HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965 07 21 CC MIN1965 07 21 CC MINHÄ—@¸—/QÍ«2"60 I REGULAR MEETING OF THE BALDWIN PARK CITY COUNCIL JULY 21, 1965 CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER) 14403 East Pacific Avenue 7:30 P.M. In accordance with Section 2703 of the Municipal Code the City Council met in open meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the Conference Room for an informal session with the staff to be informed on regular agenda items. The City Council of the City of Baldwin Park met in regular session at the above place at 7:30 p.m. Councilman McCaron led the salute to the flag. FLAG SALUTE Roll Cali: Present: COUNCILMEN ADAIR, GREGORY, ROLL CALL MCCARON, MOREHEAD AND MAYOR CRITES Absent: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER NORDBY, FINANCE DIRECTOR DUNCAN AND CITY TREASURER PUGH Also Present: CITY ATTORNEY FLANDRICK, CITY ENGINEER FRENCH, BUILDING SUPERINTEN- DENT KALBFLEISCH, PLANNING DIRECTOR CHIVETTA, CHIEF OF POLICE ADAMS AND ACTING CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER AND CITY CLERK BALKUS 00- COUNCILWOMAN GREGORY MOVED THAT CITY TREASURER PUGH BE CITY TREASURER EXCUSED. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. There were no PUGH EXCUSED objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Crites. 00- Mayor Crites welcomed Mrs. Jayne Claytor and her Civics CIVICS CLASS FROM Class from Baldwin Park High School. B.PK. HIGH SCHOOL WELCOMED 00- City Clerk Balkus administered the oath of office to OATH OF OFFICE Regular Officer Pierre La Mar and Dispatcher Norman Fertig, REG. OFFICER PIERRE and Mayor Crites presented their badges. LA MAR AND DISPATCHER NORMAN FERTIG 00- COUNC I LWOhIAN GREGORY MOVED THAT THE MINUTES OF JULY 7, 1965, MINUTES OF JULY 7, BE APPROVED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN 1965, APPROVED AND MOREHEAD SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion FURTHER READING carried and was so ordered by Mayor Crites. WAIVED 00- COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT THE CITY TREASURER'S REPORT CITY TREASURER'S OF JUNE 30, 965, BE RECEIVED AND FILED. COUNCILMAN MCCARON REPORT AS OF JUNE SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and 30, 1965, RECEIVED was so ordered by Mayor Crites. AND FILED 00- Mr. Leo Caproni, representing the Baldwin Park Improvement LEO CAPRONI, Association, stated he had been asked to speak to the REPRESENTING B.PK. Council in conjunction with the letter from the Association IMPROVEMENT ASSOC. dated July 13, 1965; that the letter was concerned with only one phase of a subject that had been often discussed at their meetings throughout the years; that the subject was the growing awareness of the increasing number of RE GROWING AWARENESS dwellings and buildings which were unfit for human OF INCREASING NO. CF Continued) Continued) BIB] 39576-U01 1965-U02 07-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO116848-U03 DO116920-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/1/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1965 07 21 CC MINHÄ—@¸—/QÍ«Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council July 21, 1965 Page 2 habitation because they were substandard and in many ways a INELLINGS AND BLDGS. danger to health, safety, and welfare of the general populus; UNFIT FOR HUMAN that this also included dilapidated shacks, lean-tos, half HABITATION BECAUSE burned out houses, and a general collection of junk trash THEY WERE SUBSTANDARD and garbage in backyards; that the phase of the subject covered by the letter, the condition of some of the trailer courts and the episode of meningitis, was the most recent occurence which prompted this action; that it had been brought to their attention that the Council was concerned with these things and in the process of finding ways and means of eliminating them; that the intent of their letter was to insure the Council of citizens support in action in ASSOC. INSURING backing up any recommendation received from a request for COUNCIL OF CITIZENS a report from the Health Department regarding the trailer SUPPORT court in question; that also they offered their citizen support in action regarding the other mentioned items; that if the Health Department report offered no suggestions or recommendations or cites no health violation then he would take issue; that a personal tour of some of the premises would reveal, in some instances, small open trailers full of trash, wood and old furniture which was highly inflammable and a good nesting place for bugs, bacteria and so forth; that refrigerators were standing on the ground outside the trailers and exposed to the elements and plugged into an extension cord within the trailers, too many people living in small areas, no open play area for children, no proper ventilation and the list could go on and on; that other communities had found ways of solving similar problems; that this was probably one reason for the big increase in welfare in our City; that many of them had been moved here from elsewhere; that he was not suggesting that these people should not have a place to go; that we" also had an obligation to them and they had their rights too; that just because they were down and out was no reason to live in a substandard condition which endangered life, safety and welfare; that Azusa over the past years had been successful in removing several hundred substandard homes; that in conclusion in a program such as had been mentioned needed citizen support and they, the Improve- ment Association, respectfully offered their support. Mayor Crites stated the Council was aware that the City should be cleaned up and as fast as possible especially regarding health and safety hazards and eyesores; that the City did immediately write a letter to the County Health Department making some very definite suggestions and received'a letter back from them; that the El Monte Health Center through the County Health Department sent a two page news release to the papers and to the public which stated there were only two confirmed cases of meningitis in Baldwin Park from June 1st to the present time; that neither case had resulted in death; that one of the children had completely recovered and the other child was presently in County General