HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 06 05 CC MIN1963 06 05 CC MINHÄ—@¸—*üÍ«REGULAR MEETING OF THE BALCW IN PARK CITY COUNCIL JUNE 5, 1963 CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER) 14403 East Pacific Avenue 7:30 P.M. The City Council of the City of Baldwin Park met in regular session at the above place at 7:30 p.m. Councilman Morehead led the salute to the flag. FLAG SALUTE The invocation was given by Reverend Howard Still of the INVOCATION First Presbyterian Church. Roll Call: Present: COUNCILMAN BISHOP, HOLMES, MORE- ROLL CALL HEAD, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM Absent: NONE Also Present: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER NORDBY, CITY ATTORNEY FLANDRICK, CITY TREASURER PUGH, ACTING CITY ENGINEER WELCH, PLANNING DIRECTOR AND BUILDING SUPERIN- TENDENT KALBFLEISCH, FINANCE DIRECTOR DUNCAN AND CITY CLERK BA LKUS 00- COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT THE MINUTES OF MAY 21, 1962 MINUTES OF MAY 21, AND JUNE 18, 1962 BE APPROVED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. 1962 AND JUNE 18, COUNCILMAN HOLMES SECONDED. There were no objections, the 1962 BE APPROVED motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Bloxham. AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED 00- City Treasurer Pugh read the City Treasurer's report on Investment of City Funds for May 1963. INVESTMENT OF CITY FUNDS MAY 1963 COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT THE CITY TREASURER'S REPORT RECEIVED AND FILED FOR MAY 1963 BE RECEIVED AND FILED. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Bloxham. 00- 1 City Clerk Backus presented a letter from the City of Irwindale dated May 24, 1,963 and a proposed resolution expressing opposition to Senate Bill 1184, prohibiting the use of municipal busses for operations other than those on an individual passenger fare-paying basis. Discussion followed. COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL TAKE NO ACTION ON THIS.. COUNCILWOMAN TAYLOR SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Bloxham. 00- City Clerk Balkus presented a letter from G. H. Pritchard dated May 30, 1963 requesting that the City Council direct the Planning Commission to set a date for an open hearing on proposed street area bounded by Ramona Blvd., Grace Street, Frazier Street and Monterey); that it was their contention that the proposed plan adversely affected the properties located in the area. Planning Dirarctor Kat-bf4.eiscb pointed dut the area on a map on the wall and stated that the Master Plan called for a park; that there was no alternative planned for this area; that the Planning Commission felt that it Continued) LETTER AND SUGGESTED RES. FROM CITY OF IRWINDALE RE PROHIBIT- ING USE OF MUNICIPAL BUSSES FOR OPERATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE ON INDIVIDUAL PASSENGER FARE-PAYING BASIS MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT CITY COUNCIL TAKE NO ACTION ON THIS LETTER FROM G. H. PRITCHARD REQUEST- ING OPEN HEARING ON PROPOSED STREET BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 06-U02 05-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116758-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/21/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 06 05 CC MINHÄ—@¸—*üÍ«Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council June 5, 1963 Page would not be desirable for a park site and that he recommended a cul-de-sac street. City Clerk Backus administered the oath to those in the OATH ADMINISTERED audience des'ring to be heard during*the meeting. BY CfTY CLERK BALKUS Mr. Gilbert Pritchard, 3735 Monterey Avenue, Baldwin Park, stated that several builders had approached the Planning Commission and had no satisfaction as to what could be done with the property; that the streets were two dog legs" which did not join together; that the lots were not deep enough to warrant that type of street; that one of the builders was told he should move the house forward but this was not feasible; that he was requesting an open hearing on this matter so the people In that neighborhood could speak. The Council Instructed Mr. Pritchard to apply directly to COUNCIL INSTRUCTION the Planning Commission for a hearing. 00- Councilwoman Taylor reported that she had attended a meet- REPORT BY COUNCIL- ing of the Advisory Council of the East San Gabriel Valley WOMAN TAYLOR Regional Library in West Covina on May 21, 1963. She stated that a bunch of the Edgewood Library north of West Covina was scheduled to open approximately July 18, 1963; that the San Dimas Library was celebrating their fiftieth year on June 13, 1963. She mentioned that the library was most anxious to obtain facts on the history of the San Gabriel Valley. 00- Councilman Bishop reported that he had attended the opening REPORT BY COUNCIL- drive of the Cerebral Palsy; that he went through the re- MAN BISHOP habilitation building on Beverly Boulevard. He stated that they were taking a new approach by going to the manufacturing businesses; that $360,000.00 was their quota and he felt this would be met. 00- Councilman Morehead reported that he had attended a meeting REPORT BY COUNCIL- of the East San Gabriel Valley Planning Committee; that MAN MOREHEAD he had been elected Chairman; that the next meeting would be the fourth Thursday in September; that Baldwin Park would be the host City and the meeting would be held at Chardons; that he had a good speaker lined up; that Mrs. Irene Woodard was the Secretary for the coming year; that he hoped the entire Council could be present. 00- COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL NON CON- SIDER THE CERTIFICATE THAT THE CITY CLERK HAS FURNISHED REGARDING THE REFERENDUM PETITION ORDINANCE NO. 241). COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Bloxham. MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT CITY COUNCIL NON CON- SIDER CERTIFICATE THAT CITY CLERK HAS FURNISHED RE REFERENDUM PETITION ORD. NO. 241) COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 241 OF THE MOTION MADE THAT CITY OF BALDWIN PARK BE RESCINDED. COUNCILWOMAN TAYLOR ORD. NO. 241 BE SECONDED. The motion did not carry by the following vote: RESCINDED AYES: COUNCILMEN MOREHEAD AND TAYLOR MOTION DID NOT NOES: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, HOLMES AND MAYOR CARRY BLOXHAM ABSENT: NONE Continued) BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 06-U02 05-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116758-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/21/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 06 05 CC MINHÄ—@¸—*üÍ«U08 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council In answer to a question by Councilman Bishop, City Attorney Flandrick stated that as to form the petition was sufficient and was timely filed; that by the Council's most recent motion they had in effect reconsidered the ordinance and the next step under the Election Code would be either to call a Special Election for the submission of this matter to the electorate or to direct that the matter be placed on the ballot for the April II, 1964 General Municipal Election; that in any event the ordinance Ordinance No. 241) was now suspended. COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL SET A SPECIAL ELECTION FOR THE REFERENDUM WITHIN SIXTY 60) DAYS FROM THE DATE WHICH WOULD BE City Attorney Flandrick suggested that the City Council direct him to prepare the necessary resolution. Councilman Bishop withdrew his motion. COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT THE CITY ATTORNEY BE INSTRUCTED TO PREPARE A RESOLUTION CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION FOR THIS REFERENDUM PETITION ON ORDINANCE NO. 241). COUNCILMAN HOLMES SECONDED. Councilman Morehead stated that he had hoped that the Council would rescind the Ordinance if the petition qualified rather than having this go to the vote of the people. Councilman Bishop stated that only approximately 10% of the registered voters had signed this petition and he felt the other 90% should have their say in this. Mayor Bloxham indicated that he thought Councilman Bishop was right. Councilman Holmes stated the reason he voted for this zone change was because he had studied the problem to great length; that efforts had been made in the last four or five years to develop this area M-l; that the problems and costs were too great; that there was over 300 hundred acres of M-I zoning exlusive of this area; that there were approximately 30 acres of the total excess of 300 acres now In industrial use; that it would take years to make use of the area; that much of this In excess of 300 acres was on existing streets, highways and boulevards