HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971 06 22 CC MIN1971 06 22 CC MIN(ÌìÚ’peCOO^.004 JUNE 22. 1971 7:00 P.M. ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BALDWIN PARK CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS) 14403 East Pacifi.c Avenue The City Council of the City of Baldwin Park met in adjourned regular session at the above place at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Gregory led the salute to the flag. Roll Call: Present: COUNCILMEN BLEWETT. HAMILTON. KING. MC CARON AND MAYOR GREGORY CITY MANAGER NORDBY. CITY ENGINEER FRENCH. ACTING PLANNING DIRECTOR GORDON. FINANCE DIRECTOR DUNCAN. Lt. STEELE. Representing Chief of Police Adams. CITY TREASURER CODLING AND CITY CLERK BALKUS Also Present: Absent: CITY ATTORNEY FLANDRICK 00- Mayor Gregory stated this was the first use of the new amplifier which had been installed to upgrade the sound system. In answer to her inquiry those in the back of the council charwber stated they could hear the proceedings very well. 00- RESOLUTION NO. 71-176 ALLOWING CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK Mrs. Duncan explained that this resolution would assist the Finance Department in closing the books for June 30, 1971 and these were the regular bills which would appear at the July 7. 1971 meeting. COUNCILMAN MC CARON MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 71-176 BE ADOPTED AND THAT FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN HAMILTON SECONDED. Roll Call. There were no objections. The motion carried and was so ordered. 00- City Manager Nordby distributed two reports to the Council. He explained that these reports would bring the Council up- to-date on what had been done since the last budget session. He stated that the first report concerned the 1971-72 Budget Amendments and reflected the changes and additions made by the Council as a result of the June 11. 1971 meeting and the first line Council" which was originally budgeted in May for the revamping of the public address system in the Council Chambers. The new amplifier had been installed and was subject to adjustment so it would work perfectly. This amount. $685.00 had been deleted from the budget. Under City Manager, $948.00 had been budgeted for an Administrative Intern. This restored the Intern for the summer, $900.00 salary and $48.00 additional benefits. In the Finance Department the Council had decided to employ the Los Angeles County Personnel Department for testing new employees. This, according to the County scale and the number of city employees amounts to $3.988.00. Attorney $T.268.00 as a retainer increase. Planning $12,065.00 includes the adjustment in the Planning Director's salary and the new position of planning assistant to assist the planning director and involve himself in the field of enforcement and zoning violations. Government Buildings $1.700.00 was added to the initial $800.00 for the purpose of repairing the roof of the City Hail. Fixed Charges $16.000.00 was allocated to the Chamber of Commerce. Police Department $26.497.00 to put into effect a Narcotics Division. He stated that after approval of Continued) FLAG SALUTE ROLL CALL RES. NO. 71-176 CLAIMS & DEMANDS RES. NO. 71-176 ADOPTED BIB] 37659-U01 1971-U02 06-U02 22-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9838-U03 DO9988-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1971 06 22 CC MIN(ÌìÚ’peCC05005 Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council June 22, 1971 Page 2 the budget it would take from 60 to 90 days to recruit personnel through the County, advertising, testing and training. There- fore, the 12 month appropriation had been reduced by one fourth. Engineering regarding the, position of Assistant Engineer, this amount was reduced $2,809.00 as the position will not be filled until September 1st. This will be a few months salary and fringe benefits saving. Trees and Parkways here again recruitment will be deferred for a 90 day period. The Ramona Boulevard work will be completed sometime in November and this position will be filled about October 1st. The total of the preceding changes is $65,840.00. Mr. Nordby stated that he had initially recommended a 7 1/2% salary increase on May 1st for all employees. He later excluded department heads. This total is $96,984.00. The two figures, changes $65,984.00 and 7 1/2% salary increase 96.984.00 make a total tentative addition of $162,824.00. Since the submission of the budget there have been some changes and some later recommendations and further negotiations. In the Police Department, a memorandum of understanding was not reached. They were still talking terms and conditions and salaries this afternoon. These are subjects for this council's consideration. They include all departments under the general fund, but quite a few of them refer to the Police Department. An adjustment was made in the salary of the Director of Commercial and Industrial Development $1132.00. Regarding the automobile in Planning it was decided that a new vehicle was necessary $3,000.00. In the Police Department there were two items on which we had not previously reached an agreement educational incentives". Most departments add a percentage to the normal salary for achieving certain levels of academic training, in the field of law enforcement quite a few of them get five or ten percent, and this is a request of the Baldwin Park Police Officer's Association. Since we felt we had to live within the means available to us, we cut this incentive in half. So the Council ma^y consider then an incentive for an intermediate certificate of 2 1/2% over and above the existing scale. Eight 8) officers are eligible for that at the present time. And for the advanced certificate 5% and three 3) officers now have the advanced certificate. The amounts for the Intermediate $2,600.00 for the year and for the Advanced $2,250.00. Councilman Blewett asked if the 5% was for supervisory personnel also. Mr. Nordby explained that this was across the board, whether it is supervisory or ordinary patrolmen. He stated that it was found that it was not really fair to one department since we granted a time and a half overtime in another department which was the Police Department. We do permit the public works employees who are called out on a number of emergencies to be paid on the basis of time and a half. This however, was not true in the police department. It was simply a straight time proposition. If we included all the various extra time spent by police officers we found that we couldn't afford it. We set aside 2 categories of overtime work. one of which was court time, where an officer after his duties were over or on his day off, has to appear in court to testify in a case in which he is involved, and computed this to see if it was within our means; so the court time and the emergency call out time were the two that we estimated from prior years and are recommending to the Council the granting of time and a half for these two categories of overtime. These two amount to a total of $4,330.00. Continued) BIB] 37659-U01 1971-U02 06-U02 22-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9838-U03 DO9988-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1971 06 22 CC MIN(ÌìÚ’pe05006' Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council June 22. 