HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965 09 29 CC MIN1965 09 29 CC MINHÄ—@¸—/¤ Í«2529 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BALDWIN PARK CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER) 14403 East Pacific Avenue The City Council of the City of Baldwin Park met in adjourned regular session at the above place at 7:30 p.m. Councilman Morehead led the salute to the flag. Roll Call: Present: COUNCILMEN ADAIR, GREGORY, MCCARON, MOREHEAD AND MAYOR CRITES Absent: CHIEF OF POLICE ADAMS Also Present: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER NORDBY, CITY ATTORNEY FLANDRICK, SPECIAL COUNSEL CHARLES R. MARTIN, CITY ENGINEER FRENCH, BUILDING SUPERINTENDENT KALB- FLEISCH, PLANNING DIRECTOR CHIVETTA, FINANCE DIRECTOR DUNCAN, CITY TREASURER PUGH AND CITY CLERK BALKUS 00- Chief Administrative Officer Nordby presented a billing from City Treasurer Pugh in the amount of $154.50 for notary services. COUNCILWOMAN GREGORY MOVED PAYING THIS BILL IN THE AMOUNT OF $154.50 TO MRS. EVA PUGH FOR THE SERVICES RENDERED. Councilman Morehead questioned why Mrs.Pugh waited until this time to submit this outstanding bill, what procedure was used at the time these notary services were rendered, what policy the Councilhad at that time, and why weren't these paid monthly or quarterly instead of waiting six to eight years. City Treasurer Pugh stated most of the work was done in 1962; that in October of 1964 she was asked to make these billings; that she had never been told whether she should or should not; that prior to this time, when Mr. Cook was employed by the City, he had asked that she make abilling which she did, and it was paid in December of 1957. Further discussion followed. COUNCILMAN MCCARON SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN GREGORY, MCCARON, ADAIR, MOREHEAD AND MAYOR CRITES NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- Chief Administrative Officer Nordby stated the second item on the Agenda was a settlement of a claim submitted by N. A. Artukovich, contractor for Sewer District 64-A-I; that the Council had the figures on the amount of the claim and also an analysis of the claim by the City Engineer end a cover letter indicating his C.A.O.) comments for settle- ment; that the contractor had agreed to the proposed stipula- tion; that the City Attorney had reviewed it as well. SEPTEMBER 29, 1965 7:30 P.M. FLAG SALUTE ROLL CALL BILLING FROM CITY TREAS. PUGH IN AMOUNT OF $154.50 FOR NOTARY SERVICES MOTION MADE PAYING THIS BILL IN AMT. OF $154.50 TO MRS. EVA PUGH FOR SERVICE RENDERED MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED 64-A- I RE SETTLEMENT OF CLAIM SUBMITTED BY N.A. ARTUKOVICH Continued) BIB] 39576-U01 1965-U02 09-U02 29-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO116848-U03 DO116927-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/5/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 ADJOURNED-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1965 09 29 CC MINHÄ—@¸—/¤ Í«2530 Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council September 29, 1965 Page 2 City Attorney Flandrick stated that Special. Counsel Charles Martin was present this evening; that Mr`. Martin hed examined the documents and would comment shortly on them; that the City Engineer should be commended for resolving this problem. Councilman McCaron asked the City Engineer for a report as far as It being complete and acceptable, and what the reports were from the Field Engineers. City Engineer French stated the job was basically finished; that there were one or two items that needed cleaning up; that he believed this would be done by tomorrow; that they were all small items; that it was his recommendation that the job be accepted and it would be opened up to the public as quick as a letter could be written and signed by the City Engineer and the Mayor. Councilman McCaron asked if this would be final acceptance of all the work performed, and was it satisfactory in the estimation of-the City Engineer. City Engineer French stated this would be, in effect, final action; that formal action could not be taken until the protest hearing; that the City would be saying that the work had been completed in accordance with the plans and specifications as of this date; that the people would still have the protest hearing and if there were any protests at the hearing the City Council would have to recognize them and a disposition would have to be made at that time. Councilman Morehead stated it was his understanding if the Council concurred with the City Engineer's recommenda- tion the main idea for this was to permit the property owners to hook onto the sewer. City Engineer French stated this was one of the conditions but one of the major items was that this solved a claim for extra work in the amount of $300,000.00 made by the contractor. Councilman McCaron stated all of this could not be settled until such time