HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960 11 21 CC MIN1960 11 21 CC MINHÄ—@¸—AÎÍ«REGULAR MEETING OF THE BALDNIN PARK CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS) 14403 East Pacific Avenue The City Council of the City of Baldwin Park met in regular session at the above place at 7:30 p.m. Planning Director Mansfield led the salute to the flag. The invocation was given by Reverend Vernon G. Kutz of the Church of the Nazarene. Roll Call: Present: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, BLOXHAM, HOLMES, LITTLEJOHN AND MAYOR COLE Absent: CITY TREASURER PUGH Also Present: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ASMUS, CITY ATTORNEY GORLICK, CITY ENGINEER YOUNG, PLANNING DIRECTOR MANSFIELD AND CITY CLERK BALKUS 00- COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN MOVED THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MATTERS BE TAKEN AT THIS TIME. COUNCILMAN HOLMES SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Cole. 00- Planning Director Mansfield presented Lot Split Case No. 293, a request by James R. Storlie for a lot split at 15052 Howelihurst Drive, Baldwin Park. Mr. Mansfield explained the findings of the Planning Commission and that they recommended approval of the lot split subject to the conditions in Planning Commission Resolution No. 601. COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT THE FINDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONCUR WITH THE FINDINGS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND THAT LOT SPLIT CASE NO. 293, PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 601, BE APPROVED. COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, LITTLEJOHN, BISHOP, BLOXHAM AND MAYOR COLE NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- Planning Director Mansfield presented Lot Split Case No. 294, a request by Bill D. and Mary A. Howard for a lot split at 4729 North Merced Avenue, Baldwin Park. Mr. Mansfield ex- plained the findings of the Planning Commission and that they recommended approval of the lot split subject to the condi- tions in Planning Commission Resolution No. 598. COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT THE FINDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONCUR WITH THE FINDINGS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND THAT LOTSPLIT CASE NO. 294, PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 598, BE APPROVED. COUNCILMAN HOLMES SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, HOLMES, BLOXHAM, LITTLEJOHN AND MAYOR COLE NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE NOVEMBER 21, 1960 FLAG SALUTE INVOCATION ROLL CALL MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT P.C. MATTERS BE TAKEN AT THIS TIME. LOT SPLIT CASE #293; P.C. RES. #601; JAMES R. STORLIE 15052 HONELLHURST DRIVE BALDN IN PARK. APPROVED. LOT SPLIT #294 P.C. RES. #598 BILL D.&MARY A. HOWARD 4729 N. MERCED, BALDN IN PARK. APPROVED. 00- BIB] 39597-U01 1960-U02 11-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117412-U03 DO117470-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/28/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1960 11 21 CC MINHÄ—@¸—AÎÍ«1181 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council Planning Director Mansfield presented Planning CbmrnLesi'on Resolution No. 604, regarding approving resolution of East San Gabriel Valley Engineers priority list of arterials for immediate construction. He explained the findings of the Planning Commission and that they recommended approval of the proposed resolution. COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT COUNCIL CONCUR WITH PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 604 REGARDING APPROVING RESOLUTION OF EAST SAN GABRIEL VALLEY ENGINEERS PRIORITY LIST OF ART- ERIALS FOR IMMEDIATE CONSTRUCTION; COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, BISHOP, BLOXHAM, LITTLEJOHN AND MAYOR COLE NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- City Clerk Balkus administered the oath to those in the audience desiring to be heard during the meeting. 00- Mr. Ernest M. Silver, Attorney, 629 South Hill Street, Los Angeles, California, requested that some action be taken by Council on the granting of a building permit for the con- struction of eight units by his client, Mrs. Fordam, as the delay in reaching a decision was causing her a great expense, and was extremely unfair. Chief Administrative Officer Asmus reported that, with re- gard to the formation of a parking district, he was waiting for a group of property owners in that vicinity to contact him, after which they would go to another city to gain needed information relative to'the formation of a parking district; that it would probably be some fame before the district would be in a position to condemn the property; that he had received a letter on November 15, 1960, from.an individual claiming he has a legal escrow, signed, seated, and in order, to buy this property, and that he had requested that a building permit not be issued, inasmuch as he felt he was asmuch an owner of the property as Mrs. Fordam. Mr. Silver stated that the Title Insurance & Trust Company had gone on record to the effect that they are going to issue a title-policy without any Indication that this claim' is in existence, and offered, for inspection by Council, the preliminary title report dated September 12, 1,960. Planning Director Mansfield located the area under discussion on the map for benefit of Council, stipulating that It is the property known as Crickett Lane. Considerable discussion followed wherein Councilman Bishop stated that he did not feel that it was up to the City to instigate such a procedure... that it was the responsibility of the property owner; that he could see no advantage to a parking area in this particular location; that a building permit should not be held up, as, in so doing, the progress of the City was being delayed. Councilman Littlejohn ex- pressed the opinion that Council should grant these people the right to go ahead and build, or, initiate condemnation proceedings. COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT THE BUILDING INSPECTOR BE GIVEN AUTHORITY TO ISSUE A BUILDING PERMIT ON THIS PIECE OF PROPERTY. COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN SECONDED. November 21, 1960 Page 2 P. C. RES. #604 RE APPROVING RES. OF EAST SAN GAB- RIEL VALLEY ENGRS. PRIORITY LIST OF ARTERIALS FOR IMMEDIATE CON- STRUCTION. APPROVED. OATH ADMINISTERED BY CITY CLERK BAL KUS MR. ERNEST M. SILVER, ATTORNEY 629 S. HILL ST. L.A. RE BUILDING PERMIT REQUEST FOR MRS. FORDAM. Report by C.A.O. DISCUSSION MOTION MADE THAT BLDG. INSPECTOR BE GIVEN AUTHORITY Continued) Continued) BIB] 39597-U01 1960-U02 11-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117412-U03 DO117470-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/28/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1960 11 21 CC MINHÄ—@¸—AÎÍ«Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council Further discussion ensued wherein Councilman Holmes expressed the feeling that the business people should be allowed time in which to present a petition, that they, too, warranted con- sideration; wherein Planning Director Mansfield reported that a number of people had come to the Planning Department stating that they could present a petition but did not have the exact boundaries, and were waiting until they were set up. Mr. Silver stated that they would be agreeable to waiting until December I, 1960, for Council's decision. COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED TO AMEND THE ORIGINAL MOTION IN THAT DECEMBER 5, 1960, BE SET AS A DEADLINE FOR ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT, GIVING THE PEOPLE AN OPPORTUNITY TO EITHER CONTACT THE APPLICANT OR PRESENT