1971 Page 3 The replacement of the 1965 vehicle for the City Engineer. $3.000.00. Public Works Uniform Adjustment This was already included in the Police Department in the initial budget. The Public Works Department wi11 now be placed on a par by a $10.00 a month allowance for each employee. It has been $4.90 up to this point and $5.00 in the Police Department. They will be on the same level at $10.00 a month, $120.00 a year for each person required to wear a uniform. 5% salary increases for Department Heads. This amounts to $5.097.00. A11 Departments, increased health and accident benefits. We received another study from Aetna who have been covering the employees for a number of years; and this is something that is out of our control when they bill you for a premium and just have no choice but to drop the insurance, reduce the benefits, or pay the premium. This is an item that has come up since the last session on the budget June 11th and this is $10,012.00. It reflects the cost of living in every area and includes health and accident coverage and disability insurance for all employees $6.613.00 a year. That totals $38,917.00. He explained the recap of appropriations in the General Fund. As the budget was submitted on May 6th, the appropriations were $1,931,181.00. The council has indicated tentatively an interest in changing or adding to the budget services and employees and materials, totaling $65,840.00. The 7 1/2 % salary adjustment $96,984.00 and the final recommendations just concluded $38,917.00. This increases the budget from the $1.931.181.00 to $2.132.922.00. In the General Fund the revenue picture looks like this. As proposed in the 1971-72 budget initially, the revenue would have been $2,069,960.00. Because of an increase in electric rates it wi11 also increase the revenue to Southern California Edison and correspondingly increase the franchise payments to the city of Baldwin Park to the extent of $1.600.00 a year. A large part of the city has been reassessed by the county assessor. The tax on the increased assessed valuation will total $75.599.00. So the adjusted revenue picture is $2,147.159.00. That exceeds the appropriations which have been read, leaving an excess in revenue of $14,237.00- The Recreation and Parks Department has a separate tax rate. The appropriations are as follows: 7 1/2% salary increase, $4.695.00 Department Head $1.212.00. He suggested with the approval of the council, certain capital outlay decreases. We have a satellite park program which we construct on school grounds and operate and maintain jointly with the schools. These consist of a playground, and a small miniature park on the various schools in the city. and the city has programned to make the installation on most of the 17 or so schools. Two are budgeted for the year 1971-72, at a cost of $7,500.00 each. One has been left over from the current year that has not been constructed. He reduced this $7,500.00 figure along with another $1,500.00, as one of the parks built this year at Elwin School on Fairgrove has been virtually demolished, so therefore he suggested the city should possibly stow up and see if the program is appreciated. He suggested that instead of building two parks that the appropriation be cut in the current year. If people are going to tear apart the things that the citizens pay for. maybe the city shouldn't Continued) BIB] 37659-U01 1971-U02 06-U02 22-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9838-U03 DO9988-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1971 06 22 CC MIN(ÌìÚ’pe0005007 Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council June 22, 1971 Page 4 proceed with the program. We had estimated the pool filter for Morgan Park at $25,000.00. This was installed 30-40 years ago when the pool was built. The rehabilitation and replacement of the equipment was estimated initially in the budget as $25,000.00. The last couple of days we received a lower estimate of $23,000.00 so that figure was reduced in the Parks appropriation by $2,000.00. The park at Frazier and Francisquito has been eliminated and the land is in process of being sold to adjacent property owners. This removed a $1,000.00 appropriation. For Baldwin Park Rest Area near Sterling Way, the benches, etc. have been removed as a non essential item. Recreation and Parks employees disability, health and accident insurance, increases in rates, for the department is $982.00. There is a reduction in the Recreation and Parks budget of $6,111.00. At the last council meeting another item in the Recreation and Parks Department was brought up redoing the public address system in the auditorium and also painting the exterior. $9,500.00 was earmarked for that purpose. One member of the council brought up a point this was, if we paint the building we have a permanent maintenance job. This amount was removed. This is approximately a $9,500.00 reduction in Recreation and Parks. Recommendations for the sound system in the auditorium vary from zero to the ridiculous. He suggested deferring the sound system until council decides this should be included and then amend the budget and include it. To recap the Recreation and Parks Department, the initial appropriation for 1971-72 in the budget presented to council early in May was $238.962.00. Addi'ng the salary adjustment $4695.00, Department Heads salary adjustment $1212.00, and deletion of the sound system and exterior painting of the auditorium a $9,500.00 reduction. The total deletions of Recreation and Parks is $1,218.00. The revenue for Recreation and Parks as initially proposed was $207,200.00. The increase as a result of an increase in assessed valuation is $22,878.00. The adjusted figure in Recreation and Parks revenue is $230,078.00. Subtracting from that $230,078.00. the adjusted appropriation is $6,747.00. He stated that to recap Street Lighting, which is a separate tax rate, the proposed appropriation in the May 6th budget was $134,478.00. The estimated increase of 11.1% in the Southern California Edison power and light rate will total an additional $14,927.00 to keep the street lights on. That will raise the street lighting annual appropriation to $149.405-00. The revenue recovered is as follows. Initially, the city had expected the amount equal