HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959 12 22 CC MIN1959 12 22 CC MINHÄ—@¸—@Í«ADJOURNED REGULAR'MEETING OF THE BALDWIN PARK CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER) 14403 East Pacific Avenue The City Council of the City of Baldwin Park met in adjourned regular session at the above place at 7:00 P.M. Roll Call: Present: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, HOLMES, LITTLEJOHN, WILSON AND MAYOR COLE Absent: CITY TREASURER PUGH Also Present: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ASMUS, CITY ATTORNEY GORLICK, AND CITY CLERK BALKUS Due to his convalescence, Mayor Cole requested that Mayor pro tem Littlejohn conduct the meeting. Chief Administrative Officer Asmus requested that, with the permission of Mrs. Marianne Johnson, Mr. William Wood, Building Inspector, be heard first on the Agenda, with ref- erence to the Stichman Avenue property. COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT MR. WOOD BE HEARD FIRST ON THE AGENDA. COUNCILMAN WILSON SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor pro tem Littlejohn. Mr. William Wood, 9658 Live Oak, Temple City, reported on his findings regarding the Stichman Avenue property, stating that Mr. Bell of the Flood Control District, a gentleman from the Fire Department, Chief Administrative Officer Asmus and he had inspected every one of the houses and found the following: That most of them were lacking in heating; some of the plumb- ing was defective; in practically all cases the wiring was below standard; some of them had roof trouble; most of them did not have a kitchen vent going to the outside; some of the water heaters would need revamping; most of them did not have a good appearance on the outside, but the majority of them were of standard construction. He further stated that there were about six of the houses that were quite a bit below standard and about four that were in fairly good condition. Discussion followed regarding whether or not the Code, notices, etc. would be sufficient to do what posting would be necessary to inform the people as to what would have to be done; wherein Councilman Holmes stated that his primary concern was that people purchasing these buildings should be made aware of the conditions that exist; wherein City Attorney Gorlick stated that the Uniform Building Code provides for posting of signs in cases where the building is an unsafe building... that if the people wanted to find out what particular deficiencies there were they could contact the Building Department. City Clerk Balkus administered the oath to those in the audience desiring to speak. Mr. Henry W. Redeker, 4207 N. Maine Avenue, Baldwin Park, questioned that, if the property were posted unfit for habitation" would it mean the property owner would have to bring the entire property up to Code...which would be quite different than just correcting hazardous conditions. DECEMBER 22, 1959 ROLL CALL MAYOR PRO TEM LITTLEJOHN TO CONDUCT MEETING. C.A.O. REQUEST THAT MR. WILLIAM WOOD BE HEARD FIRST ON AGENDA RE STICHMAN AVENUE PROPERTY. MOTION MADE AND CARRIED that MR. WOOD BE HEARD FIRST ON THE AGENDA. MR. WILLIAM WOOD 9658 Live Oak Temple City REPORT RE STICH- MAN AVENUE HOUSES. DISCUSSION BY COUNCIL OATH administered by City Clerk Balkus MR. HENRY W. REDEKER, 4207 N. Maine Avenue Baldwin Park Re: Requirements Continued) Continued) BIB] 39589-U01 1959-U02 12-U02 22-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117328-U03 DO117364-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/20/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1959 12 22 CC MINHÄ—@¸—@Í«Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council As a prospective purchaser, he felt he was entitled to know what Council would require. Further discussion ensued wherein Council felt that pros- pective purchasers should know the particular items that were actually unsafe with regard to occupancy, and City Attorney Gorlick stated that as long as the buildings were not structurally unsafe they would not have to be replaced but whatever repairs were necessary to make it safe, i.e. defective wiring, plumbing, etc., would have to be made. The general consensus of Council was that after the Items in defect were corrected the Building Inspector would approve them. Mr. Wood further stated that the Building Department has records on many of these houses and they would be glad to acquaint prospective purchasers with what would be needed to be done in order to bring them up to Code...that if people know beforehand, It eliminates problems later. COUNCILMAN-HOLMES MOVED THAT THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER INSTRUCT-THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT TO PROCEED WITH THE FINDINGS MADE TONIGHT IN POSTING THESE HOUSES WITH NECESSARY NOTICES REGARDING DEFICIENCIES. MAYOR COLE SECONDED.. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMAN HOLMES, MAYOR COLE, COUNCILMEN BISHOP, WILSON AND MAYOR PRO T€M LITTLEJOHN NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- At this time the specifications for four 4) Police Units were taken on the Agenda, and Chief Administrative Officer Asmus reported that he had received a memo from itiiif of Police Torres outlining his views and feelings regarding the proposed revisions of the specifications, and also a report prepared by Mr. John Stenvall with reference to some items for Council's consideration in making revisions as was Indicated by Council's feeling last night. Mr. Asmus stated that, the specifications,,as now drawn, would be fortunate to get a bid due to their being long and involved in their requirements; that Council would make a serious error if the horsepower of the pursuit units were reduced; that each of the vehicles now operating costs approximately $13.11 per month for over-all major repairs, which does not include gas, oil, tires, etc.; that there would be con- siderable increase in cost if they went to stick shift for pursuit units; and recommended that the previous specifi- cations, as submitted, with possibly a slight revision in the horsepower, be seriously considered. Discussion followed wherein Chief Administrative Officer Asmus stated that minor costs exceed major costs; that Council felt they should ask for bids on both types of shifts as a matter of information and comparison; that the bid date would have to be changed from January 4 to January 18, 1960, as it would not give the bidders sufficient time to get bids in; that the prices of sixes, as well as eights, should be secured for information and comparison. COUNCILMAN WILSON MOVED THAT COUNCIL CONCUR WITH THE SPECI- FICATIONS AS RECOMMENDED BY THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER AND CHIEF OF POLICE TORRES AT THE MEETING OF DECEMBER 21, 1959, AND SUBMIT SAME FOR PROPOSED BIDS ON AUTOMOBILES AND THE BID DATE BE CHANGED FROM JANUARY 4, 1960, to JANUARY 18, 1960; MAYOR COLE SECONDED. December 22, 1959 Page 2 of Council in bringing properties up to Code. FURTHER DISCUSSION. MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT C.A.O. INSTRUCT BLDG. DEPT. TO PROCEED WITH FINDINGS MADE TONIGHT IN POST- ING HOUSES WITH NECESSARY, NOTICES RE DEFICIENCIES. SPECIFICATIONS FOR FOUR POLICE UNITS REPORT BY C.A.O. FURTHER DIS- CUSSION. MOTION MADE AND CARRIED that COUNCIL CONCUR WITH SPECS AS RECOMMENDED BY C.A.O. AND CHIEF Continued) Continued) BIB] 39589-U01 1959-U02 12-U02 22-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117328-U03 DO117364-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/20/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1959 12 22 CC MINHÄ—@¸—@Í«Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council There was further discussion regarding the minimum horse- power that should be specified. COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED TO AMEND THE MOTION ON THE FLOOR THAT THE SPECIFICATIONS BE MODIFIED TO READ A MINIMUM OF 185 H.P. IN A V-8". COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, BISHOP, WILSON, MAYOR COLE AND MAYOR PRO TEM LITTLEJOHN. NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE The original motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN WILSON, MAYOR COLE, COUNCILMENOBISHOP, HOLMES AND MAYOR PRO TEM LITTLEJOHN NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE Mayor pro tem Littlejohn announced that the matter of the Beautification Lease would be taken next on the Agenda, and that Mrs. Marianne Johhson was in attendance to answer questions. Mrs. Marianne Johnson, 3825 N. Foster Avenue, Baldwin Park, stated that the lease, as offered by the Pacific Electric Railway Company to the City of Baldwin Park, was the type of lease used for all their beautification leases, and that the Pacific Electric had but three reasons for this type of lease with a cancellation clause, being 1) for beautification purposes 2) for building of spur track crossings 3) for any commercial project which would gain them money. She further stated that all the supporting organizations and individuals had been made aware of this cancellation clause. Mr. Robert Walters, 4325 North Maine, Baldwin Park, stated that, as a representative of the Kiwanis Club, they had pledged 100% support to Mrs. Johnson's project; that they were aware of this cancellation clause and were willing to go along with it. Discussion followed wherein Council felt that some com- munication from the Pacific Electric Railway Company should be had, wherein they will do a certain