and has utilities water, lights, gas and now sewers were being constructed in a large portion); that there were some large areas that have had sewers available for the last four or five years, such as out on Ramona and Badillo; that the Freeway would leave the area in question regarding Ordinance No. 241) landlocked other than through City streets. He stated that there had been applications for a Quarry Operation and Mobile Park which had been denied. He felt the application regarding Ordinance No. 241) was logical because it did fit in well with the residential development in the western half and northern part of the City; that there were new tracts in the immediate area to the east and south and to the east and north. He stated that the purpose of the referendum was to allow the people to vote, to have the electorate determine whether the judgment of this Council was right or wrong; that he felt the election was justified. Councilman Bishop stated that he thought the proposed development was in line with the northwest section of the City; that It would discourage something that would be detrimental to the City from going in close: by; that not only one property in this section had been denied the privilege to develop their land; that since Continued) June 5, 1963 Page 3 MOTION MADE MOTION WITHDRAWN MOTION MADE THAT CITY ATTY. BE IN- STRUCTED TO PREPARE RES. CALLING SPECIAL ELECTION FOR THIS REFERENDUM PETITION ON ORD. NO. 241) COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD COUNCILMAN BISHOP MAYOR BLOXHAM COUNCILMAN HOLMES COUNCILMAN BISHOP BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 06-U02 05-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116758-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/21/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 06 05 CC MINHÄ—@¸—*üÍ«1209 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council there was a valid petition he thought that the people should have a chance to settle this once and for all. Councilwoman Taylor stated that she agreed that there was plenty of industrial land; that this was not her thought in opposing this matter; that she felt this was not a good place to build homes. There were further comments by Councilmen Morehead and Councilman Bishop regarding the cost of the election. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, HOLMES AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: COUNCILMEN MOREHEAD AND TAYLOR ABSENT: NONE City Clerk Balkus again administered the oath to those in the audience desiring to be heard during the meeting. Mr. James Q. Gibson, 13268 East Francisquito, Baldwin Park, stated he was sure that most of the people did not feel that the men on the Council that voted in favor of this development had anything but the interest of Baldwin Park at heart; however, there were two members of the Council that did not see it this way; that Mr. Pickering advertised in the local'paper for a period of a week or ten days and it was not only advertising that bothered him Mr. Gibson) but it was the content of the advertisement attacking and interfering with politics in Baldwin Park; that he did not think that this should be acceptable to any community from an outside developer; that this was going to cost the tax- payers several thousands of dollars; that he was sure even though the Council felt that they did not want to rescind' the Ordinance the Council could even, he believed, reopen the public hearing on it and reconsider It but as long as the Council's minds were closed this was not going to be a popular decision in Baldwin Park. COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT THE SPECIAL ELECTION BE SET FOR AUGUST 6, 1963. The motion was withdrawn. 00- City Clerk Balkus announced that the hour of 8:00 p.m. having arrived that it was the time and place fixed for a public hearing on AGP-it, an amendment to the General Plan initiated by the Planning Commission to designate from Highway Commercial and Low Density Residential use ele- ments to High Density Residential use element within the general area of Baldwin Park Boulevard, Garvey Avenue, and Tracy Street. City Clerk Balkus announced also that the public hearing on Z-151 would be held at this time which was an application submitted by Robert J. Petritz, et al requesting a change of zone from A-i light agricultural zone) and C-I neighbor- hood commercial zone) to R-3 heavy multiple family residen- tial zone) or more restrictive use on properties located at 3041, 3047, 3053, 3063, 3065 and 3071 North Baldwin Park Boulevard; 13552 East Garvey Avenue; and 13554 East Tracy Street. Planning Director Kalbfleisch presented a resume of the cases and stated that the Planning Commission recommended approval of AGP-11 and Z-151. City Clerk Balkus stated that the required publications for AGP-II and Z-154 had been accomplished. June 5, 1963 Page 4 MOTION CARRIED OATH READMINISTEREO BY CITY CLERK BALKUS JAMES Q. GIBSON, 13268 E. FRANCIS- QUITO, B.PK. MOTION MADE MOTION WITHDRAWN PUBLIC HEARING 8:00 P.M. AGP-II, AMENDMENT TO GENERAL PLAN INITIATED BY P.C. FOR GENERAL AREA OF B.PK.`BLVD., GARVEY AVE., AND TRACY ST. Z-i51, REQUESTING CHANGE OF ZONE FROM A-1 AND C-1 TO R-3 AT 3041, 3047, 3053, 3063, 3065 AND 3071 N. B.PK. BLVD.; 13552 E. GARVEY AVE.; AND 13554 E. TRACY ST., ROBERT J. PETRITZ ET AL, APPLICANT RESUME Continued) BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 06-U02 05-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116758-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/21/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 06 05 CC MINHÄ—@¸—*üÍ«1210 I Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council As there was no-one in the audience desiring to speak either in behalf of or In opposition to AGP-I1 and Z-151, Mayor Bloxham declared the public hearings closed. At the request of Mayor Bloxham, City Clerk Balkus.read Resolution No. 63-66 by title as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 63-66 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK AMENDING THE GENERAL PLAN OF SAID CITY AGP-II) COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 63-66 BE APPROVED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILWOMAN TAYLOR SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, TAYLOR, BISHOP, MOREHEAD AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE June 5, 1963 Page-5 PUBLIC HEARINGS DECLARED CLOSED AGP-II AND Z-151 RES. NO. 63-66 AMENDING GENERAL PLAN OF SAID CITY AGP-II) RES.. NO. 63-66 ADOPTED ORD. NO. 282 AMENDING ZONING MAP OF SAID CITY AND REZONING CERTAIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY FROM ZONE A-I AND C-I TO R-3 Zone Case No. Z-I51) At the request of Mayor Bloxham, City Clerk Balkus read Ordinance No. 282 by title as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 282 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF SAID CITY AND REZONING CERTAIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY FROM ZONE A-I AND C-I TO R-3 Zone Case No. Z-151)" COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 282 PASS FIRST READING AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILWOMAN TAYLOR SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, TAYLOR, HOLMES, MOREHEAD AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- City Clerk Balkus announced that it was the time and place fixed for a public hearing on Z-170, application initiated by the Planning Commission requesting a rezoning. from A-I light agricultural zone) to R-I single family residential zone) for properties bounded by Los Angeles Street on the North; Bresee Avenue on the East; Ramona Boulevard on the South; and the western boundary line of the City of Baldwin Park on the West. Planning Director Kalbfleisch presented a resume of the case and stated that the Planning Commission recommended approval of Z-I70. City Clerk Balkus stated that the required publication had been accomplished. As there was no one in the audience desiring to speak either in behalf of or in opposition to Z-170, Mayor Bloxham declared the public hearing closed. At the request of Mayor Bloxham, City Clerk Balkus read Ordinance No. 283 by title as follows: Continued) ORD. NO. 282 PASSED FIRST READING AND FURTHER READING WAIVED PUBLIC HEARING Z-170, REQUESTING CHANGE OF ZONE FROM A-I TO R-I FOR PROPERTIES BOUNDED BY L.A. ST. ON NORTH; BRESEE AVE..ON EAST; RAMONA BLVD. ON SOUTH AND WESTERN BOUNDARY LINE OF CITY OF B.PK. ON WEST PUBLICATION PUBLIC HEARING DECLARED CLOSED Z-170 ORD. NO. 283 AMENDING ZONING MAP OF SAID CITY AND Continued) BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 06-U02 05-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116758-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/21/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 06 05 CC MINHÄ—@¸—*üÍ«11 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council June 5, 1963 Page 6 ORDINANCE NO. 283 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDNIN PARK AMEND ING. THE ZONING MAP OF SAID.CITY AND REZONING CERTAIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY FROM ZONE A-1 TO R-i Zone Case No. Z-170)" REZONING CERTAIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY FROM ZONE A-i TO R-I Zone Case No. Z-170) COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 283 PASS ORD. NO. 283 FIRST READING AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN PASSED FIRST READ- HOLMES SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: ING AND FURTHER READING WAIVED AYES: COUNCILMEN MOREHEAD, HOLMES, BISHOP, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- There was discussion regarding the rezoning of A-I to R-I; RE REZONING OF CITY'. whether all of the City's A-I property should be considered A-I PROPERTY TO R-I at once rather than piece meal as was being done. At 8:33 p.m. City Treasurer Pugh left the Council Chamber. 