 OLD CENTRAL SCHOOL AUDITORIUM, BALDWIN PA RK,MONDAY,SEPPEMBER 17,1956 7:30 PACE #h P.M. I I Letter 9-12-56 from Coroner's Committee of Board of Supervisors LACO re separation of Coroner's office from Public Administrator, and specifying that Coroner be a physician. No action. MW or Bloxham introduced the matter of Establish- me~nt of Public Relations Department. No action. Moved by Councilman Littlejohn, seconded by Councilman Durkin, that the matter of the investigation pertain- ing to the Police Department be placed-cn the agenda. Moved by Councilman Littlejohn, seconded by Councilman Durkin, that the Chief of Police take under advisement the problem that has been brought up concerning the Police Department and give the Council a complete re- port on the matter not later than Thursday September 27th, 1956; and that there be no further executive meet- ings held by the City Council concerning the Police De- partment. Separation of Coroner's office from Public Ad- ministrator. No action. Establishment of Public Relations Department. No Action. Police Department Matters J ief to have report for Council not 3ntor than 927-56. Above motion was adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Cole, Duskin, Littlejohn, Seovotti, and Bloxham. NOES: None ABSENT None Mayor Bloxham directed the Chief of Police to notify all officers that the hearing set for Tuesday, September 18, 1956, has been cancelled. Moved by Councilman Littlejohn, seconded by Council- man Cole, and unanimously carried that the report of the Chief of Police be placed on the agenda for the first meeting in October, i.e., October 1, 1956. The City Administrates presented the following Resolution: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL F THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK, ESTABLISHING THE INTERSECTION OF MANGUM STREET AND WACO STREET AS A STOP INTERSEC- TION. Mayor Bloxham moved its adoption, seconded by Councilman Durkin. The above motion was adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Cole, Duskini Littlejohn, Scovotti and Bloxham. NGES: None ABSENT: None Chief of Police directedto notify all officers that hearing for 9-18-56 cancelled. Matter of report of Chief of Police to be placed on Oct. 1, 1956 agenda. Res. No. 61 Establishment of Intersection at Mangum St. and Waco St. as stop inter- section. Adopted. BIB] 39582-U01 1856-U02 09-U02 17-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117122-U03 DO117157-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/13/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1856 09 17 CC MINHÄ—@¸—; Í«158 PEACE #5 I OLD CENTRAL SCHOOL AUDITORIUM, ALDWIN PARK, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17,1956 7:30 P.M. The City Administrator presented the fallowing Resolution: Reso. No. 62 Establishment of A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY CF intersection of BALDWIN PARK ESTABLISHING THE INTERSECTION OF Frazier St, and FRAZIER STREET AND MONTEREY AVENUE AS A STOP Monterey Ave., INTERSECTION. Baldwin Park as stop intersection. Councilman Duskin moved its adoption, seconded by Adopted. Mayor Bloxham. Above motion was adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Cole, Duskin, Littlejohn, Scovotti and Bloxham. NOES: None ABSENT: None The City Administrator presented the following Res, No. 63 Resolution: Acceptance of Deed of Raymond L. Berry. A RESOLUTICN OF ACCEPTANCE RE: Adopted. DEED OF RAYMOND L. BERRY Councilman Durkin moved its adoption, seconded by Councilman Littlejohn. Above motion adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmeni Cole, Duskin, Littlejohn, Scovotti and Blaxham. NOES: None ABSENT: None The City Attorney introduced the matter of reconcilia- Treasurer's and tion of Auditors report and Treasurer's report for Auditors report period ending June 30, 1956, reporting that these re- for period ending ports were now in agreement as shown by letter from June 30,1956. Auditor, approved by City Clerk, City Treasurer and Bookkeeper. Reports and letter from Auditor to be Letter and reports to be placed in file. filed. Moved by Councilman Duskin, seconded by Councilman City Clerk to formu- Scovotti, that the City Clerk be instructed to formulate late policy for a policy for the handling of funds and bring before the handling of City Council at the next meeting. funds and bring be- fore Council at Above motion was adopted by the following vote: next meeting Oct.l, 1956). AYES: Councilmen Cole, Duskin, Scovotti, and Bloxxham. NOES: Councilman Littlejohn ABSENT None Councilman Duskin introduced the matter of placing Treasurer's Report on the agenda the City Treasurer's report for the month for