HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 07 17 CC MIN1963 07 17 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+PÍ«1271 REGULAR MEETING OF THE OALIiNIN PARK CITY COUNCIL JULY 17, 1963 CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER) 14403 East Pacific Avenue 7:30 P.M. The City Council of the City of Baldwin Park met in regular session at the above place at 7:30 p.m. Councilman Holmes led the salute to the flag. FLAG SALUTE Roll Call: Present: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, BISHOP, ROLL CALL MOREHEAD, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM Absent: CITY ENGINEER YOUNG Also Present: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER NORDBY, CITY ATTORNEY FLANDRICK, CITY TREASURER PUGH, PLANNING DIRECTOR AND BUILDING SUPERINTENDENT KALBFLEISCH, FINANCE DIRECTOR DUNCAN, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER WELCH, ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR NELSON AND CITY CLERK BALKUS 00- Councilman Holmes brought out regarding the minutes of July 3, 1963, Page I, that the explanation of the invocation was given by Mayor Bloxham Instead of Mayor Bishop. Councilman Bishop brought out regarding the minutes of June 5, 1963, Page 8, the 5th paragraph, that It should read Coun- cilman Bishop, not Mayor Bishop. COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT THE MINUTES OF JUNE 5, 1963 AND MINUTES OF JUNE 5, JULY 3, 1963 BE APPROVED AS CORRECTED AND FURTHER READING BE 1963 AND JULY 3, WAIVED. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. There were no 1963 APPROVED AS objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor CORRECTED AND FURTHEF Bloxham. READING WAIVED 00- City Treasurer Pugh read In full the City Treasurer's CITY TREASURER'S Report as of June 30, 1963. REPORT AS OF JUNE 30, 1963 COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT THE CITY TREASURER'S REPORT RECEIVED & FILED AS OF JUNE 30, 1963 BE RECEIVED AND FILED. COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Bloxham. 00- City Clerk Balkus stated that Mr. Douglas W. Asquith had RE ORAL COMMUNICA- requested to speak; however he was not in the audience at TIONS DOUGLAS W. this time. ASQUITH 00- City Clerk Balkus presented a letter from the Chamber of LETTER FROM CHAMBER Commerce dated July 5, 1963, thanking the Council for OF COMMERCE THANKING underwriting the fireworks at Morgan Park. COUNCIL FOR UNDER- WRITING FIREWORKS There was NO ACTION REQUIRED. NO ACTION REQUIRED 00- Mrs. Marianne Johnson, 3825 North Foster, Baldwin Park, MRS. MARIANNE JOHN- thanked the Council for the care taken of the trees SON, 3825 N. Foster, and shrubberies in the parkways and for the new trees B.Pk. that had been planted. RE CARE OF TREES & SHRUBBERIES IN PARK- WA YS 00- BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 07-U02 17-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116771-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 07 17 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+PÍ«1272 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council July 17, 1963 Page 2 City Attorney Flandrick requested that the City Council two. REQUEST BY CITY vene to an Executive Session at the conclusion of the regular ATTY. FOR EXECUTIVE meeting to discuss a matter that had come up In connection SESSION RE B.PK. with the Baldwin Park Boulevard Acquisition project, VS. CHEZ City of Baldwin Park vs. Chez. 00- Councilman Bishop brought out that the meetings of the League of Independent Cities were on Wednesdays and the City would not be able to have representative attend- ing because of the Council meetings being on Wednesday also. Discussion followed regarding withdrawing membership, continuing membership with out representation at the meeting and possibly requesting them to consider another meeting night. COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO GET INFORMATION IN REGARD TO CHANGING THE MEETING NIGHT OF THE LEAGUE OF INDEPENDENT CITIES) TO SOME OTHER NIGHT SUITABLE TO THE LEAGUE OF INDEPENDENT CITIES. COUNCILMAN HOLMES SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Bloxham. 00- City Clerk Backus presented two applications for Alcoholic Beverage License for Harold G. Masters, 13852 East Ramona Boulevard and WE-DO Incorporated, 4503 North Maine Avenue. There was NO ACTION REQUIRED. 00- City Clerk Balkus read Resolution No. 63-96 by title as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 63-96 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 62-219 CORRECTING A TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR" City Clerk Balkus explained that this was to correct a typographical error In the legal description; that this was regarding a 1911 Act on Vineland Avenue. COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 63-96 BE APPROVED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONOEO. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, MOREHEAD, HOLMES, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- City Clerk Balkus presented an application for a Temporary Use Permit for the Ted Dbwayne Circus to be at Auction Village. She stated that a letter had been received in her office today requesting that the application be held until further notice. Continued) RE MEETING NIGHT OF LEAGUE OF INDE- PENDENT CITIES ON WEDNESDAY MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT C.A.O. BE AUTHORIZED TO FIND OUT INFORMATION IN REGARD TO CHANG- ING MTG. NIGHT OF LEAGUE OF INDEPENDEN CITIES ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE APPLICATIONS HAROLD G. MASTERS, 13852 E. Ramona Blvd and WE-DO INC., 4503 N. Maine Ave. NO ACTION REQUIRED RE S NO. 63-96 AMENDING RES. NO. 62-219 CORRECTING TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR RE 1911 ACT VINELAND AVE. RES. NO. 63-96 ADOPTED APPLICATION FOR TEMP USE PERMIT TED DEWAYNE CIRCUS TO BE AT AUCTION VILLA' BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 07-U02 17-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116771-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 07 17 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+PÍ«1273 I I Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council There was NO ACTION REQUIRED. 