HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 07 03 CC MIN1963 07 03 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+< Í«125'7 REGULAR MEETING OF THE BALDWIN PARK CITY COUNCIL July 3, 1963 CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER) 14403 E. Pacific Avenue 7:30 P.M. The City Council of the City of Baldwin park met in regular session at the above place at 7:30 P.M. Councilman Morehead led the salute to the flag. FLAG SALUTE Mayor Bloxham explained that Reverend Carl Johnston of the NO INVOCATION First Methodist Church, was ill and that there would be no Invocation. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, BISHOP, MOREHEAD,, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM ROLL CALL ABSENT: NONE ALSO PRESENT: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER NORDBY, CITY ATTORNEY FLANDRICK, CITY TREASURER PUGH, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER WELCH, FINANCE DIRECTOR DLNCAN, PLANNING DIRECTOR AND BUILDING SUPERINTENDENT KALBFLEISCH, AND CITY CLERK BALKUS City Engineer Young arrived at 7:40 P.M.) 00- COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT THE MINUTES OF JUNE II, JUNE 24 MINUTES OF JUNE AND JUNE 26, 1963 BE APPROVED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. II, 24, 26, 1963 COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. Councilman Holmes questioned APPROVED AND FURTHER minutes of June 11, 1963, page 4, regarding the 3151 travel READING WAIVED account.) It was clarified that the original request had been for $1,500., however the amount requested for Investiga- tion Travel had been reduced from $500.00 to $250.00 thus reducing the total amount in the 3151 account to $1,250.00. There were no objections to the original motion, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Bloxham. 00- City Treasurer Pugh read a report on Investment of City Funds TREASURER'S REPORT for June, 1963. RE INVESTMENT OF FUNDS JUNE, 1963 COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT THE CITY TREASURER'S REPORT RECEIVED & FILED FOR JUNE, 1963 BE RECEIVED AND FILED. COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Bloxham. 00- City Clerk Balkus read a letter from Citizens National Bank, LETTER FROM dated June 20, 19 3 regarding demand deposits". copy CITIZENS NAT'L in official files BANK RE DEMAND DEPOSITS Discussion followed regarding possible confusion in the C.A.0. NORDBY TO finance department resulting from two checking accounts. MAKE RECOMMENDATION The Council requested that Chief Administrative Officer AT NEXT REGULAR Nordby make a recommendation at the next regular meeting. MEETING 00- COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT THE LETTER FROM THE BALDWIN PARK LETTER FROM B.P. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, DATED JUNE 26, 1963, REGARDING ONE WAY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TRAFFIC ON RAMONA BOULEVARD BE READ IN FULL. COUNCILWOMAN RE ONE TRAFFIC ON TAYLOR SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried RAMONA BLVD. BE and was so ordered by Mayor Bloxham. READ IN FULL City Clerk Balkus read the letter from the Chamber of Commerce in full copy in official files) Continued) BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 07-U02 03-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116769-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 07 03 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+< Í«Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL INSTRUCT THE CITY ATTORNEY TO DRAW UP THE PROPER RESOLUTION AND DOCUMENTS INVOLVED TO PUT THIS INTO EFFECT ON A NINETY DAY TRIAL BASIS. Councilman Bishop suggested that the motion read not to exceed a ninety day trial basis. Councilman Holmes amended his motion to read NOT TO EXCEED A NINETY DAY TRIAL BASIS". COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. Discussion followed regarding the survey taken wherein it was brought out that the owner or managers were not con- tacted in some cases, only a clerk in the store. At 7:40 p.m. City Engineer Young arrived. Discussion followed regarding further study of the matter before putting it into effect. Chief Administrative Officer Nordby brought out that the Chamber of Commerce was recommending a study for a change of the traffic pattern on Ramona Boulevard from Bogart Avenue to Sierra Madre Avenue. City Engineer Young stated he would like to study the matter before he made any recommendation. There was further discussion. With the consent of the second, Councilman Holmes withdrew his motion. COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT THE MATTER OF THE TWO-WAY TRAFFIC PATTERN BE HELD FOR FURTHER CONSIDERATION AND THAT THE CITY ENGINEER, CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER AND ALL DEPARTMENTS INVOLVED BE INSTRUCTED TO GIVE THIS MATTER A GOOD THOROUGH STUDY AND COME UP WITH A RECOMMENDATION. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Bloxham. 