month of August, of August, 1956, seconded by Councilman Littlejohn and 1956. unanimously carried City Administrator advised that stop signs had been Stop Signs received. received and as soon as stencils and paint can be ob- tained for barking the streets they will be installed, BIB] 39582-U01 1856-U02 09-U02 17-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117122-U03 DO117157-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/13/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1856 09 17 CC MINHÄ—@¸—; Í«PA GE #6 OLD C=TRAL SCHOOL AUDITMIUM, BBLDWIN PARK, MONDAY SEPTEMBER 17,1956 7:30 P.M. Mayor Bloxham made inquiry concerning the matter of Undercover car for purchase of an undercover car for the Police Depart- Police Department. ment. The City Administrator reported that as soon as the Police Chief designated the car he desired it would be purchased. Moved by Councilman Scovotti, seconded by Mayor Bloxham, and unanimously carried that a 10 minute recess be de- clared. Recessed at 9:35 P.M. Meeting reconvened at 10:00 P.M. Moved by Councilman Duskin, seconded by Councilman Resolution to be Littlejohn, and unanimously carried, that the City prepared accepting Attorney be instructed to prepare a resolution accept- flags. ing the flags from the American Legion and thanking them for same. Planning Commission Case No. 43, Lucian McCormick, Zone change, R-1 to C-1, at 111354 E. Olive Street, Baldwin Park, Planning Commission Resolution No. 65. Moved by Councilman Littlejohn, seconded by Mayor Bloxham, and unanimously carried, that public hearing be set for meeting, October 15, 1956. Planning Commission Case No. 52, Florence Klingel, Lot Split, 3455 N. Maine Avenue, Baldwin Park, Planning Commission Resolution No. 67. Moved by Councilman Duskin, seconded by Councilman Scovotti, that lot split be granted, subject to the recommendations of the Planning Commission. The above motion was adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Cole, Duskin, Littlejohn, Scovotti and Bloxham. NOES None ABSENT: None Planning Commission Case No. 53, Murphy-McKinney, lot split on Nubia Street, Baldwin Park, Planning Commission Resolution No. 68. Moved by Councilman Scovotti, seconded by Mayor Blc3cham, that lot split be granted, subject to the conditions imposed by the Planning Commission. The above motion was adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Cole, Duskin, Littlejohn, Scovotti, and Blcocham. NOES: None ABSENT: None Case No, 43 Zone change, Lucian McCormick R-1 to C-1 F.C. Res. No. 65. Public Hearing set for Oct. 15,1956. Case No, 52 Lot Split, Florence Klingel P.C. Res. No. 67. Granted subject to recommendations of Planning Com. Case No. 53 Lot Split, Murphy- McKinney P.C. Res. No. 68. Granted subject to conditions imposed by Planning Com. 159 I/ BIB] 39582-U01 1856-U02 09-U02 17-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117122-U03 DO117157-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/13/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1856 09 17 CC MINHÄ—@¸—; Í«170 PAGE #7 OLD CENTRAL SCHOOL AULfTCRIUM,BALDWIN PARK, MONOAX, SEPTEMBER 17,1956 7:30 P.M. Planning Commission Tr. Case No. 10, Subdivision No. 23286, Tracy Bousman, approval of tentative map, Bresee, Merced and Bellgreen Place, Baldwin Park, Planning Commission Resolution No. 69. Moved by Councilman buskin, seconded by Mayor Bloxham, that the tentative map only be approved, subject to the recommendations of the Planning Commission and the City Engineer. The above motion was adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Cole, Duskin, Littlejohn, Scovotti and Bloxham. NOES: None ABSENT: None The City Clerk presented Planning Commission Resolution No. 66 recommending certain on and off ramps on the San Bernardino Freeway in the vicinity of Baldwin Parks and Planning Commission Resolution No. 66.A re Division of Highways, State of California, meeting in Sacramento. Mayor Bloxham stated that approval of the Council was desired for City Clerk, City Attorney, City Engineer and himself to make the trip to Sacramento with re- spect to the above matter and that while there the City Clerk and he were going to take up the matter of purchase of Old Central School. Councilman Littlejohn asked the Mayor for an ex- planation as to the trip to Sacramento and why the Council was not informed of it before, stating that he believed the Council should go up in a body and act on it in a body. Moved by Councilman Duskin, seconded by Councilman Cole, that Planning Commission Resolution Nos. 66 and 66-A be approved and that the City Attorney, City Clerk and City Engineer, as well as any member of the City Council be authorized