THE CITY WITH A BONA FIDE PARKING DISTRICT PETITION. COUNCILMAN BLOXHAM SECONDED. Further discussion followed with clarification of the 1943 Act by City Attorney Goriick. Mr. Silver stated that, for the record, his client wants this matter decided tonight, that they are not consenting to delay until December 5, 1960. Mayor Cole called for roll call on the amending motion at this time. AYES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, BLOXHAM, AND MAYOR COLE NOES: COUNCILMAN BISHOP AND LITTLEJOHN Mayor Cole called for roll call on the original motion. AYES: COUNCILMEN BISHOP AND LITTLEJOHN NOES: COUNCILMEN BLOXHAM AND HOLMES ABSENT: NONE ABSTAINED: MAYOR COLE At this time City Attorney Goriick clarified the status of the motions. COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT COUNCIL SET A DEADLINE OF DECEM- BER 5, 1960, BY WHICH TIME EITHER A PETITION IS TO BE RECEIVED FROM THE PROPERTY ONNERS INVOLVED TO ESTABLISH A PARKING DIS- TRICT, OR, IN THE ABSENCE OF SUCH A PETITION, THAT A PERMIT BE ISSUED TO THE APPLICANT. COUNCILMAN BLOXHAM SECONDED. Discussion followed. Mrs. Nancy June Fordam, 3437 West 77th Street, LosAngeles 43, California, stated that the taxes on this property are high; that it costs her $20.00 yearly to keep this lot cleaned up, due to others parking there constantly; that she would sell it for parking purposes if offered a fair market price; that she would like this matter to be settled as soon as possible; however, if a decision can be reached by December 5th, she would agree to extend the time. Further discussion ensued wherein City Attorney Gorlick was requested to examine the 1943 Act, with reference to the obligations of the City, etc., and report to Council by December 5, 1960. TO ISSUE BUILDING PERMIT ON THIS PIECE OF PROPERTY. MOTION MADE TO AMEND ORIGINAL MOTION IN THAT DEC. 5, 1960, BE SET AS DEADLINE FOR ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT, GIVING THE PEOPLE AN OPPORTUNITY TO EITHER CONTACT THE APPLICANT OR PRE- sent CITY WITH A BONA FIDE PARKING DIST. PETITION. MOTION CARRIED MOTION DID NOT CARRY MOTION MADE THAT COUNCIL SET A DEADLINE OF DEC. 5, 1960, BY WHICH TIME EITHER A PETITION IS TO BE RECD FROM PROP- ERTY ONNERS IN- VOLVED TO ESTAB- LISH A PARKING DIST., OR IN AB- SENCE OF SUCH PETITION, THAT A PERMIT BE ISSUED TO APPLICANT. MRS.NANCY JUNE FORDAM 3437 W. 77th Street, L.A. 43. Continued) BIB] 39597-U01 1960-U02 11-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117412-U03 DO117470-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/28/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1960 11 21 CC MINHÄ—@¸—AÎÍ«78eguiar Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council Mayor Cole asked for roll call. AYES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, BLOXHAM, AND MAYOR COLE NOES: COUNCILMEN BISHOP AND LITTLEJOHN 00- Mayor Cole announced that it was 8:00 o'clock p.m. and the time and place for public hearing on Zone Exception Case No. ZE-37, a. request for exception to put a canopy over pump island at'13852 East Los Angeles Street, Baldwin Park, in Zone C-I, Marvin L. Andrews. Planning Director Mansfield presented a resume and the findings and recommendations of the Planning Commission and located the area on the map. City Clerk Balkus stated that the required publications, postings and mailings had been accomplished. City Clerk Backus again administered the oath. Mr. Joseph P. Cunningham, 13902 East Los Angeles Street, Baldwin Park, stated that his property is directly across the street from this property and, that since its estab- lishment some four years ago, it has been a well-conducted business and a benefit to the people of Baldwin Park. As there was no one else desiring to speak either in behalf of or in opposition to Zone Exception Case ZE-37, Meyer Cole declared the hearing closed. COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT THE FINDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONCUR WITH THE FINDINGS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION, AND THAT THE CITY ATTORNEY BE INSTRUCTED TO PREPARE A RESOLUTION GRANTING THIS ZONE EXCEPTION, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS AS SET FORTH IN PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 597. COUNCIL- MAN BLOXHAM SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, BLOXHAM, BISHOP, LITTLEJOHN AND MAYOR COLE NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- Mayor Cole announced that it was now the time and place for the public hearing on Proposed City Council Resolution Amending the Master Plan of Highways to change Vineland Avenue from Ramona Boulevard to the San Bernardino Freeway to a Sixty 60) foot street. Planning Director Mansfield explained the findings and recommendations of the Planning Commission. Mayor Cole asked if there was anyone in the audience desir- ing to speak in behalf of Planning Commission Resolution No. 600. November 21, 1960 Page 4 MOTION CARRIED PUBLIC HEARING ZONE EXCEPTION CASE #ZE-37 Request for ex- ception to put a canopy over pump island at 13852 E. Los Angeles St. In Zone C-I Marvin L. Andrews. MR. JOSEPH P. CUNNINGHAM 13902 E. Los Angeles St., Baldwin Park MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT FIND- INGS OF COUNCIL CONCUR WITH FIND- INGS OF P.C. & THAT CITY ATTY BE INSTRUCTED TO PREPARE A RES. GRANTING THIS ZONE EXCEPTION, SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS AS SET FORTH IN P.C. RES. #597. PUBLIC HEARING RE VINELAND AVE. P.C. RES. #600 Continued) BIB] 39597-U01 1960-U02 11-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117412-U03 DO117470-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/28/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1960 11 21 CC MINHÄ—@¸—AÎÍ«gA. Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council Mr. Allen Hoting, 923 Leorita Street, Baldwin Park, stated the he was the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the First Methodist Church, 3960 North Maine, Baldwin Park, and that he had been requested to ask that Vineland Avenue re- main an 80' street, as the church had recently built a par- sonage next to the Vineland Avenue School, and the school busses needed ample room for turning around, etc. Councilman Bishop stated that it was*his opinion the wrong procedure was being followed, that Council should be hearing those in behalf of Vineland Avenue becoming a 60' street, in concurrence with Planning Commission Resolution No. 600. City Attorney Gorlick stated that Councilman Bishop was correct, that the proposition before Council at this public hearing is whether to reduce Vineland Avenue to 60' and, therefore, those being in favor of" would be those favoring the reduction. However, the proceeding is not invalidated if Council desires to conduct the hearing on the basis of taking the testimony in opposition first; that the important thing In any hearing is to give everyone who wants to speak an opportunity to do so. Mayor Cole asked if there was anyone in the audience desiring to speak in behalf of Vineland Avenue becoming a 60' street. Mr. William Van Velzer, 3221 North Vineland Avenue, Baldwin Park, stated that over 200 property owners on Vineland Ave. had presented a petition as being in favor of a 60' street, and expressed dissatisfaction at the manner in which the Planning Commission had handled their public hearings; and that the will of the people had been expressed and should be given consideration. Mr. C. L. Veasman, 3234 North Vineland Avenue, Baldwin Park, stated that he was in construction work and, therefore, versed in the damage being done by the trucks constantly using this street now; that it would be dangerous for the children. Mrs. Harriett Dyer, 3945 North Vineland Avenue, Baldwin Park, stated that she had noticed that the