HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960 06 20 CC MIN1960 06 20 CC MINHÄ—@¸—A'Í«926 i REGULAR MEETING OF THE BALDWIN PARK CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS) 14403 East Pacific Avenue The City Council of the City of Baldwin Park met in regular session at the above place at 7:30 o'clock p. m. Councilman Bioxham led the salute to the flag. The Invocation was given by Reverend M. F. Gulick of the Church of the Foursquare Gospel. Roll Call: Present: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, BLOXHAM, HOLMES, LITTLEJOHN AND MAYOR COLE Absent: CITY TREASURER PUGH Also Present: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ASMUS, CITY ATTORNEY GORLICK, CITY ENGINEER YOUNG, PLANNING DIRECTOR.MANSFIELD AND CITY CLERK BALKUS 00- COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT THE MINUTES OF MAY 16, 1960 BE APPROVED AS CORRECTED, BEING.DELETION OF LAST SENTENCE ON PAGE 4 AND FIRST SENTENCE ON PAGE 5, and that the MINUTES OF MAY 23, 1960, BE APPROVED WITH FURTHER READING WAIVED. COUNCILMAN BLOXHAM SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Cole. 00- Mayor Cole asked if those in the audience desiring to speak at any time during the meeting would please stand and take the oath, which City Clerk Balkus administered. Mrs. Eugenia Igna, 12819 East Garvey Avenue, Baldwin Park, asked whether the Master Plan was going to be changed any more, and that she wanted in writing that in the event of sale of property the new Owner could operate the same type of business; that she had been endeavoring to get a permit for remodeling of her buildings but had not, as yet, been successful. Planning, Director Mansfield explained that although the Master Plan was being revised, it would not change any existing zoning. Chief Administrative Officer Asmus stated that Mrs. Igna had a legal non-conforming use, and under such cannot enlarge or rebuild, and Mayor Cole stated that if she adhered to the Municipal Code, there would be no difficulties In securing a building permit. 00- Mr. Edwin Elko, 13057 Bess Avenue, Baldwin Park, asked Council if he could be heard at this time, relative to Zone Case Z-73. COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT MR. EDWIN ELKO BE HEARD. COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Cole. Mayor Cols, as a matter of clarification,stated that Zone Case Z-73 is closed and no new evidence will be heard unless the case is reopened, that whatever Is said at this time will have no bearing on the case. Continued) JUNE 20, 1960 FLAG SALUTE INVOCATION ROLL CALL MINUTES OF MAY 16, 1960, APPROVED AS CORRECTED AND MINUTES OF MAY 23, 1960, APPROVED WITH FURTHER READING WAIVED. OATH ADMINISTERED BY CITY CLERK BALKUS MRS. EUGENIA IGNA 12819 E. Garvey Baldwin Park Re: Master Plan CLARIFICATIONS MR. EDWIN ELKO REQUEST TO BE HEARD MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT MR. ELKO BE HEARD. CLARIFICATION BY MAYOR COLE BIB] 39597-U01 1960-U02 06-U02 20-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117412-U03 DO117457-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/28/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1960 06 20 CC MINHÄ—@¸—A'Í«627 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council Mr. Edwin Elko stated that he felt it was his duty to offer further clarification for Councils genefit,:in that the people Involved In this zone case were not objecting only to the Pine Ridge Lumber Company or Regal Door Company, but to the M" zoning, with their reasoning being that there is norealistic control over this zoning. He further stated that the people were opposed to this zoning regardless of the feelings of Council; that it was their opinion that the zoning ordinance needed clarification and revision and.asked Council to con- sider the merits of their opposition. 00- City Clerk Balkus presented and read a letter from Mrs. Esther 1. Lupo, General Chairman and Mrs. Aieeta Robinson, Co-Chairman of the Lucky Baldwin Park,DReyts" I which the estimated budget was submitted for Council approvat,.with a request for check in the amount of $1,391.18. Discussion followed. COUNCILMAN BLOXHAM MOVED THAT AN ALLOCATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,391.18 BE APPROVED FOR THE 1961 LUCKY BALDWIN PARK DAYS AND THAT SAID AMOUNT BE TAKEN OUT OF PUBLICITY'FMS. COUNCIL- MAN HOLMES SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMAN BLOXINAM, N0LMES,. BISHOP,.LITTLEJONN AND MAYOR COLE NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE Mayor Cole announced that it was 8:00 o'clock p.m. and the time and place for the opening of bids for painting of the Municipal Auditorium. City Clerk Balkus stated that there were two bids that had been received after the time and date of.closing, being postmarked the 17th day of June, 3:30 p.m., and the 19th Of June, 1960. City Attorney Gorlick stated that Council could accept the bids that arrived after the stipulated time, as the bids had not, as yet been opened. However, it was his opinion that in so doing, a policy would be established which would be unfair to those bidders meeting the deadline. COUNCILMAN BLOXHAM MOVED THAT THE BID POSTMARKED JUNE 17, 1960, 3:30 P.M. BE ACCEPTED AND THE BID POSTMARKED JUNE 19, 1960, BE REJECTED AND RETURNED, UNOPENED TO SENDER. COUNCILMAN HOLMES SECONDED, The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BLOXHAM, HOLMES, BISHOP, LITTLEJOHN AND MAYOR COLE NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE City Clerk Balkus opened and.read bids submitted as follows: Bidder um 81 d L UM S aid Bond Signature Painting Service Anaheim, Calif. $ 6,380.00 10% J. P. Carrell Co. Los Angeles, Calif. $ 3,945.00 10% C or-Ray Painting Co. Compton, Calif. $ 4,791.00 10% Continued) June 20, 1960 Page 2 MR. EDWIN ELKO 13057 Bess Ave. Baldwin Patyc Re: Clarifications Zone Case Z-73 LUCKY BALDWIN PARK DAYS" Re: Estimated Budget in amount of $1,391.18 for 1961. MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT AN ALLOCATION IN AMT. OF $1,391,18 BE APPROVED FOR 1961 LUCKY BALDWIN PARK DAYS AND THAT SAID AMT. BE TAKEN OUT OF PUBLICITY FUNDS. OPENING OF BIDS 8:00 P.M. REs PAINTING MIfNICIPAL.AtIDiTOR- IUM. OPINION BY CITY ATTY GORLICK RE ACCEPTANCE OF LATE BIDS. MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT B 1 D POSTMARKED 6/17/60, 3:30p.m. BE ACCEPTED & BID POSTMARKED 6/19/601 BE REJECTED & RE- TURNED UNOPENED TO SENDER. OPENING & READING OF BIDS 7) BY CITY CLERK BALKUS BIB] 39597-U01 1960-U02 06-U02 20-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117412-U03 