00- City Clerk Balkus read Resolution No. 63-101 by title as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 63-101 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK ESTABLISHING PRECINCTS AND POLLING PLACES, AND APPOINTING ELECTION OFFICERS AND SETTING THEIR COMPENSATION FOR THE SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK ON AUGUST 20, 1963" City Clerk Balkus stated that there was a change in Precinct Number 5; that Adelina Gregory, 4529 North Walnut Street, would be the Inspector; and Eva Shepherd, 4560 North Center Street would be the Judge. COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 63-101 BE APPROVED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, BISHOP, MORE- HEAD, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- City Clerk Balkus presented an application for a Temporary Use Permit for the Baldwin Park Lodge, No. 660 Temple Assoclation,for an auction at the corner of Badillo and Puente on Saturday and Sunday, September 28 and 29, 1963. COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT THE TEMPORARY USE PERMIT TO THE BALDWIN PARK LODGE NO. 660 BE APPROVED AS REQUESTED. COUNCILWOMAN TAYLOR SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, TAYLOR, BISHOP, MOREHEAD AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- Chief Administrative Officer Nordby stated that he had requested the President of the Chamber of Commerce to be present at this meeting to answer any questions the Council might have concerning the proposed contract between the City of Baldwin Park and the Chamber of Commerce; that he was not present at this time. Councilman Holmes stated that a thirty 30) day cancella- tion clause should be in the contract; that there should be greater details in some instances particularly concern- ing the services the City expected to be performed by the Chamber such as definite contacts with Industrial repre- sentatives and commercial developers. Continued) July 17, 1963 Page 3 NO ACTION REQUIRED RES, NO. 63-101 EST. PRECINCTS AND POLLING PLACES, AND APPOINTING ELECTION OFFICERS AND SETTING THEIR COMPENSATION FOR SPECIAL MUN. ELECTIOt TO BE HELD IN CITY OF B.PK. ON AUG, 20, 1963 CHANGE IN PRECINCT 5 RES. NO. 63-101 ADOPTED APPLICATION FOR TEMPORARY USE PERMIT B.PK. LODGE NO. 660 TEMPLE ASSOC. AUC- TION SEPT. 28, 29, 1963 APPROVED AS REQUESTED RE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PROPOSED CONTRACT COMMENTS BY COUN- CILMAN HOLMES 30 DAY CANCELLATION CLAUSE AND CONTACTS WITH INDUSTRIAL REPRESENTATIVES COMMERCIAL DEVEL cW TO BE INCLUDED IN THE CONTRACT BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 07-U02 17-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116771-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 07 17 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+PÍ«12'74 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council Mayor Bloxham asked the City Attorney to make the suggested changes and stated that this mat+er would be taken up later in the meeting when the President of the Chamber of Commerce arrived. 00- Mr. D. W. Asquith, 13138 Judith, Baldwin Park asked the City Attorney what percentage of names would be required to be able to have a sewer district break away from the City of Baldwin Park's Sewer District No. 62-A-i. City Attorney Fiandrick stated the first step would be to protest at the time of the public hearing and at that time present an informal petition for their own district if they so desire. Mr. Asquith asked if a man owned more than one lot would it be considered more than one name In a percentage situa- tion such as was required. Discussion followed regarding how protests were counted wherein it was brought out that evaluation of the total property owned and person protesting was considered. The City Attorney further exp!ained that the City Council is not involved in a petition; that any petition should be brought up at the time of the hearing. Mr. James Q. Gibson, 13268 East Francisquito, Baldwin Park, asked if the Engineering was completed on 62-A-I. Mayor Bloxham stated yes but it had not been approved. Mr. Gibson asked if these people formed a separate sewer district could they cvail themselves of the plans that Ivor Lyons & Associates had prepared. City Attorney Fiandrick stated that he presumed the engineer- ing surveys that had been conducted would be of assistance in preparing new plans but that there would have to be new engineering plans and the use of present plans would have to be paid for. 00- It was brought out that a portion of this district below the freeway was going to be quite expensive because of the grades involved and there would have to be more study meetings in connection with the chimneys and out falls. 00- Mayor Bloxham announced that the hour of 8:00 p.m. having arrived that it was the time and place fixed for a public hearing on Annexation No. 13. City Clerk Balkus stated that proper publication had been made and that no written protests had been filed. As there was no one in the audience speaking for or against Annexation No. 13, Mayor Bloxham declared the public hear- ing closed. City Clerk Balkus read Resolution No. 63-97 by title as follows: Continued) July 17, 1963 Page 4 TO BE CONSIDERED LATER IN THE MtG4 D, W. ASQUITH, 13138 Judith, B,Pk. RE SEWER DISTRICT JAMES Q. GIBSON, 13268 E. Francis- quito, B.Pk. ENGINEERING COMPLET- ED ON 62-A-I BUT NOT APPROVED RE SEWER DISTRICT 62-A-1 BELOW FREEWAY PUBLIC HEARING 8:00 P.M. ANNEXATION NO. 13 NO WRITTEN OR ORAL PROTESTS PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED RES, NO. 63-97 FINDING AND DETER- MINING THAT A MAJORITY PROTEST HAS NOT BEEN MADE WITH Continued) BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 07-U02 17-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116771-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 07 17 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+PÍ«1275 I Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council RESOLUTION NO. 63-97 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIPt PARK FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT A MAJORITY PROTEST HAS NOT BEEN MADE WITH REFERENCE TO ANNEXATION NO. 13" COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO, 63-97 BE APPROVED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, BISHOP, MORE- HEAD, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- City Clerk Balkus announced that it was the time and place fixed for a public hearing on Annexation No. 14. City Clerk B3Ikus stated that proper publication had been made and thar no written protests had been filed. As there was no one in the audience speaking for or against Annexation No. 14, Mayor Bloxham declared the public hearing closed. City Clerk Backus read Resolution No. 63-98 by title as follows: RESOLUTION NO, 63-98 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT A MAJORITY PROTEST HAS NOT BEEN MADE WITH REFERENCE TO ANNEXATION NO. I4" COUNCILWOMAN TAYLOR MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 63-98 BE APPROVED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED, COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. The motion carried by the follow- Ing vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN TAYLOR, MOREHEAD, BISHOP, HOLMES AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE City Clerk Balkus announced that it was the time and place fixed for a public hearing on Annexation No. 15. City Clerk Balkus stated that proper publication had been made and that no written protests had been filed. As there was no one in the audience speaking for or against Annexation No. 15, Mayor Bloxham declared the public hear- Ing closed. City Clerk Backus read Resolution No. 63-99 by title as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 63-99 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDW I N PARK FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT A MAJORITY PROTEST HAS NOT BEEN MADE WITH REFERENCE TO ANNEXATION NO. 15" Continued) July 17, 1963 Page 5 