people opposing the reduction of Vineland Avenue to a 60' street do not live on Vineland Avenue, and that she was in favor of a 60' street. Mr.Richard Perez, 3955 North Vineland Avenue, Baldwin Park, stated that there is about 300' of property on Vineland Ave. on which the owners could build if the street were 60'; that this property, as it now stands, merely creates a lot of dust; that he felt that 40' of pavement, in the event of a 60' street, would be sufficient; that he felt most of the people would put in curbs and sidewalks if made a 60' street. City Clerk Backus again administered the oath. Mr. D. W. Hoover, 13634 East Francisquito, Baldwin Park, Stated that he owned property at 3529 and 3535 North Vineland Avenue, on which he has built a house; but cannot sell until a decision is made one way or the other; that he felt a 60' street would be sufficient to take care of all the traffic. Mr. Edwin Elko, 13057 Bess Ave., Baldwin Park, stated that he had a secondary interest in property at 3309 North Vine- land by way of a trust deed, which is now sold; that a 60' street is sufficient, as it should carry only local traffic; spoke with reference to buildings being non-conforming and Continued) November 21, 1960 Page 5 MR. ALLEN NOTING 923 Leorita St. Baldwin Park QUESTION RE PRO- CEDURE BY COUNCIL- MAN BISHOP. CLARIFICATION BY CITY ATTY GORLICK. MR. WM. VAN VELZER 3221 N. Vineland Baldwin Park Spoke in behalf of 60' street. MR. C.L. VEASMAN 3234 N. Vineland Baldwin Park Spoke in behalf of 60' street. MRS. HARRIETT DYER, 3945 N. Vineland Avenue Baldwin Park Spoke in behalf of 60' street. MR. RICHARD PEREZ 3955 N. Vineland Baldwin Park Spoke in behalf of 60' street. OATH AGAIN AD- MINISTERED. MR. D. W. HOOVER 13634 E. Francis- quito, Baldwin Park. Spoke in behalf of 60' St. MR. EDNIN ELKO 13057 Bess Baldwin Park. Spoke in behalf of 60' street. BIB] 39597-U01 1960-U02 11-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117412-U03 DO117470-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/28/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1960 11 21 CC MINHÄ—@¸—AÎÍ«185 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council the difficulty In securing a building permit; that, unless the street is reduced to 60' width, people would have no place to park their cars. Mr. Charles Lacey, 3672 North Vineland Avenue, Baldwin Park, stated that he had helped circulate the petition that was presented to Council, and that there had been only one person not in favor of a 60' street; that he did not want to live on a secondary highway as it reduces the value of the property. Mrs. Perez, 3955 North Vineland Avenue, Baldwin Park, stated that, in her opinion, it was the housewives that ran over the traffic counters, more than anyone else, and did not see why they should have an 80' street. Mr. John Borges, 13632 East Rexwood, Baldwin Park, stated that he owned 137' on Vineland Avenue and was in favor of the 60' street. Mayor Cole asked if there was anyone in the audience desiring to be heard in opposition to the 60' street. Mr. Robert Hallway, 1809 East Chapman Avenue, Fullerton, stated,that he did live on Vineland Avenue for about 23 years, and owns property there; that there is a need for an 80' street In projected plans for,the City, which would benefit the public as a whole, not just the citizens of Baldwin Park; that the needs of the community should be respected; that the opinions and recommendations of experts of the County and State should be considered. Mr. Carl Hoertig, 1111 West Las Flores, Arcadia, owner of property at 3040 North Vineland Avenue, Baldwin Park, stated that he was in favor of the 80' street; that, per the State Division of Highways the wider Street would be the safer street;-that fhe traffic will continue to exist whether the street Is 601 or 80' as long as there is direct access to the Freeway. City Clerk Balkus stated that she was handed a letter from Mr. Hoting, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, First Methodist Church of Baldwin Park, addressed to Mayor Cole and Members of Council; which read: Mayor Cole and Council: We hereby recommend that Vineland Avenue shall remain an 80' street. Our parsonage is located near the school and was built about 2 years ago and was set back 20 feet to allow for the 80' street as required by the Building Code. First Methodist Church of Baldwin Park Allen A. Hoting Chairman, Board of Trustees P. J. Riley, Trustee 4929 N. Aniston City Clerk,Balkus stated that the required publications, postings and mailings had been accomplished, and that no letters of protest had been received. November 21, 1960 Page 6 MR. CHAS. LACEY 3672 N. Vineland Baldwin Park. Spoke in behalf, of 60' street. MRS. PEREZ, 3955 N. Vineland Ave. Baldwin Park. Spoke in behalf of 60' street. MR. JOHN BORGES 113632 E. Rexwood Baldwin Park Spoke in behalf of 60' street. MR. R. HALLWAY 1809 E. Chapman Ave., Fullerton Spoke in opposi- tion to 60' st. MR. CARL HOERTIG 1 1 1 1 W Las Flores Arcadia Spoke in Opposi- tionto 60' St. LETTER FROM FIRST METHODIST CHURCH OF BALI I N PARK In opposition to 60' street. Continued) BIB] 39597-U01 1960-U02 11-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117412-U03 DO117470-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/28/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1960 11 21 CC MINHÄ—@¸—AÎÍ«i Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council As there was no one else desiring to speak either in behalf of or in opposition to Vineland Avenue being a 601 street, Mayor Cole declared the hearing closed. Discussion followed wherein City Engineer Young clarified for the benefit of Mrs. Perez, the matter of the traffic count on Vineland Avenue. and reported that there was in- dication of such potential growth that traffic would be tripled. Planning Director Mansfield stated that just recently the go-ahead" had been given to a group of sub-_ dividers to subdivide the east side, and they are progress- ing with the tract at the present time. COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 60-101, A RESO- LUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK AMENDING THE MASTER PLAN OF HIGHWAYS, BE ADOPTED. COUNCILMAN BLOXHAM SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, BLOXHAM AND HOLMES NOES: COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN ABSENT: NONE ABSTAINED: MAYOR COLE Councilman Littlejohn stated that his reason for a negative vote was due to projected future plans and tracts, that there was reason to believe the street should have been wider... not necessarily 801 but more than 601. 00- AT 9:55 P.M. COUNCILMAN BLOXHAM MOVED THAT A FIVE MINUTE RECESS BE DECLARED. COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Cole. 00- Discussion on Vineland Avenue continued, wherein Councilman Holmes queried whether the City has to vacate any additional right of way that may be involved, to which City Attorney Gorlick stated that the City does not have to vacate any of the right of way that has been dedicated. City Engineer Young reported on the matter of curb and gutter deposits on hand and general discussion on whether it would be fair and advisable to deed the 201 back to the people or not, due to increasing taxes. COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT VACATION PROCEEDINGS BE INITI- ATED. COUNCILMAN BLOXHAM SECONDED. Further discussion followed. COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN MOVED TO AMEND THE ORIGINAL MOTION TO INCLUDE THAT ALL MONIES THAT ARE BEING HELD AT THE PRESENT TIME BE USED TO PUT IN CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALKS, IN CON- JUNCTION WITH THE PROPERTIES NON WAITING FOR THIS INSTALLA- TION, ON THE BASIS OF THE WIDTH OF THE STREET AS IT EXISTS UNDER PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 