amount of the prepara- tion, and also, have one of their men supervise the work the City would do. Chief Administrative Officer Asmus stated that he had talked with Mr. Platt of the Pacific Electric Railway Company and that they had indicated they would not come out here and work the ground for planting, but would work with us after the first of the year in cleaning the right of way of weeds and debris, and would work with the City Engineer regarding drainage problems, but that was as far as they intended to go. Mrs. Johnson further stated that the Pacific Electric Railway Company retains 121 on either side of the center line of the railroad track, and while not stipulated in the lease, It was their restriction, as the map accompanying the lease shows. She also stated that the volunteer work was only for putting in the plantings, not the rough grading; that they planned to plant the trees and shrubs and fix up the corners first, and as money and labor was available, would put in the ground cover, which was the biggest expense. December 22, 1959 Page 3 OF POLICE TORRES AT MEETING OF DEC. 21, 1959, & SUBMIT SAME FOR PROPOSED BIDS ON AUTOS & BID DATE BE CHANGED FROM JAN. 4 TO JAN. 18, 1960. MOTION MADE AND CARRIED TO AMEND MOTION ON FLOOR THAT SPECS BE MODIFIED TO READ A MINIMUM OF 185 H.P. IN V-8" BEAUTIFICATION LEASE MATTER. MRS. MARIANNE JOHNSON, 3825 N. FOSTER AVENUE, BALDWIN PARK RE: CANCELLATION CLAUSE. MR. ROBERT WALTERS 4325 N. MAINE BALDWIN PARK REPRESENTATIVE OF KIWANIS CLUB. DISCUSSION RE COOPERATION OF PACIFIC ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. WITH CITY. Continued) BIB] 39589-U01 1959-U02 12-U02 22-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117328-U03 DO117364-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/20/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1959 12 22 CC MINHÄ—@¸—@Í«Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council In answer to Council's query with reference to taxes, in- surance and possible injury of workers on the project, City Attorney Gorlick stated that the City was not assuming to pay the taxes on the land itself only by increase in taxes that would result from our activity); that there was nothing in the lease that would invalidate our insurance or require that we take out additional'insurance; that the City is leasing the property, so, in event of injury, the City would be the responsible, party on the leased portion of the premises. Mr. Victor Brown, 14855 E. Clydewood, Baldwin Park, representa- tive of the Lion's Club, stated that, although they felt that pressure should be exerted to force execution of a better lease, they were happy with the project and would go along with it. COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 59-138 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A BEAUTIFICATION LEASE WITH THE PACIFIC ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY BE GRANTED. COUNCILMAN HOLMES SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, HOLMES, WILSON, MAYOR COLE AND MAYOR PRO TEM LITTLEJOHN. NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE Mrs. Johnson questioned Council as to the grading of the parkway on the north side of the tracks, stating that there were 4 x 4's with wire, which had been buried under dirt there and shq wondered if anyone had been instructed to take them out...wherein Council referred this matter to Adminis- tration for handling. Chief Administrative Officer Asmus requested that Council give authorization for the Engineering and Maintenance Department to do the necessary grading, as no work could be done until Council took action. Council stated there would be ample time to handle this matter later as the Pacific Electric Railway Company was not going to clean up the debris until after the first of the year. 00- At this time Mayor pro tem Littlejohn introduced Mr. Fieldman of J. B. Hanauer & Company and Mr. Warren Beebe of O'Melveny & Myers, legal advisors for the sewer bond project. Mr. Beebe, at the request of Mayor pro tem Littlejohn, re- viewed the various types of bonds, commencing with the general obligation bond, and that the way it would be done would be to combine the bond issue with a sewer service charge ordinance and have them both on the same ballot. General obligation bonds require a two-thirds vote, and it was for this reason that they had been rejected, as part of the City was already sewered under the 1911 Act and that area could not be excluded. He stated that another method would be to form part of the City into a Municipal Sewer District. This method had been con- sidered for use other times and been rejected each time for the same reason, be@ause there is a debt limit of 20% of the assessed valuation of