HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 08 27 CC MIN1963 08 27 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+ŸÍ«33'7 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BALDWIN, PARK CifY COUNCIL AUGUST 27, 1963 CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER) 14403 East,Pacific Avenue 7:00 P.M. In accordance with Section 22932 and 22933, Elections Code, State of California, the City Council of the City of Baldwin Park met at the above place at the hour of 7:00 p.m. to canvass the returns of the Special Municipal Election of August 20, 1963 and to adopt an applicable resolution. Roll Call: Present: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, MOREHEAD ROLL CALL TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLC(HAM Absent: COUNCILMAN HOLMES, FINANCE DIRECTOR DUNCAN AND CITY TREASURER PUGH Also Present: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER NORDBY, CITY ATTORNEY FLANDRICK, CITY ENGINEER YOUNG, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER WELCH, PLANNING DIRECTOR AND BUILDING SUPERIN- TENDENT KALBFLEISCH, CHIEF OF POLICE BEST AND CITY CLERK BALKUS Present for discussion on the final review of documents and ALSO PRESENT procedures relative to Sewer District No. 62-A-1 were the following: Mr. Urban J. Schreiner, Representing O'Melveny & Myers, Mr. Patrick Rosetti, Representing Laurence Thompson, Assessment Engineers, Mr. W. R. Kolberg, Representing Stone & Youngberg, Financial Consultants and Mr. James Sims, Representing Ivor Lyons & Associates, Engineer of Work. 00- Mayor Bloxham administered a special oath to Patrolman SPECIAL OATH Alfred Benzor, a law enforcement officer. ALFRED BENZOR, LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER 00-- the City Council proceeded with the canvass, with Council- CANVASSING OF VOTES man Morehead opening the No. 2 envelope for each precinct SPECIAL MUNICIPAL and the absentee vote; Councilman Bishop read the vote from ELECTION the tally sheets, and Councilwoman Taylor, with Mr. Nordby AUGUST 20, 1963 as witness, compared the Result of Votes Cast. The measure voted upon on August 20, 1963, a tabulation of the number of votes given at each precinct for and against the measure and the whole number of votes cast is as follows: MEASURE SUBMITTED TO VOTE OF VOTERS I CITY OF BALDWIN PARK Referendum, Shall Ordinance Number YES 41 of the City of Baldwin Park, which rezones certain therein described eal property from Zones A-1 and M-1 to Zones R-l and C-2 denominated NO one Change Case No. Z-125" be adopted? Continued) BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 08-U02 27-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116777-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 ADJOURNED-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 08 27 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+ŸÍ«4 Q38 Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park'City Council August 27, 1963 Page 2 Voting p inct Yes o t a i Fejti t?d Ng Pasofs Total Ballots Voted 2 41 50 43 Z 134 102 3 48 69 117 4 65 60 125--- 5 82 75 157 6 75 66 141 7 49 87 16 8 61 81 142 9 43 40 3 86 10 38 54 92 11 66 83 149 12 19 38 57 13 32 73 105 14 18 40 8 15 38 10'? i 14-5 16 29 84 17 35 64 29 18 29 78 107 19 32 67 99 20 8 31 9 21 28 68 96 22 38 58 97 23 40 30 70 Absentee Vote 17 15 32 t s L4 1 4. 2448 City Clerk Balkus read in full Resolution No. 63-116, entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 63-116 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK DECLARING THE RESULT OF THE SPECIAL ELECTION HELD ON THE 2(jTH DAY OF AUGUST 1963, AND DECLARING THE RE- SULT OF TI;E CANVASS OF THE VOLES CAST AT SAID ELECT I ON. 1 COUNCILWOMAN TAYLOR MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 63-1 16 BE ADOPTED AS READ. COUNCiLMAN MORE.HEAD SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN 1I)REHEAD, TAYLOR, BISHOP AND MAYOR 3L9XHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMAN HOLMES 00- RES. NO. 63-116 DECLARING THE RESL OF SPECIAL ELECTI( HELD ON 20TH DAY OF AUGUST 1963, At DECLARING RESULT C CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT SAID EL EC- T I ON RES, NO. 63-116 ADUPT ED BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 08-U02 27-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116777-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 ADJOURNED-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 08 27 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+ŸÍ«1339 Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council City Attorney Flandrick read Resolution No. 63-114 by title as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK CLARIFYING CERTAIN AMBIGUITIES PURSUANT TO SECTION 9103.2 OF THE BALDWIN PARK 14JNICIPAL CCDE." I Mr. Flandrick explained the purpose of the resolution; that it was drawn as there is a provision in the zoning ordinance in connection with conditional use permits and variances stating the basis whereby uses can be revoked but there is no field provision for the Planning Commis- sion to hear revocation matters; and this resolution would handle the problem in the interim period until an ordinance would become effective; he further explained that under proper ordinance the Planning Commission acts as an advisory board and the City Council has the final action. COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT A MORATORIUM BE CALLED ON ALL SPECIAL USE PERMITS AND VARIANCES UNTIL THE ORDINANCE IS STRAIGHTENED OUT, Discussion followed on variances in process". The City Council directed that an emergency ordinance be prepared then matters now pending would come before the City Coun- cil for public hearing. THE MOTION DIED FOR LACK OF A SECOND. The City Attorney said he would prepare such an ordinance for presentation later in the meeting. 00- City Clerk Balkus read Resolution No. 63-110 by title as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 63-I10 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK CLARIFYING CERTAIN AMBIGUITIES REGARDING THE NUMBER OF OFF STREET PARKING SPACES REQUIRED FOR MOTELS AND HOTELS WITHIN SAID CITY". COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO, 63-110 BE APPROVED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. CCUNC I UVJOMAN TAYLOR SECONDED. Discussion foil owed as to adequate space, etc. Themoti motion ca carried by t he following ng vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN MOREHEAD, TAYLOR, BISHOP AND MAYOR BLCKHAM NOES NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMAN HOLMES 00- City Clerk Balkus presented Superior Court Summons Case No. ECA2010 Minerva L. Walker. COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT THIS CLAIM BE DENIED AND REFERRED TO THE INSURANCE CARRIER. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Bloxham. 