00- City Clerk Balkus read Resolution No. 63-91 by title as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 63-91 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING JULY I, 1963, AND ENDING JUNE 30, 1964." COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 63-91 BE APPROVED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: July 3, 1963 Page 2 MOTION MADE MOTION AMENDED MOTION SECONDED 7:40 P.M. CITY ENGR. YOUNG ARRIVED MOTION WITHDRAWN MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT MATTER OF TWO-WAY TRAFFIC PATTERN BE HELD FOR FURTHER CONSIDERA- TION AND THAT CITY ENGR,. C.A.O. AND ALL DEPTS. INVOLVED BE INSTRUCTED TO GIVE MATTER GOOD THOROUGH STUDY AND COME UP WITH RECOM- MENDATION RES. NO 63-91 ADOPTING BUDGET FOR CITY OF B.PK. FOR FISCAL YR. COMMENC- ING JULY I, 1963 AND ENDING JUNE 30, 1964 RES. NO. 63-91 ADOPTED AYES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, MOREHEAD, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: COUNCILMAN BISHOP ABSENT: NONE Continued) BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 07-U02 03-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116769-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 07 03 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+< Í«Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council July 3, 1963 Page 3 REASON FOR NO" could not justify the amounts budgeted for the Chamber VOTE of Commerce and Civil Defense. Councilman Bishop stated that he voted no because he 00- City Clerk Balkus read Resolution No. 63-94 by title as RES. NO. 63-94 follows: FIXING SALARIES RESOLUTION NO. 63-94 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAL:74IN PARK FIXING SALART_FES FOR 71E Y 1963-1961.j" C lJNC l C r i V I RESOLUTION NO. 63-94 BE APPROVED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILWOMAN TAYLOR SECONDED. Councilman Morehead brought out if the Council intend ed to consider the recommendation of the Chief Administrative Officer to increase the salary of the Chief of Police approximately 6% that this resolution should be amended before being adopted. FOR THE YEAR. 1963- 64 MOTION MADE Discussion followed. With the consent of the second Councilman Holmes withdrew MOTION WITHDRAWN his motion. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CONCUR WITH MOTION MADE AND THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER AND CARRIED THAT CITY UNDER FIXED ADMINISTRATIVE SERIES INCREASE THE SALARY OF COUNCIL CONCUR THE CHIEF OF POLICE BY 6%, BRINGING THE TOTAL TO $969.00 WITH RECOMMENDATION PER MONTH. COUNCILWOMAN TAYLOR SECONDED. The motion OF C.A.O. AND UNDER carried by the following vote: FIXED ADMINISTRATIVE SERIES INCREASE AYES: COUNCILMEN MOREHEAD, TAYLOR, BISHOP,SALARY OF CHIEF OF HOLMES AND MAYOR BLOXHAM POLICE BY 6%, BRING- NOES: NONE ING TOTAL TO $969.00 ABSENT: NONE PER MONTH Discussion followed. COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 63-914 BE RES. NO. 63-94 APPROVED AS AMENDED; THAT ITEM 2, CHIEF OF POLICE, SALARY APPROVED AS AMENDED BE CHANGED TO $969.00 PER MONTH AND THAT FURTHER READING THAT ITEM 2, CHIEF BE WAIVED. OF POLICE, SALARY BE CHANGED TO AYES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES MOREHEAD, TAYLOR $969.00 PER MONTH AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: COUNCILMAN BISHOP ABSENT: NONE 00- City Clerk Balkus read Resolution No. 63-92 by title as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 63-92 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK TRANSFERRING UNEXPENDED BALANCE FROM 5601-A CONTIN- GENCY ACCOUNT TO THE 2D72 AUDITORIUM ACCOUNT" COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 63-92 BE APPROVED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN HOLMES SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, HOLMES, MORE- HEAD, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE RES. No. 63-92 TRANSFERRING UNEX- PENDED BALANCE FROM 56ol- CONTINGENCY ACCT. TO 2072 AUD. ACCT. RES. No. 63-92 ADOPTED 00- BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 07-U02 03-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116769-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 07 03 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+< Í«2 O Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council City Clerk Balkus presented an application for Alcoholic Beverage License for Anthony C. and Jean R. Tedesco, 11516 North Maine AveL.ue. There was NO ACTION REQUIRED. 00- Chief Administrative Officer Nordby reviewed his report regarding the proposed Health Services Agreement with the County of Los Angeles. Discussion followed regarding the Health Center services being included in this agreement and had not been included previously. City Attorney Flandrick explained Section Fifteen of the Agreement regarding services and fees. Further discussion. COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CONCUR WITH THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ON THE HEALTH AGREEMENT AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN THE AGREEMENT. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. The Council discussed the fee collection wherein it was brought out by the City Attorney that by approving this agreement the County would automatically collect the fees. The motion carried by the following vote AYES: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, MOREHEAD, HOLMES, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- Chief Administrative Officer Nordby requested that the Council approve the contract with the firm of Coates, Herfurth and England, Consulting Actuaries for the Retirement System Study and authorize the proper offi- cials to sign. COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT THE PROPER OFFICIALS BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN THE CONTRACT FOR THE ACTUARIAL SURVEY. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. Councilman Holmes brought out the fact that the contract did not specify that the City of Bladwin Park would get a copy of the survey. At 8r45p.m. Councilman Holmes left the Council Chamber due to illness of his wife. The Council agreed to the addition of a sentence as suggested by the City Attorney at the conclusion of Paragraph 5, Page 2 to read One copy of the consulting actuarial report shall be forwaz?ded to the Chief Administrative Officer of the City of Bladwin Park."' The motion, carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, MOREHEAD, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMAN HOLMES July 3, 1963 Page 4 BEVERAGE LICENSE ANTHONY C. AND JEAN R. TEDESCO NO ACTION REQUIRED RE HEALTH SERVICES AGREEMENT MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT CITY COUNCIL CONCUR WITH RECOMMENDATION OF C.A.O. ON HEALTH AGREEMENT AND AUTHORIZE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN AGREEMENT RE AGREEMENT ACTUARIAL STUDY MOTION MADE THAT PROPER OFFICIALS BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CONTRACT FOR ACTUARIAL SURVEY 8;115 P.M. COUNCILMAN HOLMES LEFT COUNCIL CHAMBER CITY TO RECEIVE COPY OF ACTUARIAL REPORT MOTION CARRIED 00- BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 07-U02 03-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116769-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 07 03 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+< Í«I Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council At 8:1x8 P.M. Councilman Holmes returned to the Council Chamber. 00- Planning Director Kalbfleisch presented Lot Split No. 532, P.C. Res. No. 63-77 Bill D Howard, 3506 Barnes Avenue; Lot Split No. 539, P.C. Res. No. 63-76, Dr. Sylvan A. Jacques, 14425 Adoue Place; Lot Split No. 5110, P.C. Res. No. 63-78, Charles E. and Dorothy A. Berthel, 13892, 13888 Olive Street and 4719 North Bresee Avenue; Lot Split No. 542, P.C. Res. No. 63-79, James W. Dickson, 13211 East Emery Avenue; Lot Split No. 545, P. C. Res. No. 63-80, Edith M. Garth, B.W. Izell, 4217 Walnut Street; Lot Split No. 546, P.C. Res. No. 63-81, James E. Harris, 13106 Francisquito Avenue; Lot Split No. 533, P.C. Res. No. 63-63, Robert L. and Phyllis T. Mogensen, 4909 Bleecker Street; and Lot Split No. 538, P.C. Res. No. 63-64, Robert L. and Phyllis T. Mogensen, 4905 Bleecker Street. He stated that these lot splits were recommended for approval by the Planning Commission. COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT THE FINDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONCUR WITH THE FINDINGS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND THAT LOT SPLIT NO. 532, P.C. Res. NO. 63-77, LOT SPLIT NO. 539, P.C. RES. NO. 63-76, LOT SPLIT NO. 5140, P.C. RES. NO. 63-78, LOT SPLIT NO. 542, P.C. RES. NO. 63-79, LOT SPLIT NO 545, P.C. RES. NO. 63-80, LOT SPLIT NO. 546, P.C. RES. NO. 63-81, LOT SPLIT NO. 533, P.C. RES NO. 63-63 AND LOT SPLIT NO. 538, P.C. RES. NO. 63-64 BE APPROVED. COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, BISHOP, MOREHEAD, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- City Attorney Flandrick read in full a communication from the Planning Director regarding zone variance and conditional use cases dated June 27, 1963, indicating the desire of the Planning Commission to eliminate public hear- ings required before the Planning Commission for zone variances and conditional use permits. At 8:55 P.M. Councilman Holmes again left the Council Chamber. It was discussed that the Master Plan should be considered at the public hearing along with zone variance and condi- tional use cases. At 8:58 P.M. Councilman Holmes returned to the Council Chamber. COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT THE CIT'Y' COUNCIL SET FOR PUBLIC HEARING NOT SOONER THAN AUGUST 7, 1963, TO PERMIT SUFFICIENT TIME FOR PUBLICATION OF NOTICE, TO CONSIDER AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING REGULATIONS TO CHANGE THE PROCEDURE FOR THE GRANTING OF ZONE VARIANCES, CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS AND MASTEP'. PLAN AMENDMENTS. COUNCILMAN MORE- HEAD SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, MOREHEAD, HO: LMES, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- July 3, 1963 Page 5 8:48 P.M. COUNCIL- MAN HOLMES RETURNED TO COUNCIL CHAMBER LOT SPLIT NOS. 532, 539, 540, 542, 545, 546, 533, 538; P.C. RES. NOS. 63-77. 