to the expenditure of $134.478.00. The increased assessed valuation will bring in $18,600.00 for a total revenue of $153.078.00. The difference there is $3.673.00. He stated the other sheet sets the information out a tittle differently, by department, which is essentially the same information and the figures on both sheets agree. Mr. Nordby stated he had commented on June 11th, several things about taxes, about which everyone is concerned. Whenever there is an increase in assessed valuation it will bring more tax revenue from the same tax rate. So it will make the revenue equal when the assessed valuation goes up the rates should go down correspondingly. He stated he had figures received since the budget was presented that he was Continued) BIB] 37659-U01 1971-U02 06-U02 22-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9838-U03 DO9988-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1971 06 22 CC MIN(ÌìÚ’peCG02FOG8 Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council June 22, 1971 Page 5 not aware of. First, there was an actuarial study in the public employees retirement system. This resulted in an increase and an expense to the city. Secondly, there are increases in health and accident insurance premiums for the year. Third, the increase in electric rates. He explained that there are a sequence of actions which need to be taken. First, the city has to have a budget by the first of the year, or on the First of July. The city cannot pay its bills as the budget sets up the accounting for the 12 month period commencing on July 1st. However, at that point it is not necessary to set a tax rate. He stated that AB544 removes the tax exemption from gasoline and if the bill passes and is signed by the governor it wilt blanket the entire state and cause about 1 1/2 cent a gallon increase in gasoline. This will cover all municipalities regardless of where they are. The estimate by the state on revenue to Baldwin Park is about $76,000.00; One 1) cent produces about $6,000.00 on the new evaluation, so divide 6 into $76,000.00. If the council was considering a tax reduction they could readily see what effect this would have on our tax rate. The second bill AB1617 an enabling act, is the tipplers tax, this is an option of local communities. If the City of Baldwin Park now would enact a 5% tax by the drink), this is estimated to return to each City in an amount equivalent to $2.00 per capita. Estimated on the population of Baldwin Park, 47,000, this should be an additional $94,000.00. California cities have encouraged cities to support the measure and they are hopeful that the bill will pass. These bills could pass before it is necessary for the city to establish a tax rate. Setting the tax rate is legally mandatory before the end of August, so there is a period of 60 days in which to set the tax rate by resolution to cover the fiscal year we are in. Councilman Hamilton questioned the amount of $3,988.00 for the Los Angeles County testing process. He stated the city had done a fine job in the past on testing employees and felt this item should be struck from the budget. Councilman King stated he had asked Mrs. Duncan for a break- down on what the city cost would be for this same service. that he understood the staff was short handed, that he did not believe the cost would be any greater. Councilman McCaron asked if it was necessary to hire anyone extra to do the testing. Mrs. Duncan stated she did not handle all the testing. The Police Department handles theirs, she has on occasion assisted on their testing. She said we do not hire anyone extra to do the testing. The city purchases additional examinations at a nominal cost but the testing has not cost additional money. The testing has been done with existing personnel on their own time. Councilman King stated that to take a specific employee from one job to do another job costs money. Mayor Gregory stated she felt it was ridiculous to have an overworked, underpaid staff to do this work. She stated the city retains consultants for engineering, attorneys, and planning and the city is large enough to warrant consultants in this field. Continued) BIB] 37659-U01 1971-U02 06-U02 22-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9838-U03 DO9988-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1971 06 22 CC MIN(ÌìÚ’pe00050G9 Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council June 22. 1971 Page 6 Councilman Hamilton stated the staff has no objections to continuing and this cost is almost $4,000.00 and the city is attempting to save all the money it can, and this is just added expense that the city can do without. He stated he understood the county cost was based on the number of employees and this would be the charge. He asked if he were correct. Mrs. Duncan stated that this was correct; that she under- stood that as the county obtains more cities the cost may go down. She stated that the city must pay the fee to the county whether the city uses the services or not. This is a quarterly billing whether there are 100 examinations or none. Councilman Blewett felt that it was interesting that the police department conducted their own testing. He felt this was an unnecessary expense to use police personnel. Councilman McCaron stated that when the initial budget was presented to the council, basically it was balanced. The salary adjustments and the Chamber of Commerce were the only items that were not in the original budget. The only new items that were not in the original budget are those recommended for council consideration. Two of these were automobiles deleted on the original budget, the other items brought in were salary adjustment on Industrial and Comnercial Development, educational incentives and over- time pay at time and a half. A11 of this, plus everything recoimiended by the council would have to be financed by the increase in assessed valuation throughout the city. The original budget did not include these funds. He felt that only those items that are necessary should be added to the amount, and that would be on the recommendation and this would leave the budget about $68,000.00 short which the city would use from the additional income based on the city tax and this would give the city a balanced budget. Otherwise the city would be using up the entire amount, around $117,000.00. He felt the council should not be doing this at this time. If the city does get the money based on the tax on the liquor and gas tax then every one of the items can be revived and implemented. Councilman McCaron did not believe the city should take advantage of the fact that there is an increased assessed valuation. Councilman King stated that he felt the citizens would want the critical items to stay in; that i.f it is necessary in some areas to cut to have a more