Hospital and re- ported in good condition. He further stated with the amount of meningitis in the State there was cause for alarm to have so many crowded within such a small space. City Clerk Balkus pointed out that Ordinance No. 422 re- lating to public nuisances" was on the Council agenda for introduction this evening. Councilwoman Gregory stated the City had not received any word regarding these meningitis cases prior to the time the article was in the newspaper. She read the letter she wrote to Mr. K. H. Sutherland, County Health Officer, explaining the City's viewpoint and soliciting the County's direct communication to the City officials and/or the administrative staff on this and any other incident in- volving the welfare Hof Four" conrmunity. She stated her letter was mailed on July 12, 1965 and on July 13, 1965 Conti nued BIB] 39576-U01 1965-U02 07-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO116848-U03 DO116920-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/1/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1965 07 21 CC MINHÄ—@¸—/QÍ«2862 I Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council the City received the news release that went to the news- paper and actually the City received notice of the problem long after the newspaper article appeared. Discussion followed regarding the minimum occupancy space per person in a residence wherein City Attorney Flandrick stated there were regulations as to trailer courts and multiple family units. Mayor Crites stated to Mr. Caproni that the Council would be very happy to accept and work on any ideas the Planning Commission had along these lines. In answer to a question by Councilwoman Gregory, Planning Director Chivetta stated the State had regulations which regulate the Mobile Homes and Mobile Home Parks; that the City can undertake the enforcement of these State Codes. In answer to a question by Councilman Morehead, Building Superintendent Kalbfleisch stated the City was, at the present time, posting and sending letters Condemning the buildings) to approximately eight 8) to ten t0) property owners per week; that the City was getting very good response and most of the buildings were being cleaned up. 00- At the request of the Council, City Clerk Balkus read the letter from the Baldwin Park Improvement Association dated July 13, 1965, regarding the deplorable situation of a trailer court in our town of Baldwin Park". copy in official files) 00- Councilwoman Gregory reported regarding the suamer recrea- tion program now under way in Baldwin Park reading a por- tion of the article printed in the Times regarding this program. She stated she had passed to the Council a report of the first week's survey of the attendance; that aside from the actual expenditure of monies by everyone involved the Advisory Board of the Park Board was to be commended for their job of programming, supervision and organization of the project. 00- i Mayor Crites reported that he had just returned from a tour of the Los Angeles County Sanitary District's plant and facilities. He stated that the Chief Sanitary Engineer for the Sewer District for Los Angeles County had been named to the President's Advisory Board on Water Pollution and Control; that this was third man from Catiforrrla to serve on a seven man board. 00- City Clerk Backus announced that the hour of 8:00 p.m. having arrived that it was the time and place fixed for a public hearing on Z-270, an application submitted by Margaret L. Jones for a change of zone from Zone A-I light agricultural zone) to Zone M-I light manufacturing zone) or more restrictive use upon a parcel of land located at 5035 Elton Street. City Clerk 8aikus stated that proper publication, postings and mailings iiad been accomplished. July 21, 1965 Page 3 LETTER FROM B.PK. IMPROVEMENT ASSOC. DATED JULY 13, 1965 RE TRAILER PARK COUNCILWOMAN GREGORY REPORT RE SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAM MAYOR CRITES REPORT RE TOUR OF L.A. CO. SANITARY DISTRICT'S PLANT AND FACILITIES PUBLIC HEARING 8:00 P.M. Z-270, REQUESTING ZONE CHANGE FROM A-I TO M-I AT 5035 ELTON ST., MARGARET L. JONES PUBLICATION, POSTING6 AND MMILINGS Continued) L BIB] 39576-U01 1965-U02 07-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO116848-U03 DO116920-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/1/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1965 07 21 CC MINHÄ—@¸—/QÍ«2,116 3 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council Planning Director Chivetta presented a resume of the case and stated that the Planning Commission had adopted Resolu- tion No. PC 65-21 on June 23, 1965, recommending approval of the request subject to Section 3 of the resolution which states that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that the proposed reclassification shall not become effective until such time as the westerly side of Elton Street abutting the applicant's property had been widened five 5) feet and the curb, gutter and sidewalk relocated". He pointed out the subject property on a map on the wall. As there was no one In the audience desiring to speak in behalf of or in opposition to Z-270, Mayor Crites declared the public hearing closed. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CONCUR WITH THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION THAT ORDINANCE N0. 420 BE READ BY TITLE AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. City Clerk Balkus read Ordinance No. 420 by title as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 420 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF SAID CITY, AND REZONING CERTAIN HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY FROM ZONE A-I TO M-I ZONE CASE NO. Z-270)" There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Crites. CCtN 1 LWOIAAN GREGORY MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 420 BE INTRODUCED. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN GREGORY, MOR'_w'HEHD, ADAIR, MCCARON AND MAYOR CR I TES NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE Councilman Mc-Caron suggested following the further recom- mendation of the Planning Commission and that this ordinance be held for second reading until after the improvements had been put in. As there were no objections, Mayor Crites directed the City Clerk to advise the applicant of this situation. 