600. Discussion followed. AMENDING MOTION WITHDRAWN. Mayor Cole asked for roll call on the original motion. AYES: COUNCILMEN BISHOP AND BLOXHAM NOES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, LITTLEJOHN AND MAYOR COLE Continued) November 21, 1960 Page 7 HEARING DECLARED CLOSED. RES. NO. 60-101 RE: A RES. OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK AMENDING THE MASTER PLAN OF HIGHWAYS. ADOPTED COUNCILMAN LITTLE- JOHN'S EXPLANATION OF NEGATIVE VOTE. RECESS AT 9:55 P.M. RECONVENED AT 10:00 P.M. VINELAND AVENUE Discussion con- t inued. MOTION MADE THAT VACATION PROCEED- INGS BE INITIATED. MOTION TO AMEND ORIGINAL MOTION TO INCLUDE THAT ALL MONIES BEING HELD AT PRESENT TIME BE USED TO PUT IN CGS IN CONJUNCTION WITH PROPERTIES NON WAITING FOR THIS INSTALLATION ON BASIS OF WIDTH OF STREET AS IT EXISTS UNDER P.C. RES. #600 Continued) BIB] 39597-U01 1960-U02 11-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117412-U03 DO117470-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/28/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1960 11 21 CC MINHÄ—@¸—AÎÍ«Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN MOVED THAT ALL MONIES BEING HELD IN LIEU TO PUT IN CURBS, GUTTERS AND SIDEWALKS ON VINELAND AVE., THAT THE CITY PROCEED TO MAKE THIS INSTALLATION AT THE DESIG- NATED WIDTH OF 60' AS ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION NO. 60-101. COUNCILMAN HOLMES SECONDED. The motion carried by the fol- lowing vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN LITTLEJOHN, HOLMES, BISHOP, BLOXHA*AND MAYOR COLE NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE Discussion ensued. COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT, IN CASES WHERE THE CURBS, GUTTERS AND SIDEWALKS HAVE BEEN SET AT 80', AS PREVIOUSLY REQUIRED BY THE CITY, THAT THEY BE BROUGHT BACK TO 60' AT CITY EXPENSE, EXCLUDING THE COMMERCIALLY ZONED PROPERTY AT PACIFIC AND VINELAND AVENUES. COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN SECONDED. Further discussion followed. COUNCILMAN B4SHOP MOVED TO AMEND THE-ORIGINAL MOTION TO DELETE THE EXCLUSION OF THE COMMERCIALLY ZONED PROPERTY AT PACIFIC AND VINELAND AVENUES. COUNCILMAN BLOXHAM SECONDED. The motion did not carry by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BISHOP AND BLOXHAM NOES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES AND LITTLEJOHN ABSENT: NONE ABSTAINED:MAYOR COLE Mayor Cole asked for roll call on the original motion. AYES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, LITTLEJOHN AND BLOXHAM NOES: COUNCILMAN BISHOP ABSENT: NONE ABSTAINED: MAYOR COLE 00- Mayor Cole announced that it was now the time and place for the opening of bids on 1) 3-5 ton Road Roller and I) Pneumatic Tired Equipment Trailer. City Clerk Balkus opened and read the bids as follows: November 21, 1960 Page 8 MOTION WITHDRAWN ORIGINAL MOTION CARRIED MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT ALL MONIES BEING HELD IN LIEU TO PUT IN CGS ON VINELAND AVE. THAT CITY PROCEED TO MAKE THIS INSTALLATION AT DESIGNATED WIDTH OF 60' AS ADOPTED BY RES. NO. 60-401. MOTION MADE AND IN CASES WHERE CGS HAVE BEEN SET AT 80' AS PRE- VIOUSLY REQUIRED BY CITY, THAT THEY BE BROUGHT BACK TO 60' AT CITY EXPENSE, EX- CLUDING THE COM- MERCIALLY ZONED PROPERTY AT PACIFIC AVENUE AND VINELAND. MOTION MADE TO AMEND ORIGINAL MOTION TO DELETE THE EXCLUSION OF THE COMMERCIALLY ZONED PROPERTY'AT PACIFIC AND VINELAND AVE N1.. MOTION DID NOT CARRY ORIGINAL MOTION CARRIED. OPENING OF BIDS 1) 3-5 ton Road Roller and I) Pneumatic Tired Equipment Trailer. Continued) BIB] 39597-U01 1960-U02 11-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117412-U03 DO117470-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/28/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1960 11 21 CC MINHÄ—@¸—AÎ Í«Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council Make/Model/Year Item I Roller Larson Equipment Co. Ferg. 325 Price S 3,933.00 3838 Santa Fe Ave. 1960 Tax 157.32 Los Angeles, Calif. Net $ 4.090.32 Bid Bond 10% Essick Machinery Co. 56OC Price $ 4.016.25 1950 Santa Fe Ave. 1960 Tax 160.65 Los Angeles, Calif. Net $ 4.176.90 Bid Bond 10% Delivery within 10 days Warnock Bancroft Equip Co. Gallion Price $ 4. 174.00 9635 Rush Street 1960 Tax 166.96 El Monte, California Net $ 4, 340.96 Bid Bond 10% Delivery In 7 days Santa Fe Equipment Co. Huber-Warco Price $ 4.690.00 3000 Santa Fe Ave. 1960 Tax 187.60 Los Angeles, Calif. Net $ 4.877.60 Bid Bond 10% COUNCILMAN HOLMES AWED THAT ALL SIDS BE REFERRED TO THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER AND THE CITY ENGINEER FOR RECOMMENDATION, REPORTING BACK TO COUNCIL AT THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING. COUNCILMAN BLOXHAM SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Cole. City Clerk Balkus requested that she, be permitted to bring an item on the Agenda pertaining to Final Map, Tract 23407. COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT THIS MATTER BE BROUGHT ON THE AGENDA. COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. There were no object- ions, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Cole. City Attorney Gorlick stated that Mr. Tracy Bousman appeared at the last Planning Commission meeting with the same map and asked the Commission to approve it. Mr. Bousman was ad- vised that the Commission could act only on tentative maps and that he could file the map in question as a revised tentative map. He then proceeded to file the map as a re- vised tentative map, whereupon the Commission decided to hold it over for further study. Discussion ensued with further elaboration given by City Attorney Gorlick and Planning Director Mansfield in that a-drainage problem at the end of Paddy Lane was still in existence, plus the matter of deletion of three parcels. COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN MOVED THAT THIS MATTER BE SENT BACK TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR FURTHER STUDY AND THEN RE- TURNED TO COUNCIL AFTER THE PROPER TENTATIVE MAP IS COM- PLETED. COUNCILMAN BLOXHAM SECONDED. There were no ob- jections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Cole. November 21, 1960 Page 9 Item II Tr r $ 1„103.00 44.12 $ 1.147.12 $ 1.054.00 $ 42.16 $ I,096.16 $ NO BID $ I.278_O0 51.48 $ 1-329.48 MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT ALL BIDS BE REFERRED TO C.A.0. & CITY ENGR. FOR RECOM- MENDATION, REPORT- ING BACK TO COUNCIL AT NEXT REGULAR MEETING. CITY CLERK BALKUS REQUEST TO BRING ITEM ON AGENDA. MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT THIS MATTER BE BROUGHT ON THE AGENDA. CLARIFICATION BY CITY ATTORNEY GORLICK. MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT THIS MATTER BE SENT BACK TO P.C. FOR FURTHER STUDY & THEN RETURNED TO MAP IS COMPLETED. PROPER TENTATIVE COUNCIL AFTER BIB] 39597-U01 1960-U02 11-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117412-U03 DO117470-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/28/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1960 11 21 CC MINHÄ—@¸—AÎ Í«189 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council City Clerk Balkus requested permission to bring a matter on the agenda. COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT THIS MATTER BE BROUGHT ON THE AGENDA. COUNCILMAN HOLMES SECONDED. There were no object- ions, the motion carried. and was so ordered by Mayor Cole. City Clerk Balkus presented a letter from the Los Angeles Medical Association stating that they would appreciate Council's help and cooperation in designating December 4, 1960, by resolution or proclamation of the City Council, as Polio and Tetanus Immunization Day. Mayor Cole requested the City Clerk to prepare a proclama- tion for his signature and publication in compliance with the aforesaid request. 