as the hearings were completed. City Attorney Flandrick stated that in essence this was correct; that Mr. Martin had some comments he would like to make on this too. Mr. Martin stated he would have to agree, as Special Counsel on this district, that Mr. French had done a very remarkable job; that, of course, they" would think that the $300,000.00 claim was excessive and could not be justified but none the less it had been settled basically for a very small amount of $3,900.00; that in essence they" were not protesting the amount of the unit price increase, but the problems that would have been incurred had settlement not come about would have been tremendous and time consuming; that this Council would have faced a very difficult choice; that the Council would have had to have waited for court litigation to settle the amount of extras which might have taken as long as one or two years and held up all connections to the public sewer for that period of time so that the final amount of assessment could be confirmed to all of the property owners; that it would have been a very difficult thing to do with the sewers being in the street to notify that for a two year period that no connections would be allowed; or the Council would have had to confirm at a lesser amount and assessed the property owners and then go to court and then come back a year or two later and find that there was an extra amount to be charged and levy an additional assessment which was always very difficult and an embarrassing thing to do; that the amount of time and effort saved by settlement was certainly worthwhile; that the settlement itself was certainly well within Continued) BIB] 39576-U01 1965-U02 09-U02 29-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO116848-U03 DO116927-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/5/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 ADJOURNED-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1965 09 29 CC MINHÄ—@¸—/¤ Í«2573 t. Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Pbrk City Council September 29, 1965 Page 3 I reason, settlement in the amount of unit price extras, which would have been owed in any case, and all other claims have been settled for $3,900.00; that this was a remarkable settlement and saved not only money but time; that if the settlement was to be effected by the City Council it would, of course, have to be made subject to the protest hearing because the electorate had a right to protest; that should the electorate make a protest con- cerning work that had not been done, the Council would have to give consideration to a protest by either sustain- ing or overruling; that he had a recommended motion If and when the Council was ready to decide on the issues. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED: 1. THAT THE CONTRACTOR WITHDRAW EXISTING CLAIMS WITH PREJUDICE; AND 2. THAT THE CONTRACTOR NOW COVENANTS THAT HE WILL ACCEPT A WARRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,532,283.06 PLUS INCIDENTAL EXPENSES PURSUANT TO THE 1911 IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ACT AND WAIVING ALL PROTEST RIGHTS HE MAY HAVE AT THE PUBLIC HEARING THAT WILL BE HELD; AND 3. THAT THE CONTRACTOR DOES HEREBY GI1E AUTHORITY TO THE CITY TO PERMIT HOOKUPS TO THE EXISTING SEWERS IN 64-A-1 PROVIDING THAT THE CITY OBTAINS A WAIVER FROM SUCH PERSONS WAIVING THEIR RIGHT TO PROTEST THE MANNER OF CONSTRUCTION BY CONTRACTOR AND FURTHER WAIVING ANY CLAIM FOR DAMAGES BY SUCH OWNERS PROVIDING THAT NO SUCH WAIVER SHALL EFFECT THE RIGHT OF ANY PERSON OR OWNERS OF THE PROPERTY TO PROTEST THE MANNER OF SPREADING THE AMOUNT OF ASSESSMENT; AND 4. THAT THE CITY ACKNOWLEDGES RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGES THAT OCCUR AT THOSE HOOKUPS BETWEEN THAT DATE AND THE DATE THE ASSESS- MENT IS CONFIRMED; AND 5. THAT THE CITY ENGINEER AT THIS TIME DETERMINES THAT THE JOB HAS BEEN COMPLETED PURSUANT TO PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS; AND 6. THAT THE FOREGOING ARE SUBJECT TO THE DETERMINATION AND SETTLE- MENT BY THE CITY OF ALL PROTESTS BY PROPERTY OWNERS AT THE ASSESSMENT HEARING TO BE HELD. Councilman McCaron asked what damages could possibly arise from the waiver of damages. City Engineer French stated basically the contractor was greatly concerned about people hooking into the sewer and possibly having personal property damage to things such as curbs, gutters, sidewalks, possibly street or fence damage or damage on the property and then after they were hooked up come back and say their contractor did not do it it was the main sewer contractor that did it and then N. A. Artukovich would be caught in a bind at the time of the pro- test hearing with these people protesting on damage that he did not do; that N. A. Artukovich was not trying to get out from under items that were his responsibility under the contract; that somewhere along the line the City had to accept the