00- August 27, 1963 Page 3 RES. NO. 63-I14 CLARIFYING CERTAIN AMBIGUITIES PURSUAM; TO SECTION 9103.2 OF B.PK. MUN. CODE MOTION MAD E MOTION D I ED FOR LACK OF SECOND ATTY. TO PREPARE ORD. FOR PRESENTA- TION LATER IN MTG. RES. NO. 63-110 CLARIFYING CERTAIN AMB I GU I T 1 ES REGARD- ING NO. CF OFF STREET PARKING SPACES RE- QU I RED FOR MOTELS AND HOTELS WITHIN SAID CITY RES. NO. 63-HO ADOPTED MOTION CARRIED SUPERIOR COURT SUMMONS MINERVA L. 1'JA L KER CLAIM DENIED AND RE- FERRED TO INS. CABBIE BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 08-U02 27-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116777-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 ADJOURNED-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 08 27 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+ŸÍ«134 OAdjou rned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council City Clerk Balkus stated that the following applications for Alcoholic Beverage Licenses had been received: Donald T. Bray, 13833 Francisquito Avenue Jesse V. Salcedo, 13127-29 E. Garvey Avenue Henry A. and Julia B. Lentini, 14615 E. Garvey Avenue Robert G. and Verne W. Schwarz, 14354 Olive Street There was NO ACTION REQUIRED. 00- City Clerk Balkus stated that a bid had been received on the City owned property at Los Angeles and Stewart Streets; that the notice inviting bids was published August 9th and 15th, 1963, outlining the description; the date of re- ceiving and opening, August 21, 1963, 3:00 p.m.; that no bid less than $3,800 was to be considered; that bid was to be accompanied by certified check in an amount of not less than 10% of the bid. The bid received was from Uriel Ivan Reynolds, 14006 Los Angeles Street, Baldwin Park, California in the amount of $3,826.00, accompanied by a certified check in the amount of $382.60. Councilman Bishop ascertained that the twenty-five 25) foot strip on Stewart was included. COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT THE CITY ACCEPT THE BID IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,826.00 AND THAT THE SELLER WOULD PAY THE SELLERS PART AND THE BUYER WOULD PAY THE BUYERS PART. COUNCILWOMAN TAYLOR SECONDED. Councilman Morehead inquired as to why the property had been acquired, and it was explained that a portion of the land was necessary for the widening of Stewart Street. Discussion indicated this amount would be deposited in the general fund. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, TAYLOR, MOREHEAD AND MAYOR BLC(HAM NOES NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMAN HOLMES 00- City Clerk Balkus read the notice of the Third Annual Seminar, September 21 and 22, 1963 from The Independent Cities of Los Angeles County at Avalon and asked which of the Council planned to attend. Discussion followed and Council instructed that this be held until next regular meeting. 00- Mrs. Balkus stated a claim had been filed in the name of Harlow, Ruth and Henry Buchanan. COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT THE CLAIM BE DENIED AND RE- FERRED TO THE INSURANCE CARRIER. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor B4oxham. August 27, 1963 Page 4 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE APPLICATIONS Donald T. Bray, 1383. Francisquito Ave., Jesse V. Saicedo, 13127-29 E. Garvey Ave., Henry A. & Julia 8. Lentini, 14615 E. Garvey Ave. & Robt. G. & Verne V Schwarz, 14354 Olive St. NO ACTION REQUIRED BID CITY OWNED PROPERTY L.A. AND STBNART STREETS 81DDER URIEL IVAN REYNOLDS, 14006 Los Angeles St., B.Pk. MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT CITY ACCEPT BID I N AMT. OF $3,826.00 THIRD ANNUAL. SEM I NAF INDEPENDENT CITIES CLAIM BUCHANAN DENIED AND REFERRED TO INS. CARRIER BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 08-U02 27-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116777-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 ADJOURNED-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 08 27 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+ŸÍ«1341 Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council Chief Administrative Officer Nordby explained that he had received a response from Supervisor Frank Bonelli relating to the City's proposal concerning development of excess Flood Control District property along Big Dalton Wash; that attached to the letter was an adverse report from Road Commissioner N. H. Templin wherein he stated it would be difficult to recommend highway funds for the purpose outlined. Mr. Nordby explained that possibly when a copy of the Collier Bill is received the City may get financial assistance under select aid for streets. The League of California Cities is preparing an explanation whereby cities can receive assistance. 00- Mr. Nordby explained that the next item, was a request from James Floe, Roseglen Construction, to acquire a portion of Flood Control Excess Property which referred to the same area. He presented a map of the area and explained that Mr. Floe desired to acquire property between the condominium which the company is building at Vineland and Garvey, and Big Dalton Wash. This parcel is the southerly portion of the 836 strip. Mr. Nordby stated that discussion with Mr. Young and Mr. Welch indicated they could see no objection to the conveyance of the property from Flood Control to Roseglen as the City would still have control over the development, and Planning Commission Resolution No. 950, suggests that the developer attempt to acquire the subject parcel and incorporate it into the development. Mr. Nordby recommended that the City notify the County that the City is not interested in the property. Mr. Bill Norris, representing Roseglen Construction Company stated they have made an offer to the Flood Control District; that they would request rezoning on the property; that this would be a recreational area; that there is approximately 30,000 square feet involved. COUNCILWOMAN TAYLOR MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CONCUR WITH THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER AND THAT HE WRITE A LETTER RELINQUISHING THIS PROPERTY AND TELL THEM WE ARE NOT I NTERESTED IN IT. COUNCILAM6 N BISHOP SECONDED. Discussion followed regarding present A-1 zoning and the possibility of the property being built on and the form of action the Council should take. City Attorney Flandrick suggested that the City request the Flood Control District Place a stipulation as to what could be placed on the property and the buyer would have to accept this condition. Mr. Norris explained that this was land locked property and could be developed now if they had the property. WITH THE CONSENT OF THE SECOND THE MOTION WAS WITHDRAWN. COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT THIS ITEM BE TABLED UNTIL NEXT REGULAR MEETING SO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND THE CHIEF ADMINIS- TRATIVE OFFICER CAN CHECK FURTHER. COUNCIIWCWAN TAYLOR SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Bloxham. 