REFERENCE TO ANNEXATION NO. 13 RES. NO. 63-97 ADOPTED PUBLIC HEARING ANNEXATION NO. 14 NO WRITTEN OR ORAL PROTESTS PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED RES. NO. 63-98 FINDING AND DETER- MINING THAT A MAJORITY PROTEST HAS NOT BEEN MADE WITH REFERENCE TO ANNEXATION NO. 14 RES. NO. 63-98 ADOPTED PUBLIC HEARING ANNEXATION NO. 15 NO WRITTEN OR ORAL PROTESTS PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED RES. NO. 63-99 FINDING AND DETER- MINING THAT A MAJORITY PROTEST HAS NOT BEEN MADE WITH REFERENCE TO ANNEXATION NO. 15 BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 07-U02 17-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116771-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 07 17 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+PÍ«V.76 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council July 17, Page 6 1963 COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 63-99 BE RES. NO. 63-99 APPROVED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN ADOPTED HOLMES SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, HOLMES, MORE- HEAD, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- City Clerk Balkus announced that It was the time and place fixed for a public hearing on 2-177, application regarding intention of Baldwin Park Planning Commission to Initiate a rezoning from R-I single family residential zone) to PB Parking Buffer Zone) for property located at 14356 Scott Place. Planning Director Kalbflelsch presented a resume of the case and stated that the Planning Commission recommended approval of the zone change. City Clerk Balkus stated that the required publication had been accomplished. As there was no one in the audience desiring to speak either in behalf of or In opposition to Z-177, Mayor Bloxham declared the public hearing closed. City Clerk Balkus read Ordinance No. 291 by title as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 291 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF SAID CITY AND REZONING CERTAIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY FROM ZONE R-l TO PB" COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 291 PASS FIRST READING AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN MORE- HEAD SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, MOREHEAD, BISHOP, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOX- HAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- City Clerk Balkus announced that It was the time and place fixed for a public hearing on Z-179, application regard- ing Intention of Baldwin Park Planning Commission to Initiate a rezoning from A-I light agricultural zone) to R-i single family residential zone) or more restrictive use for the area bounded by the Power line on the East; San Bernardino Freeway on the South; Salisbury Street on the North; and Syracuse Avenue on the West. Planning Director Kalbfleisch presented a resume of the case and stated that the Planning Commission recommended approval of the zone change. City Clerk Balkus stated that the required publication had been accomplished. Continued) PUBLIC HEARING Z-177, REQUESTING CHANGE OF ZONE FROM R-I TO PB, 14356 SCOTT PLACE, INITIATED BY P.C. RESUME PUBLICATION PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED Z-177 ORD. NO. 291 AMENDING ZONING MAP OF SAID CITY AND RE- ZONING CERTAIN DES- CRIBED PROPERTY FROM ZONE R-I TO PB ORD. NO. 291 PASSED FIRST READING AND FURTHER READING WAIVED PUBLIC HEARING Z-179, REQUESTING CHANGE OF ZONE FROM A-1 TO R-I FOR AREA BOUNDED BY POWER LINE ON EAST; SAN BERNARDINO FREEWAY ON SOUTH; SALISBURY ST. ON NORTH; SYRA- CUSE AVE. ON WEST; INITIATED BY P.C. RESUME PUBLICATION BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 07-U02 17-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116771-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 07 17 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+PÍ«1 I Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council As there was no one in the audience desiring to speak either in behalf of or in opposition to Z-179, Mayor Bioxham declared the public hearing closed. City Attorney Flandrick requested that this zone change be held over to the next regular meeting. He stated that he would like to verify the description in the Ordinance. COUNCILMAN HOLMES AT THE REQUEST OF THE CITY ATTORNEY TO HAVE THIS CASE HELD OVER TO VERIFY THE DESCRIPTION) MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 292 FIRST READING) BE HELD OVER TO THE NEXT MEETING. COUNCILWOMAN TAYLOR SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Bloxham. 00- City Clerk Balkus announced that it was the time and place fixed for a public hearing on CP-8, an application sub- mitted by Rosehaven Rest Home requesting a Conditional Use Permit for a 150 Bed Convalescent Home for 30 years in the A--I light agriculture) zone at 3562 Vineland Avenue. July 17, 1963 Page 7 PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED Z-179 MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT ORD, NO. 292 BE HELD OVER TO NEXT MTG. PUBLIC HEARING APPEAL CP-8, REQUESTING 150 BED CONVALESCENT HOME FOR 30 YEARS IN A-1 ZONE AT 3562 VINELAND AVE., ROSE- HAVEN REST HOME, APPLICANT City Clerk Balkus stated that the required publication PUBLICATION had been accomplished. Planning Director Kalbfleisch stated that on May 8, 1963, RESUME the Planning Commission approved the subject request for a 120 Bed Convalescent Home effective for thirty 30) years; that the applicant had appealed to permit revision in the conditions as follows: 1) That if the land conveyed to the City of Baldwin Park for the purpose of the pro- posed future street is not used within the time required by law, then it is to re- vert to it's former owners. If this land is not used for this specific purpose of a future street, it is to revert automatically to it's former owners. I 2) That the City Council approve a ten 10) foot front yard setback abutting onto the future street in lieu of the specified twenty 20) foot setback as required by the Zoning Ordinance. City Attorney Flandrick stated that although the applicant COMMENTS BY CITY had appealed primarily the conditions imposed, this matter ATTY. was before the City Council as an entirely new matter; that the City Council could take any action consistent with the provisions of the Code such as impose further condi- tions, delete conditions, deny the request. TESTIMONY IN FAVOR OF THE REQUEST WAS CALLED FOR BY MAYOR TESTIMONY IN FAVOR BLOXHAM. City Clerk Balkus administered the oath. OATH ADMINISTERED BY CITY CLERK Mr. Bernard Wald, 6367 Drexel, Los Angeles, stated that BERNALD WALD, he was part owner of Rose Haven Rest Home; that this 6367 Drexel, L.A. request was for 150 additional beds for a convalescent hospital; that he was requesting that the conditions of the permit be revised; that he would like a ten 10) foot setback in the back instead of a twenty 20) foot setback; that he would like the conditions to state that Continued) BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 07-U02 17-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116771-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 