the land...this being known as the 1939 Act" or the Vernon Act". It was his belief that there was not enough assessed valuation in Baldwin Park to issue enough bonds. December 22, 1959 Page 4 CLARIFICATIONS BY CITY ATTORNEY GORLICK MR. VICTOR BROWN 14855 E. CLYDEWOOD, BALDWIN PARK; REPRESENTATIVE OF LION'S CLUB. MRS. JOHNSON RE: REMOVAL OF 4 x. 4's ON NORTH SIDE OF TRACKS. C.A.O. REQUEST RE: AUTHORIZATION FOR ENG. DEPT. TO DO NECESSARY GRADING MATTER TO BE HANDLED AT LATER DATE. SEWER BOND PROJECT. INTRODUCTION OF MR. FIELDMAN OF J.B. HANAUER & CO. AND MR. WARREN BEEBE OF O'MELVENY & MYERS. GENERAL OBLIGA- TIONS BONDS. MUNICIPAL SEWER DISTRICT Continued) BIB] 39589-U01 1959-U02 12-U02 22-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117328-U03 DO117364-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/20/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1959 12 22 CC MINHÄ—@¸—@Í«Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council December 22,-1959 Page 5 I I Another method was that of the Special Assessment Type Bonds SPECIAL ASSESS- which require notices and hearings, etc., and being very com- MENT TYPE BONDS plicated. This does have a great advantage of bonds being issued which are specific liens on specific pieces of property which the property owner can pay off if he wishes. Then the other type was the Revenue Bond Law of 1941. This REVENUE BONDS type requires a majority vote, and the bonds are payable only LAW OF 1941) from the revenue that they derive from the sewer service charges...no taxes can be levied. A difficulty might arise from using that act here being in the collection of sewer service charges. It is possible under this law to enter into a contract with the County Water District so that the sewer service charges can be put on the water district bill but they have never had a district yet that wanted to do that. Those were the various types of financing, and Mr. Beebe sug- MR. BEEBE RE: gested that it would be worthwhile devising something that COLLECTION OF would be acceptable both to the legislature and to the bond SUGGESTIONS. buyers, and that the final security involved two things I) that the list of delinquent, unpaid charges be recorded with the County Recorder they would become liens against the property served) 2) devise a means of collection through the small claims court. He stated that the problem was not with the property owners, with regard to collections, but with the renters, being the fact that they will kip out". Mr. Beebe further stated that there was a provision in the Health and Safety Code for putting sewer service charges on the tax rolls, but there were 2 difficulties in that, being, 1) that series of sections is so worded that it seems to imply that it excludes laterals, which is what we are going to do 2) they have a mechanism for putting the sewer service charge on the tax bills, but the only trouble is that they do not stay on the tax bills, and this is what ruins it as far as the bond holder is concerned. This makes it useless because, in any particular year, by going through the proper procedure, the decision to put it on the tax bills can be reversed and the sewer service charges taken off...the people petition for it and it has to be granted. Stays on, year after year, until taken off by this procedure.) Councilman Holmes expressed his opinion that most of these OPINION OF methods need to be eliminated for various reasons, with the COUNCILMAN HOLMES exception of the Revenue Bond, which seemed to be the most RE: VARIOUS TYPES practicable for Baldwin Park. The General Obligation Bond OF BONDS. is not acceptable due to part of the City being severed, which would force us into a general district type of thing; the 1939 Act where the assessed valuation is limited would require additional tax assessment besides the tax levy, or some type of additional revenue, as the City wouldn't be able to issue enough bonds to do the job; the Revenue Bond, as it appeared, cost about $3.00 per month; which included every- thing...discounts, interest, operation and maintenance. He wondered if, as this City is already a part of County Sani- tation District #15, there were any way in which this City could be annexed to the Sanitation District, or a method established that would build the laterals and the outservices. Mr. Beebe stated that, if his recollection was correct, there RE COUNTY SANI- was a provision for forming an improvement district, much the TATION DISTRICT. same as outlined, in the County Sanitation District; that the Sanitation District specifically insisted that the Act be so amended that it did not apply to lateral sewers; that the County Sanitation District had a policy for a long time for just financing trunks by