sewer for the City's maintenance and opera- tion and that was what would be done at this time if the motion carried). Councilman McCaron asked if all claims for damages had been presented to the City. He stated he assumed the con- tractor had taken care of all claims that had come in. He asked if there was anything further that might be in abeyance that would arise. City Attorney Flandrick stated nothing that had been filed; that all claims received had been reviewed by the Council and referred to the insurance carrier of the contractor. City Attorney Flandrick further stated that representatives of the contractor were in the audience and he wanted, for the record, to have them indicate whether or not they were willing to accept the settlement as outlined by the motion. Continued) BIB] 39576-U01 1965-U02 09-U02 29-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO116848-U03 DO116927-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/5/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 ADJOURNED-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1965 09 29 CC MINHÄ—@¸—/¤ Í«2532 Adjourned Regu.lar Mee tir(g of tthe Baldwi;n...Pai•k City, CounciI September 29, 1965 Page 4 Mr. Dan Miller, Project.Manag+er'for N. A. Artukovich, Inc., DAN MILLER, 424 424 South Rimpau, Los Angeles, stated the only thing they South Rimpau, L.A. were Interested in was whet kind of,a letter. they were going to receive after the meet'ing'-this-evening to release them of any responsibility subject-to the protest hearing. City Attorney Flandrick stated-if this motion carried by a majority of the Council, the City Clerk would be asked to- prepare a letter tomorrow with an excerpt of that portion of the minutes indicating the nature of the motion and its passage by the Council for transmittal to Mr. Miller. Mr. Miller stated they were primarily interested in a letter that would be short and sweet and would not have a lot of stipulations. Mr. Charles Martin stated the only stipulation being added was that the City Council must, of course, retain jurisdiction to hear, consider and determine any protests that are filed. Mr. Miller stated they understood there was a protest meeting. Mr. Charles Martin stated Mr. Ntit'Iler would have a stipula- tion that the City Engineer had determined that the job had been completed according to plans and specifications; that the only exception that would be made was if the Council at the protest hearing determined that as a result of the citizens protest something had not been done they would have the right to make that determination. Mr. Miller stated they would accept that. Mayor Crites asked if Mr. Miller was In agreement with the conditions as stated. Mr. Miller stated subject to a protest meeting only. Mr. Martin stated It could not now be determined that there would be no protests. Mr. Miller asked if this would be Inserted in the letter of acceptance. Mr. Martin stated that it would be subject to any citizen protest that might be filed and determination by the Council in evafuating'the protest; that as far as the City officially was concerned-the City Engineer will have made a determination that it does comply with the plans and specifications. Mr. Miller stated they would accept that. The motion carried by the following vote: MOTION CARRIED AYES: COUNCILMEN MOREHEAD, ADAIR, GREGORY, MCCARON AND MAYOR CRITES NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 00- Chief Administrative Officer Nordby stated the next item was the Lighting District proposal; that the recommenda- tion had been prepared by the City Engineer; that he concurred with the third proposal; that regarding the minimum I.E.S. standards, at the present time Southern California Edison Company was upgrading the 4,000 and 6,000 lumen lighting units to a minimum of 7,000; that there was another matter In minimum I.E.S. standards which was the spacing of the lights which called for REPORT'RE LIGHTING DISTRICT CONT'D FROM SEPT. 15,. $965) Continued$ BIB] 39576-U01 1965-U02 09-U02 29-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO116848-U03 DO116927-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/5/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 ADJOURNED-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1965 09 29 CC MINHÄ—@¸—/¤ Í«Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council somewhere in the vicinity of one hundred eighty 180) to two hundred 200) feet on 7,000 lumen lights; that the first installation in unlighted areas would probably be four hundred 400) feet apart with the upgrading between this distance to take place at a later date; that the reason this recommendation was made was to keep the tax rate within the new district consistent with what was pro- posed for the current year, $.28 per one hundred dollars valuation. Councilwoman Gregory stated when the City withdrew from the County Lighting District who would govern the new district. City