DO117457-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/28/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1960 06 20 CC MINHÄ—@¸—A'Í«Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council Vincent Longobardo, Inc. S 4,554.00 Cash Chk. Monterey Park, Calif. $455.00 Harold Davidson & Co. Long Beach, Calif. $ 4,065.00 10% Edward A. Wopschall, Inc. Arcadia, Calif. S 4,963.00 10% Axton Paint Service Bellflower, Calif. S 5,118.00 10% COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT ALL BIDS BE REFERRED TO THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER AND THE CITY ENGINEER FOR STUDY AND RE- PORT BACK TO COUNCIL AT THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING. COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, LITTLEJOHN, BLOXHAM, HOLMES AND MAYOR COLE NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE City Clerk Backus presented and read a petition signed by 46 merchants in the downtown area of the City of Baldwin Park as follows: PETITION We, the merchants in the downtown area of the City of Baldwin Park, California, do hereby petition your Honorable Body to have an engin- eering study made to improve the traffic pattern on the four corners of Ramona Boulevard and Maine Avenue. Our Traffic & Safety Committee suggests, that red and green lights be Installed on the north- east corner facing south corresponding with the eastbound traffic on the south side of Ramona, same on southwest corner facing north corres- ponding with the westbound traffic on the north side." Discussion followed wherein Councilman Bloxham stated the reason for the circulation of the petition was due to so many accidents occurring at the corner of Ramona Boulevard and Maine Avenue due to the irregularity of the lights. COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT THE MATTER OF A STUDY OF TRAFFIC PATTERN AT RAMONA AND MAINE AVENUES. BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ENGINEER FOR STUDY AND REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL WITHIN SIXTY DAYS. COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Cole. City Clerk Backus administered the oath to Capt. D. W. Asquith who wished to be heard. Continued) June 20, 1960 Page 3 MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT ALL BIDS BE REFERRED TO C.A.O, & CITY ENGR. FOR STUDY AND REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL AT NEXT REG. MEETING. PETITION SIGNED BY 46 MERCHANTS RE TRAFFIC PATTERN STUDY. DISCUSSION AND CLARIFICATION BY COUNCILMAN BLOXHAM MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT MAT- TER OF STUDY OF TRAFFIC PATTERN AT RAMONA & MAINE AYES. BE REFERRED TO CITY ENGR. FOR STUDY & REPORT TO COUNCIL WITHIN 60 DAYS. OATH ADMINISTERED TO CAPT. D.W. ASQUITH. BIB] 39597-U01 1960-U02 06-U02 20-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117412-U03 DO117457-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/28/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1960 06 20 CC MINHÄ—@¸—A'Í«Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council Capt. D. W. Asquith, 13138 Judith Street, Baldwin Park, re- quested that City Clerk Balkus read in full the letter from Mr. Otto Ball, as presented at the regular meeting of June 6, 1960. He directed several questions relative to city govern- ment and some of a personal nature to Mayor Cole and other members of Council, and also queried with regard to traffic studies... streets involved, street work accomplished, costs, etc. He further questioned the capabilities of the Planning Director as Chief Engineer". At this time City Clerk Balkus read the letter from Mr. Otto Gall, as follows: June 2, 1960 Mayor Cole and City Council City of. Baldwin Park Gentlemen: City Fathers: Let me address you as City Fathers, so that you will realize that you owe your kind attention to all of your citizens, the poor homeowners as well as those who have been lucky in gaining financial success and, therefore, seem to feel that the city owes them favors whereby they can sell their unimproved land at a high price by asking for a change of zone on land that has been zoned R-3 for many years. Why not protect those who have built homes on adjoining land, lived there for 10 years or more, paid their taxes, and sup- ported the City? I am referring to the western j of the property on the southwest corner of BaldMV1n Park Blvd. and Bess Ave., Zone Case No. 73. I awn the property at 13139 Judith St, which joins the aforementioned R-3 land on which a zone change is requested. When buying our land I inquired about the zoning on surround- ing parcels, I was shown the Zoning Map and assured that I was perfectly safe in building a home there, as the land for 500 feet to the east was also zoned R-3. I most strongly protest the requested zone change on this R-3 land, as I am sure that it would greatly depreciate my property and that of my neighbors on Judith, Torch, Bess and Leorit. Streets. Let me ask you to please think twice before making a decision that would devaluate a lot of residential property In order to please the owner of some vacant land that would make nice residential lots where zoned R-3, and choice business property along the Baldwin Park Blvd. frontage, You wouldn't hurt this property any by'-kdeping it R-3. Please keep in mind that wholesale sales do not bring tax into the city treasury like sales to a lot of people raising a. bunch of youngsters, or like attractive buildings, which raise property tax values; so this idea of bringing factories into the city has two ways of looking at it...and accomplishes little when It doesn't bring in taxes or give employment to local people. I understand this Door Factory employs about 15 people, which are already working for them. Trees & shrubs planted along the wash are fine, but it would take 10 to 15 years to grow them large enough to do any good, and the whine of a power saw or planer can be heard for mile. Also, we have no guarantee that they wouldn't have a nite shift in coming years. June 20, 1960 Page 4 CAPT. D.W. ASQUITH 13138 Judith St. Baldwin Park Re: Questions relative to city government, etc. directed to Council. LETTER FROM MR. OTTO GALL Continued) BIB] 39597-U01 1960-U02 06-U02 20-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117412-U03 DO117457-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/28/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1960 06 20 CC MINHÄ—@¸—A'Í«630 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council Please give your most careful consideration to these facts, and resist the attempt to put undesirable