07 17 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+PÍ«8 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council July 17, 1963 Page 8 If the land conveyed to the City for a future street was not used in the time required by the law that It be given back to be used for additional parking; and also that It would stress him to put up the deposit for the future street at this time. TESTIMONY IN OPPOSITION TO THE REQUEST WAS CALLED FOR TESTIMONY IN OPPOSI- BY MAYOR BLOXHAM. TION City Clerk Balkus readministered the oath. OATH READMINISTERED BY CITY CLERK M;-, E. B. Carter, 3:,48 Vineland Avenue, Baldwin Park, E. B. CARTER, presented for the official files a copy of a letter addressed 3548 Vineland Ave., to him by a former tenant Mrs. Helen Bashaw. He stated he B.Pk. would like to protest against the rest home; that he had last a tenant who had been with him for five years be- LETTER FROM MRS. cause of this rest home; that both he and his tenants HELEN BASHAW TENANT were being disturbed; that it was not a fit place to have p Tsors of the type that were in this rest home; that some of the persons were from the Pacific Hospital in P~lrno^a; that school children pass by there. He stated that he had contacted the Police Department regarding this matter. Mr. James Q. Gibson, 13268 Francisquito Boulevard, Baldwin JAMES Q. GIBSON, Park, stated he was not either for or against the request. 13268 Francisquito He asked the nature of the illness of the persons residing Blvd., B.Pk. in this rest home. City Clerk Balkus stated that it was a convalescent home with forty-four 44) beds at the present time. licensed as a rest home for Senior Citizens) Chief Administrative Officer Nordby requested that this case be held over to the next meeting; that he would have additional information from the staff which had a direct bearing on the case. Councilman Holmes stated that originally this was a rest home for older people; that if the character of the rest home was being changed this should be checked into. At the request of Mr. Gibson, Chief Administrative Officer Nordby read in full the copy of the letter from Mrs. Helen Bashaw to Mr. Carter. letter in official files) City Clerk Balkus readministered the oath. OATH READMINISTERED BY CITY CLERK Mrs. V. M. Hagen, stated she had lived-at-3557 North Vineland Avenue, Baldwin Perk,'for eleven 11) years and she objected to the group of people who had been brought to the rest home during the last three or four months; not the elderly people; that the age group of the ones that had been brought in recently was from about eighteen 18) to the early forties. Mrs. Myna Gifford, 3553 North Vineland Avenue, Baldwin MRS. MYNA GIFFORD, Park, stated she did not own this property but had rented 3553 N. Vineland Ave. at this residence for almost five years; that her B.Pk. husband was a truckdriver and was gone three or four nights a week; that the older persons had never bothered her but during the last three or four months she had not been able to sleep at night; that on one occasion an elderly woman had wandered over in her nightclothes at approximately 12:30 a.m. and that the Police Depart- ment had been called. Continued) BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 07-U02 17-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116771-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 07 17 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+P Í«79 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council July 17, 1963 Page 9 COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT THE HEARING BE CARRIED OVER AND IN THE MEANTIME THAT THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ACCUMULATE 1W14HAT INFORMATION AND STUDIES HE HAS ON IT AND ALSO THAT THE COUNCIL BE GIVEN THE INFORMATION ON THESE REQUESTS THAT WERE PRESENTED HERE TONIGHT ABOUT THE REVERSION CLAUSES OF FUTURE STREETS ETC. AND SETBACK AND THE EFFECT THAT IT WOULD HAVE THE PLANNING DIRECTOR COULD UNDOUPTEDLY GIVE US THE INFORMATION ON THAT WHICH WE DO NOT HAVE BEFORE US); AND THAT IN THE MEANTIME THAT THE CHEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER MAKE A POINT TO HAVE A LITTLE CLOSER INSPECTION UNDER THE EXISTING REGULATIONS WHICH APPLY TO THE EXISTING REST HOMES CHECKED OUT SO THAT THE NEIGHBORS WILL NOT HAVE QUITE THE PROBLEM AND WORRY THEY HAVE AND THAT THEN THIS INFORMATION REQUESTED BE PRESENTED FOR USE AT THE NEXT MEETING. C- an-i!man Bishop requested that the Chief Administrative 01fi-.er and the City Engineer bring back Information with regard to this development and what is going to happen on the ood control matter; if this would have any bearing on the development of the strip of land going through the in regard to the request of the applicant that this wrAu€l revert back to the original owner if it was not used a certain length of time. Councilman Holmes included the comments of Councilman Bishop in his motion as additional information to be brought to the Council. COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. Councilman Morehead stated he would like to know what type of complaint and what was actually going on when these complaints were being made to the Police Depart- ment. Councilman Holmes brought out that if the Police Officer observed the acts then he could meke:en arrest; that if he did not it required a signed complaint. Mrs. Gifford added to her comments that the persons were usually coming out at dark since the weather was warmer; that they stay at the front of the property near her house); that It did not look as if there was any night supervision; that they are still up at 11:00 o'clock. Councilman Bishop requested that the Chief Administrative Officer check the Police Department and make sure that filed complaints were being followed through. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, BISHOP, MORE- HEAD, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- Chief Administrative Officer Nordby stated that the Presi- dent of the Chamber of Commerce was now in the audience. At the request of Mayor Bloxham, City Attorney Flandrick reviewed the changes proposed to the Chamber of Commerce Contract as follows: Addition to Section I Services, Subparagraph I) Contact commercial and industrial organizations to solicit the establishment of business and industrial concerns within the City" MOTION MADE THAT HEARING BE CARRIED OVER AND INFORMATION REQUESTED IN MOTIONI BE PRESENTED AT THE NEXT MTG. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL- MAN BISHOP ADDITION TO MOTION MOTION SECONDED MRS. GIFFORD ADDITIONAL COMMENTS COUNCIL INSTRUCTION MOTION CARRIED CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PROPOSED CONTRACT CHANGES PROPOSED CONTACTS COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATIONS Continued) BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 07-U02 17-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116771-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 07 17 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+P Í«1280 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council Add Paragraph 4 to be entitled Termination." Either party hereto may terminate this agreement upon the giving of thirty 30) days written notice to the other party to that effect. In case of such termination the Chamber shall be compensated on a pro rata basis to the date of such termination. Add Paragraph 5 to be entitlted Notices." Notices pursuant to this agreement shall be given by United States Mail postage prepaid, addressed as follows: a) City: Chief Administrative Officer, City Hall, 14403 East Pacific Avenue, Baldwin Park, California; b) Chamber of Commerce: Mr. Wayne Robertson, Manager,Chamber of Commerce, 14327 East Ramona Boulevard, Baldwin Park Mr. Frank C. Ficke, President of the Chamber of Commerce reviewed with the Council the payment dates and the cancellation clause and did not Indicate any objection to the proposed contract. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE C;TY OF BALDWIN PARK AND THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BE APPROVED AS AMENDED AND THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN IT. COUNCILWOMAN TAYLOR SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN MOREHEAD, TAYLOR, BISHOP, HOLMES AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- Councilwoman Taylor asked If a date could be set for the Council and the Chamber of Commerce Directors to meet to discuss the Chamber's program for the year ahead. Discussion followed regarding whether the meeting was to be formal or informal wherein it was decided to have a formal meeting in the Council Chamber. Mr. Ficke suggested the first Meeting of the Council in September. Councilman Holmes suggested carrying the matter under advisement until the next regular meeting. Mayor Bloxham directed the City Clerk to leave this item under Unfinished Business. 00- Chief Administrative Officer Nordby reviewed his report regarding the request of Citizens National Bank for a portion of the City's Demand Account. He recommended that inactive deposits Sewer Bond Fund) be transferred from either bank to a demand account with the Citizens National prior to anticipated progress payments on the sewer project and stated that Citizens National had offered to provide the printed warrants at no cost to the City checks to be different color than the General Fund checks). He stated that City Treasurer Pugh had been contacted and had no objection to this action. July 17, 1963 Page 10 TERMINATION CLAUSE NOT ICES FRANK C. FICKE, PRES., CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT CON- TRACT BETWEEN CITY OF B.PK. AND CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BE APPROVED AS AMENDED AND MAYOR AND CITY CLERK AUTHORIZED TO SIGN RE MTG. WITH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TO DIS- CUSS CHAMBER'S PRO- GRAM FOR YEAR AHEAD MATTER TO BE LEFT UNDER UNFINISHED BUSINESS REPORT RE REQUEST FOR PORTION OF DEMAN& ACCT. CITIZENS NAT'L BANK BY C.A.O, NOROBY Continued) BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 07-U02 17-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116771-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 07 17 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+P Í«1281 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT THE SEWER BOND ACCOLNT BE TRANSFERRED TO THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK. COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED, The motion carried by the following vote: July 17, 1963 Page II MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT SEWER BOND ACCT. BE TRANS- FERRED TO CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK AYES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES,_BISHOP,' MOREHEAD, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE I Chief Administrative Officer Nordby reported that he had RE C.A.O. ATTENDANCE attended the League of California Cities Meeting for City OF LEAGM OF CALIF. Manager's on Friday, July 12, 1963; that Mr. Dick Carpenter, CITIES MTG. FRI Executive Director-of League, gave a very good account of JULY 12, 1963 the Bills that has been approved by the Legislature and were awaiting the Governor's signature. He stated that the Council would receive his written report regarding this meeting. 00- Chief Administrative Officer Nordby stated that he had REPORT BY C.A.O. placed in the Council's folders a report on the fire at RE HEROIC ACT BY 4244 Sierra Madre Avenue on July 7, 1963 and the deed per- SOLOMAN ACKERMAN formed by Soloman Ackerman, a fifteen year old Baldwin AT FIRE AT 4244 Park boy. He stated that Chief Parsons gave him a report SIERRA MADRE AVE. on what took place and suggested that the County Fire ON JULY 7, 1963 Department and the City of Baldwin Park Join in recognizing this young man for some citation. Chief Parsons of the toe- Angeles County Fire Department REPORT BY CHIEF stated that Battalion Chief Guy Goodman reported to him PARSONS, L.A. CO. the circumstances that occurred; that this young boy who FIRE DEPT. was delivering newspapers at the time after ascertaining that a child was in this burning house went in and brought the child out and extinguished the chIld•s-burn ing clothing; that as the fire trucks and the Police arrived he evaporated from the scene and finished de- livering his newspapers; that the boy-'later returned to the scene-and-the people..who-were there'recognized him as the boy who had gone in and had him live his name. He stated that the Battalion Chief was so Impressed by_ this act of heroism that he felt this young man should be recognized and that he Chief Parsons) concurred and agreed that this would be a fine thing to do; that apparently ttiis-boy did this so quickly and so efficiently that he sustained no-burns-himself. COUNCILMAN HOLMES AiOVED THAT THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK JOIN WITH THE COUNTY FIRE-DISTRICT, ENGINE COMPANY NO. 29, AND THAT A PROPER PLAQUE BE PREPARED AND PRESENTATION GIVEN TO THIS YOUNG MAN, SOLOMAN ACKERMAN, FOR HIS HEROIC ACT. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. Discussion followed, With the consent of the second Counc i Iman Holmes added to his motion; AND THAT THIS PLAQUE BE AWARDED AT A COIWC IL MEETING. Councilman Morehead asked the Chief Administrative Officer to see if the young man could be recommended for the Aidrew Cat"negi* mm-d. MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT C ITY OF B.PK. JOIN WITH CO. FIRE DISTRICT, ENGINE CO. 29, AND THAT PROPER. PLAQUE BE PREPARED AND PRESENTATION GIVEN TO THIS YOUNG MAN, SOLOMAN ACKERMAN, FOR HIS HEROIC ACT ADDITION TO MOTION THAT THIS'PLAQUE BE AWARDED AT A COUNCIL MEETING COUNG Ii. INSTRZ. CT$ON twat iaurd BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 07-U02 17-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116771-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 07 17 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+P 1963 07 17 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+P Í«Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council 12,E July 17, 1963 Page 13 I I B. W. Izeli; Lot Split No. 552, Planning Commission