means of General Obligations Bonds and then having other facilities handled in some other manner; that Section 4806 of the Health and Safety Code stipulates that, in effect, the Board of Directors of the Sanitation Dis- trict cannot form a local improvement district... this Continued) BIB] 39589-U01 1959-U02 12-U02 22-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117328-U03 DO117364-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/20/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1959 12 22 CC MINHÄ—@¸—@Í«417 me Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council December 22, 1959 Page 6 limitation was put in at the Insistence of the Los Angeles County Sanitation District. City Engineer Young stated that by using a combination of the SUGGESTION BY 1939 Act...using the estimated $1,980,000 for trunks, then CITY ENGINEER dividing the City Into 7, 8 or 10 districts and working each YOUNG. of those districts on the laterals system under the 1911 Act, it would get the main trunk facilities in and then get the vote of the people as far as the trunks were concerned.... then you would be assured the trunks were going to be in and if a health hazard occurred in one part of the City, Council could initiate going into one of the Acts. Councilman Bishop requested a•comparison, cost-wise, of the OPINION OF 1911 Act...and the Revenue Bond; that he had never known of COUNCILMAN any 1911 Act that would run over $11-12.00 per front foot; BISHOP. which included all legal and engineering fees and discounts, but not Interest; that the people should have the opportunity to pay them off if they wished; that the 1911 Act was a good way of financing. Mr. Fieldman of J. B. Hanauer & Company, stated that engineer- MR. FIELDMAN ing and legal fees in assessment proceedings were substan- RE: OPINIONS tially higher than otherwise... that there was five times the difference between a 1911 Act and Revenue Bond proceedings. He further stated that the normal period in which assessment bonds are rettred is ten years; that, working out a rough estimate without consideration of additional legal expense) of $7.25 a front foot on a cash basis which would provide the installation of the sewer, then on top of that, the costs would have to include maintenance and operation charges... which would have to be added to the annual costs on the tax bill, as opposed to the $3.00 per month suggested charge which includes the whole works. In his judgment, it would end up costing about the same in dollars and cents if the assess- ment were let to go to bond, compared with a 30-year Revenue Bond proceeding. He also stated that it would be desirable to make at least one-third of the-bonds callable before they were due...roughly a million and a half in bonds...and they could be retired in about 22-23 years. This proposed schedule was set up on the basis of each year you would charge rates to produce approximately 14 times actual debt service require- ments... you only have to pay out one time, leaving half again in surplus account, which can be accumulated and used for various purposes to extend the system or to call bonds be fore maturity, or use for any other lawful purpose of the City. At this time Mr, Beebe stated that in this type of bond issue ELABORATION BY the accumulation in the surplus account would be restricted MR. BEEBE RE: to sewer purposes; that there were three funds involved, being, ACCUMULATION IN I) the bond service fund 2) the reserve fund into this fund SURPLUS ACCOUNT. the proceeds from the bonds go) 3) maintenance and operation fund. He continued by stating that you covenant to maintain rates, and the law provides that rates have to be 11 times the amount of bond service, plus the amount that goes into the reserve, and I times the amount of maintenance and operation; thereby having about 30% overage and additional one-third ends up being surplus, which is then used, in the first few years, to build up the reserve fund. After this Is done, the re- quirements are no longer as large, and then the charges need not be as great as before...so the charges are set from time to time, and as the City grows and these funds are built up, bonds are called and cancelled, thereby reducing the charge for sewer services. The sewer system is a utility...it carries itself as a business enterprise. Surplus funds are permitted to be used for any lawful purpose of the City, and a resolution may be issued making any restrictions that would be desirable; however, this being a new City and a-"weak issue", surplus from the sewer service charges should be restricted to use of sewer. Continued) BIB] 39589-U01 1959-U02 12-U02 22-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117328-U03 