factories next to choice residential areas. Yours very truly, Otto Gall Mayor Cole and members of Council answered the varlow ques- tions of Capt. Asquith, with Councilman Holmes clarifying the allocation and use of the 5/8's gas tax monies and City Attorney Gorlick stating there was no provision that makes the Planning Director Chief Engineer". City Engineer Young gave an extensive report on the traffic count taken on various city streets, and also, on the traffic problems confronting the city. Capt. D. W, Asquith stated that it was with regret he learned of the resignation of Planning Commissioner, Edwin L. Spight, who had done such a fine job for the city. 00- Councilman Littlejohn reported that Area D" had met on Sat- urday, June 18, 1960, wherein the position of Director had been offered to a gentleman from Arizona, and that this per- son was well experienced, having worked with the Indians In fire-fighting under Civil Defense, and that he comes from Indian territory. The meeting was lengthy, being from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. 00- City Attorney Gorlick reported that the original petition of Hopkins-CailIler was turned down by the court, and that an amended petition has been filed, which was now pending. He further stated that the court felt that on the basis of the original petition, that they were not entitled to a Writ of Mandate. 00- CityClerk Balkus presented an Application for Alcoholic Beverage License, Earl W. Reinhardt, 3635 Baldwin Park Boulevard, and an Application for Transfer of Alcoholic Beverage License, R. Evelyn and H. Virgil Stigers Don's Place) 14237 East Garvey Boulevard.' Mayor dole stated this was for information only and no action was required. 00- City Clerk Balkus requested that Zone Case Z-74 request for change of Zone P" to M-I of property situated south of Live Oak Avenue, east of Sierra Madre Avenue, north of Joanbridge Street, Jerry Mann and Leonard Moss, be set for public hearing on July 5, 1960, at 8:00 o'clock p.m. COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN MOVED THAT ZONE CASE Z-74, J. MANN AND L. MOSS, A REQUEST FOR A CHANGE OF ZONE P" TO M-1 OF PROPERTY SITUATED SOUTH OF LIVE OAK AVENUE, EAST OF SIERRA MADRE AVENUE, NORTH OF JOANBRIDGE STREET, BE SET FOR HEAR- ING ON JULY 5, 1960. COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Cole. 00- Chief Administrative Officer Asmus presented the matter of annexation to the Baldwin Park Lighting Distfict, being primarily a request of the people living in the general area of Joanbridge Street near Arrow Highway. He stated Continued) June 20, 1960 Page 5 CLARIFICATION AND REPORT BY MEMBERS OF COUNCIL AND CITY ENGINEER. CAPT. ASQUITH RE RESIGNATION OF E. L. SPIGHT, PLAN- NING COMMISSIONER. AREA D" REPORT BY COUNCILMAN LITTLE- JOHN. REPORT BY CITY ATTORNEY RE HOPKINS--CAILLIER WRIT OF MANDATE. APPLICATION FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE AND APPLI- CATION FOR TRANS- FER OF ALCOHOLIC BEV. LICENSE RE- CEIVED AND FILED. CITY CLERK BALKUS REQUEST FOR SETTING ZONE CASE Z-73 FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON 7/5/60. MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT ZONE CASE Z-74, J. MANN & L. MOSS, RE CHANGE OF ZONE P" TO M-1 BE SET FOR HEARING ON JULY 5, 1960. REQUEST BY PETITION TO ANNEX TO B.,PK, LIGHTING DISTRICT Continued) BIB] 39597-U01 1960-U02 06-U02 20-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117412-U03 DO117457-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/28/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1960 06 20 CC MINHÄ—@¸—A'Í«631 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council June 20,1960 Page 6 that the necessary signed petitions had been forwarded to the Los Angeles County Road Department, and that it was now nec- essary for Council to adopt a resolution granting consent and Jurisdicition to the County of Los Angeles In the matter of annexing this area to the lighting district. Discussion followed. COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN MOVED THAT RESOLUTION N0, 60-55 BE READ BY TITLE ONLY AND ADOPTED. COUNCILMAN HOLMES_SECONDED. City Clerk Backus read Resolution No, 60-55 by title as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 60-55 RESOLUTION GRANTING CONSENT AND JURIS- DICTION TO THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES IN THE MATTER OF BALDWIN PARK LIGHTING DISTRICT PETITION NO. 88-1i9! The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN L I TTLEJOHN, HOLMES, BISHOP, BLOXHAM AND MAYOR COLE NOES: NONE. ABSENT: NONE ou Chief Administrative Officer Asmus presented a letter sub- mitted by the City Engineer regarding the matter of waiver of curb, gutter and sidewalk construction at 12825 Chels- field, Baldwin Park, Lot Split #264,,J. Yates. It was the recommendation of the City Engineer, wherein Mr. Asmus concurred, that waiver be granted, but that a.deposit In the sum of $690.00 be required to cover the cost of in- stallation of curb, gutter and sidewalks in lieu of installa- tion at this time. Considerable discussion followed wherein City Engineer Young offered further clarification.' COUNCILMAN BI-SHOP MOVED THAT COUNC I L CONCUR WITH THE RECOM- MENDATIONS OF THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ANf CITY ENGINEER:IN WAIVING OF CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK CONSTRUCT- ION AT 12825 CHELSFIELD, LOT SPLIT NO. 211141, J. YATES, AND THAT A DEPOSIT OF $690.00 BE MADE IN-LIEU OF INSTALLATION OF CURB, GUTTERAND SIDEWALK AT THIS TIME. COUNCILMAN HOLMES SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, HOLMES, BLOXHAM AND MAYOR COLE NOES COUNC I LMAN L I TTLE JOHN ABSENT: NONE Chief Administrative Officer Asmus,presented the matter of an agreement amendment to the Recreation Agreement that was executed May 2, 1960, which has to be amended by the City and the School District in order to provide for the necessary-administrative personnel to supervise and con- duct the school recreation program. He further stated that the additional cost to the city representes $3,338.00 as our share of the administrative costs. Mayor Cole requested that the Chief Administrative Officer read this agreement in full. General area of Joanbridge Street) Presented by C.A.O, RES, NO. 60-55 ADOPTED RE GRANTING CONSENT AND JURISDICTION TO CO. OF L.A. IN MATTER OF Be PK. LIGHTING DISTRICT PETITION NO. 88+119. REQUEST FOR-WAIVER OF CGS AT 12825 CHELSFIELD, B. PK. L.S. #264, J. YATES Presented by C,A.O. with recommendation by City Engineer MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT COUNCIL CONCUR WITH RECOM- MENDATIONS OF C.A.O. & CITY ENGR. I N WAIVING OF CGS CONSTR. AT 12825 CHELSFIELD, L.S. #264, J. YATES & THAT DEPOSIT OF $690.00 BE MADE IN LIEU OF INSTALLATION AT THIS TIME. AGREEMENT AMEND- MENT TO RECREATION AGREEMENT between City and School District. Presented by C.A.0. Continued) BIB] 39597-U01 1960-U02 06-U02 20-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117412-U03 DO117457-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/28/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1960 06 20 CC MINHÄ—@¸—A'Í«Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council June 20, 1960 Page 7 THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 2nd day of May, 1960, by and between the CITY OF BALDWIN PARK, a Municipal Corporation, hereinafter called The City" and the BALDWIN PARK UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT, hereinafter called The School District". W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, the governing bodies of the above-named public authorities have jurisdiction over some of the some territory and that the territory over which they do not have the same jurisdiction Is near; and WHEREAS, the governing bodies of each of the above-named parties are agreed that community recreation is necessary for the purpose of cultivating the development of good citizenship and promoting and preserving the health and general welfare of the people of the territory over which they have jurisdic- tion, and the parties hereto feel that this Agreement should be entered into for the purpose of carrying out a recreational program under the provisions of the California Recreational Enabling Act as set forth in Section 24401 to Section 24411, both inclusive, of the Education Code of the State of Calif- ornia, or any amdndments thereto, NOW, THEREFORE, It is hereby agreed between the parties hereto as follows, to-wit: 1. Within such mutually agreed upon limitations, re- strictions, rules, regulations, and policies, as hereinafter set forth or provided for In this agreement, the Board of Education of the Baldwin Park Unified School District shall act as the Governing Body for the purpose of this Agreement and shall exercise the sole and irrevocable power to contract for and exercise discretion concerning the several services, supplies and equipment necessary to carry out the provisions of this Agreement. Such power to contract shailbe limited or restricted only by the limitations or restrictions set forth or provided for in this Agreement and/or by applicable provisions of the laws of the State controlling the act of contract by public school districts. 11. There is hereby created a body consisting of five members to be known as the Board of Recreation Commissioners whose duties and functions shall be as follows: a. To study and evaluate the needs of community recreation in Baldwin Park, and as a result of such study, form recommended policies, rules, and regulations to govern the conduct and scope of the recreation program in the fol- lowing specific areas: a) facilities to be used. b) program scheduling c) types and number of activities to be offered program scope) b. To constantly appraise and evaluate the effect- iveness of the community recreation program and recommend from time to time such changes in rules, regulations, and program scope, as might seem appropriate. All such rules, regulations, and policies shall not be deemed to be effective until appI ed by the independent and separate actions of the governing boards of The School District and The City, acting separately and under their individual quorum and majority vote rules. members of the Board of Recreation Commissioners shall serve without compensa- tion, and the membership thereof shall be appointed in the following manner: Two 2) members of the City Council shall be Continued) BIB] 39597-U01 1960-U02 06-U02 20-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117412-U03 DO117457-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/28/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1960 06 20 CC MINHÄ—@¸—A'Í«633 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council June 20, 1960 Page 8 appointed by and serve during the pleasure of the City Council; Two 2) members shall be appointed by and serve during the pleasure of the Board of Education of the Baldwin Park Unified School District. A fifth member shall be appointed by and serve during the pleasure of the other four members of this Commission. The fifth member may also be removed by actions to that end taken by the governing boards of both The City and The School District. III. The School District shall act as fiscal agent for the program, and as fiscal agent shall have the authority to enter Into contracts, to employ personnel, to purchase, and to expend funds for any purpose which may be deemed by the Governing Board of The School District necessary or desirable to carry out the recreation program as defined by the approved rules, regu- lations, and policies adopted under the provisions of Section Ii above. For the fiscal period July 1, 1960 through June 30, 1961, each of the parties hereto agrees to contribute toward this community recreation program, excluding administrative expense, the following: THE CITY $12,000.00 THE SCHOOL DISTRICT 1) $12,000.0 21 Use of school facilities IV. By a later amendment of this Agreement, the parties hereto may provide for a recreation director to be selected by, and who shall serve at the pleasure of, the School Distridt; The Director shall act as technical advisor to the Board of Recreation Commissioners and exercise general executive super- vision of the recreation program. V. After the Board of Recreation Commissioners has been formed, it shall meet as soon as practicable after the execu- tion of this Agreement and shall choose for their number a chairman, a vice chairman, and a secretary. Said Board shall establish at least one regular meeting date a month and shall also meet on call of the chairman or on the written request of three or more of its members. Notices of such specially called meetings shall be given in waiting personally or by mail at least twenty-four hours before the time:of such meet- ing as specified In the notice. The, meeting place unless otherwise designated shall be in the instructional Aids Center at the rear of the School District Administration Building, 3699 North Holly Avenue, Baldwin Park. VI. Such of the grounds or facilities of either of the parties hereto as may be designated by an authorized agent thereof shall