63-76, 63-78, 63-79, 63-80, 63-81, 63-63, 63-64; APPLICANTS: Howard, Jacques, Berthel, Dickson, Garth and Izell, Harris, Mogensen and Mogensen APPROVED COMMUNICATION FROM PLANNING DIRECTIOR RE ZONE VARIANCE AND CONDITIONAL USE:'cASES 8:55 P.M. COUNCIL- MAN HOLMES LEFT COUNCII CHAMBER 8:58 P.M. COUNCIL- MAN HOLMES RETURNED TO COUNCIL CHAMBER MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT CITY COUNCIL SET FOR PUBLIC HEARING NOT SOONER THAN AUG. 7, 1963 TO PERMIT SUFFICIENT TIME FOR PUBLTCATION OF NOTICE TO CONSIDER AN AMEND- MENT OF ZONING REGU- LATIONS TO CHANGE PROCEDURE FOR GRANT- INO OF ZONE VARIANCES. CONDITIONAL USE PER- MI TS AND MASTER PLAN AMENDMENTS BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 07-U02 03-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116769-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 07 03 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+< Í« 1262 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council Planning Director Kalbfleisch presented a letter of non-conformity regarding Z-181, John and George Polopolus. Discussion followed; COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT Z-181 BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION WITH THE INSTRUCTIONS THAT THEY MAKE A COMPLETE STUDY AND BRING A RECOMMENDATION TO THE COUNCIL. COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN MOREHEAD, BISHOP, HOLMES TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE City Attorney Flandrick stated that the action taken by the Council will direct the Planning Commission to con-. duct a public hearing on the question of Shall the Master Plan be amended?" in addition to the Zone Change now pend- ing. 00- City Clerk Balkus read Ordinance No. 288 by title as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 288 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK AMENDING SECTION 112113 OF THE BALDWIN PARK MUNICIPAL CODE, RELATING TO BILLIARD AND POOL FACILITIES" COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 288 PASS SECOND READING AND BE ADOPTED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUN- CILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. The motion carried by the follow- ing vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, MOREHEAD, HOLMES, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- City Clerk Balkus read Resolution No. 63-93 by title as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 63-93 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BLADWIN PARK ALLOWING CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK" COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 63-93 BE APPROVED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILWOMAN TAYLOR SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN MOREHEAD, TAYLOR, BISHOP, HOLMES, AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE July 3, 1963 Page 6 LETTER OF NON-CON- FORMITY Z-181, JOHN AND GEORGE POLOPOLUS JOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT Z-181 BE REFERRED TO P.C. WITH INSTRUCTIONS THAT THEY MAKE COMPLETE STUDY AND BRING RECOMMENDATION TO COUNCIL ORD. NO. 288 AMENDING SECTION 4243 OF B.PK. MUN. CODE, RELATING TO BILLIARD AND POOL FACILITIES ORD. NO. 288 PASSED SECOND READING AND BE ADOPTED RES. NO. 63-93 ALLOWING CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AGAINST CITY OF B.PK. GEN. CLAIMS &'-DEMANDS NOS. 1885-1921 INCL. RES. NO. 63-93 ADOPTED 00- BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 07-U02 03-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116769-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 07 03 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+< Í«Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council July 3, 1963 Page 7 City Clerk Balkus read Resolution No. 63-95 by title as RES. NO. 63-95 follows: ALLOWING CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AGAINST CITY RESOLUTION NO. 63-95 OF B.PK. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BIA MN PARK ALLOWING CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY OF BALDdIN PARK" I COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 63-95 BE RES. NO. 63-95 APPROVED AND FURTHERRE.ADING BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN BISHOP ADOPTED SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, BISHOP, MORE- HEAD, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENTS NONE 00- City Clerk Balkus asked how many of the Council would be RE ATTENDANCE attending the League of California Cities Meeting in San LEAGUE OF CILIF. Francisco, October 20-23, 1963. CITIES MEETING OCT. 20-23, 1963 SAN FRANCISCO Mayor Bloxham indicated he would like the Fremont Hotel. Councilman Bishop and Taylor and Chief Administrative Officer Nordby and City Clerk Balkus indicated they would be attending. 00- i Chief Administrative Officer Nordby stated that the staff RE DISCUSSION OF was ready to go over Sewer District 62-A-1 plans with the PLANS 62-A-1 Council. Councilman Holmes suggested that Council have a meeting devoted primarily to the discussion of the plans and at that time the reports from the staff be presented. Discussion followed that Mr. Urban J. Schreiner of O'Melveny & Myers was on vacation; however Mr. Hodgman indicated he would be available. The Council decided to adjourn to July 10, 1963 and that MTG. TO BE JULY 10, Mr. Hodgman be requested to attend. 