00- City Clerk Batkus reed Resolution No. 65-119 by title as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 65-119 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALCM,IIN PARK CLARIFYING CERTAIN APBIBIGUITIES WITH REFERENCE TO DAY NURSERIES" AND LOCATION OF FENCES ON CORNER AND REVERSE CORNER LOTS I N R-ZONES" July 21, 1965 Page 4 RESUME PUBLIC HEARING DECLARED CLOSED Z-270 MOTION MADE THAT ORD. NO. 420 BE READ BY TITLE AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED ORD. NO. 420 AMENDING ZONING MAP OF SAID CITY, AND REZONING CERTAIN HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY FROM ZONE A-I TO M-I ZONE CASE NO. Z-270) MOTION CARRIED ORD. NO. 420 INTRODUCED 2ND READING TO BE HELD UNTIL STREET IMPROVEMENTS ON ELTON ST. HAVE BEEN PUT I N COUNCIL INSTRUCTION RES. NO. 65-119 CLARIFYING CERTA HV AMBIGUITIES WITH REFERENCE TO DAY NURSERIES" AND LOCA-' T I ON OF FENCES ON CORNER AND REVERSE CORNER LOTS IN R-ZONES Continued) BIB] 39576-U01 1965-U02 07-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO116848-U03 DO116920-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/1/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1965 07 21 CC MINHÄ—@¸—/QÍ«2'64 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council July 21, 1965 Page 5 COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 65-119 BE RES. NO. 65-119 APPROVED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILWOMAN ADOPTED GREGORY SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN MOREHEAD, GREGORY, ADAIR, MCCARON AND MAYOR CRITES NOES NONE ASSENT: NONE 00- City Clerk Balkus presented a Claim against the City submitted CLAIM AGAINST CITY by Violet T. Keller. VIOLET T. KELLER COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT THE CLAIM SUBMITTED BY VIOLET DENIED AND REFERRED T. KELLER BE DENIED AND REFERRED TO THE INSURANCE CARRIER. TO INS. CARRIER COUNC I LVIWAN GREGORY SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Crites. 00- i City Clerk Balkus read Resolution No. 65-120 by title as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 65-120 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWlN PARK DENYING AN APPLICATION FOR A LOT SPLIT APPLICANT: GRAZIANI; 4548 MERCED AVENUE; CASE NO. L.S. 660)" RES. NO. 65-120 DENYING AN APPLICA- TION FOR A LOT SPLIT GRAZIANI; 4548 MERCED AVE; CASE NO. LS 660) City Clerk Balkus stated the Council had before them a LETTER FROM APPLICANT letter from the applicant requesting reconsideration of this REQUESTING RECONSIDER matter. TION In answer to a question by Councilman McCaron, Planning Director Chivetta stated this was originally a parcel of ground that was split previously into four 4) parcels; that now the applicant was requesting an additional cut of the land which would create six 6) parcels; that the applicant, under the previous lot split, dedicated to the City for improvements and installed the same; that there was no logical solution to run a street through the center; that the Board determined at their hearing on this matter that the new lot split would create two interior lots and would also create a problem of nonconforming use of land of those parcels facing on the future street to the rear; that in studying the proposal of the applicant he could see no logical solution unless the City Engineer might have a solution for a street circulation; that a future solution might be to have the Commission adopt block studies showing future street circulation on deep lots. Mr. Harry Drumbeater, 4489 Cutler, Baldwin Park, representing HARRY DRUMBEATER, the applicant) stated he handled the first lot split; that 4489 Gutter, B.f''k_ there was actually no street involved to involve street frontage on this lot at that time; that there would be one interior lot; and at the time of the original lot split the City permitted one interior lot; that each front house would have a house in the rear; that there bad been many of this type of lot splits in Baldwin Park; that he realized this was possibly not a good development but it was the way things had been done in the past, and until some logical solution was presented to them there was no other way to split the land; that they would be glad to work on any suggestions they might be given. Continued) BIB] 39576-U01 1965-U02 07-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO116848-U03 DO116920-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/1/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1965 07 21 CC MINHÄ—@¸—/QÍ«Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council July 21, 1965 Page 6 Councilman McCaron stated that the City had a policy of one interior tot and previous to that the City allowed two interior lots; that one interior lot was poor develop- ment, however, there possibly could be some other solu- tion; that if the street pattern could not be had then possibly a study could be made to where they could develop it but still remain as one parcel and some sort of an ex- ception made to the zoning or a rezoning of it to that type of development. He stated this lot split was made in this manner to get by the State Law on subdivisions by dividing into four parcels and then waiting one year and then dividing the remaining two into four parcels. Planning Director Chivetta explained the original lot split, pointed it out on the map on the wall, stating that the applicant dedicated for street widening Merced and also for future street purposes Jerry Street and put in the improvements curb, gutter and sidewalks on both sides). He pointed out the present request stating it was in fact a redivision of a previous lot split which now created six parcels; that the Board felt that Parcels 2 and 4 would be the interior parcels and that the homes facing Merced would not have the required square foot of recreational area that was required along with the yard requirements. City Attorney Flandrick stated it was his opinion that the OPINION BY CITY ATTY. Council had no alternative, based upon the plans submitted, but to deny the lot split for the reasons stated by the Planning Director; that this was in violation of the State Map Act as well as the City's Zoning Ordinance; that if the applicant wished to redesign, and the Council was agreeable to