Res- olution No. 63-88, 4529 North Bresee Avenue, Marshall A. Burke; Lot Split No. 553, Planning Commission Resolution No. 63-89, 3454 Athol Street, Donald McComb; Lot Split No. 554, Planning Commission Resolution No. 63-90, 12723 Torch Street, Hattie May Kidwell and Lot Split No. 556, Planning Commission Resolution No. 63-91, 4252 Stewart Avenue, Clarence M. Todden. He stated that these lot splits were recommended for approval by the Planning Commission. Councilman Bishop asked that Lot Split 548 be considered separately from the rest; that he had a remote interest in this lot split and wished to abstain. COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT THE FINDINGS OF THE CITY COUN- CIL CONCUR WITH THE FINDINGS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND THAT LOT SPLIT NO. 536, P. C. RES. NO. 63-84, LOT SPLIT NO. 547, P. C. RES. NO. 63-85, LOT SPLIT NO. 550, P. C. RES. NO. 63-87, LOT SPLIT NO. 552, P. C. RES. NO. 63-88, LOT SPLIT NO. 553, P. C. RES. NO. 63-89, LOT SPLIT NO. 554, P. C. RES. NO. 63-90 AND LOT SPLIT NO. 556, P. C. RES. NO. 63-91 BE APPROVED. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, MOREHEAD, BISHOP, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT THE FINDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONCUR WITH THE FINDINGS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND THAT LOT SPLIT NO. 548, P. C. RES. NO. 63-86 BE APPROVED. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, MOREHEAD, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: COUNCILMAN BISHOP ABSENT: NONE 00- Planning Director Kalbfleisch reviewed in detail his report dated July 12, 1963 regarding the proposed school site acquisition located within the vicinity of Waco, Tracy and Frazier Streets which the Planning Commission had requested by presented to the Council. He stated that the proposed acquisition was for a elementary school. Mr. Howard C. Sutterfield, Assistant Superintendent- Business Services of the Baldwin Park School Dis- trict stated the comments he would make expressed his views representing only himself. He stated that the City and School District boundaries were not always coterminus; that in his opinion the comparison should be how much land does the Baldwin Park School District utilize for each student enrolled; that he understood Mr. Kalbfleisch was making this comparison and when the survey was completed he thought Baldwin Park would compare quite favorable with other districts; that all schools will follow basicly the same pattern of other areas ten 10) acres elementary site, fifteen 15) acres junior high school and forty 40) acres high school; that it seemed to him the School District was being criticized unfairly for their site acquisition practices before all of the surveys were available for study. There was NO ACTION REQUIRED. 00- 63-90 AND 63-91 APPLICANTS: Burrows, Horan, Crumb, Izell, Burke, McComb, Kidwell, and Todden LOT SPLIT NO. 548 COUNCILMAN BISHOP REASON FOR ABSTENTIOi LOT SPLIT NOS. 536, 547, 550, 552, 553, 554 AND 556 APPROVED LOT SPLIT NO. 548 APPROVED REPORT BY PLANNING DIRECTOR RE PRO- POSED SCHOOL SITE ACQUISITION VICINITY OF WACO, TRACY AND FRAZIER STREETS HONARD C. SUTTER- FIELD, ASST. SUPT.- BUS. SERVICES, B.PK. SCHOOL DISTRICT NO ACTION REQUIRED BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 07-U02 17-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116771-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 07 17 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+PÍ«1284 Regular Meeting of the( daidwlrt Park City Counci I Planning DirectoF Kalbfl4lsch 01-4Seilted his report regarding the recommendation of-the Planning Commission to repeat Sections 9121tO and 9:12(,91 of the Zoning Ordinance and adb an amendment for the revised procedure for change of zone and general plan amendments to the Zoning Ordinance, City Attorney FlandriCk suggested that this item be held untilr the public hearing regarding these matters. 00- July 17, 1963 Page 14 REPORT RE P.C. RECOMMENDATION TO REPEAL SECTIONS 9121.9 AND 9121.91 OF ZONING ORD. AND ADD AMENDMENT FOR CHANGE OF ZONE AND GENERAL PLAN AMEND- MENT PROCEDURE ITEM HELD UNTIL PUB- LIC HEARING RE THESE MATTERS City Clerk Balkus read Ordinance Not 290 by title as follows: ORD. NO. 290 AMENDING SECTION ORDINANCE NO. 290 9212 OF B.PK. MUN. CODE RELATING TO AN ORDINANCE OF tHE CITY COUNCIL OF SUBDIVISION REGULA- THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK AMENDING TIONS SECTION 9212 OF THE BALDWIN PARK MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS" COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 290 PASS SECOND ORD. NO. 290 READING AND BE ADOPTED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. PASSED SECOND READ- COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED, The motion carried by the ING AND ADOPTED following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, MOREHEAD, B'SHOPO tAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES; NONE ABSENT: NONE City Clerk B816 pr+leeeriied bWdinafice No4 276 regarding ORD. NO. 276 Zone Change Cage 1.164 acid dhitod 1# the Cbuncil Wished RE Z-164 to have second read Ili a+ +h16 f Itn6j Discussion followed wherein City Attorney f=lahdrick 4X- p.lained,.that at the time the zone change applicatiOti Was made the applicant also made application for a conditional use permit for a service station; that the Planning Corny COMMENTS BY CITY mission had granted the conditional use permit and one ATT`Y, PLANDRICK of the conditions was that the conditional use permit be of no effect until such time as the property was rezoned; that if the Council changed the procedure of granting variances and conditional use permits in the future this would not have any bearing on the existing conditional use permit already granted by the Planning Commission; that if the Council had second reading on Ordinance No. 276 and adopted It this would rezone the property and validate the conditional use permit and the variance. At the request of Mayor Bloxham, City Clerk Balkus read Ordinance No. 276 by title as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 276 SAN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF SAID CITY AND REZONING CERTAIN DESCRIBED, PROPERTY FROM ZONE A-l TO C-I Zone Case No. Z-164)" COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 276 PASS SECOND READING AND BE ADOPTED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILWOMAN TAYLOR SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: ORD. NO. 276 AMENDING ZONING MAP OF SAID CITY AND RE- ZONING CERTAIN DES- CRIBED PROPERTY FROM ZONE A-I TO ZONE C-1 Zone Case No. Z-1641 ORD. NO. 276 PASSED SECOND READING AND ADOPTED Continued) BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 07-U02 17-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116771-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 07 17 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+PÍ«Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council 1285 July 17, 1963 Page 15 AYES: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES AND MOREHEAD ABSENT: NONE 00- i