Attorney Flandrick stated the City Council would be the forming agency as well as the governing agency; that there was a provision in the 1919 Act that, in lieu of going out for competitive bids for construction and impprovements, the Council might directly contract, as a part of the resolution of intention, with the Edison Company, and he was sure that would be the staff recommendation. Special Counsel Charles Martin left at 7:55 p.m. Chief Administrative Officer Nordby stated the report that City Engineer French made was a esult cif study of maps which indicated the present location o;: all of the luminaires and their intensity throughout the City and then completing the spacing by indicating the new lights on the maps; that there was no time actually for a field survey; that this report was reasonably accurate. City Clerk Balkus read Resolution No. 65-143 by title as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 65-143 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK DECLARING ALL PROPERTIES LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK TO BE WITHDRAWN FROM COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1744" COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 65-143 BE APPROVED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILWOMAN GREGORY SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN MOREHEAD, GREGORY, ADAIR, MCCARON AND MAYOR CRITES NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE City Clerk Backus read Resolution No. 65-144 by title as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 65-144 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK DECLARING ALL PROPERTIES LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK TO BE WITHDRAWN FROM BALDWIN PARK LIGHTING DISTRICT" A.%) September 29, 1965 Page 5 SPECIAL COUNSEL CHARLES MARTIN LEFT AT 7:55 P.M. RES. NO. 65-143 DECLARING ALL PROP- ERTIES LOCATED WITH- IN CITY OF B.PK. TO BE WITHDRAWN FROM CC OF L.A. LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1744 RES. NO. 65-143 ADOPTED RES. NO. 65-144 DECLARING ALL PROPERTIES LOCATED WITHIN CITY OF B.PK TO BE WITHDRAWN FROM B.PK. LIGHTING D 1STR I•CT Continued) BIB] 39576-U01 1965-U02 09-U02 29-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO116848-U03 DO116927-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/5/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 ADJOURNED-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1965 09 29 CC MINHÄ—@¸—/¤ Í«2534 Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 65-144 BE APPROVED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN ADAIR SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN MOREHEAD, ADAIR, GREGORY, MCCARON AND MAYOR CRITES NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE City Attorney Flandrick stated the staff would commence the formation of the fighting district and would present the necessary documents to the Council probably at the October 20th meeting. Councilman McCaron asked what happened to the property that was relinquished to the County in District No. 1744. City Attorney Flandrick stated when Resolution Nos. 65-143 and 65-144 were transmitted to the County it would be requested that the two hearings now in process be cancelled. Resolu- tion Nos. 65-137 and 65-1211 Councilman Morehead asked if the City would acquire any interest that was invested by the people in the fighting district and if there would be any rebate from the County. City Attorney Flandrick stated he thought the City would be entitled'to a rebate but whether or not the County would voluntarily rebate he did not know; that the City would get the facilities in place; that he would comment further on this at the October 20th meeting. Chief Administrative Officer Nordby stated the tax rate in each district from year to year varies; that the County had subsidized the cost each few years by applying some of the surplus that had been accrued to the cost of lighting the district. 00- Chief Administrative Officer Nordby stated he had received a notice that there would be a hearing before the Irwindale Planning Commission concerning an application for the installation of an oval racetrack near the intersection of Center and Olive Streets; that this was not In the City of Baldwin Park, however he felt the City had some direct interest In this because of problems that were quite often created by an installation of this kind; that he had September 29, 1965 Page 6 RES. NO. 65-144 ADOPTED STAFF TO COMMENCE FORMATION OF LiGHTI~ DISTRICT AND PRE- SENT NEC. DOCUMENTS PROBABLY AT OCT. 20TH MTG. NOTICE RECEIVED BY C.A.O. RE APPLICA- TION FOR THE INSTALL TiON OF OVAL RACE- TRACT NEAR INTER- SECTION OF CENTER AND OLIVE IN IRWINDi referred this matter to the Planning Director for informal con- sideration by the Planning Commission, the intent being to get a recommends ion from the Planning Commission to the Council as to whether or not the City