00- City Clerk Balkus presented the matter of a proposed Annexa- tion #14, City of La Puente, locating the area on maps for benefit of Council. Discussion followed. Mayor Cole stated this was a matter of information only, to be received andf i led. 00- Chief Administrative Officer Asmus presented the matter of approval of specifications for Fire Insurance in order to proceed with securing proposals. He stated that these specifications have already been circulated in order to meet the December 18, 1960, expiration date of our-pres- ent policy; that, In the event changes are made in the specifications before approval by the City Council, a special addendum will be mailed to those agents who have already received copies; that it was recommended,by Mr. Asmus that all proposals be received on or before 5:00 P.M., December 5, 1960, In the Office of the City Clerk, to be publicly opened and declared In the CityCouncil Chambers at 8:00 P.M., December 5, 1960. Discussion followed wherein It was the genera_1 consensus of opinion that bids should be sumbitted on each of the four buildings to be Insured City Hall and Police Facilities, Municipal Auditorium, Storage and Paint Shed and the Auto Repair Shop. COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT THE FIRE INSURANCE SPECI- FICATIONS BE APPROVED, SUBJECT TO MAILING OUT AN ADDENDUM TO SUBMIT SEPARATE QUOTATIONS FOR EACH BUILDING, AND AUTHORIZING THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFiCER TO PROCEED WITH SECURING, PROPOSALS. COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Cole. November 21, 1960 Page 10 REQUEST BY CITY CLERK BALKUS TO BRING ITEM ON AGENDA, MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT THIS MATTER BE BROUGHT ON AGENDA. REQUEST OF L.A. MEDICAL ASSOC. RE PROCLAMATION RE DECEMBER 4, 1960, AS POLIO & TETANUS IMMUNI- ZATION DAY. ANNEXATION #14 PROPOSED) CITY OF LA PUENTE INFORMATION ONLY RECEIVED & FILED. FIRE INSURANCE SPECS. Presented by C.A.0. for approval in order to go to bid. MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT FIRE INS. SPECS BE APPROVED, SUBJECT TO MAILING OUT AN ADDENDUM TO SUB- MIT SEPARATE QUOTATIONS FOR EACH BLDG. AND AUTHORIZ- ING THE C.A.O. TO PROCEED WITH SE- CURING PROPOSALS. BIB] 39597-U01 1960-U02 11-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117412-U03 DO117470-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/28/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1960 11 21 CC MINHÄ—@¸—AÎ Í«Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council Chief Administrative Officer Asmus presented the matter of an amendment to the Business License Code, wherein he recommended that, in order to effectively control, through the issuances of business licenses, the proper enforcement of all Is, ordi- nances and regulations applicable to such businesses, the proposed ordinance be adopted. Discussion ensued. COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 170 BE READ BY TITLE ONLY. COUNCILMAN HOLMES SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN LITTLEJOHN, HOLMES, BISHOP, BLOXHAM AND MAYOR COLE NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE City Clerk Balkus read Ordinance No. 170 by title as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 170 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDNIN PARK ADDING SECTION 6189 TO THE BALDNIN PARK MUNICIPAL CODE TO REQUIRE LICENSEES TO COMPLY WITH LAWS APPLICABLE TO CONDUCT OF BUSINESS OR AC- TIVITY FOR WHICH LICENSE IS ISSUED" Mr. Lorea, 4037 Baldwin Park Blvd., Baldwin Park, stated that he had leased a building at 14234 Ramona Boulevard, Baldwin Park next door to McDanlels Cleaners) for 3 years, during which time he had installed some $4,000.00 worth of repairs, Improvements, etc.; that he had opened one day and the Building and Fire Departments shut him down the next day; that the building had been inspected and declared absolutely unsafe for occupancy of any kind; that he has been unable to obtain any liability insurance and the fire insurance has been cancelled; that two accidents had already occurred, wherein the two people Involved had gone through the floor; that he needed a posting, declaring the building unsafe, in order to break his lease. Chief Administrative Officer Asmus stated that a demolition permit had been taken out-on this building and assured Mr. Lorea that a posting of condemnation would be accomplished immediately. Considerable discussion followed. Mr. Joseph Geier, 822 East Herring Avenue, West Covina, California, asked that clarification be given relevant to the purchase of unsafe" property by prospective buyers unaware of these conditions, and what the legal procedures, etc. would be In such an event. Discussion followed. COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 170 PASS FIRST READING. COUNCILMAN BLOXHAM SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN LITTLEJOHN, BLOXHAM, BISHOP, HOLMES AND MAYOR COLE NOES: NONE November 21, 1960 Page II AMENDMENT TO BUSINESS LICENSE CODE Recommenda- tions by C.A.O. ORD. NO. 170 RE ADDING SEC. 6189 TO BALDN I N PARK MUNICIPAL CODE TO REQUIRE LICENSEES TO COMPLY WITH LAWS APPLICABLE TO CONDUCT OF BUSI- NESS OR ACTIVITY FOR WHICH LICENSE IS ISSUED. MR. LOREA 4037.Baidwin Park Blvd., Baldwin Park Re: Building at 14234 Ramona Blvd., Baldwin Pk. MR. J. GEIER, 822 E. Herring Ave., West Covina Re: Clarification relevant to the purchase of unsafe" property. ORD. NO. 170 PASSED FIRST READING. ABSENT: NONE BIB] 39597-U01 1960-U02 11-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117412-U03 DO117470-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/28/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1960 11 21 CC MINHÄ—@¸—AÎ 1960 11 21 CC MINHÄ—@¸—AÎ Í«Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council Chief Administrative Officer Asmus presented a requestito employ temporary Engineering personnel and approval of an allocation for drafting equipment. He reported that the City Engineer was In concurrence with his recommendation that one Engineering Draftsman be employed for a period not to exceed 120 days at a fixed monthly salary of $475.00, and two Engineering Aides for a period not to exceed 120 days at a fixed salary of $442.00 per month, and that the purchase of two additional drafting tables.and three draft- ing stools, for a sum not to exceed $450.00, be allocated; that City Engineer Young's suggestion to perform our own engineering on the Baldwin Park and Ramona Boulevard proj- ects was prompted in an effort to conserve time on the part of our present Engineering staff, as well as the desire to save contemplated engineering fees that would be expended if consulting engineering services were employed; that, ap- proximately $6,500.00 would be expended for additional eng- ineering personnel if all three of the positions are needed for the maximum of 120 days; that City Engineer Young had, in his report, requested one Engineering Aide, one Engineer- ing Draftsman and one Right of Way man, but after discussion amongst the City Engineer, his assistant and himself, con- curred with the recommendation of Mr. Asmus. Considerable discussion followed wherein City Engineer Young offered further clarification. COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT COUNCIL CONCUR WITH THE RECOM- MENDATIONS OF THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER AND THE CITY ENGINEER AND THAT THESE PEOPLE, AS OUTLINED, BE EMPLOYED FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED A MAXIMUM OF 120 DAYS, AND IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $6,500.00. COUNCILMAN BLOXHAM SECONDED. Further discussion ensued regarding the employment of a right ofway man, and the specific intent of the motion. City Attorney Gorlick stated