00- City Clerk Backus announced that it was the time and place fixed for a public hearing on Z-171, application Initiated by the Planning Commission requesting a rezoning from A-I light agricultural zone) to M-I light manufacturing zone) or more restrictive use for properties located within the area bounded by the San Bernardino Freeway and Whitesell Street on the North; Vineland Avenue on the East; Walnut Creek Wash on the South; and the Southern Pacific Railroad Right-of-way on the West. 8:33 P.M. CITY TREASURER PUGH LEFT COUNCIL CHAMBER PUBLIC HEARING Z-171, REQUESTING CHANGE OF ZONE FROM A-I TO M-I WITHIN AREA BOUNDED BY SAN BERNARD-INO FREEWAY AND WHITESELL ST. ON NORTH; VINELAND AVE. ON EAST; WALNUT CREEL WASH ON SOUTH; AND SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD RIGHT-OF- WAY ON WEST City Clerk Balkus stated that the required publication PUBLICATION had been accomplished. Planning Director Kalbfleisch presented a resume of the case RESUME and stated that the Planning Commission recommended approval of Z-171 deleting one hundred sixty 14Q). feet, from the center-160 FT. FROM CENTER- line of Whitesell south between Virginia,Avenue and Vineland LINE OF WHITESELL Avenue. SOUTH BETWEEN VIRGINIA AVE. AND VINELAND AVE. DELETE(' Discussion followed regarding the publication of this RE PUBLICATION case wherein City Attorney Flandrick stated that since there was more property included in the publication than was changed the publication was legal. As there was no one in the audience desiring to speak either in behalf of or in opposition to Z-171, Mayor Bloxham declared the public hearing closed. At the request of Mayor Bloxham, City Clerk Balkus read Ordinance No. 284 by title as follows: Continued) PUBLIC HEARING DECLARED CLOSED Z-171 ORD. NO. 284 AMENDING ZONING MAP OF SAID CITY AND RE- ZONING CERTAIN DES- CRIBED PROPERTY FROM ZONE A-I TO M-I Zon, Case No. Z-171) BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 06-U02 05-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116758-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/21/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 06 05 CC MINHÄ—@¸—*üÍ«1212 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council June 5, 1963 Page 7 ORDINANCENO.'284 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF SAID CITY AND REZONING CERTAIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY FROM ZONE A-I TO M-I Zone Case No. Z-171)" COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 284 PASS FIRST READING AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, BISHOP, MORE- HEAD, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE There was discussion regarding holding AGP-13 over until Z-144 was brought to the Council. COUNCILWOMAN TAYLOR MOVED THAT AGP-13 BE HELD OVER. COUNCILMAN HOLMES SECONDED. City Clerk Balkus pointed out that publication had been made stating that this public hearing would be held June 5, 1963. With the consent of the second Councilwoman Taylor withdrew her motion. City Clerk Balkus announced that it was the time and place fixed for a public hearing on AGP-13, an amendment to the General Plan initiated by the Planning Commission to designate from low density residential use element to high density residential use element within the general area southeasterly of Frazier Street and Fairgrove Street. Planning Director Kalbflelsch presented a resume of the case and stated that the Planning Commission recommended approval of AGP-13. City Clerk Balkus stated that the required publication had been accomplished. As there was'no one in the audience desiring to speak either in behalf of or In opposition to AGP-13, Mayor Bloxham declared the public hearing closed. In answer to a question by Mayor Bloxham, City Attorney Fiandrick stated that this case could be acted on this evening or taken under submission. COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT AGP-13 BE CARRIED OVER TO COME UP AGAIN WITH Z-144. COUNCILWOMAN TAYLOR SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Bloxham. At the request of Miss Elise Rlemer, 13305 Waco Street, Baldwin Park, Planning Director Kalbflelsch reviewed the general area concerned in this amendment to the General Plan. ORD. NO. 284 PASSED FIRST READ- ING AND FURTHER READING WAIVED RE AGP-I3 MOTION MADE PUBLICATION MOTION WITHDRAWN PUBLIC HEARING AGP-13, TO DESIGNATE FROM LOAN DENSITY RESIDENTIAL USE ELEMENT TO HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL USE ELEMENT WITHIN GENERAL AREA SOUTH- EASTERLY OF FRAZIER ST. AND FAIRGROVE ST. RESUME PUBLICATION PUBLIC HEARING DECLARED CLOSED AGP-13 OPINION BY CITY ATTY. FLANDRICK MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT AGP-13 BE CARRIED OVER TO COME UP AGAIN WITH Z-144 MISS ELISE RIEMER, 13305 Waco St., B.Pk. 00- BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 06-U02 05-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116758-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/21/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 06 05 CC MINHÄ—@¸—*üÍ«Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council City Clerk Balkus announced that the hour of 8:00 p.m. having arrived that it was the time and place fixed for a public hearing on AGP-14, an amendment to the General Plan initiated by the Planning Commission to designate from Neighborhood Commercial use element to High Density Residential use element within the general area southerly of.the commercial uses located generally southwesterly of Francisquito Avenue and Puente Avenue. City Clerk Balkus announced also that the public hearing on Z-173 would be held at this time which was an application submitted by Loretta M. Ord requesting a change of zone from A-I light agricultural zone) to R-3 heavy multiple family residential zone) or more restrictive use located at 1511 North Puente Avenue. Planning Director Kalbfleisch presented a resume of the cases and stated that the Planning Commission recommended approval of AGP-14 and Z-173. City Clerk Balkus stated that the required publications for AGP-14 and Z-173 had been accomplished. Mayor 3]o chamcailed attention to the fact that the resume of the Planning Director indicated that there was a struc- ture on the property;that this was vacant now; that the house had been demolished. As there was no one In the audience desiring to speak either in behalf of or in opposition to AGP-14 and Z-173, Mayor Bloxham declared the public hearings closed. At the request of Mayor Bloxham, City Clerk Balkus read Resolution No. 63-68 by title as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 63-68 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK AMENDING THE GENERAL PLAN OF SAID CITY AGP-14)" COUNCILWOMAN TAYLOR MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 63-68 BE APPROVED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN HOLMES SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN TAYLOR, HOLMES, BISHOP, MOREHEAD AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE At the request of Mayor Bloxham, City Clerk Balkus read Ordinance No. 285 by title as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 285 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF SAID CITY AND REZONING CERTAIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY FROM ZONE A-I TO R-1 Zone Case No. Z-173)" June 5, 1963 Page 8 PUBLIC HEARING AGP-14, TO DESIGNATE FROM NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL USE ELEMENT TO HIGH DENSITY RESIDEN- TIAL USE ELEMENT WITHIN GENERAL AREA SOUTHERLY OF COMMER- CIAL USES LOCATED GENERALLY SOUTH- WESTERLY OF FRANICIS- QUITO