might be Interested and whether the it shQU d have off( lal re esent tion and take a position C at the c tober 7, 196 treet g of the Irwindale Planning Commission. Mr. Willard Tice, 13813 Calais, Baldwin Park, stated it WILLARD TICE, 13813 had been brought to his attention that the Planning Commission Calais, B.Pk. had recommended that the City of Baldwin Park was to protest APPLICANT FOR RACE- at his hearing of October 7, 1965; that there was no TRACK representation at the Baldwin Park Planning Commission meeting to get the facts as to what was being put in; that he was one of the owners of the dregstrip that was there before and this was to be an entirely different type of racing; that the drag- strip ran from ten to eleven hours a day and the cars that were heard for any distance were called dragsters which did not run at an oval tract; that this was a hand built machine capable of doing 200 miles per hour and between 1,000 and 1,200 horsepower; that the oval raceway proposed was in the northwest corner of the property and not at the inter- section of Center and Olive; that there were thirty 130) Continued) BIB] 39576-U01 1965-U02 09-U02 29-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO116848-U03 DO116927-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/5/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 ADJOURNED-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1965 09 29 CC MINHÄ—@¸—/¤ Í«2!;35 Adjourned Regular Meeting'of the Baldwin Park City Council September 29, 1g65 Page 7 I plus acres of land; that the closest- home to the raceway was at the corner of Olive and Center which was approxi- mately 1,000 feet away; that the plans made would include a board fence completely around both ends of the oval to help contain what noise there might be; that the other dragstrip was run approximately two years and there were never any incidents of violence or anything of this nature; that they had between 5,000 and 9,000 people in attendance; that in a national survey automobile racing was-second in popularity; that the previous dragstrip had had a 11:30 p.m. curfew; that the oval racing ran from three to three and one-half hours total; that in the winter the racing was held on Sunday only; that in the sunnier months it was held on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sundays. He explained the events, stating that the longest constant noise would be a thirty minute period. He stated right now the people in order to enjoy an oval race, had to go to Ascot in Gardena; that there was a large truck stop being built on the property directly adjacent to the subject property on the north; that the property to the south was also a manufacturing area; that the City had turned down twice now the request to build homes on this property; that everything that could be done to contain the noise in the raceway would be done; that he was going to ask for a 10:00 to 10:30 p.m. curfew; that the entire area was very much in need of entertainment; that there were people in the Americana Home tract, which was the closest tract of homes to the oval racetrack, who would state that they were for having this type of entertainment in this area. In answer to a question by Councilwoman Gregory, Mr. Tice explained that three 3) types of cars would be involved: Nascar, National Stock Car 1965 Ford, Chevrolet, Plymouth, and Dodge, in heat races, Sprintz Car, a little larger than a midget race car; Midget Race Car; and fourth the motorcycle; that there was a jump obstacle course) planned. Mr. Tice stated he,had applied for automotive racing events; there were approximately ten different types of automobiles that could be raced; that the prevailing winds moved from south to north or southwest to northeast; that there were no homes in the direct prevailing winds; that there was a three foot high barrier immediately up from the asphalt pavement itself; that this was a crash wall and he was going to erect above this another six feet of solid board fence that would help contain the noise from the cars; that the west side would be left open; that his property was triangular in shape; that the parking lot did go to the corner of Center and Olive Streets. In answer to questions by Mayor Crites, Mr. Tice stated there was no access proposed to the parking lot from Center or Olive; that the entire property would be fenced and the only ingress and egress would be from Rivergrade Road; that there would be no jets, dragsters or turbines; that the maximum horsepower would be what a stock car of today had, approximately 427; that he was demanding a curfew of 10:00 to 10:30 p.m.; that he had leased this property under a five 5) year lease at thich time he thought the property would be sold; that Mr. Collison was the landlord; that this was not a permanent installation; that he was not aware that the possible housing development had not come to a conclusion; that he had read in the