that, as the roll call was not com- plete, the votes, as cast, could be withdrawn. COUNCILMAN HOLMES, BLOXHAM AND BISHOP WITHDREW THEIR VOTES AND COUNCILMAN BLOXHAM WITHDREW HIS SECOND TO THE MOTION. COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT COUNCIL CONCUR WITH THE RECOM- MENDATIONS OF THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER AND THAT THESE PEOPLE BE EMPLOYED, AS OUTLINED, FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED A MAXIMUM OF 120 DAYS, AND IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $6500.00. COUNCILMAN BLOXHAM SECONDED. The motion carried by the fol- lowing vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, BLOXHAM, BISHOP, LITTLEJOHN AND MAYOR COLE NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- Chief Administrative Officer Asmus presented an oral report with regard to the curb and gutter situation on Arrow High- way, reporting that the City of Irwindale will go ahead and reorder the survey for the entire length of Arrow Highway, which will cost about $1,000.00, and which they will pay if the City of Baldwin Park will agree that we will use the Short Form Engineering Act" if over 50% of any block is In, the remaining can be forced in). 0y 9? November 21, 1960 Page 13 REQUEST TO EMPLOY TEMPORARY ENGIN- EERING PERSONNEL & APPROVAL OF ALLOCATION FOR DRAFTING EQUIP- MENT. REPORT BY C.A.O. ASMUS. MOTION MADE THAT COUNCIL CONCUR WITH RECOMMENDA- TIONS OF C.AO. & CITY ENGINEER & THAT THESE PEOPLE AS OUT- LINED BE EMPLOY- ED FOR PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED A MAXI- MUM OF 120 DAYS & IN AN AMT. NOT TO EXCEED $6500.00. VOTE & SECOND TO MOTION WITHDRAWN. MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT COUNCIL CONCUR WITH RECOMMENDA- TIONS OF C.AO. & THAT THESE PEOPLE BE EMPLOYED AS OUTLINED, FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED MAXIMUM OF 120 DAYS & IN AMT. NOT TO EX- CEED $6,500.00. CURBS & GUTTERS ARRON HIGHWAY ORAL REPORT BY C.A.O. Continued) BIB] 39597-U01 1960-U02 11-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117412-U03 DO117470-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/28/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1960 11 21 CC MINHÄ—@¸—AÎÍ«79-1 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council Considerable discussion folowed wherein City Attorney Gorlick offered clarification of the intent of Chapter 27 of the 1911 Act. COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER BE INSTRUCTED TO WRITE A LETTER TO THE CITY OF IRWINDALE THAT THIS COUNCIL WILL ASSIST THEM IN INVOKING CHAPTER 27 OF THE 1911 ACT, IF.AND WHEN MORE THAN 50% OF THE CURBS AND GUTTERS HAVE BEEN INSTALLED ALONG ARROW HIGHWAY. COUNCILMAN HOLMES SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, HOLMES, BLOXHAM, LITTLEJOHN AND MAYOR COLE NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- Chief Administrative Officer Asmus presented an oral report with regard to Azusa Canyon Road, in that he had a meeting with representatives of Consolidated Rock Products wherein they expressed much Interest in assisting in routing truck traffic from Azusa Canyon Road; that Mr. Yount has taken action on reducing the noise at the maintenance yard and has indicated that he is anxious to get a road back on the track, but th:ts cannot be accomplished without a permit from the City of Irwindale to fill the pit; that as soon as they have necessary permission and the pit is filled, a road will be built. 00- Chief Administrative Officer Asmus made an oral request for allocation, not to exceed $90.00, for the attendance of Juvenile Officer Adams at a State Department of Justice sponsored conference In Pacific Grove on January 29, 1961, through February 4, 1961. COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN MOVED THAT AN ALLOCATION, NOT TO EX- CEED $90.00 BE AUTHORIZED.FOR THE ATTENDANCE OF JUVENILE OFFICER ADAMS AT A JUVENILE MEETING IN PACIFIC GROVE, COUNCILMAN HOLMES SECONDED. The motion carried by the fol- lowing vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN LITTLEJOHN, HOLMES, BISHOP, BLOXHAM AND MAYOR COLE NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE Councilman Littlejohn commended Juvenile Officer Adams on the wonderful job he is doing with the young people, with members of Council in complete agreement. 00- Chief Administrative Officer Asmus presented a request to invest. City funds, recommending-that the $50,000.00 worth of treasury bills maturing December 1', 1960, be reinvested in a 90 day. inactive account at the-Bank of America at 21%, and that the current balance of $40,009.60 gas tax construc- tion monies received and unexpended; be deposited in a 180 day inactive account at the Bank of America at 3% interest. Discussion ensued. November 21, 1960 Page 14 MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT C.AO. BE IN- STRUCTED TO WRITE A LETTER TO CITY OF IRWINDALE THAT THIS COUNCIL WILL ASSIST'THEM IN INVOKING CHAPTER 27 of 1911 ACT, IF & WHEN MORE THAN 50% OF CURBS & GUTTERS HAVE BEEN INSTALLED ALONG ARROW HWY. REPORT BY C.A.O. RE AZUSA CANYON ROAD. JUVENILE MEETING AT PACIFIC GROVE REQUEST FOR ALLO- CATION. MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT AN ALLOCATION NOT TO EXCEED $90.00 BE AUTHORIZED FOR THE ATTENDANCE OF JUVENILE OF- FICER ADAMS AT JUVENILE MEETING IN PACIFIC GROVE. COMMENDATION OF OFFICER ADAMS REQUEST BY C.A.O. TO INVEST CITY FUNDS. Continued) BIB] 39597-U01 1960-U02 11-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117412-U03 DO117470-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/28/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1960 11 21 CC MINHÄ—@¸—AÎÍ«Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council COUNCILMAN.LITTLEJOHN MOVED THAT COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE REIN- VESTMENT OF THE $50,000.00 IN TREASURY BILLS THAT WILL MATURE DECEMBER 1, 1960, IN A NINETY DAY INACTIVE ACCOUNT IN THE BANK OF AMERICA AT 24% INTEREST, AND DEPOSIT THE CURRENT $40,009.60 CONSTRUCTION GAS TAX MONEY IN A 180 DAY INACTIVE ACCOUNT IN THE BANK OF AMERICA AT 3% INTEREST. COUNCILMAN HOLMES SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN LITTLEJOHN, HOLMES, BISHOP, BLOXHAM AND MAYOR COLE; NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- City Engineer Young presented the matter of a requested rate increase by the Park Water Company, reporting that the In- crease amounts to a 27%increase, which appeared reasonable. He also supplied Council with tabulated present and proposed rates by the Park Water Company, plus a tabulated list of the present rates of five local water companies. 00- COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN MOVED THAT THE TREASURER'S REPORT, AS OF OCTOBER 31, 1960, BE RECEIVED AND FILED. COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Cole. 00- COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 159 BE READ BY TITLE ONLY. COUNCILMAN HOLMES SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN LITTLEJOHN, HOLMES, BISHOP, BLOXHAM AND MAYOR COLE NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE City Clerk Balkus read Ordinance No. 159 by title as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDNIN PARK AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY TO CHANGE THE ZONING OF PROPERTY ON DEPOT AVENUE BETWEEN CENTRAL AVENUE AND JEREMIE AVENUE FROM R-2 TO M-1, ZONE CASE NO. Z-78" COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 159 PASS SECOND READING AND BE ADOPTED. COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN LITTLEJOHN, BISHOP, BLOXHAM, HOLMES AND MAYOR COLE NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 167 BE CARRIED OVER. COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Cole. November 21, 1960 Page 15 MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE REINVESTMENT OF $50,000.00 IN TREASURY BILLS THAT WILL MATURE 12/1/60 IN A 90 DAY INACTIVE ACCT. IN BANK OF AMERICA AT 21% INTEREST & DEPOSIT THE CUR- RENT $40,009.60 CONSTR. GAS TAX MONEY IN 180 DAY INACTIVE ACCT IN BANK OF AMERICA AT 3% INTEREST. PARK WATER COMPANY RE REQUESTED RATE INCREASE REPORT BY CITY ENGINEER YOUNG. TREASURER'S RE- PORT AS OF OCT. 31, 1960, RE- CEIVED AND FILED. ORD. NO. 159 RE AMENDING ZONING MAP OF CITY TO CHANGE ZONING OF PROPERTY ON DEPOT AVE. BETWEEN CENTRAL AVENUE & JEREMIE AVE. FROM R-2 TO M-I, ZONE CASE NO. Z-78 PASSED SECOND READING & ADOPTED Richfield Oil Co.) ORD. NO. 167 CARRIED OVER. 00- BIB] 39597-U01 1960-U02 11-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117412-U03 DO117470-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/28/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1960 11 21 CC MINHÄ—@¸—AÎÍ«r Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 168 BE READ BY TITLE ONLY. COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, LITTLEJOHN, BISHOP, BLOXHAM AND MAYOR COLE NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE City Clerk Balkus read Ordinance No. 168 by title as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 168 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDYIN PARK AMENDING TAXICAB PROVISIONS OF THE BALLWIN PARK MUNICIPAL CODE" 00- COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NUMBERS 60-102 AND 60-103 BE ADOPTED. COUNCILMAN BLOXHAM SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Cole.. 00- Chief Administrative Officer Asmus stated that, with refer- ence to Resolution No. 60-104, he had made a correction In Section i, to read 80 feet" in lieu of 40,feet", and read the resolution as corrected. Discussion followed wherein Council suggested corrections to be made. COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT RESOLUTION'NO. 60-104 BE ADOPTED AS CORRECTED. COUNCILMAN BLOXHAM SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Cole. 00- COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 582 BE CARRIED OVER. MOTION DIED FOR LACK OF A SECOND. COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 582 BE DENIED. MOTION DIED FOR LACK OF A SECOND. 00- At the request of Mayor Cole, City'Clerk Balkus read Reso- lution No. 60-108 by title as follows: RESOLUTION NO, 60-108 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDMIN PARK URGING THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TO ADOPT A POLICY ESTABLISHtNG A MORE EQUIT- ABLE DISTRIBUTION OF HIGHWAY USERS TAX FUNDS RECEIVED BY THE COUNTY AND THE CITIES WITHIN THE COUNTY" November 21, 1960 Page 16 ORD. NO. 168 RE AMENDING TAXI- CAB PROVISIONS OF THE BALDN I N PARK MUNICIPAL CODE. PASSED SECOND READING & ADOPTED RES. NOS. 60-102 & 60-103 RE ZONE CASE ZE-34 AND ZONE CASE ZE-35. ADOPTED. RES. NO. 60-104 RE ESTABLISHING GREEN PARKING ZONES WHITE LOADING ZONE AND RED ZONE IN FRONT OF NEW U.S. POST OFFICE & GENERAL TELEPHONE BUILD- ING. ADOPTED AS COR- RECTED. MOTION MADE THAT P.C. RES. #582 BE CARRIED OVER, DIED FOR LACK OF A SECOND. MOTION MADE THAT P.C. RES. #582 BE DENIED. MOTION DIED FOR LACK OF A SECOND. RES. NO. 60-108 RE DIST. OF HWY USERS TAX FUNDS RECD BY CO. & CITIES WITHIN THE COUNTY. ADOPTED BIB] 39597-U01 1960-U02 11-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117412-U03 DO117470-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/28/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1960 11 21 CC MINHÄ—@¸—AÎÍ«Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council Discussion followed wherein Chief Administrative Officer Asmus clarified the intent of the resolution. COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 60-108 BE ADOPTED. COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN SECONDED. There were no objections,the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Cole. 00- City Attorney Gorlick stated that, with further reference to Final Map, Tract 23407, Mr. Bousman has submitted his map to Council as a Final Map, which means that Council must act within 10 days, else the map will be deemed to have been ap- proved. The only way to avoid this is to have the subdivider consent to an extension of time. He further stated that Council should either act on the subdivision or request the subdivider to consent to an extension of time so that Council can act on the matter at Its next regular meeting, as Council would not be meeting within the 10 day period. Discussion continued. COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN MOVED THAT THIS MATTER BE RECONSIDERED. COUNCILMAN BLOXHAM SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Cole. WITH THE CONSENT OF THE SECOND, COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN WITHDREW HIS ORIGINAL MOTION. COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN MOVED THAT FINAL MAP, TRACT 23407 BE DENIED. COUNCILMAN BLOXHAM SECONDED. Discussion followed wherein City Attorney Gorlick gave clarification and interpretation of the pertinent section of the Subdivision Manual published by the Senate of the State of California governing such matters. COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN, WITH CONSENT OF THE SECOND, WITHDREW HIS MOTION OF DENIAL. Discussion followed. COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN MOVED THAT FINAL MAP, TRACT 23407 BE DENIED, UNLESS THE SUBDIVIDER, TRACY BOUSMAN, CONSENTS TO AN EXTENSION OF TIME. COUNCILMAN BLOXHAM SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN LITTLEJOHN, BLOXHAM, BISHOP, HOLMES AND MAYOR COLE NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- At the request of Mayor Cole, City Clerk Balkus read Reso- lution No..60-106 by title as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 60-106 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDMIN PARK ALLOWING PAYROLL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS NUMBERS 13052 THROUGH 13144, INCLUSIVE AND NO. 13151" COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN, MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 60-106 BE ADOPTED. COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: November 21, 1960 Page 17 FINAL MAP TRACT 23407 Mr. Tracy Bousman) Clarifi- cation by City Attorney Gorlick MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT THIS MATTER BE RECON- SIDERED. ORIGINAL MOTION WITHDRAWN. MOTION MADE AND WITHDRAWN. MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT FINAL MAP, TR. 23407, BE DENIED UNLESS THE SUBDIVIDER, TRACY BOUSMAN, CONSENTS TO AN EXTENSION OF TIME. RES. NO. 60-106 RE ALIGNING PAYROLL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS. ADOPTED. Continued) BIB] 39597-U01 1960-U02 11-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117412-U03 DO117470-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/28/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1960 11 21 CC MINHÄ—@¸—AÎÍ«IT, Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council AYES: COUNCILMEN LITTLEJOHN, BISHOP, BLOXHAM, HOLMES AND MAYOR COLE NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- At the request of Mayor Cole, City Clerk Balkus read Resolu- tion No. 60-107 by title as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 60-107 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS, NUMBERS 6891'THROUGH 6930, INCLUSIVE" Discussion followed. COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 60-107 BE ADOPTED. COUNCILMAN HOLMES SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES:- COUNCILMEN LITTLEJOHN, HOLMES, BISHOP, BLOXHAM AND MAYOR COLE NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE Councilman Holmes stated that the City of Baldwin Park is the host for the East San Gabriel Valley Planning Commission on November 30, 1960, at the Baldwin Park Bawl, and extended an invitation to all members of Council to attend. 