be made available to usefor the recreation program. VII. Full and accurate books of accounts shall be kept by the Baldwin Park Unfled School District showing the condition and finances of the program, and authorized representatives of the City shall have access to and may inspect and copy any thereof. The School District shall at reasonable intervals, transmit to the City Council and to the Recreation Commission a furl written report of the program's receipts, expenditures, assets, and liabilities. VIII. As fiscal agent, the School District shall re- ceive from The City a sum equal to the City's contribution as set forth in this Agreement. The, City agrees to make such transfer of funds on or before September 1, 1960. IX. in the event of termination; of this Agreement a full and general account of the applicable assets, liabili- ties, and transactions then existing shall be made. All assets acquired pursuant to this Agreement shall as soon as Continued) BIB] 39597-U01 1960-U02 06-U02 20-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117412-U03 DO117457-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/28/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1960 06 20 CC MINHÄ—@¸—A' Í«Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council practical unless otherwise mutually agreed, be sold, the debts due collected, the proceeds applied first In discharge of liabilities and expense of liquidations and all remaining funds shall be returned to the parties hereto in proportion to the contributions made. X. No termination of this Agreement or default by any party hereto shall release such party or parties from any liability for any outstanding obligation or indebtedness under the terms of this Agreement for which it is liable of the time of termination or default. XI. This agreement shall constitute the entire contract between the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof and said contract shall not be modified, amended, or rescinded except by written agreement approved by The City and The School District. XII. It is understood however that this Agreement shall not be.continued in force to cause expenditures beyond the expenditures of the amounts of the contributions made by the parties hereunder or the further contributions of any one or more of the parties hereto. XIII. It Is further agreed that Paragraphs I, ii, ill, IV, V, Vii and VIII of this Agreement may be amended by mutual consent of both parties hereto, to allow for adminis- tration of the recreation program by The City instead of The School District If the Baldwin Park Park, Recreation and Parkway District Is dissolved by action of the electorate at the June 7, 1960 primary. Dated this 2nd day of May, 1960. Dated this 10th day of May, 1960. CITY OF BALDWIN PARK BALDWIN'PARK UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT /s/ Lynn H_ Cole /s/ Doyle T_ Lackey Mayor President of the Board /s/.Ttielma'L. Backus Is/ Mrs. Merle R. Morse City Clerk Discussion followed. Mrs. Marianne Johnson, 3825 North Foster Avenue, Baldwin Park, stated that as far as she know, Mr. Quin Fratier was still going to be Recreational Director and asked for clarification regarding the responsibilities of payment of salaries. Chief Administrative Officer Asmus clarified the matter further, and also stated that the Recreation Committee was to meet the next evening; that Council would probably meet before June 30, 1960, being the end of the fiscal year, at which time they could adopt a resolution and ap- prove execution of the amended agreement. COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN MOVED THAT THIS AGREEMENT BE REFERRED TO THE RECREATION COMMITTEE FOR THEIR RECOMMENDATION AND RE- TURNED TO COUNCIL BEFORE THE END OF THIS FISCAL YEAR FOR ACTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL. COUNCILMAN HOLMES SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Cole. June 20, 1960 Page 9 MRS, MARIANNE JOHNSON, 3825 N. Foster Ave. B. Pk. Re: Clarification of payment of salaries. CLARIFICATION BY C.A.0. MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT AG- REEMENT BE REFER- RED TO RECREATION COMMITTEE FOR THEIR RECOMMENDATION & RET•D TO COUNCIL BEFORE END OF FISCAL YEAR. BIB] 39597-U01 1960-U02 06-U02 20-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117412-U03 DO117457-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/28/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1960 06 20 CC MINHÄ—@¸—A' Í«635 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council Chief Administrative Officer Asmus presented the matter of a Final Map, Tract 25789, as submitted by City Engineer Young, who offered clarification and located area on maps for benefit of Council. Considerable discussion followed wherein Planning Director Mansfield offered further clarification regarding the right of way of the Pacific Electric railway Company and access to the Pony League baseball field. It was Councilman Little- John's opinion that some action should be taken in order to secure ingress and egress from the Pacific Electric Railway Company for this particular operation, in that much good is done for the youth through the Pony League. COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT FINAL AMP, TRACT NO. 25789, BE APPROVED AND THE PROPER OFFICIALS BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN. COUNCILMAN HOLMES SECONDED. The motion carried by the- following vote: AYES: COUNC I LMEN BISHOP, HOLMES, BLOXHAM, LITTLEJOHN AND MAYOR COLE NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE At the request of Mayor Cole, City Clerk Backus presented and read the Treasurer's Report as of May 31, 1960. COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN MOVED THAT THE TREASURER'S REPORT, AS OF MAY 31, 1960, BE RECEIVED AND FILED. COUNCILMAN BLOXHAM SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Cole. 00- Planning Director Mansfield presented Lot Split Case No. 265, a request by Charles J. O'Dorsey fora lot split at 3303 Athol Street, Baldwin Park. Mr. Mansfield explained the findings of the Planing Commission and that they recommended approval of the lot split subject to the conditions in Planning Commission Resolution No. 543. COUNCILMAN-BISHOP MOVED THAT THE FINDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONCUR WITH T iE FINDINGS OF TIME PLANN I NG COMMISSION AND THAT LOT•SPLIT CASE NO. 265, PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 543, BE APPROVED. COUNCILMAN BLOXHAM SECONDED., The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BISHOP,BLOXHAM, HOLMES,. LITTLEJOHN