balanced budget, then perhaps the council should go back and amend the budget and possibly start with the Chamber of Commerce and see if this is a critical area and if some of the funds in this area can be cut. In other words, go back and amend some areas that are less critical. Councilman Hamilton agreed with Councilman McCaron's recommend- ation, in saying let's not use any property tax dollars to add to any programs". But, he said if we do get the extra money from the tipplers tax and the gasoline tax amounting to $170,000.00 then we could add to in the critical areas. The tax payers burden is critical too and if we get the increased assessed valuation then we can meet these critical needs by reducing our tax to help offset this burden to the homeowner, at least a part, and the city can still operate and give people services. He reconmended deferring 90 days on the four men. These items were voted on to be included, if we got the money. If we do not get the extra money then we won't be able to add these. Continued) BIB] 37659-U01 1971-U02 06-U02 22-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9838-U03 DO9988-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1971 06 22 CC MIN(ÌìÚ’pe CCGSC10 Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council June 22, 1971 Page 7 Mayor Gregory stated it could be handled either way. Councilman Hamilton stated that if it were left in the budget with the stipulation that it would not go into effect until the city has this money then the city would know if they would get the money and if it does not then it can be deferred until the money does come along. Councilman King asked Mrs. Duncan if she were assured that it was a fact that the money is voted on. j Mrs. Duncan stated that when she spoke with the Los Angeles County Assessor's Office, he assured her that there had been a reassessment of Baldwin Park. She stated the City would receive on July 9th or 10th the assessed valuation and that she was sure that it had been increased, and that she had been given a bail park" figure which she had reported to the City Managers Office. She felt sure that the figures were correct. There was one area that she was. in doubt about, the State Board of Equalization. There is a possibility that there may be a slight decrease in that amount of money. Councilman King agreed that possibly the council should wait until the money is forthcoming. That possibly the budget could be amended. Councilman Blewett stated he was quite willing to wait until July 9th or 10th to pass the budget. He stated he doesn't agree with Mr. Nordby about passing the budget as many organizations go into the next fiscal year without having a budget completed by duly 1st. He said he didn't know of a single municipality yet that has passed their budget. He commented that he would like to argue a few points the sound system in the auditorium which was a great embarassment last year as was the council chamber sound system the past two months. He didn't know that $6,000.00 is the needed figure, but he felt that budget time is a fine t^ime to discuss the philosophy of running a municipality. He said he believes Baldwin Park has not moved forward as it should and he would like to see the city move ahead as a city. The city does not have a great self image as a city and this emanates from City Hall. He stated the Council has to give our city the image so that our people will see what they are doing and appreciate what they are doing and have a greater sympathy and a greater municipal pride. This is what the Council will have to instill and this comes from the Council. Councilman King questioned amending the budget on the various items at a later date or holding off until such time as the City is assured of funds. Mr. Nordby explained that amending the budget is a very simple process. The budget is adopted by Resolution, which can be passed and approved at one session. He stated that it is a very simple process to adopt and it is equally as simple to amend the budget. At such time as three members of the council agree something sould be added or deleted all you have to do is go over the budget and strike whatever you don't like in the budget or add to the budget. In reference to Councilman McCaron*s remarks of deleting those items that were not included in the initial submission of the budget to the council on Way 6th, he stated there are 2 ways to do this. If the city has prospects of revenue, and he felt we could rety pretty heavily on the reports from the County Assessor and would be confirmed on July 9th or 10th, Continued) BIB] 37659-U01 1971-U02 06-U02 22-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9838-U03 DO9988-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1971 06 22 CC MIN(ÌìÚ’peCC05G11 Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council June 22, 1971 Page 8 there is another way to handle the controls in the budgets. He had suggested the taking of 1/4 of the appropriation 1/4 is 3 months and that this reduction be taken in the beginning of the year. At the end of the year you would have to make a reduction in personnel. He had suggested appropriating for it for a portion of the year and this is a safeguard to the Council as there is no money to operate. Councilman King asked if the Council did not have approximately 3 days after the next regular meeting in which to adopt the budget. City Manager Nordby stated the budget could be adopted in mid July or August, but he felt this was bad administrative practice and bad legislative practice. He stated that some councils wi11 agree sometime in August about what they want to do for the fiscal year in force, and when they do this they have a 10 1/2 month program, because for the first month or two the staff and departments really don't know what they are going to work with. This is the reason that it has been the practice here in Baldwin Park of trying to gear before the 12 month period began so that when a budget is adopted, services can be programmed for a 12 month period. Because it would be known on July 1 that funds would be available. Councilman Blewett stated that in deference to City Manager Nordby's remarks he felt this was nonsense, as No. 1, the Council could take this budget as presented and act on it right now, so you can adopt a budget in October and still have projections in your money, otherwise you have some mighty short-sighted executives. He stated he could not visualize that you can have people so short-sighted that they can't project in their own minds how much money they can spend. Councilman McCaron stated that seems to be what the Council is having trouble doing—projecting how much money they can spend. He said he did not like the tone of voice Councilman Btewett used when he criticized someone for making a