00- Councilman Holmes recommended to Council that a committee be set up, either as a committee or. as a Council as a whole, and Invite the City of West Covina to sit in" to discuss the establishment of north and south truck routes; he further suggested that a letter of invitation'be extended them to meet soon. Discussion ensued relevant to proposed annexation proceedings, wherein the City Clerk was instructed to refer petitions, as they come in, to the Planning Commission. 00- AT 1:33 A.M. COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT COUNCIL ADJOURN TO MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1960, AT 7:30 O'CLOCK P. M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE CITY HALL. COUNCILMAN HOLMES SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Cole. 00- APPROVED: January 3. 1961 November 21, 1960 Page 18 RES. NO. 60-107 RE ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS & DEMANDS. ADOPTED. EAST SAN GABRIEL VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION. REPORT BY COUNCIL- MAN HOLMES. CITY OF WEST COVINA. MEETING TO BE SET UP WITH CITY COUNCIL OR COMMITTEE. PROPOSED ANNEXA- TION PROCEEDINGS. ADJOURNMENT AT 1:33 A.M. TO MONDAY, NOV. 28, 1960, AT 7:30 P.M. I N COUNC I L CHAMBERS OF CITY HALL. BIB] 39597-U01 1960-U02 11-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117412-U03 DO117470-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/28/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1960 11 21 CC MINHÄ—@¸—AÎÍ«REGULAR MEETING OF THE BALDWIN PARK CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS) 14403 East Pacific Avenue. The City Council of the City of Baldwin Park met in regular session at the above place at 7:30 p.m. Planning Director Mansfield led the salute to the flag. The invocation was given by the Reverend V. G. Kutz of the Church of the Nazarene. Roll Call: Present: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, BLOXHAM, HOLMES, LITTLEJOHN AND MAYOR COLE Absent: CITY TREASURER PUGH Also Present: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ASMUS, CITY ATTORNEY GORLICK, CITY ENGINEER YOUNG, PLANNING DIRECTOR MANSFIELD AND CITY CLERK BALKUS AT 1:33 A.M. COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT COUNCIL ADJOURN TO MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1960, AT 7:30 O'CLOCK P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE CITY HALL. COUNCILMAN HOLMES SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Cole. NOVEMBER 21, 1960 FLAG SALUTE INVOCATION ROLL CALL ADJOURNMENT TO MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1960, AT 7:30 P.M. IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF CITY HALL. THELMA L. BALKUS, CITY CLERK DATE: November 22. 1960 BIB] 39597-U01 1960-U02 11-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117412-U03 DO117470-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/28/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 1960 11 21 CC MINHÄ—@¸—AÎÍ«STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES l SS: AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING NOTICE CITY OF BALDNIN PARK OF ADJOURNMENT OF MEETING THELMA L. BALKUS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: that I am the duly chosen, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City Council of the City of Baldwin Park; that at the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Baldwin Park held November 21 1960, said meeting was ordered adjourned to the time and place specified in the Notice of the adjournment ATTACHED HERETO; that on November 22 1960, at the hour of 9:00 a.m., I posted a copy of said Notice at a conspicuous place on or near the door of the place at which said meeting of November 21 1960, was held. Notary Public in and f County and State My Commission Expires March 6, 1963 Thelma L. Balkus, City Clerk BIB] 39597-U01 1960-U02 11-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117412-U03 DO117470-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/28/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06 Í«Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council At the request of Mayor Cole, City Clerk Backus read Resolution No. 60-105 by title as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALCWIN PARK AUTHORIZING. AGREEMENT WITH SWENSON, CLARK & FILE FOR AUDITING SERVICES" Considerable discussion followed, with particular questioning being directed to the auditing of the 1911 Acts, and City Attorney Garlick giving legal clarification regarding the City entering intoa 3-year contract. COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT THIS MATTER BE HELD OVER AND BROUGHT BACK AT THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING WITH FURTHER CLARI- FICATION, COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. There were no ob- jections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Cole. Chief Administrative Officer Asmus presented the matter of compensation for the Planning Commissioners, wherein he stated that the question of a token salary per month or per meeting had been discussed by the Planning Commissioners; that, under.existing conditions, the Planning Commissioners are not protected by Workman's Compensation and not eligible for group. insurance benefits; that. there is little or no uniformity among cities as to-the'amount of compensation, if any, that is paid; that there are sufficient funds avail- able in the City's unappropriated reserves to meet this obligation if it is determined that some compensation should be provided. Discussion ensued wherein the general consensus of opinion was that more detailed information should be gathered, and investigation made as to the practice followed by other surrounding cities before a decision is made. 00- Chief Administrative Officer Asmus presented a request for blanket allocation of an amount not to exceed $500.00 for the purpose of engaging the service of a qualified engineering firm to make soil tests for certain street Improvement proj- ects planned under the 5/8 Gas Tax Improvement Program. Discussion followed. COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT AN ALLOCATION, NOT TO EXCEED $500.00 BE APPROVED FOR THE PURPOSE OF ENGAGING THE.SERVICE OF A QUALIFIED ENGINEERING FIRM TO MAKE SOIL TESTS FOR CER- TAIN STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS PLANNED UNDER THE 5/8 GAS TAX IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM. COUNCILMAN LITTLEJOHN SECONDED. The motion.carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, LiTTLEJOHN, BISHOP, BLOXHAM AND MAYOR COLE NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE November 21, 1960 Page 12 RES. NO. 60-105 RE AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT WITH SWENSON, CLARK & FILE FOR AUDITING SERVICES. MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT THIS MATTER BE HELD OVER & BROUGHT BACK AT NEXT REGULAR MEETING WITH FURTHER CLARIFI- CATION. COMPENSATION FOR PLANNING COM- MISSIONER REPORT BY C.A.O. INVESTIGATION OF PRACTICE OF OTHER CITIES TO BE MADE. REQUEST FOR BLANKET ALLOCA- TION FOR SERVICES OF ENG, FIRM TO MAKE SOIL TESTS FOR CERTAIN.ST. IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS UNDER 5/8 GAS TAX IMPROVEMENT, PROGRAM. MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT AN ALLOCATION NOT TO EXCEED $500.00 BE APPROVED FOR PURPOSE OF EN- GAGING SERVICE OF QUALIFIED ENG. FIRM TO MAKE SOIL TESTS FOR CERTAIN STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PLANNED UNDER 5/8 GAS TAX IMPROVEMENT PRO- GRAM. 00- BIB] 39597-U01 1960-U02 11-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO117121-U03 FO117412-U03 DO117470-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/28/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 CLERK-U06