the delay, this was proper. Mr. Drumbeater stated there were not two interior lots; that there was one lot behind one lot which had already been split according to Baldwin Park's Codes; that the lots would have access from Merced Avenue; that these were two lots separately divided in two; that he had already submitted three or four other lot splits of this type which had been approved; that the lots were over the required square footage. ON THE REC01'NAENDATION OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR AND THE CITY MOTION MADE THAT ATTORNEY COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 65-120 RES. NO. 65-120 BE APPROVED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCtLYI0MN BE ADOPTED GREGORY SECONDED. Discussion followed that this lot split was authorized to pro- ceed under the formula used at the time it was originally started; however, at the present time, the City felt that interior lots were poor development, and that they should cease; that this property was not properly divided in the first place due to the fact that they had some assurance that it would be approved in the future, however, there had been a change in administration and in the thinking also; that he thought there should be some sort of relief that would allow them to proceed in some manner; that possibly there should be an indication from the Planning Commission as to whether they would think to alleviate the ones that have already been started. Planning Director Chivetta stated that the Planning Commission had taken under submission, after due consideration, the possibility of revising the R-I, R-2 and R-3 Codes; that in the R-1 one of the provisions would be deep lot regulations which in part would mean that any parcel of ground that could not be split but had enough depth could build an additional unit but the property would remain under one ownership, thus creating an R-2 development on an R-I zoned piece of property. Councilman McCaron asked if under the present situation if it would be better that it be denied and the applicant resubmit his application when relief could be had. Continued) BIB] 39576-U01 1965-U02 07-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO116848-U03 DO116920-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/1/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1965 07 21 CC MINHÄ—@¸—/QÍ«Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council July 21, 1965 Page 7 I City Attorney Flandrick stated either that or the matter could be held over and the applicant referred to Planning Director Chivetta and City Engineer French to see if any other possible development was available to them in terms of this particular piece of land. Planning Director Chivetta stated there was nothing in the Code at the present time which would allow deep lot development; that this would have to be recommended by the Planning Commission to the City Council as a possible amendment to the Code. Councilman McCaron stated there was another lot split on the Agenda this evening that would create the same situa- tion if allowed to pass. Councilman Morehead stated it appeared that nothing could be done by this Council on this particular lot split; that the only thing that could possibly be done was to deny it and see what the Planning Commission recommended for R-l development; that it certainly appeared as had been stated that the original application for lot split on this property was done in a reverse manner; that it was indicated to him that the original lot split combined with this one was to circumvent the State Map Act. The motion carried by the following vote: MOTION CARRIED AYES: COUNCILMEN MOREHEAD.. GREGORY, ADAIR, MCCARON AND MAYOR CRITES NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- City Clerk Backus read Ordinance No. 421 by title as ORD. NO. 421 follows: REPEALING SECTIONS 9307, 9308, 9309 AND ORDINANCE NO. 421 9310 OF B.PK. MUN. CODE RE LOT SPLITS AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDVJ I N PARK REPEALING SECTIONS 9307, 9308, 9309 AND 9310 OF THE BALDWIN PARK MUNICIPAL CODE, RELATING TO LOT SPLITS" I CCUNC I LWOA"AN GREGORY MOVED THAT FURTHER READ I HG OF ORDINANCE FURTHER. READING CF NO. 421 BEt'/AIVED. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. There were ORD. NO. 421 WAIVED no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Crites. COUNCILWOMAN GREGORY MOVED THAT ORD I NA NC E NO. 421 BE ORD. NO. 421 INTRODUCED, COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. The motion INTRODUCED carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN GREGORY, MOREU+EAD, ADAIR, MCCARON AND MAYOR CRITES NOES NONE ABSENT. NONE 00- City Clerk Balkus read Resolution No. 65-121 by title as RES. NO. 65-121 follows: GRANTING CONS ENT Continued) Continued) BIB] 39576-U01 1965-U02 07-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO116848-U03 DO116920-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/1/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1965 07 21 CC MINHÄ—@¸—/QÍ«2^:6 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council July 21, 1965 Page 8 RESOLUTION NO. 65-121 AND JURISDICTION TO CO. LTG. DISTRICT A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF NO. 1744 PETITION NO. THE CITY OF BALDW I N PARK GRAN', ING 62-45 CONSrNT AND JURISDICTION TO THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES IN THE MATTER OF COUNTY LIGHTING MA NT ENANC E DISTRICT NO. 1744 PETITION NO. 62-45" COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 65-121 BE RES. NO. 65-121 APPROVED AND FURTHER READ I NG BE VIA I VED. COUNC I LWOMAN ADOPTED GREGORY SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Crites. 00- Acting Chief Administrative Officer Balkus presented a proposed agreement between the City of Baldwin Park and the Baldwin Park Bulletin. City Attorney Flandrick stated that the Government Code required that each fiscal year the City enter into an agreement with an adjudicated new.;paper for the pubilcation of ordinances and other legal notices; that the agreement was based on the cost as submitted by the Bulletin; that these costs had been verified with other cities in San Gabriel Valley and the staff satisfied that they were reasonable charges and therefore recommended the approval of the agreement. He asked that the Council please note the change in dates 1964 to 1965 in the first two paragraphs and June 30th instead of July 31st. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CONCUR WITH THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER AND THE CITY ATTORNEY AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT BERNEEN THE CITY AND THE BALGNIN PARK BULLETIN AS CORRECTED. COUNCILMAN ADAIR SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN MOREHEAD, ADAIR, GREGORY, MCCARON AND MAYOR CRITES NOES NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- City Engineer French presented a request to call for Bids for the relocation of curbs, gutters and sidewalks on Pacific between Vineland and Depot and also the con- struction of curbs and gutters on Center Street between Valle Vista and Palm Avenue which was the result of the approval of the Short Forming of this area between Valle Vista and Palm. He recommended that the call for bids be authorized and a bid opening be set for 1:00 p.m. on August 3, 1965. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD IOVED THAT THE CALL FOR BIDS FOR TH£ RELOCATION OF CURBS, GUTTERS AND SIDBNALKS ON PACIFIC BE- TWEEN VINELAND AND DEPOT AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF CURBS AND GUTTERS ON CENTER STREET BETWEEN VALLE VISTA AND PALM BE AUTHORIZED AND A BID OPENING BE SET FOR 1:00 P.M. ON AUGUST 3, 1965. COUNCILWOMAN GREGORY SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEIy MOREHEAD, GREGORY, ADAIR, MCCARON AND MAYOR CRITES NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE AGREEMENT B.PK. BULLETIN CHANGES IN FIRST TWO PARAGRAPHS MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT COUNCIL CONCUR WITH C.A.O. AND CITY ATTY. AND AUTH. MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EX ECUT E AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY AND B.PK. BULLET AS CORRECTED REQUEST TO CALL FOR BIDS RELOCATION CF CGS ON PACIFIC BETWEE' V I N ELAND AND DEPOT AND CONSTRUCTION OF CG ON CENTER STREET BETWEEN VALLE VISTA AND PALM MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT CALL FOR BIDS BE AUTH. BIB] 39576-U01 1965-U02 07-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO116848-U03 DO116920-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/1/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1965 07 21 CC MINHÄ—@¸—/Q Í«2''-v8 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council City Engineer French reviewed his report regarding the No parking restriction on the north side of Ramona Boule- vard from a point seven hundred thirty-three 733) feet west of the center line of Francisquito Avenue and the West City Boundary. He recommended that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 65-118 which he read by title as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 65-118 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK ESTABLISHING CERTAIN VEHICULAR TRAFFIC RESTRICTIONS" COUNCIL/.AN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 65-118 B E APPROVED AND FURTHER READING BE IVJA I VED COUNCILMAN ADA I R SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES COUNCILMEN MOPEHEAD, ADA I R, GREGORY, MCCARON AND MAYOR CRIT ES NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- Planning Director Chivetta presented a resume of Tract No. 23692 located southeasterly of Vineland Avenue, north- westerly of Big Dalton Wash, northeasterly of Merced Avenue and southwesterly of Pacific Avenue, Subdivider Brooks and Miller. He stated that the Planning Commission had adopted P.C. 65-26 recommending approval of the tenta- tive tract on July 6, 1965. He stated this map was for thirty-nine 39) parcels instead of the fifty-four 54) parcels originally approved by the Planning Commission. Councilman McCaron stated that Section 2 e) should be reworded in such a manner that it did not take in the entire subdivision. Planning Director Chivetta stated the change would be that the encroachments be removed from the street area, In answer to a question by Councilman McCaron, Planning Director Chivetta read the recommendation from the County Fire Department. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CONCUR V/ITH THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND TENTATIVE APPROVAL OF TRACT NO. 23692. COUNCILMAN ADAIR SECONDED. Mr. Ralph Brooks, with the firm of Brooks and Miller, 2138 East Huntington Drive, Duarte stated originally they proposed a 40' access street; now they were request- ing a 50' rather than a 60' street. Discussion followed. City Engineer French stated regarding the problem of the thirty-one 31) foot or the forty-one 41) foot lot adjoining the street; that his memorandum to the Planning Department said that the Colverside Street should be developed to a minimum of fifty 50) foot dedicated right- of-vay; that this could be accomplished by relocating the existing garage and eliminating the side yard on the lots to the north; that he felt that it was necessary to have a Continued) July 21, 1965 Page 9 REPORT BY CITY ENGR. RE NO PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON RAMONA BOULEVARD RES. NO. 65-118 EST. CERTAIN VEHICULAR TRAFFIC RESTRICTIONS NO PARKING ON NORTH SIDE OF RAMONA BLVD. FROM POINT 733 FT. WEST OF CENTER LINE OF FRANC I SQU I TO AVE. TO WEST CITY BOUNDARY RES. NO. 65-118 ADOPTED TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 23692 SECTION 2 e) FIRE DEPT. REQUIRE- MENTS READ MOTION MADE THAT COUNCIL CONCUR WITH P.C. AND TENTATIVE APPROVAL OF TRACT NO. 23692 RALPH BROOKS, BROOKS AND MILLER, 2138 E. Huntington Dr., Duarte BIB] 39576-U01 1965-U02 07-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO116848-U03 DO116920-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/1/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1965 07 21 CC MINHÄ—@¸—/Q Í«2r, 9 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council minimum of a fifty 50) foot street but to acquire this he did not believe it was necessary to have a forty-one 41) foot lot which he had discussed with Mr. Brooks. The motion was read back. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN MOREHEAD, ADAIR, GREGORY, MCCARON AND MAYOR CR(TES NOES NONE ABSENT: NONE 00-- Planning Director Chivetta presented a resume of Tract No. 23740 located approximately three hundred 300) feet southwesterly of Clydewood Street between Vineland Avenue to the northwest and Big Dalton Wash. He stated the Planning Commission had adopted PC 65-27 recommending approval of the tentative tract on July 6, 1965. He further stated this tract was a continuation of the previous tract discussed Tract No. 23692). Mr. Ralph Brooks, with the firm of Brooks and Miller, 2138 East Huntington Drive, Duarte, stated he had no comments on this tract; that the only thing they asked for was the street. Councilman McCaron stated that Section 2 d) should be reworded to indicate that the encroachments be removed from the street area. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CONCUR WITH THE RECOMMENDAT I ON OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND TENTATIVE APPROVAL OF TRACT NO. 23740. COUNCIUNOMAN GREGORY SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN MOREHEAD, GREGORY, ADAIR, MCCARON AND MAYOR CRITES NOES NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- Planning Director Chivetta presented Lot Split No. 654, BZA 65-35, 4450 North Merced Avenue, Jesse and Mayme Shelby. He stated that the lot split was recommended for approval; that the applicant had not been in accord with the Board's resolution but the applicant assured him earlier this evening and had so stipulated that he was in full accord to sign the affidavit that he was in agre-- ment with the Board's resolution and the staff*s recom- mendation was to concur with the Board. Councilman McCaron stated this was the lot split he had reference t9 that wautd be In the sear position that the Graz1ani lot split was in at the present time if approved; that there were two large parcels that a split could be asked for after one year's wait. Planning Director Chivetta pointed out the proposed cut of the land on the map on the wall which showed the two lots eighty-five 85) foot by sixty-six 66) foot in width fronting on Merced and the two lots fronting on the future Jerry Avenue being some one hundred seventy-five 175) feet in depth. He stated that the applicant proposed a different cut of the land whereby Parcels C and D would be seventy 70) to eighty-five 85) feet in depth and Parcels A and B fronting on Merced would be one hundred seventy-five 175) feet in depth by sixty-six 166) foot in depth v+tti+ctr Would be just a rever'eel of what was approved Continued) July 21, 1965 Page 10 MOTION CARRIED TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 23740 RALPH BROOKS, BROOKS AND MILLER 2138 E. Huntington Dr., Duarte SECTION 2 d) MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT COUt'CIL. CONCUR WITH R EC 0t P.C. AND TENT. APPROVAL OF TRACI NO. 23740 L.S. NO. 654, BZA 65-35, 4450 N. Merced Ave., Jesse and Mayme Shelby BIB] 39576-U01 1965-U02 07-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO116848-U03 DO116920-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/1/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1965 07 21 CC MINHÄ—@¸—/Q Í«Z-1 70 I I Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council July 21, 1965 Page 11 by the Board. He stated that the staff recommended if the Council wished that certainly the resolution could be adopted approving the corrected split of the land. He stated that the policy of the City had been explained to the applicant regarding interior lots. He stated that the reason for chang- ing the cut of the land was that the applicant could then apply for R-2 zoning on Parcels A and B as these parcels abut R-3 property to the south. Mr. Jesse Shelby, 4450 North Merced Avenue, Baldwin Park, JESSE SHELBY, stated he had had the property surveyed approximately 44g0 N, t,lerced Ave., three 3) years ago; that at that time he understood that B.Pk. the City did permit interior lots, however he had been informed that there was to be no more interior lots which he was highly in favor of; that it was their intention to reverse the lot sizes to have the deep lots face Merced instead of the future street, Jerry; that the reason for that was that in the immediate area there w3 a n-renty-si x 26) unit apartment building to the south 3;i~ ell around them were Interior lots which had been approv'd some time ago; that they felt they sho;±ld ask for a rezoning on the deep lots to enable them to build rentals. Discussion followed regarding the lot depth of Parcels C and D. City Engineer French stated the lot depth shown was eighty- five 85) feet; that the present ordinance did not have a minimum lot depth, however the ordinance the Planning Commission was studying would establish a minimum lot depth; that the small lots conform to lots crentod in the area now; that he would not recommend tha,- interior lots be created; that if the zoning were to remain the same it would be more in line to have a uniform split between the two lots. Planning Director Chivetta stated it appeared there might be a possibility of a reclassification to R-2 but he could not state that the Planning Commission would or would not recommend this reclassification. Planning Director Chivetta further stated if the applicants LOT SIZE were in accord the lots facing Jerry could be no less than PARCELS C AND D sixty-six 66) feet by one hundred 100) feet instead of eighty-five 85) by sixty-six 66) feet. Mr. Shelby stated not being a builder or an engineer he could not answer this right off, however he could not see anything wrong with making the lots one hundred 100) feet but he was concerned that the cut the cul-de-sac would take in the one lot. Planning Director stated if Parcel A and B were 110 x 66 LOT SIZE making Parcel A and B 9900 square feet these Parcels would PARCELS A AND B not qualify for further splitting. City Engineer French stated that Jerry Street as proposed by this lot split and previous lot splits would cul-de-sac at this tot split and he would like approval of the grading PROVISION REQUESTED on the lots as well as provision for drainage of Jerry Street. BY CITY ENGR. RE GRADING AND DRAINAGE JERRY ST. City Attorney Flandrick stated if the Council so desired a resolution would be prepared and submitted at the next regular meeting carrying the provision just mentioned by the City Engineer with the revision in the lot lines and the depths of the various lots. Continued) BIB] 39576-U01 1965-U02 