00- Chief Administrative Officer Nordby stated that the Council had received his written report on Weed Abatement Procedure in the August 21, 1963 Agenda material. He suggested that the City could use the Government Code to enforce Weed control; that he had discussed the problem with oth cities and reoei•ved i nformat l on; tint the City Rtbh* August 27, 1963 Page 5 RE EXCESS FLOOD CONTROL PROPERTY ALONG BIG DALTON WASH REQUEST OF JAMES FLOE, ROSEGLEN CONSTRUCTION CO. RE EXCESS FLOOD CONTROL PROPERTY BILL NORRIS REPRE- SENTING ROSEGLEN MOTION MADE TO CONCUR WITH C.A.O. RECOMMENDATION AND WRITE LETTER RE- LINQUISHING PROPERTY DISCUSSION MOTION WITHDRAWN MOTION MADE TO TABLE UNTIL NEXT REG. MTG. SO C.A.O. AND ATTY. CAN CHECK FURTHER WEED ABATEMENT DISCUSSION BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 08-U02 27-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116777-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 ADJOURNED-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 08 27 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+ŸÍ«1342 Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council could be divided and part of it be contracted; that Mr. Palmer has been checking and giving the County the informa- tion. Mayor Bloxham stated that he was very satisfied with the weed abatement that has been done on his property. Chief Parsons of the Los Angeles County Fire Department explained that upon the request of the City the fire department would go into the rear of properties; that the work could be performed more effectively when there is good coordination between the City and the department; that the property owner was responsible for the parkways; that property is declared in the months of January and February and posted by the Weed Abatement Service, and if not complied with then the County will come in and re- move the weeds. Discussion followed. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL INSTRUCT THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER TO PURSUE THIS VJEED ABATEMENT PROGRAM AS FAR AS THE LEGALITY IS CONCERNED IN THE BEST AND QUICKEST METHOD THAT HE KNONS HON IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE WEED ABATEMENT PROGRAM: START THE PROGRAM AND COME TO SOME FINAL DECISION AND ALSO CLEAN UP THE SHRUBBERY ON CORNERS AND BY DRIVEWAYS. COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Bloxham. 00- Mr. Nordby recommended that Officer Steele's attendance at the Delinquency Control Institute, University of Southern California be approved. A $750.00 scholarship has been obtained for Officer Steele and other expenses would be borne by the State Special Police Training Fund. COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CONCUR WITH THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER AND OFFICER STEELE BE GRANTED PERMISSION TO ATTEND THE DELINQUENCY CONTROL INSTITUTE. COUNCIU0AN MOREHEAD SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Bloxham. 00- Mr. Nordby explained specifications have been prepared calling for bids to replace the 1962 Plymouth black and white patrol units with 1964 model sedans. Bid opening date has been set for October 3, 1963; automatic trans- missions have been included as an alternate bid. There was no action taken. 00- Mr. Nordby said tickets had been received for the Sixth Annual Fire Fighters Sall at the Palladium featuring Lawrence Welk and were available in his office. 00- A written recommendation from Assistant City Engineer Welch on a later Cooler for the Public Works Department was included in the August 21, 1963 agenda and was now considered by the Council. August 27, 1963 Page 6 CHIEF PARSONS DISCUSSION MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT CITY COUNCIL INSTRUCT C.A.O. TO PURSUE WEED ABATEMENT PRO- GRAM AS FAR AS LEGALITY 15 CON-- CERN® START PROGRAM AND ALSO CLEAN UP SHRUBBERY ON CORNERS AND BY DRIVEWAYS C A 0. RECOMMENDA- TION RE OFFICER STEEL E ATTENDING DELINQUENCY CONTROL INSTITUTE MOTION MADE AND CARRIED GRANTING PERMISSION TO OFFI- CER STEELE TO ATTEND DELINQUENCY CONTROL INSTITUTE INFORMATION RE SPECS. ON POL ICE PATROL UNITS BID OPENING OCT. 3. 1963 INFORMATION RE FORE FIGHTERS BALL RECOMMENDATION RE WATER COOLER PUB. WORKS DEPT. Continued) BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 08-U02 27-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116777-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 ADJOURNED-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 08 27 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+ŸÍ«1343 I Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CONCUR WITH THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER AND INSTALL FOR THE CITY CRBNS A GENERAL ELECTRIC WATER COOLER, MODEL RSA-6 AT A COST OF $159.00 INCLUDING A ONE YEAR WARRANTY ON PARTS AND LABOR FOR $7.00, PLUS SALES TAX. COUNCILWOMAN TAYLOR SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, TAYLOR, MOREHEAD AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMAN HOLMES 00- Planning Director Kalbfleisch explained that City Engineer Young had information regarding Lot Split No. 544, but as Mr. Young was out of the Council Chambers for a few minutes the Council took up other business. 00- There was discussion by the Council regarding attendance at the League of California Cities Meeting in San Francisco and the method of handling appropriations. COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT A MAXIMUM AMCU NT NOT TO EX- CEED $200.00 FOR HOTEL, MEALS AND TRANSPORTATION BE ESTABLISHED FOR EACH ONE ATTENDING THIS AMOUNT WOULD EXCLUDE THE REGISTRATION FEE. CCU NCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, MOREHEAD, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMAN HOLMES 00- At this time, City Engineer Young returned to the Council Chambers and explained that under Section 9307 of the Municipal Code the City Engineer is to make a report on lot splits to the Planning Commission which he had done on Lot Split Case No. 544 $DeMarco), however the Planning Commission did not agree with the report. He explained that he used this case only as an example as to how, with proper planning the area could be better developed by combining property and then splitting. Mr Young indicated that the Planning Commission did not feel that the City could deny a property owner the right to develop his ground, however developers are using the Lot Split Ordinance as a method of developing and circumventing the Subdivision Ordinance and Land Map Act. The subdivider does this by lot splitting into four parcels and then coming back the following year and requesting three more parcels; making a total of six parcels. He explained that if this area were properly developed it would make a fine subdivision, he presented a map showing how the area could be developed by eliminating land lines and rearranging and planning as a subdivision. This would increase land values regardless of the size of the lots; that individual development results in poor planning. Mr. Young suggested in the future that the Lot Split Ordinance be reviewed with certain requirements for lot sizes, houses, streets, etc. Discussion followed. fContInued) August 27, 1963 Page 7 MOTION MADE AND CARRIED TO INSTALL FOR CITY CRBBNS A GENERAL ELECTRIC WATER COOLER LOT SPLIT NO. 544 LEAGUE OF CALIF. CITI ES MDT I ON MADE AND CARRIED THAT $200.00 MAXIMUM BE ESTABLISH FOR EACH ONE ATTEND- ING RE LOT SPLIT ORD. AND L.S. NOS. 544, 561 AND 563 BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 08-U02 27-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116777-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 ADJOURNED-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 08 27 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+ŸÍ«1 44Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council Mr. Kalbfeisch stated that an adequate Lot Split Ordinance would make for much better development throughout the City. Further discussion followed regarding Lot Split Case No. 544; the possibility of this lot split being resplit at a future time. This method of development increases the City's engineering, designing, grading, drainage costs and installation of improvements. Improvements should be made at the time property is developed, also there are improve- ment problems when part of a lot split property changes hands. City Attorney Flandrick suggested that a proper ordinance would correct some of the problems on lot splits; he stated that at the present time there are problems with regard to improvement agreements with change of ownership; that possibly owners could get together with others in the area and develop under the 1903 or 1911 acts; that the fire department encounters problems as a result of many lot split developments. Discussion by Council followed regarding slower develop- ment under such a procedure. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT LOT SPLIT NOS. 544, 551 ARID 563 BE HELD OVER UNTIL THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, SEPTEMBER 18, AND INSTRUCT THE CITY ATTORNEY TO BRING BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL A REVISED LOT SPLIT ORDINANCE ALONG THE LINES DISCUSSED. COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. There were no objections the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Bloxham. 00- At 9:40 p.m. Mayor Bloxham stated that as the consultants for the Sewer District were present the brochure for District No. 2 would be discussed. Mr. Schreiner read the proposed brochure with various changes being made. He stated the brochure would accompany the notices of assessment to property owners in Sewer District 62-A-1. The following changes were discussed: Section 4 a), Line 3, following the word requirements, the words wi I I be made" were added. Section 5 a) Line 4, 6 inch" was deleted and Line 5, 21 inch" was changed to 18 inch". Section 5 b) add prior to" the hearing. Section 6 b) was discussed at length; the design engineer was asked what the contingency factor should be in the estimated assessment in order that the figure of $9.52 per running foot could be reduced; that this was high and could be protested; that the 5% construction contingency and the 5% bond discount were high. The method of assessing publicly owned property such as schools, parks, city property county property and districts, eft. was discussed. It was stated that there are about 160 acres of school property in district No. 2. Inquiry was made as to what would happen if the public entity did not pay within the thirty day period, wherein the assessment engineer explained that in one instance the City paid, however they were paid back in five years. There was further discussion that all property should be assessed equally and the average property oymer should not be carrying the load for large land areas. August 27, 1963 Page 8 MOTION MADE THAT LOT SPLIT NOS. 544, 551 AND 563 BE HELD OVER UNTIL THE NEXT REG. MUG. OF THE C IT' COUNCIL, SEPT. 18, AND INSTRUCT CITY ATTY. TO BRING BEFOR THE COUNCIL A REVISE LOT SPLIT ORD. ALONG THE LINES DISCUSSED wocw E 62-A-1 Continued) BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 08-U02 27-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116777-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 ADJOURNED-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 08 27 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+Ÿ Í«I Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT THE ASSESSMENTS IN DISTRICT NO. 2 BE SET UP IN A MANNER THAT ALL PROPERTY WILL PAY EQUAL ASSESSMENTS. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECOND®. Discussion followed. With the consent of the second, Councilman Bishop requested that Mr. Schreiner reword the motion. The motion was as follows: COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOWED THAT NO PROPERTY SHALL BE ASSESSED DIFFERENTLY FROM OTHER PROPERTY SOLELY BY VIRTUE OF ITS PRESENT CURRENT USE OR QWNERSHIP. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMAN BISHOP, MOREHEAD, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BL(XHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMAN HOLMES Section 7, second to the last line change will" to may". Section 8, 2), change the first sentence to read bearing annual interest set by lowest responsible bid". Under Section 8 b) stress the fact that any assessment under $50.00 must be paid in cash. Discussion followed as to the use of 1911 or 1913 Act; wherein Mr. Schreiner explained that a different procedure is used for each; that the assessment spread as made by the assessment engineer on District No. 2 would be useless under a 1911 Act under which the work is performed and then the assessment is spread. The concensus of opinion was that the 1913 Act be used. Mr. Rosetti informed Council that he would correct the brochure and return a draft to the Council before the mailing. Mr. Schreiner said the next item on the agenda for final organizational meeting for Sewer District 62-A-1 was final consideration of cost estimates together with contingency factor and bond discount factor. He stated in the last district the cost estimates were developed for the construction costs and incidental expenses and included within those was provision for a potential five percent 5%) bond discount, and a five percent 5%) contingency factor for increase cost of the work; that he was aware of the fact that the cost estimates and the footage of District No. 2 were higher than District No. 1; that as the Council could see from the brochure the total estimate was 24 million dollars and the front footage cost was estimated at $9.52 per front foot exclusive of the house lateral. He asked Mr. Rosetti If the could give a rough calculation as to how the change in the assessment of school property would affect the front footage cost. Mr. Rosetti stated it would lower it some but would not be too significant. Discussion followed that there were twenty-six 26) miles of mainline and fifteen 15) miles of laterals in District No. 2. Councilman Bishop indicated in order to bring the cost down) he did not think that District No. 2 should have a five percent 5%) bond discount. Continued) August 27, 1963 Page 9 MOTION MADE MOTION REWORDED MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT NO PROPERTY SHALL BE ASSESSED DIFFERENTLI FRAM OTHER PROPERTY SOLELY BY VIRTUE OF ITS PRESENT CURRENT USE OR OWNERSHIP BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 08-U02 27-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116777-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 ADJOURNED-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 08 27 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+Ÿ Í«1346 Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council Mr. W. R. Kolberg pointed out the City was very fortunate that the contractor stayed on District No. I because the contractor was held up for approximately one year; that in addition to that there were two labor increases during that time; that as it turned out the bond discount was