AVE. AND PUENTE AVE. PUBLIC HEARING Z-173, REQUESTING CHANGE OF ZONE FROM A-i TO R-3 LOCATED AT 1511 N. PUENTE AVE., LORETTA M. ORD, APPLICANT PUBLIC HEARINGS DECLARED CLOSED AGP-14 AND Z-173 RES. NO. 63-68 AMENDING GENERAL PLAN OF SAID CITY AGP-I4 RES. NO. 63-68 ADOPTED ORD. NO. 285 AMENDED ZONING MAP OF SAID CITY AND REZONING CER- TAIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY FROM ZONE A-i TO R-3 Zone Case No. Z-173) Continued) BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 06-U02 05-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116758-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/21/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 06 05 CC MINHÄ—@¸—*ü Í«1214 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council June 5, 1963 Page 9 COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 285 PASS ORD. NO. 285 PASSED FIRST READING AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN FIRST READING AND HOLMES SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: FURTHER READING WAIVED AYES: COUNCILMEN MOREHEAD, HOLMES, BISHOP, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- City Clerk Balkus announced that it was the time and place fixed for a public hearing on Z-175 which was an application submitted by William R. and Kizzie M. Burrows requesting a change of zone from A-1 light agricultural zone) to R-1 single family residential zone) or more restrictive use for property located at 3748 North Grace Avenue. Planning Director Kalbfleisch presented a resume of the case and-stated that the Planning Commission recommended approval of Z-175. City Clerk Balkus stated that the required publication for Z-175 had been accomplished. As there was no one in the audience desiring to speak either in behalf of or in opposition to Z-175, Mayor Bloxham declared the public hearing closed. At the request of Mayor Bloxham, City Clerk Balkus read Ordinance No. 286 by title as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 286 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF SAID CITY AND REZONING CERTAIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY FROM ZONE A-I TO R-1 Zone Case No. Z-I75)" COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 286 PASS FIRST READING AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN MOREHEAD, BISHOP, HOLMES, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- City Clerk Balkus stated that it was the time and place fixed for a public hearing on Z-176, an application submitted by Frank M. Chase requesting a change of zone from R-I single family residential zone) to R-3 heavy multiple family residential zone) or more restrictive use for property located at 14311, 14315, 14321, and rear half of 14325 and 14329 East Clark Street and 14320 East Los Angeles Street. City Clerk Balkus stated that the required publications for Z-176 had been accomplished. Planning Director Kalbfleisch presented a resume of the case and stated that the Planning Commission recommended approval of Z-176. PUBLIC HEARING Z-175, REQUESTING CHANGE OF ZONE FROM A-I TO R-I LOCATED AT 3748 N. GRACE AVE. WILLIAM R. AND KIZZIE M. BURROWS, APPLICANT PUBLICATION PUBLIC HEARING DECLARED CLOSED Z-175 ORD. NO. 286 AMENDING ZONING MAP OF SAID CITY AND REZONING CERTAIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY FROM ZONE A-I TO R-I Zone Case No. Z-175 ORD. NO. 286 PASSED FIRST READING AND FURTHER READING WAIVED PUBLIC HEARING Z-176, REQUESTING CHANGE OF ZONE FROM R- I TO R-3 LOCATED AT 14311, 14315, 14321 AND REAR HALF OF 14325 AND 14329 E. CLARK ST. AND 14320 E. L. A. ST. PUBLICATION Continued) BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 06-U02 05-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116758-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/21/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 06 05 CC MINHÄ—@¸—*ü Í«Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council As there was no one in the audience desiring to speak either in behalf of or in opposition to Z-176, Mayor Bloxham declared the public hearing closed. At the request of Mayor Bloxham, City Clerk Balkus read Ordinance No. 287 by title as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 287 AN ORDINANCE OF THE.CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF SAID CITY AND REZONING CERTAIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY FROM ZONE R-I TO R-3" COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 287 PASS FIRST READING AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILWOMAN TAYLOR SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, TAYLOR, HOLMES, MOREHEAD AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- AT 9:17 P.M. COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Bloxham. 00- At the request of Mayor Bloxham, City Clerk Balkus read Resolution No. 63-73 by title as follows: RESOLUTION 140. 63-73 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN RIGHTS-OF-WAY FOR PUBLIC SEWER PURPOSES AND ALL USES APPURTENENT THERETO 61-A-I; SECOND GROUP)" Discussion followed regarding the sewer easements wherein City Attorney Flandrick stated that the permanent ease- ments were in the private street areas; that In addition there were a number of temporary construction easements not to exceed one hundred and eighty I80),days for laterals; that once the laterals were In place that was the end of the easement. i. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 63-73 BE APPROVED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN HOLMES SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN MOREHEAD, HOLMES, BISHOP, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE City Attorney Flandrick stated that the City could file a claim with the County of Los Angeles to try to obtain custody expenses for ambulance service etc.; that the Attorney General's recent opinion states that such a charge paid for by the City Is a proper charge against the County" when arresting persons in violation of State law that require ambulance service etc.) Continued) June 5, 1963 Page 10 ORD. NO. 287 AMENDING ZONING MAP OF SAID CITY AND REZONING CER- TAIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY FROM ZONE R-I TO R-3 Zone Case No. Z-176) ORD. NO. 287 PASSED FIRST READING AND FURTHER READING WAIVED 9:17 P.M. RECESS 9:22 P.M. RECONVENE RES. NO. 63-73 FINDING AND DETER- MINING THAT PUBLIC INTEREST, CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY RE- QUIRE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN RIGHTS- OF-WAY FOR PUBLIC SEWER PURPOSES AND ALL USES APPURTENENT THERETO 61-A-I; SECOND GROUP) RE PERMANENT SEWER EASEMENTS RES. NO. 63-73 ADOPTED CITY ATTY. F LAND- RICK'S SUGGESTION RE CUSTODY EXPENSES BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 06-U02 05-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116758-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/21/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 06 05 CC MINHÄ—@¸—*ü Í«1216 I Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council Discussion. COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL INSTRUCT THE CITY ATTORNEY TO DRAW UP THE PROPER DOCUMENT AND THE CITY CLERK TO FILE THE CLAIM WITH THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES UNDER THE RESPECTIVE CODES AS OUTLINED BY THE CITY ATTORNEY. COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Bloxham. 00- June 5, 1963 Page II MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT CITY COUNCIL INSTRUCT CITY ATTY. TO DRAW UP PROPER DOCUMENT AND CITY CLERK TO FILE CLAIM WITH CO. OF L.A. UNDER RESPE TiVE CODES AS OUT- LINED BY CITY ATTY. City Clerk Balkus presented three 3) reports from the REPORTS FROM CO. County Boundary Commission dated May 8, 1963 regarding BOUNDARY COMMISSION Annexation Nos. 13, 14 and 15. She stated that Mr. RE ANNEXATION NOS. Harold Via was requesting annexation; that this 13, 14 AND 15 Is a portion of what he had originally requested; that he had sold off part of the property but this was essentially the same area. The Council agreed that the public hearing date on these annexations would be July 17, 1963. At the request of Mayor Bloxham, City Clerk Balkus read Resolution No. 63-69 by title as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 63-69 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNC',L OF THE CITY OF BALDJUIN PARK DECLARING THAT PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN INITIATED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK TO ANNEX TO SAID CITY CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESCRIBED HEREIN AND DESIGNATED ANNEXATION NO. 13" COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 63-69 BE APPROVED AND FUR1PEER READING BE WAIVED,. COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN MOREHEAD, BISHOP, HOLMES, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE At the request of Mayor Bloxham, City Clerk Balkus read Resolution No. 63-70 by title as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 63-70 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C!TY OF BALDWIN PARK DECLARING THAT PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN INITIATED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK TO ANNEX TO SAID CITY CERTAIN UNINAHBITED TERRITORY DES- CRIBED HEREIN AND DESIGNATED ANNEXA- TION NO. 14" PUBLIC HEARING DATE TO BE JULY 17, 1963 RES, NO. 63-69 DECLARING THAT PRO- CEEDINGS HAVE BEEN INITIATED BY CITY COUNC:L OF CITY OF B.PK. TO ANNEX TO SAID CITY CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITC` DESCRIBED HEREIN AND DESIGNATED ANNEXATION NO. 13" RES. NO. 63-69 ADOPTED RES. NO. 63-70 DECLARING THAT PRO- CEEDINGS HAVE BEEN INITIATED BY CITY COUNCIL OF CITY OF B.PK. TO ANNEX TO SAID CITY CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRI- TORY DESCRIBED HEREIN AND DE SIGNAL ANNEXATION NO. l4r COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 63-70 BE RES. NO. 63-70 APPROVED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILWOMAN TAYLOR ADOPTED SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, TAYLOR, BISHOP, MOREHEAD AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE At the request of Mayor Bloxham, City Clerk Balkus read RES. NO. 63-71 Resolution No. 63-71 by title as follows: DECLARING THAT PRO- Continued) Continued) BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 06-U02 05-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116758-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/21/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 06 05 CC MINHÄ—@¸—*ü 1963 06 05 CC MINHÄ—@¸—*ü Í«1218 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council June 5, 1963 Page 13 There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Bloxham. 113, NAT'L LITTLE LEAGUE AND CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS AND THAT FEES BE WAIVED 00- Chief Administrative Officer reported that he and the REPORT BY C,A.O. ON City Attorney met with Mr. Hugh Dynes of Supervisor Boneili's EXCESS PROPERTY 83 office last week regarding the excess property 83 feet in FT. EXCESS width) adjacent to the Big Dalton Wash. He stated that FLOOD CONTROL PROP- there were funds available for County Aid to Cities for ERTY ADJACENT TO purchases such as this; that the proposal to Mr. Dynes in- BIG DALTON WASH BE- cluded first an outright grant to the City to acquire the TWEEN PACIFIC AND excess property and, second,a grant for the complete GARVEY development of Stichman Avenue from Pacific Avenue to Garvey Avenue. Discussion followed wherein City Attorney Flandrick stated that he did not see that this grant would have anything to do with the regular 3/16 County Aid Money for regular street program. COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER AND THE CITY ATTORNEY BE INSTRUCTED TO PROCEED ON THIS NEGOTIATION AND REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL ON THE PROGRESS BEING MADE. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. Discussion that this would be a contribution from the County to the City. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, MOREHEAD, BISHOP, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE MOTION MADE THAT C.A.O. AND CITY ATTY. BE INSTRUCTED TO PROCEED ON THIS NEGOTIATION AND RE- PORT TO CITY COUNCIL ON PROGRESS BEING MADE MOTION CARRIED 00- i Chief Administrative Officer stated that the City Council C.A.O. REPORT RE had received copies of a communication from Mr. Urban J. 62--A-I Schreiner from the office of O'Melveny and Myers con- cerning his Inability to get the necessary documents re- viewed before this meeting; that the City Engineer had checked them and made many notations on them. He suggested that there be a meeting of the Council to review SUGGESTED MTG. OF the notation made by the Acting City Engineer regarding COUNCIL TO REVIEW the plans and inform the Consulting Engineer of the changes NOTATIONS ON PLANS recommended. BY ACT. CITY ENGR. 00- Acting City Engineer Welch reviewed his report regarding the sale of City-owned property southeast corner of Los Angeles Street and Stewart Avenue). He stated that Mr. U. 1. Reynolds was interested in purchasing this property; that he has stated he would be willing to pay approximately $3,200.00 for this parcel of land. Acting City Engineer Welch suggested that if the City desired to sell the property that an appraisal be made; that two years ago at a Council meeting the City Council then established the price of $5,000.00. In answer to a question by Councilman Bishop, City Attorney Flandrick stated that he thought the Council should set a minimum price; that It did not have to go out to bid but it could be handled that way. REPORT BY ACTING CITY ENGR. RE SALE OF CITY-OWNED PROP- ERTY SOUTHEAST COR- NER OF L.A. ST. AND STEWART AVE.) Continued) BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 06-U02 05-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116758-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/21/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 06 05 CC MINHÄ—@¸—*üÍ«1219 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council Councilman Bishop suggested that the Council set a market price on the parcel and then go out to bid in order to give everyone a fair chance to bid on it; that he felt the Council was familiar with the values of land in Baldwin Park and that it was not necessary for an appraisal. In answer to a question by Mayor Bloxham, Acting City Engineer Welch stated that the' approximate cost, of and appraisal would be $50.00. Discussion followed that there was 7655 square feet in the parcel; that curbs, gutters and sidewalks were in; whether or not the parcels should be sold as one parcel or separately. City Attorney Flandrick stated that the City Council had the right to set price on this property if they felt they were familiar enough with land values. Discussion followed. COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL SET A MINIMUM PRICE ON THE ENTIRE PROPERTY OF $3800.00, $3300.00 ON THE LOT, $500.00 ON THE TWENTY-FIVE FOOT STRIP, AND THE PROPERTY BE PUT OUT TO BID; THAT THERE BE AN OPTION OF BIDDING ON THE LOT ALONE OR THE TWENTY-FIVE FOOT STRIP. COUNCILMAN HOLMES SECONDED. Mayor Bloxham stated that it should be sold as one parcel. With the'consent of the second COUNCILMAN BISHOP CORRECTED HIS MOTION TO READ THAT THE PROPERTY BE SOLD AS ONE PARCEL. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, HOLMES, AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEN MOREHEAD AND TAYLOR ABSENT: NONE Councilman Morehead and Councilwoman Taylor stated their reason for abstention was their lack of knowledge of land values. 00- Acting City Engineer Welch reviewed his report on the acceptance of dedication on'Dundry Street and waiver' of sidewalk construction requirement. He stated that construction of private homes 2) was under way; that Mr. John Gibson requested that the City accept dedica- tion of thirty 30) feet of property in front of these houses to be known as Dundry; that Mr. Gibson requested permission not to construct sidewalks. Mr. Welch recommended that the City Council accept dedication of this strdet, Dundry Street) upon its being constructed and also waive the requirement for construction of sidewalks in front of the homes being built as this would conform with adjoining properties. Discussion. June 5, 1963 Page 14 OPINION BY CITY ATTY. FLANDRICK MOTION MADE THAT CITY COUNCIL SET MINIMUM PRICE ON ENTIRE PROPERTY OF $3800.00, $3300.00 ON LOT, $500.00 ON TWENTY-FIVE FT. STRIP,AND PROPERTY BE PUT OUT TO BID; THAT THERE BE AN OPTION OF BIDDING ON LOT ALONE OR TWENTY-FIVE FOOT STRIP MOTION CORRECTED TO READ THAT PROPERTY BE SOLD AS ONE PARCEL REASON FOR ABSTENTIO COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD & COUNCILWOMAN TAYLO REPORT BY ACT. CITY ENGR. RE ACCEPTANCE OF DEDICA. TION ON DUNDRY ST. AND WAIVER OF SIDE- WALK CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENT Continued) BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 06-U02 05-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116758-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/21/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 06 05 CC MINHÄ—@¸—*üÍ«1220 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council June 5, 1963 Page 15 COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CONCUR MOTION MADE AND WITH THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE ACTING CITY ENGINEER AND CARRIED THAT CITY DELETE THE SIDEWALK