AND MAYOR COLE NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE Planning Director Mansfield presented the matter of Resolution Nos. 60-18 and 60-19 of the City of Duarte regarding blasting and quarrying, stated that the Planning Commission found that some of the conditions were unrealistic, and.that they Intend- ed to undertake studies to establish our own standards, theo- fore recommending that no action be taken on these resoldtlons. Discussion followed. Continued) June 20, 1960 Page 10 FINAL MAP TRACT 25789 Mrs. Mary Pitzel DISCUSSION AND CLARIFICATION MOTION MADE AND CARR I ED THAT FINAL MAP, TRACT NO. 25789 BE APPROVED & THE PROPER OFFICIALS BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN. TREASURER'S REPORT AS OF MAY 31, 1960, RECEIVED & FILED. LOT SPLIT #265 P.C. RES. #543 CHAS. J. O'DORSEY 3303 Athol Street Baldwin Park APPROVED. BLASTING & QUARRY- ING RESOLUTIONS FROM CITY OF DUARTE Findings of P.C. presented by Planning Dir. Mansfield BIB] 39597-U01 1960-U02 06-U02 20-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117412-U03 DO117457-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/28/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1960 06 20 CC MINHÄ—@¸—A' Í«Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT THE MATTER OF RESOLUTION NOS. 60-18 AND 60-19 OF THE CITY OF DUARTE, BE TABLED FOR CLARI- FICATION PENDING THE SUBMISSIONS OF A BETTER RESOLUTION. COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Cole. COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 152 BE READ BY TITLE ONLY, COUNCILMAN BLOXHAM SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, BLOXHAM, HOLMES, LITTLEJOHN AND, MAYOR COLE NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE City Clerk Balkus read Ordinance No. 152 by title as.follows: ORDINANCE NO. 152 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK DEFINING DAY NURSERY, CHILD CARE HOMES, FOSTER HOMES, AND AMEND- ING THE ZONE PROVISIONS OF THE BALDWIN PARK CODE TO PERMIT DAY NURSERIES IN RESI- DENTIAL AND AGRICULTURAL ZONES TO CARE FOR SEVEN CHILDREN, INCLUDING OCCUPANT'S OWN" June 20, 1960 Page II MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT MAT- TER OF RES. NOS. 60-18 & 60-19 OF CITY OF DUARTE BE TABLED FOR CLARI- FICATION PENDING SUBMISSION OF A BETTER RESOLUTION. ORDINANCE NO. 152 RE: DEFINING DAY NURSERY, CHILD CARE HOMES, FOSTER HOMES, & AMENDING ZONING PROVISIONS OF B.P. MUN. CODE TO PERMIT DAY NURSERIES IN RES. & AGRI. ZONES TO CARE FOR 7 CHILDREN, INCLUDING OCCUPANT'S OWN. COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 152 PASS SECOND, READING AND BE ADOPTED. COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, BISHOP, BLOXHAM, LITTLEJOHN AND MAYOR COLE NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO, 154 BE READ ORDINANCE NO. 154 BY TITLE ONLY. COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. The motion RE: AMENDING SEC. carried by the following vote: 9100.257 OF B. P. MUN. CODE TO PER- AYES: COUNCILMEN LITTLEJOHN, BISHOP, MIT TRAMPOLINE BLOXHAM, HOLMES AND MAYOR COLE CENTERS IN C-2 NOES: NONE ZONES. ABSENT: NONE City Clerk Backus read Ordinance No. 154 by title as PASSED SECOND follows: READING & ADOPTED. ORDINANCE NO. 154 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK AMENDING SEC- TION 9100.257 OF THE BALDWIN PARK MUNI- CIPAL CODE TO PERMIT TRAMPOLINE CENTERS IN C-2 ZONES" COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 154 PASS SECOND READING AND BE ADOPTED. COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, LITTLEJOHN, BISHOP, BLOXHAM AND MAYOR COLE NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE BIB] 39597-U01 1960-U02 06-U02 20-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117412-U03 DO117457-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/28/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1960 06 20 CC MINHÄ—@¸—A' 1960 06 20 CC MINHÄ—@¸—A' Í«WS Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council ORDINANCE NO. 155 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK CONSENTING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A PORTION OF LIVE OAK AVENUE AS A COUNTY HIGHWAY AND TO THE IMPROVEMENT THEREOF" I COUNCILMAN BISHOP WVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 155 PASS FIRST READING. COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, LITTLEJOHN, BLOXHAM, HOLMES AND MAYOR COLE NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- June 20, 1960 Page 13 At the request of Mayor Cole, City Clerk Balkus read Resolu- RES. NO. 60-56 tion No. 60-56 by title as follows: RE: PROHIBITING PARKING AT ANY RESOLUTION NO.'60-56 TIME LOMA LANE) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK PROHIBITING PARKING AT ANY TIME." ADOPTED. COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 60-56 BE SET FORTH IN FULL IN THE MINUTES AND BE ADOPTED. COUNCILMAN BLOXHAM SECONDED. The motion carried by the'following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, BLOXHAM, BISHOP, LITTLEJOHN AND MAYOR COLE NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE RESOLUTION NO. 60-56 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK PROHIBITING PARKING AT ANY TIME". BE IT RESOLVED BY the City Council of the City of Baldwin Park as follows: Section 1. That, after study and recommendation by the City Engineer, the City Council finds and determines that the parking of vehicles upon any of the streets enumerated herein has caused, or will necessarily cause traffic congestion. Section 2. That parking is hereby prohibited upon the following streets, or portions thereof: I. The northerly side of Loma Lane. ADOPTED by the City Council, signed by the Mayor, and attested'by the City Clerk this 20th day of June, 1960. /s/ Lynn H_ Cole Mayor ATTEST: /s/ Thelma L_ Balkus STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF Los Angeles SS: CITY OF BALDWIN PARK Continued) BIB] 39597-U01 1960-U02 06-U02 20-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117412-U03 DO117457-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/28/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1960 06 20 CC MINHÄ—@¸—A'Í«639 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council 1, THELMA L. BALKUS, City Clerk of the City of Baldwin Park, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Baldwin Park at its regular meeting held on the 20th day of June, 1960, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: HOLMES. BLOXHAM, BISHOP. LITTLEJOHN AND MAYOR GOOLE NOES: COUNCILMEN: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: NONE fj/ Thelma L. BBlkus