not used but it should be left in. Mayor Bloxham asked where the big difference was in the price between District No. I and District No. 2. Mr. James Sims stated a ten to twelve percent labor increase was figured; that there would be an increased material cost; that the contractors would be taking into considera- tion the delay on District No.leven though it was hoped that there would not be a delay on District No. 2 but this was a possibility. Mr. Rosetti pointed out that the night before the public hearing the bids would be in and it would be known what the actual assessment would be, Further discussion followed concerning the bond discount wherein Mr. Kolberg stated the bond discount was only used, for most practicable purposes, to reduce the net interest cost. Mr. Schreiner suggested if the Council wanted to delete from the cost estimate the contingency factor of five 5%), the Council should ask Mr. Sims whether he felt this could be done and still get a workable job out of it with the money that would be assessed; and if the Council desired to delete the bond'discount of five percent 5%), it would be proper to request Mr. Kolberg to get an opinion from his San Francisco office as to whether or not the bonds would then be marketable and what the risk of them not being marketable would be; and upon that make the final cost estimate. Mr. Sims stated he did believe further investigation was needed; that at this time he would say that it looked very possible that the contingency factor could be dropped. In answer to a question by City Clerk Balkus, Mr. Sims stated there would be large diameter pipe used In the main line and there would more main line used in District No. 2 than in District No. I; that there had been an increase in pipe cost. The Council concurred with the recommendation of Mr. Sims_ and Mr. Schreiner that Mr. Kolberg obtain an opinion from the San Francisco office regarding the deletion of the bond discount and that Mr. Sims obtain an opinion from Ivor Lyons and Associates regarding d!l1etion of the contingency factor. Mr. Schreiner said the next item on the agenda for the final organizational meeting for Sewer District No. 62-A-1 was the final consideration of plans, line locations, easements, number of house laterals, and lines on private streets. He stated that some time ago the City Attorney had met with the Engineer of Work, Assessment Engineer and himself to go over the location of the lines and easements; that there had been some changes made at that time; that severe) of the lines had been relocated out into the public right- of-way from parkways. Mr. Sims stated this was correct; that the entire Baldwin Park Boulevard line was redesigned as well as areas along Olive) and the main line was now in the center of the street; that approximately $28,000.00 was saved by putting the trunk line in the center rather than down both sides; that the two ten 10) inch lines were replaced with one twelve August 27, 1963 Page 10 COUNCIL INSTRUCTION NEXT ITEM FINAL CONSIDERATION OF PLANS, LINE LOCATIONS, EASEMENTS NUMBER OF HOUSE LATERALS, LINES ON PRIVATE STREETS, ETC. Continued) BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 08-U02 27-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116777-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 ADJOURNED-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 08 27 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+Ÿ Í«Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council August 27, 1963 Page 11 1347 12) inch fine; that there were water lines that interfered with the location of the lines at the curbs. He brought out that some fourteen 14) laterals were dropped and re- placed with manholes which brought up the cost, and also there was considerable increase in cost by changing the four 4) inch laterals to six 6) inch laterals which represented approximately 85,000 lineal foot of six 6) inch line; that Mr. Lampman had requested approximately 4,000 feet of twenty-one inch sewer and this had been reduced to an eighteen 18) inch diameter which was a little savings. I I Mr. Schreiner asked if the Council had taken the position RE SEWERS IN PRIVATE of sewering the entire district including all private streets. STREETS Mayor Bloxham stated this was right but those who were on private streets and did not want sewers would be bypassed. The Council again instructed the Chief Administrative COUNCIL INSTRUCTION Officer to'bring back a report as to how many private streets were involved and how many did or did not want the sewers. Mr. Rosetti stated there were sixty-one 61) houses on 61 HOUSES ON PRIVATE private streets. STREETS Discussion-followed that all of the property owners on a private street had to agree to have sewers or the sewer would not be put in. Mr. Schreiner stated the next item on the agenda for the NEXT ITEM final organizational meeting for Sewer District No. 62-A-I FINAL CONSIDERATION was final consideration of Assessment Roll and Diagram, OF ASSESSMENT ROLL extent of district property descriptions and lot ties. AND DIAGRAM, EXTENT He stated he had completed examination of the various items OF DISTRICT PROPERTY that had been submitted to them, and aside from a few DESCRIPTIONS, LOT technical changes, they felt the Assessment Roll and TIES ETC. Diagram were in good shape; that there was some talk at one point about altering the extent of the Assess- ment District to include more territory, and he asked if any decision had been reached on that. City Engineer Young stated, in his opinion, the boundary lines should not be changed. Mr. Schreiner stated that there was a problem involving inconsistency in City records and records of the County Assessor; that there was a desire of the City to issue a bond on every separate parcel of property in the Assess- ment District, and frequently where a lot split or sub- division had been authorized by the City Council nothing appeared on the County records; that there was a situation where the Assessment Diagram showed certain lot splits which had taken place but no corresponding lot split shown on the County records; that the financial consultant in preparing his prospectus for the bond sale had to put down each unpaid assessment, the amount of the assessment and the assessed value of the land so that the prospective bidders could make an analysis of what proportion of the assessment the assessed valuation of the land was; that where there was a situation of having two or three assess- ments assessed as one parcel by the County it did lead to a rather confusing development; that for that reason there had been quite a problem with the Assessment Diagram. Mr. Kolberg stated he had run across numerous cuts where there were 5-8-10-12 foot slivers fifty 50) foot by one hundred 100) foot deep receiving a separate parcel number, getting a separate assessment, getting a frontage benefit and an area benefit; that in many instances they came up with a bond of $62.00 or $63.00; that they could Continued) BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 08-U02 27-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116777-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 