REQUIREMENT. COUNCILMAN HOLMES COUNCIL CONCUR WITH SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: RECOMMENDATION OF ACT. CITY ENGR. AYES: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, HOLMES, MORE- AND DELETE SIDEWALK HEAD, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM REQUIREMENT NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- i Acting City Engineer Welch reviewed his report regarding REPORT RE AUDITORIUM the status of the auditorium repairs and recommended for REPAIR BY ACTING permanent stage lighting that four counter weight sets be CITY ENGR. WELCH installed in the stage area which would consist of Ii" steel pipe battens across the stage area from which stage lighting would be suspended permanently. He re- PERMANENT STAGE quested authorization to enter Into a contract with LIGHTING Educational Equipment, Inc. for the installation of these four counter weight sets at a bid price of $930.00. He recommended that authority be granted to prepare specifications and solicit bids for the Installation of border lights, baby spots lights, dimmer control and switch panel and for necessary electrical work involved; that it was estimated that material and labor for this phase of the stage lighting Afould be approximately $2500.00. He requested that $1,000.00 be added to the Auditorium account in order to proceed with the installation of stage lighting as recommended in his report. Discussion COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CONCUR WITH MOTION MADE AND THE ACTING CITY ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDATION AND REQUEST THAT CARRIED THAT CITY $1,000.00 BE TRANSFERRED FROM THE 5601-A CONTINGENCY FUND COUNCIL CONCUR WITH TO THE AUDITORIUM ACCOUNT TO COMPLETE THE REPAIRS. COUNCIL- ACTING CITY ENGINEERIr MAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. The motion carried by the following RECOMMENDATION AND vote: REQUEST THAT $1,000.0 BE TRANSFERRED FROM AYES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, MOREHEAD, BISHOP, 5601-A CONTINGENCY TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM FUND TO AUD. ACCT. NOES: NONE TO COMPLETE REPAIRS ABSENT: NONE 00- Acting City Engineer Welch reviewed his report regarding REPORT BY ACTING a request for Sewer Connection Fee In Sewer District No. CITY ENGR. WELCH 6I-A-1. He stated that the property in question was lo- RE REQUEST FOR cated within the City limits of Irwindale and is specifically SEWER CONNECTION FEE located south of Los Angeles Street, east of Alderson SEWER DISTRICT NO. Avenue and northwesterly of the Southern Pacific Railroad; 61-A-I that the parcel was represented to have approximately twelve 12) acres of area; that sewers were being constructed adjacent to this piece of property both on Alderson Avenue and Los Angeles Street but this property was not included in Sewer District No. 61-A-I. COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE MOTION MADE AND ACTING CITY ENGINEER TO PREPARE AN ESTIMATE BASED ON AVERAGE CARRIED THAT CITY COST IN RELATION TO THE BALANCE OF THE DISTRICT AND COME UP COUNCIL AUTHORIZE WITH THAT FIGURE AND PRESENT IT TO THE COUNCIL FOR THEIR ACTING CITY ENGR. CONSIDERATION. COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. TO PREPARE ESTIMATE BASED ON AVERAGE Discussion followed. COST IN RELATION TO BALANCE OF DISTRICT The motion carried by the following vote: AND COME UP WITH THAT FIGURE AND PRESENT IT AYES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, BISHOP, MORE- TO COUNCIL FOR THEIR HEAD, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM CONSIDERATION NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 06-U02 05-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116758-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/21/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 06 05 CC MINHÄ—@¸—*üÍ«Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council June 5, 1963 Page 16 Acting City Engineer Welch presented a report and recommenda- REPORT AND RECOM- tion that authority be granted to purchase a Thuron lO-T-300 MENDATION BY ACT. Sprayer at a cost of $928.80 plus sales tax. He stated CITY ENGR. WELCH that sufficient funds for this expenditure were budgeted under Account 5476 in the 1962-63 budget. Discussion followed. COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CONCUR WITH THE ACTING CITY ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDATION AND AUTHORIZE THE PURCHASE OF THIS THURON SPRAYER AT $928.80 PLUS TAX. COUNCILWOMAN TAYLOR SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, TAYLOR, BISHOP, MOREHEAD AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- Acting City Engineer Welch reviewed his report regarding a letter that had been received from the Public Utilities Commission dated May 16, 1963, recommending that the City of Baldwin Park provide signals on East Ramona Boulevard, Pacific Avenue, McDevitt Street and Merced Avenue at the crossings of the P.E. Railway Company. He stated that he was presenting this matter for Council discussion. Councilman Holmes stated in his opinion that Francisquito and Pacific should be considered at this time if there was any consideration given to this matter. In answer to a question by Mayor Bloxham, Acting City Engineer Welch stated that the Pacific Electric Rail- way Company estimated on a crossing with Number 8 flashing signals, the cost was approximately $8,000.00; that the City's ultimate cost would be $2,000.00; that on Pacific they have requested in addition to the Number 8 signals, signals in the center; that the total cost to the City for these would be approximately $11,000.00; that the cash outlay would be $22,000.00 at the time of construction the City pays for one-half of cost; after construction the City requests the Public Utility Commis- Sion for one-half reimbursement). Councilman Bishop suggested that the City make a proposal that the tracks down Ramona be eliminated; that if this were done in his opinion the City could spend money in signalizing the other crossings. COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL INSTRUCT THE ACTING CITY ENGINEER TO COME UP WITH CONCRETE FIGURES FOR CONSIDERATION AND CONSIDER IT AT THAT TIME AND ALSO ASK THEM IF THEY ARE IN A MIND TO DO ANY TRADING. COUN- CILWOMAN TAYLOR SECONDED. The motion carried by the fol- lowing vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, TAYLOR, BISHOP, MOREHEAD AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- Acting City Engineer Welch stated that a letter had been received from the Mayor of the City of Irwindale dated May 15, 1963 Council had received copies of letter prior to meeting). He stated that the letter indicated that the divider islands at intersection of Live Oak and River- grade Road were in the City of Baldwin Park; that he Continued) TO PURCHASE THURON SPRAYER MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT CITY COUNCIL CONCUR WITH ACT. CITY ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDATION AND AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF THURON SPRAYER AT $928.80 PLUS TAX RE RECOMMENDATION OF P.U.C. TO SIGNALIZE RAILROAD CROSSINGS IN CITY OF B.PK. MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT CITY COUNCIL INSTRUCT ACTING CITY ENGINEEF TO COME UP WITH CONC, FIGURES FOR CONSIDERF- TION AND CONSIDER IT AT THAT TIME AND ALSO ASK THEM IF THEY ARE IN A MIND TO DO ANY TRADING RE MAINTENANCE OF DIVIDER ISLANDS AT INTERSECTION OF LIVE OAK AND RIVERGRADE ROAD BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 06-U02 05-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116758-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/21/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 06 05 CC MINHÄ—@¸—*üÍ«Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council had obtained maps from the County of Los Angeles of the intersection and the maps show that most of the islands, which the City of Baldwin Park had been maintaining for last two years, were in Irwindale; that he had contacted Mr. Feldman of the City of Irwindale and there was to be a meeting with Mr. Feldman, Mr. Nordby and himself to discuss whether or not these islands should be maintained by Irwindale or Baldwin Park. There was NO ACTION required at this time. 00- City Clerk Balkus read a note which had been handed to her by Robert and Phyllis Mogenson requesting that no action be taken on Lot Split Nos. 533 and 538, the reason being a disagreement o8 the conditions of access. letter in official files) COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT THE REQUEST OF THE PARTY THAT THE CITY CLERK HAD THE COMMUNICATION FROM BE GRANTED AND THAT LOT SPLIT NOS. 533 AND 538 BE REMOVED FROM TO- NIGHT'S AGENDA. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. Discussion followed that proper motion would be to hold rather than remove from the agenda. With the consent of the second the motion was corrected to read THAT LOT SPLIT NOS. 533 AND 538 BE CARRIED OVER". There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Bloxham. 00- Planning Director Kalbfleisch presented Lot Split No. 534, P. C. Res. No. 63-67, George W. Gigler, 4459 North Stewart Avenue; and Lot Split No. 535, P.C. Res. No. 63-68, George Gigler, 4449 North Stewart Avenue. He stated that the Planning Commission recommended both lot splits for approval. COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT THE FINDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONCUR WITH THE FINDINGS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND THAT LOT SPLIT NO. 534, P.C. RES. NO. 63-67 AND LOT SPLIT NO. 535, P.C. RES. NO. 63-68 BE APPROVED. COUNCIL- MAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, MOREHEAD, HOLMES, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- June 5, 1963 Page 17 CO. OF L.A. MAPS SHOW MOST OF ISLANDS" IN CITY OF IRWINDALE NO ACTION LETTER RE LOT SPLIT NOS. 533 AND 538 MOTION MADE THAT RE- QUEST OF PARTY THAT CITY CLERK HAD COM- MUNICATION FROM BE GRANTED AND THAT LOT SPLIT NOS. 533 AND 538 BE REMOVED FROM TONIGHT'S AGENDA MOTION CORRECTED TO READ THAT LOT SPLIT NOS. 533 AND 538 BE CARRIED OVER MOTION CARRIED LOT SPLIT NO. 534, P.C. RES. NO. 63-67, GEO. W. GIGLER, 4459 N. STEWART AVE.; AND LOT SPLIT NO. 535, P.C. RES. NO. 63-68, GEO. W. GIGLER, 4449 NORTH STEWART AVE. LOT SPLIT NOS. 534 AND 535 APPROVED City Clerk Backus read Ordinance No. 276 by title as follows: ORD. NO. 276 ORDINANCE NO. 276 AMENDING ZONING MAP OF SAID CITY AND RE- ZONING CERTAIN DES- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF CRIBED PROPERTY FROM THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK AMENDING THE ZONE A-I TO ZONE C-I ZONING MAP OF SAID CITY AND REZONING Zone Case No. Z-164) CERTAIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY FROM ZONE A-I TO ZONE C-I Zone Case No. Z-I64)" Continued) BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 06-U02 05-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116758-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/21/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 06 05 CC MINHÄ—@¸—*üÍ«Regular Meeting of the,Bal.dwin Park City Council COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED-THAT ORDINANCE NO. 276 BE HELD IN ABEYANCE UNTIL THE PLANNING COMMISSION ORDINANCE IS BROUGHT UP TO DATE REGARDING SPECIAL USE PERMITS, VARIANCES-ETC., COUNCILMAN HOLMES SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, HOLMES, MORE- HEAD, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- June 5, 1963 Page 18 ORD. NO. 276 HELD IN ABEYANCE UNTIL P.C. ORD. BROUGHT UP TO DATE RE SPECIAL:USE PERMITS, VARIANCES ETC. City Clerk Balkus read Ordinance No. 277 by title as follows: ORD. NO. 277 ORDINANCE NO. 277 AMENDING ZONING MAP OF SAID CITY AND RE- ZONING CERTAIN DES- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF CRIBED PROPERTY FROM THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK AMENDING THE A-I TO R-3 Zone ZONING MAP OF SAID CITY AND REZONING Case No. Z-165) CERTAIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY FROM A-I TO R-3 Zone Case No. Z-I65)" COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 277 PASS SECOND ORD. NO. 277 PASSED READING AND BE ADOPTED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. SECOND READING AND COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. The motion carried by the ADOPTED following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, MOREHEAD, HOLMES, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- City Clerk Balkus read Ordinance No. 278 by title as follows: ORD. NO. 278 ORDINANCE NO. 278 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK AMENDING SECTIONS 6700.3, 6700.4, 6700.5 AND 6700.8 OF THE BALDWIN PARK MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO CHARITABLE AND RELIGIOUS SOLICITATION PERMITS" AMENDING SECTIONS 6700.3, 6700.4, 6700.5 AND 6700.8 OF B.PK. MUN. CODE RELATING TO CHARITABL AND RELIGIOUS SOLICITATION PERMITS COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 278 PASS SECOND ORD. NO. 278 PASSED READING AND BE ADOPTED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. SECOND READING AND COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. The motion carried by the. ADOPTED' following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, BISHOP, MORE- HEAD, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- City Clerk Balkus read Ordinance No. 280 by title as follows: ORD. NO. 280 ORDINANCE NO. 280 ADDING SECTIONS 6750, 6751, 6752 AND 6753 TO B.PK. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF MUN. CODE, ALL RE- THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK ADDING SECTIONS LATING TO TEMP. 6750, 6751, 6752 AND 6753 TO THE BALDWIN USE PERMITS PARK MUNICIPAL CODE, ALL RELATING TO TEMPORARY USE PERMITS" COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 280 PASS ORD. NO. 280 SECOND READING AND BE ADOPTED AND FURTHER READING BE PASSED SECOND WAIVED. COUNCILMAN HOLMES SECONDED. The motion carried READING AND ADOPTED by the following vote: Continued) BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 06-U02 05-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116758-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/21/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 06 05 CC MINHÄ—@¸—*üÍ«1224 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council June 5, 1963 Page 19 00- AYES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, MOREHEAD, BISHOP, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- City Clerk Balkus read Ordinance No. 281 by title as follows: ORD. NO. 281 COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. The motion carried by the ADOPTED following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN MOREHEAD, HOLMES, BISHOP, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE ORDINANCE NO2281 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK REPEALING AND RESCINDING SECTIONS 2922 THROUGH 2928 INCLUSIVE OF THE BALDWIN PARK MUNICIPAL CODE, AND ADDING r' SAID CODE, ALL RELATING TO THE.DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE" REPEALING AND RES- CINDING SECTIONS 2922 THROUGH 2928, INCL. OF B.PK. MUN. CODE, AND ADDING TO SAID CODE, ALL RE L-AT'I NG TO DEPT. OF FINANCE COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 281 PASS SECOND ORD. NO. 281 PASSED READING AND BE ADOPTED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. SECOND READING AND The Council decided to adjourn to.'Tuesday, June II, 1963, at 7:00 p.m, for further consideration of the budget. 00- City Clerk Balkus read Resolution No. 63-72 by title as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 63-72 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK ALLOWING CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK" BUDGET CONSIDERATION TO BE TUESDAY, JUNE II, 1963 AT 7:00 P.M. RES. NO. 63-72 ALLOWING CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AGAINST CITY OF B.PK. PAYROLL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS NOS. 1772- 1874 INCL. GEN. CLAIMS AND DEMANDS NOS. 1690 1755 INCL. There was discussion regarding Warrant Numbers 1700, 1721, 1722, 1735 and 1739. AYES: COUNCILMEN MOREHEAD, BISHOP, HOLMES, TAYLOR AND MAYORBLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 63-72 BE APPROVED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: COUNCILWOMAN TAYLOR MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 63-74 BE BROUGHT ON THE AGENDA. COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Bioxham. City Clerk Balkus read Resolution No. 63-74 by title as follows: RES. NO. 63-72 ADOPTED MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT RES. NO. 63-74 BE BROUGHT ON AGENDA RES. NO. 63-74 ALLOWING CLAIMS Continued) Continued) BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 06-U02 05-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116758-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/21/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 06 05 CC MINHÄ—@¸—*üÍ«Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council RESOLUTION NO. 63-74 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK ALLOWING CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK" City Clerk Balkus explained that this was the first payment to Falcon Construction Company 61--A-I) for May 14-31, 1963, in the amount of $42,545.47. Acting City Engineer Welch stated that the Can struction Superintendent had certified that the work for Which they werelbiliing had been completed.. Discussion. June 