state- ment. When you wait until July or August the year has already started, and when you act on the budget as retroactive until July 1 and you have to make adjustments on alt the accounts back to that period, this requires a lot of effort, and there is no necessity of holding over a budget until that time and creating all the extra work. When there is a salary increase, for the first month and a half, or until you adopt the budget they remain getting the same salary they are getting at the present time, so it is important to perform on time. Councilman Hamilton stated the budget had been presented around the beginning of May, and there have been several meetings on it, and he was not in favor of carrying it over past July 1. The Council has had time, discussions and studies, and if they cannot get together and adopt a budget in some form before that time then he felt Council was neglecting their duty. He agreed with Councilman Blewett that the image of Baldwin Park should be improved, and he was hoping that out of the extra tax money, taxes to the property owners of Baldwin Park could be cut; or set up a sinking fund for a new City Hall, which is badly needed, and doesn't do anything for the image of Baldwin Park. He felt we could operate the City on the money we have; we have done it up to now, and we can stilt do this and make improvements; the city is not going backwards, it is going ahead. He commented, we realize there is room for more improvement, and that he felt that with the proper management and the proper thinking, we can do this. Continued) BIB] 37659-U01 1971-U02 06-U02 22-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9838-U03 DO9988-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1971 06 22 CC MIN(ÌìÚ’ peCCCoOlZ Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council June 22. 1971 Page 9 Mayor Gregory stated the problem was whether to adopt the budget as presented originally, or with the changes that Mr. Nordby and Mrs. Duncan have gone to the trouble to make on the Council's recorrenendation. Councilman McCaron stated he would like to vote on the items on which there was dissension, rather than the budget as a whole. He stated whatever the majority agreed on, he would vote for the budget, because he did not want to turn down the budget because of some items, so he wanted to settle the items individually. Regarding the four employees that were voted to be included in the budget, and the Los Angeles County testing program, Councilman Hamilton stated he was not now recommending that they be deleted, but that they be deferred until the extra revenue was received, or for 90 days and then take another look at it, and the budget could be revised at that time. Councilman Btewett asked whether Councilman Hamilton was now saying to leave these items in the budget and just defer hiring these people. Councilman Hamilton stated defer the items for 90 days, as the City Manager had recommended for the hiring of the additional police personnel, and he had added to the City Manager's recommendation the Los Angeles County testing; he would like to strike the testing from the budget entirely, but he could see he was going to be outvoted on it. However, if it is going to be left in. defer that item.with the other items for 90 days, and then the Council can take another look at the budget, revise it, and if the money is not available, it can be left out. Councilman King stated it was his understanding that these items could be left and that we could amend the budget, which would be as appropriate as not putting them in now at all. Councilman McCaron stated he would prefer having everything left out and amend the budget and add them in. If we get the additional income then they can be acted on. Councilman King stated that his intention was leave the items that are deemed necessary and if the money is not forthcoming as the City Manager stated, then amend the budget and there would be plenty of time and plenty of leeway there. City Manager Nordby stated the city should know before they set the tax rate what the picture is in Sacramento. He had been assured that the increased assessed valuation will be confirmed, but the two Bills that he mentioned earlier are in doubt; they are not laws until they are enacted and signed by the governor, and on the one the City has to enact the tippler's tax. Regarding adoption of the budget. City Manager Nordby stated that the attorney had told him that without a budget the city is operating illegally and could not pay salaries or bills; the tax rate does not have to be set, but before the city can meet the payroll in the new fiscal year. there would be no authority without a budget. Meiyor Gregory referred to the salary increase in Planning. She asked whether this means a new position, plus a salary adjustment, plus the 5%. City Manager Nordby stated that the figure of $12,065.00 includes a Planning Assistant under the scale established now for the position and the Continued) BIB] 37659-U01 1971-U02 06-U02 22-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9838-U03 DO9988-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1971 06 22 CC MIN(ÌìÚ’ peCCWC13 Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council June 22, 1971 Page 10 adjustment of the new Planning Director's salary, which does not include an additional 5% increase. Because of the recent appointment of the Planning Director, City Manager Nordby stated he had requested a 7 1/2% salary increase for the Planning Director to bring his salary in line with comparable positions in other cities, but this department head was the exception to the 5% increase in that the straight 7 1/2% was the requested increase for this position. Councilman Btewett stated he did not agree with stowing down the satellite park system; satellite parks are probably this city's cheapest answer to offer recreation to the people. He stated he was unhappy with the type of facility built on Badillo Street Central Park West), because he did not feel we would get proportionately the same amount of benefit as the money spent there, but the satellite parks get into each neighborhood; this 1s realty the best approach to recreation, because the City does not have to buy land. Councilman King stated he felt we should use facilities we now have, rather than buying new ones, and since we have the facilities available, he fett they should be equipped. Councilman Hamilton commented that the City Manager did not recommend discontinuing the program, but just postponing it and taking another look at it. He suggested possible policing around the parks to prevent recurrence of the incident which occurred at Etwin Park; he would be in favor of holding it out of the budget until the value could be shown and the property the City pays for stays