ADJOURNED-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 08 27 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+Ÿ 1963 08 27 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+Ÿ Í«Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council Mr. Schreiner stated the next item on the agenda for the final organization meeting for Sewer District No. 62-A-i was the establishment of a time schedule for Initiation of proceedings. He stated there were several things that had to go on before the proceedings could actually be initiated; that the Resolution of Intention must state the work that was to be done and this of course, would include any private streets on which lines would be waived; also that the answer to the other item requested this evening would have to be obtained before any official action could be taken. Mr. Rosetti stated it would take them approximately one week to bring the Assessmen+ Rol: and Diagram up to date with all of the changes recommended; that at that time they would respread the assessment reflecting the changes recommended. City Engineer Young stated he thought the canvass of the private streets could be completed by Monday. Mr. Schreiner stated from the assurances from the persons involved he could see no reason why this proceeding could not be started on September 18, 1963, the second regular meeting in September. The Council instructed Mr. Kolberg to contact Mr. Rosetti concerning the bond discount opinion. The Council also instructed to delete these items" bond discount and contingency) wherever possible; that the Council wished as low a figure as possible. 00- City Attorney Flandrick stated the first item under Unfinished Business was Z-158, an application for a zone change from A-1, P, and C-2 to R-3 at 13310 and 13312 Ramona Boulevard, Bill Howard, applicant. He stated at the last regular meeting the owner of the property requested a dismissal of the matter and it was suggested at the time that ownership be verified; that he now had a written affidavit; that it was apparently a situation where the owner had teunineted his arrangement with the potential subdivider. The Council directed the City Attorney to prepare a resolution of denial of Z-158. 00- City Clerk Balkus read Ordinance No. 295 by title as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 295 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF SAID CITY AND REZONING CERTAIN HEREIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY ZONE CASE NO. Z-180)" COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 295 PASS SECOND READING AND BE ADOPTED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: August 27, 1963 Page 13 NEXT ITEM EST. OF TIME SCHEDULE FOR INITIATION OF PRO- CEEDINGS RES. OF INTENTION POSSIBLY SEPT. 18, 1963 COUNCIL INSTRUCTION COUNCIL INSTRUCTION UNFINISHED BUSINESS Z-158, APPLICATION FOR ZONE CHANGE FROM A-I, P, AND C-2 TO R-3 AT 13310 AND 13312 RAMONA BLVD., BILL HONARD COUNCIL INSTRUCTION CITY ATTY. TO PRE- PARE RES. OF DENIAL ORD. NO. 295 AMENDING ZONING MAP CF SAID CITY AND RE- ZONING CERTAIN HERE- IN DESCRIBED PROPERT ZONE CASE NO. Z-I80 ORD. NO. 295 PASSED SECOND READ- ING AND BE ADOPTED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED AYES: COUNCILMEN BISHOP,, MOREHEAD, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMAN HOLMES 00- BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 08-U02 27-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116777-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 ADJOURNED-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 08 27 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+ŸÍ«Adjourned Regular MeE$ thg tf the Baldwin Park City Counc i l City Clerk Bai4us read Ordinance No. 291 by title as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 291 AN OR7? NOF OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C d Y C" \LCW I N Pt AMENDING THE Cr SA'L. CITY AND RE- ZONING i j D~:.''C.2?EED PROPERTY FROM ZONE R-I TO P3 i ENE CASE NO. Z-177)" CCUNCL W MO LEAD MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 291 PASS SECOND REEAOING AND BE ADOPTED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. CCUNC.U;.WOMAN TAYLOR SECONDED. The motion carri by the foI towi ng vote: AYES: NOES ABSENT: August 27, 1963 Page 14 ORD. NO. 291 AMENDING ZONING MAP OF SAID CITY AND RE- ZONING CERTAIN DES- CRIBED PROPERTY FRQ ZONE R-I TO PB ZONE CASE NO. Z-177) ORD. NO. 291 PASSED SECOND READ- ING AND BE ADOPTED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED COUNCILMEN MOREHEAD, TAYLOR, BISHOP, AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NONE COUNCILMAN HOLMES 00- City Clerk Ba4ws read Ordinance No. 296 by title as ORD. NO. 296 fo l kows: APPROVING THE ANNEXA ORDINANCE NO. 296 TION TO, INCORPORA- TING IN AND MAKING A PART OF SAID CITY, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK APPROVING TERRITORY OUTSIDE THE ANNEXATION TO, INCORPORATING IN THE SAID CITY AND AND MAKING A PART OF SAID CITY, CERTAIN CONTIGUOUS THERETO, UNINHABITED TERRITORY OUTSIDE THE SAID KNONN AS ANNEXATION CITY AND CONTIGUOUS THERETO, KNOWN AS NO. 13 ANNEXATION NO. 13" COUNCIU110 AN TAYLOR MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 296 PASS SECOND READING AND BE ADOPTED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. The motion carried by the fo.j'Jowing vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN TAYLOR, BISHOP, MOREHEAD AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMAN HOLMES 00- City Clerk Balkus read Ordinance No. 297 by title as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 297 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO, INCORPORATING IN AND MAKING A PART OF SAID CITY, CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY OUTSIDE THE SAID CITY AND CONTIGUOUS THERETO, KNOWN AS ANNEXATION NO. 14" COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 297 PASS SECOND READING AND BE ADOPTED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN MOREHEAD, BISHOP, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMAN HOLMES ORD. NO. 296 PASSED SECOND READ- ING AND BE ADOPTED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED ORD. NO. 297 APPROVING THE ANNEXA- TION TO, INCORPORA- TING IN AND MAKING A PART OF SAID CITY, CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY OUTSIDE THE SAID CITY AND CONTIGUOUS THERETO, KNONN AS ANNEXATION NO. 14 ORD. NO. 297 PASSED SECOND READ- ING AND BE ADOPTED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 08-U02 27-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116777-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 ADJOURNED-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 08 27 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+ŸÍ«Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council August 27, 1963 Page 15 City Clerk Balkus read Ordinance No. 298 by title as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 298 1 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO, INCORPORATING IN AND MAKING A PART OF SAID CITY, CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY OUTSIDE THE SAID CITY AND CONTIGUOUS THERETO, KNOIIN AS ANNEXATION NO. 15" COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 298 PASS SECOND READING AND BE ADOPTED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, MOREHEAD, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMAN HOLMES 00- City Attorney Flandrick stated there was a report from REPORT FROM P.C. the Planning Commission making certain recommendations MAKING CERTAIN regarding Z-178 before each member of the Council; that RECOMMENDATIONS RE each member of the Council had a copy of this ordinance. Z-178 Discussion followed wherein the time in Sections 9120.36 and 9120.391 was changed to twenty 20) days. entitled: City Clerk Balkus read in full urgency Ordinance No. 294 ORD. NO. 294 ORDINANCE NO. 294 1351 ORD. NO. 298 APPROVING THE ANNEXA TION TO, INCORPORA- TING IN AND MAKING A PART OF SAID CITY, CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY OUTSIDE T SAID CITY AND CONTIGUOUS THERETO, KNOWN AS ANNEXATION NO. 15 ORD. NO. 298 PASSED SECOND READ- ING AND BE ADOPTED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED AMENDING SECTIONS 9120, 9120.11, 9120. 