Councilman Morehead suggested that the Council request RE RAILROAD CROSSING that the Pacific Electric Railroad do something about AT FRANCISQUITO their traffic when they were crossing Francisquito, possibly stop or have the flagman precede the engine across the crossing; that there had been several accidents at this crossing already. Discussion regarding the requests to signalize the railroad crossings wherein it was brought out by Assistant City Engineer Welch that there were two requests from the Public Utility Commission; that the first came in approximately February or March on the crossing that was under discussion now; that at that time he recommended that the Council concur with the Public Utility Commission's recommendation and signalize the crossing and at the same time widen the scree; t1-irou,7h this area; that the City Council did approve this; that the survey had been made, the plans were being prepared at the present; that con- struction would probably start within six 6) months; WIDENING CONSTRUCTIO that another letter came from the Public Utility TO START WITHIN 6 Commission app! ox malel•y s;>. weeks ago and the Counci I MONTHS e ked for add!', iorif~i infc:rination before taking action on +hat request The Council instructed the Chief Administrative Officer COUNCIL INSTRUCTION to draft a letter to the Po-ci'ic Electric and ask them if they would be a little more cooperative until the signals were put in, and thank them for the cooperation of their Engineers in laying on the whistle as they go through Baldwin Park. 00- Councilman Morehead stated that a citizen had reported RE POSSIBLE ADDI- to him that fifty-six 56) children were being trans- TIONAL TRAFFIC fat-red from Pleasant View to the Margaret Heath School; GUARD that the citizens in this area wanted to know what the City had in mind concerning an additional crossing guard; that he ii`oueht a survey should be taken of the traffic situation in this area. The Council instructed that this matter be referred to REFERRED TO POLICE Police Department. DEPT. 00- In answer to a question by Councilman Holmes, Chief Administrative Officer Nordby stated that City Engineer Young felt that the design of the vault that had been RE VAULT submitted previously to the Council was not of sufficient area; that Mr. Young was going to work on the drawings and still try to stay within the budgeted amount, $8,000.00. He added that the generator had been checked out and was RE GENERATOR in operating condition; that an electrician was being asked to assist in the drawing of the specifications in order to go out to bid for the installation; that 50% of the cost would be paid for by Civil Defense. 00- In answer to a question by Councilman Holmes, Chief Administrative Officer Nordby stated that he hoped to have a solution to the problem of the microphones and RE MICROPHONE AND amplifier in the Council Chamber and also the Installa- AMPLIFIER IN COUNCIL tion of lights to reflect on the two boards in the CHAMBER Council Chamber. 00- BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 07-U02 17-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116771-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 07 17 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+PÍ«1286 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council In answer to a question by Councilwoman Taylor, Chief Administrative Officer Nordby stated that Assistant City Engineer Welch and Finance Director Duncan were working on a recommendation for a new rate schedule for the Auditorium,;. that the Auditorium would be ready for theatrical productions in October; that it was almost ready any time as far as lectures were concerned. Assistant Csty Engineer Welch stated that the drapes would be in the next ten l I0) days. 00- City Clerk Balkus read Resolution No. 63-100 by title as Follows- RESOLUTION NO. 63-100 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK ALLOWING AIMS AND DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY BALM] 0,' PARK" C')U'1C I LPAAN MOPEH..'!, D MOVED THAV,' RESOLUTION NO. 63-100 BE APPROVED AND FURTh~`2 READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN MOREHEAD, BISHOP, HOLMES, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NOP!' ABs_NT NON 00- City Clerk Balkus read Resolution No. 63-102 by title as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 63-102 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK ALLOWING CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY OF BALDW I N PARK" City Clerk Balkus explained that this Warrant was for the postage for the Special Municipal Election to be held August 20, 1963. COUNCILMEN HOLMES MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 63-102 BE APPROVED AND FURTHER READING WAIVED. COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, BISHOP, MORE- HEAD, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- It was explained for the benefit of those present that the Cit.y Council anticipated adjourning the regular meet- ing to Monday, July 22, 1963, mainly for further study on proposed Sewer District 62-A-1. July 17, 1963 Page 16 RE AUDITORIUM NEW RATE SCHEDULE READY FOR THEATRICAL PRODUCTIONS IN OCT. READY FOR LECTURES NN RES. NO. 63-100 ALLOWING CLAIMS & DEMANDS AGAINST CITY OF B.PK. PAYROLL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS NOS. 2072- 2156 INCL. GEN. CLAIMS AND DEMANDS NOS. 1926- 1985 INCL. RES. NO. 63-100 ADOPTED RES. NO. 63-102 ALLOWING CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AGAINST CITY OF B.PK. GEN. CLAIMS NO. 1986 ONLY POSTAGE FOR SPECIAL MUN. ELECTION AUGUST 20, 1963 RES. NO. 63-102 ADOPTED ANTICIPATED ADJOURN- MENT DATE MONDAY JULY 22, 1963 BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 07-U02 17-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116771-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 07 17 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+PÍ«1287 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council July 17, 1963 Page 17 AT 9:50 P.M. COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL 9:50 P.M. COUNCIL CONVENE THE REGULAR MEETING TO AN EXECUTIVE SESSION TO CONVENED REG. MTG. DISCUSS BALDWIN PARK BOULEVARD CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS, TO EXECUTIVE SESSION MAINLY CITY OF BALDWIN PARK VERSUS CHEZ. COUNCILMAN TO DISCUSS B.PK. MOREHEAD SECONDED. There were no objections, the BLVD. CONDEMNATION motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Bloxham. PROCEEDINGS B.PK. VS. CHEZ 00- The City Count', l reconvened from executive session at 10:20 P.M. COUNCIL 10:20 p.m. RECONVENED TO REG. MTG. 00- COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL DIRECT MOTION MADE AND TIE CITY ATTORNEY TO OFFER BY WAY OF SETTLEMENT OF CARRIED THAT CITY CONDEMNATIONS ON BALDWIN PARK BOULEVARD, COUNCIL DIRECT CITY $5,000.00 on Parcel 7 ATTY. TO OFFER BY $2,500.00 on Parcel 9 City of Baldwin PaVk WAY OF SETTLEMENT OF $1,500.00 on Parcel 12) vs. CONDEMNATIONS ON B.PK $1,500.00 on Parcel 13) Chez BLVD., $5,000.00 ON PARCEL 7, $2,500.00 ON PARCEL 9, $1,500.