1963 AND MR. HODGMAN BE REQUESTED Mayor Bloxham indicated he would not be able to attend TO ATTEND the meeting; that he would be out of the City. 00- Mr. James Q. Gibson, 13268 East Francisquito, Baldwin Park, JAMES Q. GIBBON, asked if there was any provision in the 1963-6t budget to 13268 E. Francis- have the present public address system in the Council Chambers quito, B.Pk. worked on; that it was entirely inadequate; that he thought it needed additional microphones and probably additional RE P.A. SYSTEM amplicification; that he thought the speakers were adequate. IN COUNCIL CHAMBER Discussion followed. The Council referred this matter to the Chief Administrative MATTER EFERRED TO Officer. C.A.O. 00- BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 07-U02 03-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116769-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 07 03 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+< Í«1264 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council At 9:15 P.M. COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADJOURN TO WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1963, AT 7:00 P.M., IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER OF THE CITY HALL AND THAT THE STAFF HAVE ALL THE AVAILABLE DATA AND INFORMATION ON SEWER DISTRICT NUMBER TWO 62A-1) AVAILABLE FOR STUDY. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Bloxham. 00- July 3, 1963 Page 8 ADJOURNMENT AT 9:15 P.M. TO WED. JULY 10, 1963 AT 7:00 P.M. IN COUNCIL CHAMBER OF CITY HALL AND THAT STAFF HAVE ALL AVAILABLE DATA AND INFORMATION ON SEWER DISTRICT No. TWO 62-A-1) AVAILABLE FOR STUDY ELMA L. BALKUS, CITY CLERK APPROVED: July 17 1963. BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 07-U02 03-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116769-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 07 03 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+< Í«41 REGULAR MEETING OF THE BALDWIN PARK CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER) 14403 E. Pacific Avenue The City Council of the City of Baldwin Park met in regular session at the above place at 7:30 p.m. Councilman Morehead led the salute to the flag. Roll Call: Present: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, BISHOP MOREHEAD, TAYLOR, AND MAYOR BLOXHAM Absent: NONE Also Present: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER NORDBY, CITY ATTORNEY FIANDRICK, CITY TREASURER PUGH, CITY ENGINEER YOUNG, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER WELSCH, FINANCE DIRECTOR DUNCAN, PLANNING DIRECTOR KALBFLEISCH, AND CITY CLERK BALKUS 00- AT 9:15 P.M. COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADJOURN TO WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1963, 7 P.M., IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE CITY HALL AND HAVE ALL DATA ON SEWER DISTRICT NUMBER TWO 62-A-2) AVAILABLE FOR STUDY. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Bloxham. 00- JULY 3, 1963 7:30 P.M. FLAG SALUTE ROLL CALL ADJOURNMENT AT 9:15 EM. TO WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1963 AT 7 P.M. IN COUNCIL CHAMBER OF CITY HALL THELMA L. BALKUS, CITY CLERK DATED: JULY 4, 1963 12:01 P. M. BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 07-U02 03-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116769-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 07 03 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+< Í«SFATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES SS: AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING NOTICE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK OF A J RNNEN OF E THELMA L. BALKUS, being first duly sworn, says and deposes: that I am the duly chosen, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City Council of the City of Baldwin Park; that at a` Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Baldwin Park held July 3 19 63, said meeting was ordered adjourned to the time and place specified in the Notice of the Adjournment ATTACHED HERETO; that on July b 1963 at the hour of 12:01 xft 10x;c I posted a copy of said Notice at a conspicuous place on or near the door of the place at which said meeting of July 3 1963 was held. ELMA L. K BALKOS,-CTTY--CLERK EVA ELDER PUGH, Notary Public, State of California Principal Office, Los Angeles County My Commission Expires March 6, 1967 4657 North Merced Ave., Baldwin Park, Calif. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIt1111111111111111111111111111111111111111N11I111111M111A 5 rr OFF1(11A1. SEAL p.m. EVA ELDER PUGH NOTARY PUBLIC CALIFURIV R Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 19 said County and State Rotary Public in an PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY Np111111111111111111111111111111111111Wlllllllllllln111/IIIIIIIIIIIItWllllllllllllllW111111111111111111111111 BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 07-U02 03-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116769-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06