07-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO116848-U03 DO116920-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/1/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1965 07 21 CC MINHÄ—@¸—/Q 1965 07 21 CC MINHÄ—@¸—/Q Í«272 July 21, 1965 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council Page 13 COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 65-123 BE APPROVED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED COUNCILMAN MCCARON SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN MOREHEAD, MCCARON, ADAIR, GREGORY AND MAYOR CRITES NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE Resolution No. 65-124 was read by title as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 65-124 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK APPROVING A MAP FOR TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 23740 LOCATION: APPROXIMATELY 300 FEET SOUTHWESTERLY OF CLYDEWOOD STREET BE- TWEEN VINELAND AVENUE TO THE NORTH- WEST AND BIG DALTON WASH TO THE SOUTHEAST; BEING A RE-SUBDIVISION OF PORTIONS OF LOTS 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 AND 23 OF LICENSE SURVEY 22 2, FORMERLY PORTIONS OF LOT 66 AND PART OF LOT 60, EL MONTE WALNUT PLACE, IN THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK, CALIFORNIA)" COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 65-124 BE APPROVED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCI LWONAN GREGORY SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN MOREHEAD, GREGORY, ADAIR, MCCARON AND MAYOR CRITES NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- City Clerk Balkus read Ordinance No. 422 by title as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 422 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK AMENDING CHAPTER 2 OF ARTICLE 111, CONSISTING OF SECTIONS 3200 THROUGH 3211 OF THE BALDWIN PARK MUNICIPAL CODE, AND RE- PEALING SECTION 4250.22 THEREOF, RE- LATING TO PUBLIC NUISANCES" COUNCILWOMAN GREGORY MOVED THAT FURTHER READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 422 BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Crites. COUNCILWOMAN GREGORY MOPS) THAT ORDINANCE NO, 422 BE INTRODUCED. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote- AYES: COUNCILMEN GREGORY, MOREHEAD, ADANR MCCARON AND MAYOR CRITES NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE RES. NO. 65-123 ADOPTED RES. NO. 65-124 APPROVING A MAP FOB, TENT. TRACT NO. 23740 RES. NO. 65-124 ADOPTED ORD. NO. 422 AMENDING CHAPTER 2 OF ART. III, CON- SISTING OF SECTIONS 3200 THROUGH 3211 OF B.PK. MUN. CODE, AND REPEALING SEC'flOf' 4250.22 THEREOF, RELATING TO PUBLIC NUISANCES FURTHER READING OF ORD. NO. 422 WAIVED ORD. NO. 422 INTRODUCED 00- BIB] 39576-U01 1965-U02 07-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO116848-U03 DO116920-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/1/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1965 07 21 CC MINHÄ—@¸—/QÍ«273 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council City Clerk Balkus read Ordinance No. 416 by title as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 416 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK ADDING SECTION 2909.1 TO THE BALDWIN PARK MUNICIPAL CODE" COUNCILWOMAN GREGORY MOVED THAT FURTHER READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 416 BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Crites. COUNCILWOMAN GREGORY MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 416 BE ADOPTED. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN GREGORY, MOREHEAD, ADAIR, MCCARON AND MAYOR CRITES NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- City Clerk Balkus read Ordinance No. 418 by title as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 418 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK ADDING SUBPARAGRAPH 4) TO SECTION 3381 OF THE BALDWIN PARK MUNICIPAL CODE, RE- LATING TO SPECIAL SPEED ZONES" COUNCILWOMAN GREGORY MOVED THAT FURTHER READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 418 BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was ep.ordered by Mayor Crites. COUNCILWOMAN GREGORY MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 418 BE ADOPTED. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN GREGORY, MOREHEAD, ADAIR, MCCARON AND MAYOR CRITES NOES NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- City Cleric Balkus read Ordinance No. 419 by title as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 419 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK ADDING SUB- PARAGRAPH 3) TO SECTION 3351 OF THE BALDWIN PARK MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ANGLE PARKING" COUNCILWOMAN GREGORY MOVED THAT FURTHER READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 419 BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Crites. COUNCILWOMAN GREGORY MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 419 BE ADOPTED. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. The motion carri ed by the EoI lowi ng vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN GREGORY, MOREHEAD, ADAIR, MCCARON AND MAYOR CRITES NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE July 21, 1965 Page 14 ORD. NO. 416 ADDING SECTION 2909.1 TO B.PK. MUN. CODE FURTHER READ I MG OF OR D. NO. 416 WAIVED ORD. NO. 416 ADOPTED ORD. NO. 418 ADDING TO SUBPARA- GRAPH 4) TO SECTION 3381 OF B.PK. MUN. CODE RE SPECIAL SPEED ZONES FURTHER READING OF ORD. NO. 418 WAIVED ORD. NO. 418 ADOPTED ORD. NO. 419 ADDING SUBPARAGRAPH 3) TO SECTION 3351 OF B.PK. MUN. CODE RE ANGLE PARKING FURT44FR REA M OF ORD. NO. 419 WA I VED ORD. NO. 419 ADOPTED BIB] 39576-U01 1965-U02 07-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO116848-U03 DO116920-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/1/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1965 07 21 CC MINHÄ—@¸—/QÍ«2'L 74 I Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council Councilman Morehead asked City Engineer French to explain what happened with regard to a sewer problem down on Doublegrove. City Engineer French stated a citizen had hooked up to the sewer approximately eight 8) months ago; that about two weeks ago it quit operating; that the stoppage was in the street; that as the Council knew the City was in the process of studying a sewer ordinance and in the interim the City was operating basically under the County Ordinance by policy which states that the lateral from the main line back to the property was a private service and was main- tained by the property owner; that since the sewer was constructed under the City's control if it was broken out in the street the City did have some obligation over the construction; that the City dug down, it was the lateral that was broken and the City did fix it; that it appeared that this was broken due to shifting of soil and particles in the area; that the break was right at the eight bend just before going into the main line where the sewer curves to go down. 00- Councilwoman Gregory stated she was interested in attending the Independent Cities Seminar, September 17, 18 and 19 in Palm Springs at the Holiday Inn and asked if there were any objections. She stated registration fee was $40.00. There were no objections. 