9120.21, 9120.22, 9120.32, 9120.33, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF 9120.34, 9120.36, THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK AMENDING 9120.361, 9120.38, SECTIONS 9120, 9120.11, 9120.2, 9120.21, 9120.391, 9120.392, 9120.22, 9120.32, 9120.33, 9120.34, 9120.4 AN D 9120.41 9120.36, 9120,361, 9120.38, 9120.391, OF THE B.P.M.C.; 9120.392, 9120.4 AND 9120.41 OF THE AND REPEALING SECTI( BALDWIN PARK MUNICIPAL CODE; AND RE- 9120.1, 9120.37, PEALING SECTIONS 9120.1, 9120.37, 9120.371, 9120.371, 9120.39, 9120.39, 9121.9 AND 9121.91 OF SAID 9121.9 AND 9121.91 CODE, RELATING TO ZONE VARIANCES, CONDI- OF SAID CODE, RE- TIONAL USE PERMITS, AND MASTER PLAN LATING TO ZONE VARI- AMENDMENTS Z-178) URGENCY ORDINANCE)" ANCES, CONDITIONAL I COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 294 BE ADOPTED, COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. The motion carried by the folloning vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, MOREHEAD, TAYLOR AND MAYOR &((HAM NOES NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMAN HOLMES 00- City Clerk Balkus read Ordinance No. 301 by title as follows: USE PERMITS, AND MASTER PLAN AMEND- MENTS Z-I78) URGENCY ORDINANCE) ORD. NO. 294 ADOPTED ORD. NO. 301 AMENDING SECTIONS Continued) ICont i nued) BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 08-U02 27-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116777-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 ADJOURNED-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 08 27 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+ŸÍ«Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council ORDINANCE NO. 301 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK AMENDING SECTIONS 9120, 9120.11, 9120.2, 9120.21, 9120.22, 9120.32, 9120.33, 9120.34, 9120.36, 9120.361, 9120.38, 9120.391, 9120.392, 9120.4 AND 9120.41 OF THE BALDWIN PARK NUNICIPAL CODE; AND RE- PEALING SECTIONS 9120.1 9120.37, 9120.371, 9120.39, 9121.9 AND 9121.91 OF SAID CODE, RELATING TO ZONE VARIANCES, CONDI- TIONAL USE PERMITS, AND MASTER PLAN AMENDMENTS tZ-178)" COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 301 PASS FIRST READING AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN BISHOP SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN MOREHEAD, BISHOP, TAYLOR AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMAN HOLMES 00- City Clerk Balkus read Resolution No. 63-115 by title as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 63-115 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK ESTABLISHING FEES FOR THE USE OF THE BALDWIN PARK MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM" COUNCILMAN BISHOP MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO, 63-115 BE APPROVED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILWOMAN TAYLOR SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BISHOP, TAYLOR, MOREHEAD AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMAN HOLMES 00- City Clerk Balkus read Resolution No. 63-117 by title as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 63-1 17 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK ALLOWING CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK" COUNCILWOMAN TAYLOR MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 63-117 BE APPROVED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote August 27, 1963 Page 16 9120, 9120.11, 9120. 9120.21, 9120.22, 9120.32, 9120.33, 9120.34, 9120.36, 9120.361, 9120.38, 9120.391, 9120.392, 9120.4 AND 9120.41 OF THE B.P.M.C.; AND REPEALING SECTIC 9120.1, 9120.37, 9120.371, 9120.39, 9121.9 AND 9121.91 OF SAID CODE, RE- LATING TO ZONE VARI- ANCES, CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS, AND MASTER PLAN AMEND- MENTS Z-178) ORD. NO. 301 PASSED FIRST READ- ING AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED RES. NO. 63-115 ESTABLISHING FEES FOR THE USE OF THE B. PK. MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM RES. NO. 63-115 APPROVED AND FURTHEF READING BE WAIVED RES. NO. 63-117 ALLOWING CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AGAINST CITY OF B.PK. GENERAL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS NOS. 3286- 3415 INCL. PAYROLL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS NOS. 2358- 2464 INCL. RES. NO. 63-1 17 APPROVED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED Continued) BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 08-U02 27-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116777-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 ADJOURNED-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 08 27 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+ŸÍ«1353 I I Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council AYES: COUNCILMEN TAYLOR, MOREHEAD, BISHOP AND MAYOR BLOXHAM NOES: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMAN HOLMES 00- City Attorney Flandrick stated that Council had had be- fore them several weeks ago the proposal in connection with the City of Baldwin Park vs. Chez, Baldwin Park Boulevard widening project, concerning the settlement of some of the parcels involved; that there were two separate matters before the Council, one involving four parcels, the figures on which had been accepted pursuant to the Council's instructions and those four parcels were settled; that there was one other matter, Parcel 6, Mr. and Mrs. Mathewson at 3216 Baldwin Park Boulevard, in which there was a problem in that the street widening project and the right-of-way to be acquired would have taken some two or three feet off of their dining room, and the home being forty 40) years old there was a problem as far as evaluation; that the first appraisal was set at $3950.00 and the second appraisal was $4,929.00; that the matter was set for trial on August 28, 1963; that Mr. Nordby and he had gone out, with the attorney's permission, and talked to Mrs. Mathewson this afternoon and Mr. Mathewson was here this evening; that as a possibility Mr. and Mrs. Mathewson had discussed offering $2500.00 in lieu of the $5,000.00 earlier authorized by the Council providing that they were per- mitted to retain the present location of their house, two 2) feet into the parkway area, for a period of not to exceed five 5) years at the maximum or if there was any zone change on the property they would auto- matically remove it or if there was a sale of the property it would automatically be removed; that the removal would be at their cost; that if this was satis- factory to the Council, and this was recommended by City Engineer Young, Chief Administrative Officer Nordby and himself, the settlement could be made. Discussion followed that this property was the third lot on the east side of the street north from Francisquito; that there was to be no sidewalk improvement at this time and the curb line would be seven or eight feet from the structure; that the structure would have to be removed if the zone change was to C-I or a higher use. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT PARCEL 6 IN THE CITY OF BALD41N PARK VS. CHEZ, MR. AND MRS. MATHBWSON, THAT THE SETTLEMENT OFFER MADE BY THEM BE ACCEPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $2500.00 WITH THE CONDITIONS IN EITHER THE JUDGMENT OR A SEPARATE AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY COUNCIL THAT THE TWO FOOT ENCROACHMENT OF THE HOUSE BE PERMITTED FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED FIVE YEARS AT THE MAXIMUM OR THAT THAT RIGHT BE TERMINATED IF THERE I S A ZONE CHANGE TO C-I ZONING OR HIGHER OR IF THE PROPERTY IS SOW OR tF THE PROPERTY IS DESTROYED WHOLLY OR IN PART THAT THEY WILL REMOVE THE EXISTING STRUCTURES. COUNCILV40MAN TAYLOR SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN MOREHEAD, TAYLOR, BISHOP, AND MAYOR BLCDXHAM NOES NONE ABSENT COUHCLLWAN I-IOLNES Coat in&,ed 1 August 27, 1963 Page 17 RE LITIGATION CITY OF B.PK. VS. CHE Z PARCEL 6 MR. AND IRS. MATHEWSON, 3216 B.Pk. Blvd. MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT PARCEL 6, IN CITY OF B.PK. VS. CHEZ, MR. AND MRS. MATHBWSON, THAT SETTLEMENT OFFER MAD- BY THEM BE ACCEPTED IN AMT. OF $2500.00 WITH CONDITIONS IN EITHER THE JUDGMENT OR A SEPARATE AGREE- MENT WITH THE CITY COUNCIL THAT THE TWO FOOT ENCROACHMENT OF THE HOUSE BE PERMITTE! FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED FIVE YEARS AT BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 08-U02 27-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116777-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 ADJOURNED-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1963 08 27 CC MINHÄ—@¸—+ŸÍ«Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council August 27, 1963 Page 18 THE MAXIMUM OR THAT THAT RIGHT BE TERMINATE) IF THERE IS A ZONE CHANGE TO C-1 ZONING OR HIGHEL OF IF THE PROP ERFY IS SOLD OR IF THE PROPERTY IS DESTROY[ WHOLLY OR IN PART T!- THEY WILL REMOVE THE EXISTING STRJCT. 00- Chief Administrative Officer Nordby stated that Mr. ASSIGNMENT FROM IVOR Sims before he left handed him an assignment from Ivor LYONS TO SECURITY Lyons to Security First National Bank to the extent FIRST NAT'L BANK of $15,000.00; that this did not require any Council $15,000 action. 62-A-I 00- Councilwoman Taylor asked how the plans were coming on the RE VAULT PLANS vault. Chief Administrative Officer Nordby stated that City Engineer Young was concentrating on the sewer district but was working on the vault whenever he could. 00- AT 12:45 A.M. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADJ. 12:45 A.M. ADJOURN. COUNCILWOMAN TAYLOR SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Bioxham. 00- THELMA L,. BALIUS, CITY CLIiIRtt APPROVED: August 18 1965. Date of Distribution to City Council August 13 1965. Date of D i s t ri but on to DWartmer4t-s, ugust 16~ 1965. BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 08-U02 27-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116777-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 ADJOURNED-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 Í«1348 Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council August 27, 1963 Page 12 not show an assessed value on there because it was actually shown that they tied into the parcel next door or part of a piece of property that it shows the total assessment on, yet there was four or five of these on one lot; that these would be brought to the attention of the Assessment and Design Engineer and he would show them the County records where there was a tie-in of ownership and ask them to combine these. City Attorney Flandrick stated this was not a result of lot splits, it was a result of mistakes in deed descriptions. Mr. Schreiner stated the reason this point was raised at this time was to acquaint the Council with the fact that the situation did exist; that if the Assessment Diagrams were drawn strictly to conform with the County Diagrams it would require many divisions of bonds in future years; that this matter would be worked out by the Engineers and Financial Consultants. City Engineer Young brought out where there were lot splits resulting in two, three and four houses deep, the front house got the front footage and the area assessment went to the back properties; that this was, in his opinion, an unfair distribution. Mr. Rosetti stated he did not know how a more equitable spread could be arrived at because the benefits to each parcel had to be determined; that the benefits to the rear parcels were not the same as the front parcel. Mr. Schreiner stated there would be a legal problem in trying to assess the property behind the abutting property for a direct benefit from the sewer line with- out taking the trouble of reviewing the deeds to find out if there was a right of access and a right of construction of utility over the front properties to the back. City Engineer Young stated he thought under a Revenue Bond the back parcels would pay the same as the front parcel. Mr. Kolberg stated they had to show the assessed value as one combined lot even though there might be four splits. Mr. Rosetti explained that in spreading the assessment one could not take the assessment that would be spread on the entire parcel and divide it equally; that the front parcel would have a line almost to his front door; the rear parcels had to build a line from the street back each one proportioned to his distance from the street line; that the Assessment Engineer had to assess accord- ing to benefit; that on the Assessment Diagram even if the lot was divided into three parcels it it was under one ownership it should be shown as one parcel, not three, and only one bond. Mr. Kolberg stated that due to relocating the sewer line of the private property into the right-of-way on Los Angeles Street if would require a relocation of the Assessment District boundaries; that it was a matter of moving it from the prerty line to the centerline of the street, a distance of seventy-five 75) to one hundred 100) feet. He asked if it would require Council action to make this change. Mr. Schreiner stated not now but at the time the Resolution of Intention was adopted, Continued) BIB] 39561-U01 1963-U02 08-U02 27-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO115492-U03 DO116777-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 4/22/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 ADJOURNED-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06