5, 1963 Page 20 AND DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY OF B.PK. GEN. CLAIMS AND DEMANDS NO. 1756 ONLY FIRST PAYMENT. FALCON CONSTRUCTION CO. 61-A-I) COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 63-74 BE RES. NO. 63-74 APPROVED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN BISHOP ADOPTED SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN MOREHEAD, BISHOP, HOLMES, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- Mayor Bloxham asked Chief Administrative Officer Nordby RE VAULT for information regarding the proposed walk-in vault. Chief Administrative Officer Nordby stated that Mr. Jack Bendix had met with him last week; that they had discussed a location that would be convenient to the Records Section in the Police Department and to the City Clerk's Office; that City Clerk's Records, certain Finance Records, Engineering Records and Police Records would be filed in this veldt; that Mr. Bendix would be bringing a rough sketch of a de- sign sometime during the week; that there was also a design that a former Engineer had provided for the Council last year; that both designs would be presented to the Council before any committments for the construction of the vault. Discussion regarding surplus doors for vaults and that they would not be satisfactory. There was NO ACTION REQUIRED at this time. NO ACTION REQUIRED 00- AT 10s38 P.M. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADJOURNMENT AT ADJOURN TO TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1963, AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL IOs38 P.M. TO CHAMBER OF THE CITY HALL. COUNCILMAN HOLMES SECONDED. There TUESDAY, JUNE II, were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered 1963, AT 7:00 P.M. by Mayor Bloxham. IN COUNCIL CHAMBER OF CITY HALL 00- T L. BALKUS, CITY L K APPROVED: July 17 1963. BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 06-U02 05-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116758-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/21/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 06 05 CC MINHÄ—@¸—*üÍ«REGULAR MEETING OF THE BALDWIN PARK CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER) 14403 East Pacific Avenue The City Council of the City of Baldwin Park met in regular session at the above place at 7:30 p.m. Councilman Morehead led the salute to the flag. The invocation was given by Reverend Howard Still of the First Presbyterian Church. Roll Call: Present: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, HOLMES, MOREHEAD, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM Absent: NONE Also Present: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER NORDBY, CITY ATTORNEY FLANDRICK, CITY TREASURER PUGH, ACTING CITY ENGINEER WELCH, PLANNING DIRECTOR AND BUILDING SUPERIN- TENDENT KALBFLEISCH, FINANCE DIRECTOR DUNCAN AND CITY CLERK BALKUS 00- AT 10:38 P.M. COUNCILMEN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADJOURN TO TUESDAY, JUNE II, 1963, AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER OF THE CITY HALL. COUNCILMAN HOLM ES SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Bloxham. 00- JUNE 5, 1963 7:30 P.M. FLAG SALUTE INVOCATION ROLL CALL. ADJOURNMENT AT 10:38 P.M. TO TUES., JUNE 11, 1963 AT 7:00 P.M. IN COUNCIL CHAMBER OF CITY HALL /~ j Z 15;;If THELMA L. BALKUS, CITY CLERK DATED: June 6, 1963 TIME: /o;oo R,fl BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 06-U02 05-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116758-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/21/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 06 05 CC MINHÄ—@¸—*üÍ«S FATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES SS: AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING NOTICE CITY OF BAL DMII N PARK F A J RNNIC NT OF WETlNG THELMA L. BALKUS, being first duly sworn, says and deposes: that I am the duly chosen, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City Counci 1 of the City of Baldwin Meeting of the City Council of June 5 19 63, the time and place specified in Park; that at a Regular the City of Baldwin Park held said meeting was ordered adjourned to the Notice of the Adjournment ATTACHED HERETO; that on June 6 19 63, at the hour of 10:00 a.m., I posted a copy of said Notice at a conspicuous place on or near the door of the place at which said meeting of June 5 196, was held. Subscribed and sworn to said County and State ary- Public in an EVA ELDER PUGH, Notary Public, State of California Principal Office, Los Angeles county M y Commission Expires March 6, 1967 4657 North Merced Ave.. Baldwin Park, Calif. nnntunmttn~ mmmummtl°nmmunnnnOFFICIAL Ittl SEAL EVA ELDER PUGH rypARY PUBLIC 1. AL L,RN A 2 PRINCIPAL UFFICE IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY wuwuuwuuuwwwtww'u'up1jpppp010utw11°uuuuuuuuwuuunuuuu u BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 06-U02 05-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116758-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/21/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 Í«Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council RESOLUTION NO. 63-71 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK DECLARING THAT PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN INITIATED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK TO ANNEX TO SAID CITY CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DES- CRIBED HEREIN AND DESIGNATED ANNEXA- TION NO. 15" COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 63-71 BE APPROVED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED, COUNCILMAN MORE- HEAD SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, MOREHEAD, HOLMES, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- City Clerk Balkus presented three applications for Ch;,rit?ble and ke'igious Solicitor's Permits from the following organizations: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints; Pop Warner Jr. Football; and Ernest R. Geddes, P.T.A. She stated that these applications had been re- commended for approval by the Planning Department and the Chief of Police. COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT THE APPLICATIONS FOR THESE PERMITS FOR CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS, POP WARNER JR. FOOTBALL AND ERNEST R. GEDDES, P.T.A. BE APPROVED AND THAT THE FEES BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Bloxham. 00- City Clerk Balkus presented one application for an Alcoholic Beverage License for Alfred E. and Mary I. Osborn, 14946 East Ramona Boulevard. There was NO ACTION REQUIRED. 00- Chief Administrative Officer Nordby presented his report re- garding eight 8) applications for fireworks permits and recommended that the City Council grant permits to the eight 8) applicants listed in his report, with waiver of fee, subject to all applicable provisions of the Code. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CONCUR WITH THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER AND ISSUE PERMITS FOR FIREWORKS TO THE LOYAL'ORDER OF MOOSE #881, AMERICAN LEGION POST 241, BALDWIN PARK LIONS CLUB, OPTIMIST CLUB OF BALDWIN PARK, KIWANIS CLUB OF BALDWIN PARK, BALDWIN PARK AMVETS POST 113, NATIONAL LITTLE LEAGUE AND CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS AND THAT THE FEES BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. In answer to a question by Mayor Bloxham, Chief Administra- tive Of ficerMordby stated that all of the applicants were local. Continued) June 5, 1963 Page 12 CEEDINGS HAVE BEEN INITIATED BY CITY COUNCIL OF CITY OF B.PK. TO ANNEX TO SAID CITY CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRI- TORY DESCRIBED HERE- IN AND DESIGNATED ANNEXATION NO. 15" RES. NO. 63-71 ADOPTED THREE APPLICATIONS FOR CHARITABLE AND RELIGIOUS SOLICITOR'S PERMITS MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT APP LICH- TIONS FOR THESE PER- MITS FOR CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS, POP WARNER JR. FOOT- BALL AND ERNEST R. GEDDES, P.T.A. BE APPROVED AND THAT FEES BE WAIVED BEVERAGE LICENSE ALFRED E. AND MARY 1. OSBORN, 14946 E. RAMONA BLVD. REPORT BY C.A.O. RE 8 APPLICATIONS FOR FIREWORKS PERMIT MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT CITY COUNCIL CONCUR WITH RECOMMENDATION OF C.A.O. AND ISSUE PER- MITS FOR FIREWORKS TO LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE #881, AMERICAN LEGION POST 241, B.P LIONS CLUB, OPTIMIST CLUB OF B.PK. KIWANIS CLUB OF B.PV B.PK. AMVETS POST tContinuedl BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 06-U02 05-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116758-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/21/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06