City Clerk 00- At the request of Mayor Cole, City Clerk Balkus read Resolution No. 60-57'by title as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 60-57, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY tOi I'L OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PAR1 ALLOWING PAYROLL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS NUMBERS 91919 THROUGH 9284 INCLUSIVE" COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO, 60-57 BE ADOPTED, COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED.' The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN LITTLEJOWN, BISHOP, BLOXHAM, HOLMES AND.MAYDR COLE NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE At the request of Mayor Cole, City Clerk Balkus.read Resolu- tion No. 60-58 by title as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 60-58 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDNIN.PARK.ALLOWI.NG CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS NUMBERS 6427 THROUGH 6463 INCLUSIVE" COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO, 60-58 BE ADOPTED. COUNCILMAN HOLMES SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN LITTLEJOHN, HOLMES, BISHOP, BLOXHAM AND MAYOR COLE NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- Capt. D. W, Asquith, 13138 Judith Street, Baldwin Park, requested clarification of the'right of members of Council to abstain from, voting. City Attorney Garlick stated that a member of Council can abstain from voting for any reason whatsoever, 00- Chief Administrative Officer Asmus requested permission to bring on the Agenda a personnel matter, being a request with regard to vacation leave. Continued) June 20, 1960 Page 14 RES. NO, 60-57 fir ALLOWING PAYROLL CLAIMS & DEMANDS NOS. 9199 THRU 9284 INC. ADOPTED. RES. NO. 60-58 RE: ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS & DEMANDS NOS. 6427 THRU 6463 INC. ADOPTED. CAPT. D.W. ASQUITH Re: Clarification re right of Council to abstain from voting. CLARIFICATION BY CITY ATTY GORLICK C.A.O. REQUEST TO BR I NG PERSONNEL MATTER ON AGENDA. BIB] 39597-U01 1960-U02 06-U02 20-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117412-U03 DO117457-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/28/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1960 06 20 CC MINHÄ—@¸—A'Í«Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council COUNCILMAN BLOXHAM MOVED THAT THIS MATTER BE BROUGHT ON THE AGENDA. COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Cole. Chief Administrative Officer Asmus stated that an employee of the Street Department, Mr. Russell Shcukhart, has requested hebe permitted to take 24 days vacation leave, his reasons being that 1) he does have the accumulated vacation time accrued 2) he has recently lost his mother who lived in the East 3) his brother has leukemia and not expected to live 4) he wants to make arrangements to bring his Father out here. Mr. Asmus further stated, as this employee has ac- cumulated vacation time in excess of what is permitted under existing resolution, he did not have the authority to grant this request. Considerable discussion ensued wherein City Attorney Gorlick stated that, under Resolution No. 59-70, no more than 21 calendar days may be accrued. COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT THIS VACATION TIME REQUEST BE DENIED. COUNCILMAN BLOXHAM SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, BLOXHAM, HOLMES, AND MAYOR COLE NOES: COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN ABSENT: NONE It was the opinion of the majority of Council that this Resolution should be better clarified and, if needed, amended. Mrs. Robert Kallemeyn, 13088 East Torch, Baldwin Park, spoke regarding Zone Case Z-73, taking exception to Councilman Holmes abstaining from voting and to Council's action in this case, with the request that consideration be given to the petitioners, and that a decision be made in the near future. Mrs. Audrey Smith, 13025 East Judith, Baldwin Park, spoke re- garding Zone Case Z-73 questioned if Council represented all of Baldwin Park or if each Councilman represented only a certain section, to which Mayor Cole stated that Council rep- resents the 34,000 population of the City of Baldwin Park. Considerable discussion followed wherein members of Council expressed their disapproval of the Interim Zoning Ordinance and its evident need for revision. COUNCILMAN BLOXHAM MOVED THAT COUNCIL INSTRUCT THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE AN AMENDMENT TO THE INTERIM ZONING ORDINANCE CLARIFYING ZONES M-1, M-lJ AND M-2 AND BRING BACK FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL. COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. Discussion followed. WITH THE CONSENT OF THE SECOND, COUNCILMAN BLOXHAM WITHDREW HIS MOTION. Further discussion ensued. COUNCILMAN BLOXHAM MOVED THAT COUNCIL INSTRUCT THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO INCLUDE M-i1 AND M-2 IN THEIR STUDY OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL. COUNCILMAN HOLMES SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: June 20, 1960 Page 15 GRANTED. VACATION LEAVE REQUEST OF RUSSELL SHUCKHART. DISCUSSION AND CLARIFICATION MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT THIS VACATION TIME RE- QUEST BE DENIED. MRS. ROBERT KALLEMEYN, 13088 E. TORCH, B. PK. Re: Zone Case Z-73 MRS. AUDREY SMITH 13025 E. Judith Baldwin Park Re: Zone Case Z-73 MOTION MADE THAT COUNCIL INSTRUCT CITY ATTY TO PRE- PARE AN AMENDEMENT TO THE INTERIM ZONING ORDINANCE CLARIFYING ZONES M-l, M-I', & M-2 AND BRING BACK TO COUNCIL. MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT COUNCIL INSTRUCT THE PLANNING COM, Continued) BIB] 39597-U01 1960-U02 06-U02 20-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117412-U03 DO117457-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/28/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1960 06 20 CC MINHÄ—@¸—A'Í«Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council AYES: COUNCILMEN BLOXHAM. H,Y S BISHOP, LITTLEJOHN AND MAYOR COLE NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE Councilman Bishop suggested that, henceforth, all work and study sessions be conducted as adjourned meetings, thereby eliminating any misunderstandings between members of Council. Discussion followed wherein clarification was given by City Attorney Gorlick regarding executive meetings", in that such may be I*1d when it pertains only to the appointment or dismissal of personnel. AT 11:00 O'CLOCK P.M. COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT THIS MEETING BE ADJOURNED TO TWINDAY NIGHT, JUNE 23, 1960, AT 7:30 O'CLOCK P.M. I N THE COUNCIL CHANTERS OF T11E CITY HALL COUNCILMAN BLOXHAM SECONDED. There were no objections, the mot fon°':carried and was ordered by Mayor Cole. LYV( H. COLE, MAYOR June 20, 1960 Page 16 TO INCLUDE M-I4 &.M-2 IN THEIR STUDY OF ZONING ORD. & REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL. COUNCILMAN BISHOP SUGGESTED ALL WORK & STUDY SESSIONS BE ADJOURNED MEETINGS. DISCUSSION AND CLARIFICATION BY CITY ATTORNEY. ADJOURNMENT AT 11:00 P.M. TO THURSDAY NiGMT JUNE 23, 1960, AT 7:30 P.M. IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF CITY HALL. THELMA L. BALKUS, CITY CLERK APPROVED: July 18,. 