there, and he agreed with the City Manager on this. Ma^yor Gregory asked Mr. Lucas whether there was a satellite park on the books for last year that had not been completed. Mr. Lucas stated Foster School was stilt on the drawing board", but the money is there; it usually takes two months after the plans are complete, and should be finished by September. Councilman Blewett asked Mr. Lucas what has been the cost increase from the first park facility to a current park facility. Mr. Lucas stated Pleasant View installation cost $6,500.00 two years ago, and the projection for next year is $7,500.00. Councilman Blewett stated this was a pretty strong incentive for getting it done now, because once we have a satellite park on a11 of our schools we are through with our park system, with the exception, possibly, of a recreation facility. Councilman Blewett asked what the projected cost was on Central Park West. Mr. Lucas stated that by the time of completion and the change orders that were made, he would estimate $90,000.00. City Engineer French stated that the bid on the job was $95,000.00. which did not include the land acquisition, and Councilman Blewett stated that was probably another $25,000.00. He stated he was tyying'to make a point that we had put approximately $125,000.00 into one type of facility, whereas if we go into this smalt satellite park system we could almost do alt of the schools for the same amount it took to build Central Park West, plus we would be bringing recreation into every neighborhood in the Cily, and he thinks this should be the goat of recreation. Continued) BIB] 37659-U01 1971-U02 06-U02 22-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9838-U03 DO9988-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1971 06 22 CC MIN(ÌìÚ’ pe/(;. Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council June 22, 1971 Page 11 Councilman King stated it would appear to him, from the report, that funds are not available. Finance Director Duncan stated this would be another deferred item, and any amount of money we have exceeding appropriations is subject to additional budgeting by Council. Councilman McCaron stated that he would agree to adopting the budget with all these items in it provided they are not covered by property tax; leave the items in as tentative that are throwing the budget off balance, and mark them as such. He stated there were some items in there which required about another $10,000.00, and he would agree to cover this shortage, but not any more. Councilman King stated he would agree with Councilman McCaron that if we have to up the taxes any at all we should reevatuate the budget and drop it down and exclude those items that were not absolutely necessary. He stated he would adopt the budget as proposed, and if things don't develop properly, then certainty we will amend the budget. City Manager Nordby suggested Council come to some agreement and adopt a procedure that we can execute and implement, that Council review the items and the recap and delete those items that might be subject to question, because at this point he could not separate those items that will not be financed from taxes. In his opinion, regarding the narcotics; program, he felt the Council had to determine which was more important to the community—reducing the taxes or keeping them at the present level, or taking care of one of the most critical human problems facing us today. Councilman King stated it was his understanding that every- thing up to this point was balanced, and those items as indicated we feel are in need now and we are adopting the budget expecting the added revenue without a tax increase. If we find there is a need for more money then we wilt go back over the budget and amend it; the narcotics agents did not enter his mind as being one item which might be deleted. City Manager Nordby stated that to clarify his earlier remarks about the taxes, there are two elements that make up the taxes 1) the assessed valuation and 2) the tax rate. When the assessed valuation goes up, we.talk about more taxes; the city can retain the same tax rate, but you can be assured the taxes are going to go up, because the valuation is higher. I think this is the whole point here; we are expecting an increase from the property tax in Baldwin Park, $76,000.00 from one source, $22,000.00 from another and $18.000.00 from a third; this is at the same tax rate we have adopted for the current budqet of 1970-71. so the city can fund everything suggested. with probably even a nominal decrease in the tax rate, but the taxes are stilt going to be more. It will have to be decided if the city wants the programs—are they worth the additional taxes? Regarding what portion of the tax bill realty goes to the City; we are concerned here about roughly one tenth of the tax bill; he stated we don't seem to be concerned about the 68 cents the County is struggling with; and stated he wished someboc(y would go in and talk to the Board of Supervisors, because we stilt have to run a City, and we have to determine how much do we want to run it and in what direction. Mayor Gregory commented someone had talked to the Board of Supervisors. Continued) BIB] 37659-U01 1971-U02 06-U02 22-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9838-U03 DO9988-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1971 06 22 CC MIN(ÌìÚ’ 1971 06 22 CC MIN(ÌìÚ’ pe1X70^016 Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council June 22, 1971 Page 13 major revenue sources as a City. It's a blessing, really, to the municipality, that the City has been reassessed, but it's not a blessing to the taxpayer. Councilman McCaron stated that he is sure everyone under- stands that if we were to leave the tax remain as it is, each individual property owner will be paying additional taxes this coming year, besides the increase that will be incurred by the County, and this is the reason he thought it was time for us to do everything we can to try to soften the blow that is going to come from the County; these are items we have lived without up until this time; we know that they are necessary, but there is a reasonable chance that we can derive other revenue from other sources. He thought that if the council wished to implement these other things, which should be included, but revenue from other sources is not available, then he would reconsider putting them in next year. Regarding narcotics, he felt that more effective legislation should be sought. Roll call on the motion. There were no objections. The motion carried and was so ordered. 