paper it had been turned down twice; that there would be a freeway on the west side of this property; that there were two dairies on the upper wind side of the proposed housing tract. In answer to questions by Councilman McCaron, Mr. Tice stated the approximate average speed was eighty-five 185) to ninety 901 miles per hour on the straight aways; that there was a seven hundred 17001 foot straight away and a six hundred 1600) foot radius; that the curves were banked; Continued) BIB] 39576-U01 1965-U02 09-U02 29-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO116848-U03 DO116927-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/5/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 ADJOURNED-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1965 09 29 CC MINHÄ—@¸—/¤ Í«Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council September 29, 1965 2536 Page 8 that the bleachers, even against the engineer's wishes, were to be put on the east side; that they would be twenty 20) feet high and six hundred 6001 feet long; that they would face into the sun; that this was to help abate the noise. Councilman Morehead stated he could hear the noise at night from the previous racetrack; that he lived at Maine and Francisquito; that he could also hear people cheering occasionally; that he wanted to personally thank the.Chief Administrative Officer for bringing this to the Planning Commission; that In view of the many hundreds of families that were in that area at Center and Olive) and especially the nearest home being 1,000 feet, the Americana Tract Mr. Tice lived In, and the proposed one hundred sixty-five houses that would possibly be built, he certainly could not support this program and was wholly in accord with the Planning Commission to object to this improvement even though It was in another City; that he would like to see a representative of this City, whoever the Council would designate, to appear before the Irwindale City Council and if it was a majority vote of the Council, to object to this profusely and profoundly. Mr. Tice stated that thirty 30) some notices were mailed out concerning the intended use of this property; that he believed Mr. Chivetta had only received one telephone call in protest. Planning Director Chivetta stated there had been no one who had contacted him protesting; that there had been a few persons who had expressed their concern over the possibility of a racetrack of this magnitude being in- stalled in the City of Irwindale at that location; that these people had indicated they might attend the meeting in Irwindale to voice their opinion for or against. In answer to a question by Councilman Morehead, Mr. Tice stated there was a housing tract.that was adjacent to the Long Beach dragstrip; that there were homes close to the Ascot raceway; that there were not too many oval racetracks; that there was one in San Bernardino and the City of Anaheim was putting in a large oval raceway and a dragstrip in the parking lot of the. new Angel Stadium; that the City of San Fernando had en oval raceway under construction at this time; that the Chamber of Commerce of the City of Los Angeles was using property for a golf course and were going to put in a oval and a dragstrip to support the golf course; that there were raceways that had homes in close proximity. Mr. Gus Nesseth, 4539 North Center Street, Baldwin Park, GUS NESSETH, stated he could assure the Council that there would be 4539 N. Center St., a good group of people at the Irwindale meeting on B.Pk. October 7th; that this was brought to his attention a week ago last Thursday; that some of the people he had talked with in regard to the subdivision also brought up the fact about the raceway and were quite up in arms about the situation; that there was a.large contingent at the Planning Commission meeting last Wednesday night; that contrary to a lot of peoples thinking that these people were supporters for the subdivision they were people against the dragstrip; that they wanted to know what was going to take place as far as the dragstrip was concerned and what position the Planning Commission was going to take; that there were a number of people in the northwest section of town that were very Interested in this situation; that they had just built seventeen homes off of Center and the people who bought the homes did not realize there was the possibility of a racetrack going In; that the dragstrip in Temple City could be heard very very plainly; that he felt something of this nature was not in good keeping with a residential area. Continued) BIB] 39576-U01 1965-U02 09-U02 29-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO116848-U03 DO116927-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/5/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 ADJOURNED-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1965 09 29 CC MINHÄ—@¸—/¤ Í«2539 Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council September 29, 1965.:,_. Page 9 I Mayor Crites stated the Council had before them the P.C. MOTION motion made and carried by the Planning Commission opposing OPPOSING RACETRACK this racetrack. Councilwoman Gregory stated that Councilman Morehead had suggested opposing this raceway, not opposing the endeavor but actually the choice of property; that she agreed a representative should be sent to Irwindale opposing this raceway because it was too close to the City of Baldwin Park's boundary lines. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CONCUR MOTION MADE AND WITH THE FINDINGS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND BE CARRIED THAT COUNCH IN OPPOSITION OF THIS PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT IN THE CITY CONCUR WITH FINDING' OF IRWINDALE WHICH IS ADJACENT TO OUR RESIDENTIAL AREA OF P.C. AND BE IN AND TO DESIGNATE THE MOST EFFECTIVE PERSON ON OUR STAFF OPPOSITION OF THIS TO REPRESENT THIS CITY IN OPPOSING THIS DEVELOPMENT AT PROPOSED DEVELOPMEN' THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF IRWINDALE OCTOBER 7TH IN CITY OF IRWINDAL', COUNCILWOMAN GREGORY SECONDED. The motion carried by WHICH IS ADJACENT T( the following vote: OUR RESIDENTIAL AREf AND TO DESIGNATE THE AYES: COUNCILMEN MOREHEAD, GREGORY, ADAIR, MOST EFFECTIVE PERS( MCCARON AND MAYOR CRITES ON OUR STAFF TO REPF NOES: NONE SENT THIS CITY IN ABSENT: NONE OPPOSING THIS DEVEL( MENT AT P.C. MTG. OF IRWINDALE OCT. 7TH Councilman Morehead suggested that Planning Director Chivetta attend this meeting as he had attended the Planning Commission meeting and the City Council meeting and knew how both bodies felt about this matter; that he should attend this meeting well prepared. Councilman McCaron commented it was too bad that not more people had been notified of this matter so that an expression from the people themselves could have been had rather than action by the Council; that Mr. Tice had mentioned that there were people in favor of this and if there were a sufficient number in favor this might have some bearing on whether or not it was allowed. As there were no objections, Mayor Crites directed that Planning Director Chivetta attend the Planning Commission Meeting in the City of Irwindale on October 7th. 00- City Clerk Backus read Resolution No. 65-152 by title as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 65-152 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK ALLOWING CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK" COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 65-152 BE APPROVED AND FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN MCCARON SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN MOREHEAD, MCCARON, ADAIR, GREGORY AND MAYOR CRITES NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE COUNCIL INSTRUCTION PLANNING DIRECTOR CHIVETTA TO ATTEND P.C. MTG. IN IRWIND/ OCT 7TH RES. NO. 65-152 ALLOWING CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AGAINST CIT' OF B.PK. GENERAL CLAIMS ANC DEMANDS NOS. 369 374 INCL. PAYROLL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS NOS. 3107 2232 INCL. RES. NO. 65-152 ADOPTED 00- BIB] 39576-U01 1965-U02 09-U02 29-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO116848-U03 DO116927-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/5/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 ADJOURNED-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1965 09 29 CC MINHÄ—@¸—/¤ Í«2538 Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council September 29, 1965 Page 10 Councilman McCaron reported that he and the Chief Administra- REPORT BY COUNCILMAN tive Officer had attended a Carrell Committee Meeting in MCCARON RE ATTEND- Los Angeles relating to Rapid Transit. He stated at the ING CARRELL COMMITTEE present time Rapid Transit was bogged down as far as finances; MTG. that, in his opinion, the City Council should write a letter to Mr. Carrell, Chairman of the Committee, stating the Council's views that some aid should be given to the Rapid transit District so they could start a preliminary design for a system that would be acceptable to the people and would be patronized by them. Discussion followed concerning where the money would come from wherein Councilman McCaron stated there were several areas of taxation they wished to derive the money from such as $.Ol gas.tax or bonds; that tax on property had not been suggested. Councilwoman Gregory stated the League of California Cities had not made a recommendation on this matter yet; that she would rather wait than be the first city to make a decision. Mayor Crites stated last week he had attended a meeting of the Rapid Transit District for the election of their repre- sentatives for the cities of the different area Fault was again elected as the representative for this area; that those who were present were given an invitation, dur- ing the League of California Cities Convention