to attend this meeting in Sacrame o. The above motion was approved by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Cole, Duskin, Littlejohn., Scovotti and Bloxham. NOES: None ABSENT: None Case No. 10, Subdiv- ision Tr. #23286, Tracy Bousman approval of tenta- tive map. P.C. Res. No. 69. Tentative map approv- ed,subject to the recommendations of the Plan. Com, and City Engineer. P.C. Res. No. 66 On and Off ramps on San Bernardino Free- way in vicinity of Baldwin Park; and P.C. Res. No. 66-A re meeting in Sacramento of Divi- sion of Highways. Resolutions approved and City Clerk,City Attorney, City Eng- ineer and any member of council authoriz- ed ao attend. Moved by Councilman Scovotti, seconded by Councilman All expenses to be Littlejohn, and unanimously carried, that all expenses paid by City. be paid by the City, including hotel and traveling ex- penses. Moved by ftyor Bloxham, seconded by Councilman Durkin, and unanimously carried, that one of the Planners be authorized to attend if any of the Councilmen cannot go, with all expenses paid. Planning Commission Case No. 54s R. Smith, Orrin King, lot split, on Olive and Marion Streets, Planning Com- mission Resolution No. 70. Mr. Ralph Smith, 14219 E. Ohio spoke in his own be- half in favor of the lot split., stating that 40 Ft. A Planner to attend if a councilman cannot attend, with expenses paid. P.C. Res. No. 70 Case No. 54, R. Smith, Orrin King, lot split. Granted, subject to conditions im- posed. BIB] 39582-U01 1856-U02 09-U02 17-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117122-U03 DO117157-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/13/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1856 09 17 CC MINHÄ—@¸—; Í«1'71 PAGE #8 OLD CENTRAL SCHOOL AU DITC?IUM, BALDWIN PARK,MONDAY,SEPPEMBER 17, 1956 7:30 P.M. had already been given to the city and that a deed would be executed granting L0 Ft. to the City for dedication of street on Marion Street. Moved by Councilman Duskin, seconded by Councilman Littlejohn, that the lot split be granted subject to the following conditions: That there be installed curb and gutter on Olive Street and the return to Marion Street;that said curb-arid gutter be hooked up to existing pavement on Olive Street; that an area 15 ft. in width and 181.65 ft. in length across the entire southerly portion of the property to be deeded to the City of Baldwin Park for future widening of Olive Street; that an area 40 ft. in width and 80 ft. in length on the westerly side of the property be res.arved for future dedication for street purposes. Above motion was adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Cole, Duskin, Littlejohn, Scovotti and Bloxham. NOES: None ABSENT: None Planning Commission Case #61, Artie R., Jett, relocation of building from West Cov:?na to City of Baldwin Park, P.C. Res. No 71 Planning Commission Resolution No. 71. Artie F.. Jett oration of Bldg. Moved by Councilman Cole, seconded by Councilman from West Covina. Duskin that application be denied. Denied. The above motion was adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Cole, Duskin, Littlejohn, Scovotti and Bloxham. NOES: None ABSENT None Planning Commission Case No. 9, Care Schweitzer, zone P.C. Res. No. 19 change A-1 to M-2, and R-3, Planning Commission Resolution Clare Schweitzer No. 19. Zone Change A-1 to M-1. The City Clerk announced that this is the case in which public hearing was held before and was carried over Zone change from until Mr. Schweitzer submitted a definite plan in re- A-1 to M-1 and lation to this property. R-3 Granted subject Mr. Ray Schweitzer explained his plan for improving to certain con- the property and stated that they would be very glad ditions imposed. to comply with all the requirements of the Planning Commission and the City Engineer if granted the zone change. It was established that M-2 zone would not be granted, as the new interim ordinance and map eliminated the M-2 zone and provided only for M-1 zone Moved by Councilman Littlejohn, seconded by Councilman Cole, that the zone change to M-i and R-3, as shown on Exhibit All as of September 17, 1956, be granted subject to the dedication to the City of Baldwin Park of a paved 30-foot alley-way in the rear of the R-3 buffer zone for future use; and reservation of 30 feet on both the east and west sides of property for future street purposes; 15 foot widening on Olive Street, installation V BIB] 39582-U01 1856-U02 09-U02 17-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117122-U03 DO117157-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/13/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1856 09 17 CC MINHÄ—@¸—; Í«PAGE #9 OLD CENTRAL SCHOOL AUDITORIUM,BaLDWIN PARK,MONDJJY,SEPTEMBER 17,1956 7:30 P.M. of curbs, gutter end sidewalk and hook-up of pavement to curbs ail gztt3r, z.n i 1.nstailation of street lig ts; and that th:i City At,:or.ie y be directed to draw a reso- lution covering the aho,e. The abcve motion was adopted by the following vote: AYES: Coun-,illnen Cole, Duakin, Littlejohn,Scovotti and Bic_;.ha:.1. NOES None ABSENT None Re repairs to Old Central School bid of William Repairs to Old Gilliam. Central School bid of Wm. Gilliam Moved by Councilman Duskin, seconded by Councilman rejected. Cole, and unanimously carried, that the bid or bids be rejected upon the grounds that in the opinion of the City Council the work can be done more reasonably and economically than the bid submitted and,therefore, the matter is to be done on farce account and the City Administrator is to prepare and submit to the City Council the bids. The following bills were presented by the City Clerk, Payment of Bills and were au3itcd and favora' roocrted by the Auditing Approved. Committee: Pike and Strawn Grass Seed 8.84 Steer Nanuro 3.97 $ 12.81 San Gabriel Valley F:^inters Poli.c Dupt. Reports 256.78 Elmer Cook Mileage, parking chg. August 24.25 Trip Exp. Berkeley Conference 23.54 47.79 Stockrel'. & Binney Chair-Bookkeeper 62.66 Desk-Police Dept. 175.03 237.69 Dave's Lock & Key Repair Locks Auditorium and City Hall 8.08 Parker Plumbing Police Dept. Plumbing 7.66 Mi11er,Bryant,Pierce Ditto Masters, Carbons 69.58 Baldwin Park Hardware Nails, etc. City Hall Maintenance 2.66 L.A. Newspaper Service Bureau, Inc. Farris Case 1.88 McCormick Case 3.13 Schweitzer Case 2.19 Case No. 40 2.81 Notice-Bidders 3.13 3.14 L.A. County Road Dept. July) St. Sweeping 1356.01 St. Repairs Maint. 1753.48 Alley Repairs 10.53 Equipment Mileage 1.96 Admin. & Overhead 468.30 590.28 BIB] 39582-U01 1856-U02 09-U02 17-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117122-U03 DO117157-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/13/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1856 09 17 CC MINHÄ—@¸—; Í«PAGE #10 OLD CENTRAL SCHOOL AUflE CtIUM ALDWIN PARK, MDNDAY,SEPTEMBER 17,1956 7:30 P.M. Bills continued: Trade Name Advertising Company Bale on Police Decals $ 22.88 Thomas F. Miller Custodian wages ending 8-15-56 119.54 Louis A. Mohnike Rent City Hall July 20 Aug. 20 $300.00 Rent City Hall August 20-Sept.20,300.00 600.00 San Gabriel Humane Society Lie. Feep August,1956 3,148.80 League Calif. Cities Membership Fee 17,50 Baldwin Pk. Co. Water Dist. City Hall 9.90 Police Dept 3.00 12.90 So. Counties Gas Co. City Hall 2.63 McCaron Bros. St. sign braces 21.84 Thomas W. Atkins Posting notices, Case 40,60 6.00 Deep Rock Water Co. Rent Cooler, cups, water 13.72 San Gabriel Valley Typewriter Co. Seals 2.10 Heth Hardware Supplies St. Signs 6.26 Baldwin Park National Paint Store Engineer supplies pencils) 3.75 Hanson Stationery MiScl.Office supplies all departments 96.98 Sydney Ross 8 hours at 4.50 36.00 R.W. Davis Repairs Police Fords 63.43 Marty's Gasat Rental Cars 46.67 City Owned Cars 188.49 235.16 Yale Serv UR Self Rental Cars 28.66 City Owned Cars 146.79 175.45 Double HH Press Police paper forms 15.60 B. P. Lumber Yard Wire and staples Police Window 2.05 Monrovia Blue Print Co. Master Plan and zoning Maps Blueprints 14.70 Stockwell & Binney Typewriter Police Dept. 195.00 Flags, Calif.& Natl. 22.48 217.48 Park Photo Cameras,Film,Police Dept) 259.91 Stoolfire Sales and Service Police Car repair) 1.00 Moved by Councilman Durkin, seconded by Councilman Scovotti, and unanimously carried, that the bills be approved as presented. Agreement with Los Angeles County Health Services. Agmt. with LACO Health Services. Moved by Councilman Littlejohn, loco ded by Councilman Cole, and unandmously carried, that the Maya' be Mayor authorized authorized to sign agreement. to sign Agmt. BIB] 39582-U01 1856-U02 09-U02 17-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117122-U03 DO117157-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/13/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1856 09 17 CC MINHÄ—@¸—; Í«I 174 PAGE #11 OLD CENTRIL SCHOOL e ULETCRIUM, BALLWIN Pi RK, MON Y SEPTEMBER 17, 1956 7:30 P.M. Moved by Councilman Littlejohn, seconded by Mayor Bloxham, adjournment. and unanimously carried, that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 12:10 A.M., Sept. 18,1956. City Clerk Above minutes approved by the City 1956. / 4al 4 BIB] 39582-U01 1856-U02 09-U02 17-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117122-U03 DO117157-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/13/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06