00- James Q. Gibson, 13268 E. Francisquito, stated he would like to make a comment. He stated this Council had just put itself on record as contributing to the inflation of this country that the administration in Washington and 50 states in the union are supposedly trying to fight, and when it is admitted that there was a 4 1/2% increase in the cost of living last year, this administration asked for a 7 1/2% increase across the board in wages, and it was granted. He stated this was inflationary. In view of what is taking place across the country, riots, uprisings, increase in crime, etc., he would be wholeheartedly in favor of increasing police department wages by 7 1/2%, even 10%; but he just did not see why people with the security of a government job, should receive an increase beyond the cost of living increase. Ma^yor Gregory asked whether Mr. Gibson was saying the rest of the personnel does not deserve a raise. Mr. Gibson stated the rest of the personnel should enjoy a cost of living increase; that he would go for 5%, but he questioned why a municipality should contribute to an inflationary movement that is killing the country today. Councilman King stated he thought everyone felt the same w^y; and that he did not believe all the evidence given to him by anyone, because it could certainly be to their benefit. Mr. Caresio, President of the Employees Association, presented facts and figures, but it was not Mr. Caresio's facts and figures that he based his opinion on totally. He stated he had called many municipalities, and felt it was certainly justifiable at this point, as the pay was far down the scale. He stated we all agree we can't compete with Beverly Hills or some of the other cities making more money or havine better revenue than Baldwin Park, and he felt as Mr. Gibson, that it was coming out of his pocket, and it is inflationary, and it can't be helped in some areas. The employees' living standards should be up graded and this was what he and the Council were taking into consideration. He requested that Mr. Caresio give a short presentation as to his feelings. Continued) MOTION CARRIED JAMES Q. GIBSON 13268 E. FRANCISQUITO BIB] 37659-U01 1971-U02 06-U02 22-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9838-U03 DO9988-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1971 06 22 CC MIN(ÌìÚ’peCC05C17 Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council June 22. 1971 Page 14 Mr. Gibson stated he had read an article recently comparing the wages of private enterprise with governmental employees, and in every instance, including Baldwin Park, private enterprise was, on the average, below the governmental wages. This condition did not exist previously, but it does now, and that it was difficult for anyone in business. Councilman Hamilton stated he had recommended 5% at the begin- ning of the budget study, but after review he found a unique situation in Baldwin Park among the employees, and found we have fewer employees per capita than any city in the Valley. Our employees are diversified where they do more than one job in many other cities the jobs are classified and the employee does only a job within that classification. This is not true here; these men go from one job to another, making our employees more valuable because we are getting more per dollar per hour from our men. It's not always what you pay a man, but what does that man do, and we are very lucky here in this City to have this kind of people who are willing to do it, they don't complain, and for this reason he had changed his views and was considering the 7 1/2%. fr Ken Caresio stated the employees really don't like to come before Council and ask for cost of living increases. They would like to see the cost of living be zero, so they would not have to come up and ask for anything. Every year a survey is made, and they find that the wage scale is below average. With respect to making a comparison to private industry, he thought the men out in the Yard would like nothing better than to be compared with private industry with respect to just an average laborer. If the employees col/Id just have a straight comparison and give the men out in the Yard just what the laborers make, there would be a big celebration, however, they were not asking to be compared with private industry, as the prices would be prohibitive. They were asking to be paid just the average of what other cities around this area are paying. and trying to keep up with the cost of living, and nothing more. 00- Councilman Blewett stated the Community Redevelopment Stu<(y Committee has asked for some guidelines, and he had taken the liberty of drawing up some guidelines for them. He presented the proposed guidelines to the Council. Mayor Gregory stated she understood that some material had been directed to the Committee. She stated Councilman Blewett had itemized a few things that the Committee should take under consideration. Councilman Hamilton stated that the items Councilman Blewett had presented were very well put. He felt the Committee lacked information at their first meeting, and they lacked understanding as to just what this commission was called for and just what their duties were as they were not given information in advance of their first meeting, and he thought it would be good to sit down individually or in a group or committee to assist them in what our goals are as to why this committee was formed then we can go ahead with it and get it back to Council. Councilman Blewett distributed copies of the guidelines he had prepared and read them to the Council and the audience. 1) Determine the benefit, if any. to the City of Baldwin Park of a Community Redevelopment Agency. Continued) BIB] 37659-U01 1971-U02 06-U02 22-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9838-U03 DO9988-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1971 06 22 CC MIN(ÌìÚ’peCCG5C18 Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council June 22. 1971 Page 15 2) Discuss the various programs Federal and State the advantages and disadvantages of each and determine which program would best suit the needs of Baldwin Park. 3) Determine areas the Council should consider for implementation of C.R.A. 4) Analyze community redevelopment in other conronities their shortcomings and their strengths so that Baldwin Park might avoid the pitfalls of community development. 