in San Fran- cisco, to view, visit and ride the test facilities for the Bay Area Rapid Transit District. Mayor Crites stated he had received a letter of commendation from the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors regarding the action taken by the Council in support of the transit idea. Discussion followed that the only revenue the Rapid Transit had now was their fare boxes. Chief Administrative Officer Nordby stated that almost two years ago the Bay Area voted a bond issue of $792 million to design and construct a Rapid Transit System in the Bay Area; that the difference between the Bay Area Rapid Transit program and the one created for the Southern California area was that the legislature permitted the Bay Area to tax a maximum of $.05 per one hundred dollars valuation In order to have funds to go ahead with their design work; that the problem being faced here by the Board of Directors was that they had no money nor could they present anything to the public, a city or anyone else because they had no funds other than the fare box to work with to give anything to any of the cities for consideration; that this seemed to be a chicken or the egg" proposition. He stated there was only one person on the Carrell Committee who felt there was no need for Rapid Transit. Councilman Morehead stated he was of the opinion this should be started from the State level. Councilman McCaron stated the committee was waiting to see what the opinions of the cities were; that he thought the Council should support the preliminary funds for a study. Chief Administrative Officer Nordby suggested that the one study, of Mendenhall's, be distributed among the Council be- fore the next meeting. He stated in his opinion this was some essential background that the Council might need to make a determination. BAY AREA RAPID TRANSIT DISTRICT MENDENHALL STUDY TO BE D(STRF8UiED AMONG COUNCIL BE- FORE NEXT MTG. There were no objections. NO OBJECTIONS 00- Councilman McCaron stated he had received a complaint from a RE DRAINAGE PROBLEM citizen on Los Angeles and La Rica Streets and asked for a RS. WILLIAM R. report concerning the drainage. RHODES, LOS ANGELES AND LA RICA Continued) BIB] 39576-U01 1965-U02 09-U02 29-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO116848-U03 DO116927-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/5/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 ADJOURNED-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1965 09 29 CC MINHÄ—@¸—/¤ Í«2539 Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council September 29, 1965 Page II I City Engineer French stated he had viewed the property; that he had had a lengthy discussion with Mrs. Rhodes; that her contention was the the City at some time, had ripped out her concrete drive and caused the water to stand in front of her property; and that she had been promised at the time Los Angeles Street was built and when the sewer was built that this would be built back up new; that she wants this completely redone along her property and put back in the condition as it was prior to the construction of Los Angeles Street or the sewer construction; that he could not find any records where the City had ripped anything out on her side of the street; that he had had survey shots taken; that the City could drain the low spot in the drive by running a depression out to Los Angeles Street which Mrs. Rhodes claimed was there prior to the sewer construction; that the depression could have been there prior to the sewer construction; that there was a ditch along there but he did not know exactly where it drained. In answer to a question by Councilman Morehead, City Engineer French stated the City had a twenty-four 24) foot wide dedicated area. in answer to a question by Councilman McCaron, City Engineer French stated that the drainage problem could be solved but Mrs. Rhodes was against this as she wants it completely redone and rebuilt. Councilman Morehead suggested that City Engineer French COUNCIL INSTRUCTION make another attempt to talk with Mrs. Rhodes about putting CITY ENGR. FRENCH the ditch back the way it was prior to this construction TO TALK WITH MRS. and to cover it up. RHODES ABOUT PUTTING DITCH BACK There were no objections. NO OBJECTIONS 00- AT 9:06 P.M. COUNCILWOMAN GREGORY MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADJ. AT 9:06 P.M. ADJOURN. COUNCILMAN MOREHEAD SECONDED. There were no objec- tions, the motion carried and was so ordered by Mayor Crites. 00- IVORY D. ITES, MAYOR THELMA L. BALKUS, CITY CLERK APPROVED: October 6 1965 Date of Distribution to City Council October 6 1965. Date of Distribution to Departments October 7 1965. BIB] 39576-U01 1965-U02 09-U02 29-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9994-U03 FO116848-U03 DO116927-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 5/5/2008-U04 ROBIN-U04 ADJOURNED-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06