( ON PARCEL 12, $5,000.00 on Parcel 6 City of Baldwin Park $1,500.00 ON PARCEL vs. 13 BALDWIN PARK VS. Mathewson CHEZ) AND $5,000.00 ON PARCEL 6 BALDWIN THE AMOUNT ON PARCELS 7, 9, 12, 13 IS TO BE A SINGLE PARK VS. MATHEWSON) OFFER, AS SUCH ACCEPT THE WHOLE THING OR NOTHING). THE AMOUNT ON PARCEL: COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. The motion carried by the 7, 9, 12, 13 IS TO BF following vote: SINGLE OFFER, AS SUCF ACCEPT WHOLE THING AYES: COUNCILMEN MOREHEAD, BISHOP, HOLMES, OR NOTHING) TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE AND 00- AT 10:22 P.M. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADJOURN TO MONDAY, JULY 22, 1963, AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER OF THE CITY HALL. COUNCILMAN HOLMES SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Bloxham. 00- APPROVED: August 7 1963. ADJOURNMENT AT 10:22 P.M. TO MONDAY, JULY 22, 1963, AT 7:00 P.M. IN COUNCIL CHAMBER OF CITY HALL THELMA L. BALKUS, CITY CLERK BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 07-U02 17-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116771-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 07 17 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+PÍ«REGULAR MEETING OF THE BALDWIN PARK CITY COUNCIL CITY HAL.!_ COUNCIL CHAMBER) 1!44 3 East Pacific Avenue The City Council of the City of Baldwin Park met in regular session at the above place at 7:--'-7) p.m. Councilmen Holmes led the salute to the flag. to I Ca I I Present COUNCILMEN HOLMPMES, BISHOP, w1CREHEAD, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM Absent: CITY ENGINEER YOUNG Also Present: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER NORDBY, CITY ATTORNEY FLANDRICK, CITY TREASURER PUGH, BUILDING SUPERINTENDENT AND PLANNING DI-RECTOR, KA LBFLE I SCH, FINANCE DIRECTOR DUNCAN, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER YOUNG, ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR NELSON AND CITY CLE RC BALKUS 00- AT 10:22 P.M. COUNCILM%N MOREHEAD MOVED THAT THE CITY ODUNCIL ADJOURN TO MONDAY, JULY 22, 1963, AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER OF THE CITY HALL. COUNCILMAN HOLMES SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Bloxham. 00`- JULY 17, 1063 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL ADJOURNMENT AT 10:22 P.M. TO MONDAY, JULY 22, 1963, AT 7:00 P.M. IN COUNCIL CHAMBER OF CITY HALL THELMA L. BALKUS, CITY CLERK DATED: July IS, 1963 TIME: /o oa./?i BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 07-U02 17-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116771-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 07 17 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+PÍ«SPATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES SS: AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING NOTICE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK OF ADJOURNMENT MEETING THELMM1A L. BALKUS, being first duly sworn, says and deposes: that I am the duly chosen, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City Council of the City of Baldwin Park; that at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Baldwin Park held July 17 196_3, said meeting was ordered adjourned to the time and place specified in the Notice of the Adjournment ATTACHED HERETO; that on July 18 1%, at the hour of 10:02 a.m., I posted a copy of said Notice at a conspicuous place on or near the door of the place at which said meeting of was he l d Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 19'; July 17 963' EVA ELDER PUGH, Notary Public, State of California Principal Office Los Angeles County / My Commission Expires March 6, 1967 Notary U I i C I n an r 4657 North Merced Ave.. Baldwin Park, Calif. said County and State mm~mnummmnnnnnmmnnm OFFICIAL L S SEAL mil EVA ELDER PUGH yO,ARY PUBLIC uAL rURN-A * v i PRINCIPAL U1 FICL IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY 3 u uuuuuulluuuuuuuuun uwumuuuuuuuuuuuuuuumwuuuuuuuuwuumuumw BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 07-U02 17-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116771-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 Í«11282 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council July 17, 1963 Page 12 Chief Best stated that a recommendation was being pre- pared for a National Award of'Valor presented by. the President through the Federal Bureau of Investigation). Mayor Bloxham asked that these award recommendations be coordinated through the office of the Chief Administrative Officer. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, MOREHEAD, BISHOP, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM' NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE AT 9:10 p.m. City Treasurer Pugh left the Council Chamber. 00- Councilman Bishop reported that the League of Independent Cities would be having a seminar on Catalina I-stand on September 21 and 22, 1963. 00- RECOMMENDATION FOR NATIONAL AWARD OF VALOR COUNCIL INSTRUCTION MOTION CARRIED 9:10 P.M. CITY TREASURER PUGH LEFT COUNCIL CHAMBER LEAGUE OF INDEPENDENT CITIES SEMINAR ON CATALINA ISLAND SEPT. 21-22, 1963 Chief Administrative Officer Nordby reminded the Council REMINDER TO SET that a date should be set for another meeting regarding DATE FOR ANOTHER Sewer Assessment District 62-A-I plans and drawings."' MTG. ON 62-A-I PLANS AND DRAWINGS The Council indicated they would set a date later in the meeting. 00- Assistant City Engineer Welch stated that the subdivider TRACT 27638 had completed all of the Public Works requirements as ACCEPTANCE OF required for Tract 27638 and recommended that the City Council accept Tract 27638, and the City Clerk be authorized to release the Subdivision Bond. COUNCILMAN HOLMES MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CONCUR MOTION MADE AND WITH THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER CARRIED THAT AND THAT TRACT NO. 27638 BE ACCEPTED. COUNCILMAN BISHOP TRACT NO. 27638 SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: BE ACCEPTED AYES: COUNCILMEN HOLMES, BISHOP, MORE- HEAD, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- Assistant City Engineer Welch stated that throughout the PROGRAM TO REPLACE City, especially on Maine, there was a program to replace STREET NAME SIGNS the street name signs with reflecting type signs; that WITH REFLECTING this program would take several years to complete the TYPE SIGNS entire City. 00- Planning Director Kalbfleisch presented Lot Split No. 536, LOT SPLIT NOS. Planning Commission Resolution No. 63-84, 3748 Grace Avenue, 536, 547, 548, 550, W. R. Burrows; Lot Split No. 547, Planning Commission Resolu- 552, 553, 554, AND tion No. 63-85, 4444 Walnut Street, Susan J. Horan; Lot 556 Split No. 548, Planning Commission Resolution No. 63-86, P.C. RES. NOS. 4560 Bresee Avenue, John G. Crumb; Lot Split No. 550, 63-84, 63-85, 63-86a Planning Commission Resolution No. 63-87, 4820 Elton Street, 63-87, 63--88, 63-89, Continued) Continued) BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 07-U02 17-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116771-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06