DO117364-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/20/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1959 12 22 CC MINHÄ—@¸—@Í«Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council Councilman Bishop questioned if, land which is not developed, and this bond issue goes over, and 15 years from now this property is developed, could Council levy a back assessment. In answer, Mr. Beebe stated that it would depend on what would be considered fair". At 10:20 P.M. Mayor pro tem Littlejohn thanked the gentlemen for their attendance and enlightenment relative to the sewer bond program, and excused them from the remainder of the meet- ing. Discussion by Council followed wherein the following opinions were expressed: Mayor pro tem Littlejohn felt that it was up to the people to vote on this,issue, that an election should be set up; Councilman Holmes felt that the Revenue Bond method was best for the people on the basis that it appeared to be the most equitable and the best way people could finance sewers; Councilman Bishop felt that Council should figure out the rate to be charged, as there was considerable undeveloped land in Baldwin Park and a fee should be set up in an approxi- mation of $36.00 per year after sewers were installed, which would be a back assessment on the hook-up charge, and would take a great deal of the burden off other property owners; Councilman Wilson felt that the Revenue Bond method was the only way for the majority of people in Baldwin Park, in that $3.00 a month was a nominal amount which could be afforded; and Mayor Cole also felt that the people of Baldwin Park could pay $3.00 amonth better than $7-8 a month, but over a shorter period of time, and that Council should get together and dis- cuss rates. COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT THE CITY CLERK INITIATE ACTION TO CALL AN ELECTION FOR THE SEWER PROJECT REVENUE BONDS, AT THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE DATE, AFTER CONSULTATION WITH THE FINAN- CIAL CONSULTANTS. COUNCILMAN WILSON SECONDED. Councilman Bishop stated that, before voting, he had not made up his mind as to whether he would support the bond issue until being perfectly convinced that the people would be thoroughly informed of all the conditions set forth in this bond election... that he wanted the people to completely understand It from the tax standpoint. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, WILSON, BISHOP, MAYOR COLE AND MAYOR PRO TEM LITTLEJOHN NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE At 10:50 P.M. Mayor Cole was excused from the meeting due to Illness. Chief Administrative Officer Asmus stated that a request had come in from Santa Anita Construction Company on behalf of Mr. Thomas Kessler, who had constructed a home at 14106-08 Dalewood Avenue, Baldwin Park, that a waiver of sidewalk be granted. Due to the terrain it was impossible to construct a sidewalk without first building a retaining wall or cribbing on which to build a walk, and because of this condition City Engineer Young recommended that a waiver of sidewalk be granted. Continued) December 22, 1959 Page 7 THANK YOU" TO MR. FIELDMAN AND MR. BEEBE. OPINIONS OF COUNCIL. MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT CITY CLERK INITIATE ACTION TO CALL ELECTION FOR SEWER PROJECT REVENUE BONDS AT EARLIEST POSSIBLE DATE AFTER CON- SULTATION WITH FINANCIAL CONSULT- ANTS. SANTA ANITA CONSTRUCTION CO. FOR MR.'T. KESSLER RE: REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF SIDEWALK AT 14106-08 DALE- WOOD AVENUE. BIB] 39589-U01 1959-U02 12-U02 22-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117328-U03 DO117364-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/20/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1959 12 22 CC MINHÄ—@¸—@Í«Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council December 22, 1959 Page 8 COUNCILMAN WILSON MOVED THAT COUNCIL GRANT WAIVER OF SIDEWALK MOTION MADE AND AT 14106-08 DALEWOOD AVENUE. COUNCILMAN HOLMES SECONDED. CARRIED THAT There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered COUNCIL GRANT by Mayor pro tem Littlejohn. WAIVER OF SIDE- WALK AT 14106-08 DALEWOOD AVENUE. 00- AT 10:50 P. M. COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT COUNCIL ADJOURN. ADJOURNMENT AT COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. There were no objections, the 10:50 P.M. motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor pro tem Littlejohn. 00- COLE, MAYOR THELMA L. BALKUS, CITY CLERK APPROVED: 7`_'•%~ 4 e s / 1960 BIB] 39589-U01 1959-U02 12-U02 22-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117328-U03 DO117364-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/20/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06