1960 BIB] 39597-U01 1960-U02 06-U02 20-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117412-U03 DO117457-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/28/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1960 06 20 CC MINHÄ—@¸—A'Í«STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES SS: AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING NOTICE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK OF ADJOURNMENT OF MEETING. THELMA L. BALKUS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: that I am the duly chosen, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City Council of the City of Baldwin Park; that at the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Baldwin Park held June 20, 1960, said meeting was ordered adjourned to the time and place specified in the Notice of the adjournment ATTACHED HERETO; that on June 21. 1960, at the hour of 9:00 o'clock A. M., I posted a copy of said Notice at a conspicuous place on or near the door of the place at which said meeting of June 20, 1960, was held. Thelma L. Balkus, City Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me hIs day of 1960. Notary Public in and fq' said County and State My Commission Expires March 6, 1963 BIB] 39597-U01 1960-U02 06-U02 20-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117412-U03 DO117457-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/28/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1960 06 20 CC MINHÄ—@¸—A'Í«REGULAR MEETING OF THE BALDWIN PARK CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL COUNCIL CWJABERS) 14403 East Pacific Avenue The City Council of the City of Baldwin Park met In regular session at the above place at 7:30 P. M. Councilman Bloxham led the salute to the flag. The invocation was given by the Reverend M. F. Gulick of the Church of the Foursquare Gospel. Roll Call: Present: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, BLOXHAM HOLMES, LITTLEJOHN AND MAYOR COLE Also Present: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ASMUS, CITY ATTORNEY GORLICK, CITY ENGINEER YOUNG, PLANNING DIRECTOR MANSFIELD AND CITY CLERK BALKUS AT 11:00 O'CLOCK P. M. COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT THIS MEET- ING BE ADJOURNED TO THURSDAY NIGHT, JUNE 23, 1960, AT 7:30 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE CITY HALL FOR A BUDGET WORK SESSION. COUNCILMAN BLOXHAM SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, BLOXHAM, HOLMES, LITTLEJOHN AND MAYOR COLE NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE Date: June 21, 1 960. JUNE 20, 1960 FLAG SALUTE INVOCATION ROLL CALL ADJOURNMENT TO THURSDAY NIGHT, JUNE 23, 1960, AT 7:30 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF CITY HALL. BIB] 39597-U01 1960-U02 06-U02 20-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117412-U03 DO117457-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/28/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 Í«63' Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO, 149 BE READ BY TITLE ONLY. MAYOR COLE SECONDED. The motion carried by the-following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN'LITTLEJOHN, MAYOR COLE, BISHOP, BLOXHAM AND HOLMES NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE City Clerk Balkus read Ordinance No. 149 by title as follows: ORDINANCE NO. L49 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY TO CHANGE THE ZONING OF PROPERTY AT THE S. W. CORNER OF-BALD IN PARK BOULEVARD AND BESS AVENUE FROM A-1 AND R-3 TO M-1, ZONE CASE NO. Z-73" COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 149 PASS FIRST READING. MAYOR COLE SECONDED. The motion faii.ed to carry by the fdllowlng..vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN LITTLEJOHN, MAYOR COLE NOES: COUNC i LMEN B i SI OP AND BLOXHAM ABSENT: NONE ABSTAINED: COUNCILMAN HOLIES Councilman Bishop stated his reason for voting no was that he found that the County zoning ordinance for saw mills calls for M-I# zoning, and that he, himself, would object to living near an operation as proposed. Councilman Bloxham stated his reason for voting'no was that it was his opinion the M-i zoning ordi- nance was too flexible and that the wording was wrong. Council- man Holmes stated that he had abstained from voting due to his inability to arrive at a satisfactory conclusion because of the many ramifications involvdd to this case. COUNCILMAN BLOXHAM MOVED THAT ZONE CASE Z-73 BE DENIED DUE TO THE FLEXIBILITY OF THE ORDINANCE. COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. The motion failed to carry by the following rate: AYES: COUNCILMEN BLOXHAM, BISHOP; NOES: COUNCILMEN LITTLEJONN AND MAYOR COLE ABSENT: NONE ABSTAINED: COUNCILMAN HOLMES Discussion followed. On the advice of City Attorney Gorlick, Mayor Cole stated that Zone Case Z-73 will remain on the Agenda under unfinished business" until the matter is removed from said Agenda or otherwise disposed of. COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 155 BE READ BY TITLE ONLY. COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED, The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN LITTLEJOHN, BISHOP, BLOB, HOLMES AND MAYOR COLE NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE City Clerk Balkus read Ordinance NO. 155 by title as follows: Continued) June 20, 1960 Page 12 ORDINANCE NO, 149 RE: ZONE CASE Z-73 H. VIA BALDWIN PARK BLVD. & BESS AVENUE. MOTION FAILED TO CARRY. ZONE CASE Z-73 TO REMAIN ON AGENDA UNDER UHF. BUSINESS" UNTIL MATTER REMOVED FRM AGENDA OR OTHERWISE DISPOSED OF. ORDINANCE NO. 155 RE: ESTABLISHMENT OF PORTION OF LIVE OAK AVE. AS A CO. HIGHWAY AND TO THE IMPROVEMENT THEREOF PASSED FIRST READING BIB] 39597-U01 1960-U02 06-U02 20-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117412-U03 DO117457-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/28/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06