00- Councilwoman Gregory asked if there could be an air conditioner put in the Hall and in the Conference Room and if Room 100 had enough air conditioners to spare one or two. As there were no objections, Mayor Crites instructed that the staff look into the matter and see what could be done. 00- City Cleric Balkus read Resolution No. 65-117 by title as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 65-117 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALD WIN PARK ALLOUIING CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK" COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD PDIVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 65-1 17 BE APPROVED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN MCCARON SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN MOREHEAD, MCCARON, ADAIR,, GREGORY AND MAYOR CRITES NOES NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- July 21, 1965 Page 15 SEWER PROBLEM DOUBLEGROVE 62-A-I COUNC I LWCVMN GP,EGCRY REQ. TO ATTEND INDE- PENDENT CITIES SEMINAR, SEPT. 17, 18 AND 19 IN PALM SPRINGS NO OBJECTIONS REQUEST FOR 2 AIR CONDITIONERS HALL AND CONFERENCE ROOM COUNCIL INSTRUCTION TO LOOK INTO MATTER RES. NO. 65-117 ALLONING CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AGAINST CITY OF B.PK. GENERAL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS NOS. 6188- 62C0 INCL. AND 191- 157 INCL. PAYROLL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS NOS. 1437- 1547 INCL. RES. N0. 65-117 ADOPTI D BIB] 39576-U01 1965-U02 07-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO116848-U03 DO116920-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/1/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1965 07 21 CC MINHÄ—@¸—/QÍ«2175 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council July 21, 1965 Page 16 AT 9:40 P.M. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADJ. AT 9:40 P.M. ADJOURN. COUNCILWOMAN GREGORY SECONDED. There were no objections, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Crites. 00- CRITES, MAYOR THELMA L. BALKUS, CITY CLERK APPROVED: August 1 1965. Date of Distribution to City Council July 30 1965. Date of Distribution to Departments August 2 1965. BIB] 39576-U01 1965-U02 07-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO116848-U03 DO116920-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/1/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 Í«2` 71 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council July 21, 1965 Page 12 COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL DIRECT THE PREPARATION OF A RESOLUTION AND SUBMISSION OF THE RESOLUTION ON AUGUST 4, 1965. COUNCILMAN MCCARON SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN MOREHEAD, MCCARON, ADAIR, GREGORY AND MAYOR CRITES NOES NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- Planning Director Chivetta presented Lot Split No, 655, BZA 65-38, 4750 North Walnut Street, Louie and Siii:-fey Hammers. He stated the lot split was recommender or approval and pointed out the area on the map or, vmll. A ten day written waiver notice had been submit-'_c' y Shirley Hampers, dated July 15, 1965. Discussion followed that there had been no street dedica- tion on the portion marked not a part of"; that this was not in control or owned by the applicant. Resolution No. 65-122 was read by title as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 65-122 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK APPROVING A LOT SPLIT APPLICANT: HAMMERS; CASE NO. L.S. 655)" COUNCILMAN MCCARON MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 65-122 BE APPROVED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN MORE- HEAD SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN MCCARON, MOREHEAD, ADA I R, GREGORY AND MAYOR CRITES NOES NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- Resolution No. 65-123 was read by title as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 65-123 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY CF BALDWIN PARK APPROVING A MAP FOR TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 23692 LOCATION: SOUTHEASTERLY OF VINELAND AVENUE, NORTHWESTERLY OF BIG DALTON WASH, NORTHEASTERLY OF MERCED AVENUE, AND SOUTHWESTERLY OF PACIFIC AVENUE, IN THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK, SUBDIVIDER, BROOKS AND MILLER)" City Attorney Flandrick stated the only change in conditions would relate to the provision as follows: That the lot lines on Lots 29, 30 and 31 be adjusted to accommodate the required sixty 601 feet of Width of Cloverside Street and a minimum lot width of fifty 50) on each of these said lots.". MOTION MADE AND CARRIED THAT CCUNCI DIRECT PREPAR" i N OF RES. AND SU'B- MISSION OF: RE'S. ON AUGUST 4, 1965 L.S. NO. 655, BZA 65-38, 5740 N. Walnut St., Louie and Shirley Hammers 10 DAY WRITTEN WAIVER NOTICE RES. NO. 65-122 APPROVING A LOT SPLIT APPLICANT: HAMMERS; CASE NO. LS 655) RES. NO. 65-122 ADOPTED RES. NO. 65-123 APPROVING TENT. TRACT NO. 23692 CHANGE IN CONDITIONS LOT LINES ON LOTS 29, 30 AND 31 BE ADJUSTED TO ACCOMMODATE REQ. 60 FT. OF WIDTH OF CLOVERSIDE ST. AND A MIN. LOT WIDTH OF 50 FT. ON EACH OF TI-FESE SAID LOTS Continued) BIB] 39576-U01 1965-U02 07-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO116848-U03 DO116920-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/1/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06