00- A resolution was read by title to adopt the budget in accordance with the conditions imposed by the previous motion. RESOLUTION NO. 71-177 ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING JULY 1, 1971 AND ENDING JUNE 30, 1972 COUNCILMAN KING MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 71-177 BE ADOPTED AND THAT FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN BLEWETT SECONDED. Roil Call. There were no objections. The motion carried and was so ordered. j Regarding Councilman Hamilton's appointment of Ewnitt Waldo to the C.R.A, Study Committee, Councilman Hamilton stated he had talked to Mr. Waldo and Mr. Nordby, and Mr. Waldo was also in to talk to the City Manager. When the motion was made to form the Commission to study the C.R.A., it was to come up with a recommendation to the Council by October 6, and being a study committee they were to studly all phases and come back with a recommendation to Council, then Council would hold public hearings. He stated this Committee was set up as a study comnittee. He did not think the meetings should be closed. It is up to the Stucly Committee to study and make a recommend- ation either for or against, and he would not talk to them or influence them in any way, because it is up to the Committee, and that was his intent on the motion. The Council has held three or four public hearings on this. He stated that Mr. Waldo has moved to Baldwin Park and has bought a home here and it was understood he would be a resident before any meetings of the C.R.A. Committee were held which he was. Since that time the Conroittee has stated they must be a registered voter as well as a resident; that wasn't the motion in the first place. He stated that Mr. Waldo is a registered voter and home owner in the City of Baldwin Park; therefore, his appointment of Mr. Waldo still stands. Mrs. Amos Slater, member of the C.R.A. Study Committee, stated that the Committee did not insist that everybody be a registered voter; but were asking for a ruling on this, or if it was one of the conditions. She stated she had a question...she was under the impression you had to reside in the City for 54 days before you could become a registered voter. Councilman Hamilton stated that if you live within the County of Los Angeles and you move, you merely go to a Registrar of Voters and fi11 out a change of address card and that puts you in status, and the County will put you on the record as changing residence; you're still a registered voter, but this way you're just changing addresses, and that's the information he had on that to this date. Mayor Gregory asked City Clerk Balkus for clarification of this. City Clerk Balkus stated that as far as registration. within the County, you can move from one city to another and re-register the following day or the day you move, unless there is an election immediately following and it was after the closing date for registration, that would be the only disqualification. Continued) RES. NO. 71-177 ADOPTING BUDGET 1971-72 RES. NO. 71-177 ADOPTED BIB] 37659-U01 1971-U02 06-U02 22-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9838-U03 DO9988-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1971 06 22 CC MIN(ÌìÚ’peCG05G19 Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council June 22» 1971 Page 16 Mrs. Slater asked for clarification as to whether being a registered voter was a requisite for being a member of the Committee. Mayor Gregory stated that when this came bout she chose three people that lived in Baldwin Park and'she didn't research them at all...she just figured they were very interested in Baldwin Park, she knew them for their interest, and she stated she was sure each Councilman did the same; she stated she would never put this demand on them. Mayor Gregory stated this appeared to clarify that this requirement was not voted 1n by the Committee, but they had only asked for a ruling on it, and that Council did not feel this should be a requisite, and she stated she would uphold any appointment by the Council to the Committee. 00- Officer A1 Benzor, of the Baldwin Park Police Association. stated he would like to thank each member of the City Council and a special thanks to Mr. Nordby on behalf of all the members of the Association. Although the Police Department employees did not get all the requests they wanted, they think the Council was very fair and appreciate what they did get very much. 00- Mrs. Amos Slater stated there had been several other items of concern to the Committee, such as the assignment of a secretary, and whether or not voting to have dosed meetings would be in violation of the Brown Act. Mayor Gregory stated Mr. Nordby had written a letter to the Chairman of the Committee, Mr. Holman, clarifying many of the questions asked. She stated the City Attorney indicated the Committee could certainly have dosed meetings, but she didn't feel there was a Councilman present who felt that what the comnittee would be talking about deserved that type of treatment; she, for one, would like to have a very strong chairman and have a full house at every meeting listening and learning with the committee, and if you feel there is time after a meeting and would like to open it for questions from the floor, do so, but she feels very strongly against dosed meetings. Mrs. Slater asked whether they could have a vote of the Council on that. Councilman King stated he felt as Mayor Gregory felt, and he would not vote on it. He stated he thought the committee was appointed to use their best judgment and he felt they would do so. He felt alt meetings should be open to the public, but then it was the committee's prerogative. Councilman McCaron stated that after reading the minutes of the Committee's meeting, it appeared there was some confusion as to whether everybody participates in the deliberation or just the committee. He stated it should be just the committee, and anyone else there was just a bystander, and may not participate, so it shouldn't make any difference to the Committee who is there as long as they are not interfered with, and it was up to the Chairman to chair the meeting. Councilman Hamilton stated he concurred with Councilman McCaron; that he had confidence in the committee to stu<ty this matter and come up with a recommendation to assist Council. They must make up their own minds; and study both sides, look at the whole spectrum, and which will benefit Baldwin Park...will it or will it not, that's all Council is asking. Continued) BIB] 37659-U01 1971-U02 06-U02 22-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9838-U03 DO9988-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1971 06 22 CC MIN(ÌìÚ’pecoo^c^o Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council June 22, 1971 Page 17 Councilman Blewett stated he thought the meetings should definitely be open; he has confidence in the committee's capabilities, and he is sure none of the council would try to influence any of their committee members; when he is appointing members of a committee he looks for independent spirits", because from independent spirits flow the kind of decisions that make a city move and that's what the Council wants. Mr. Michael Dargus stated there was no communication between Council and the public; that the city had a one man show; that the Park Board did not receive a copy of the budget and as an advisory board they should know what is going on; that a white elephant" the auditorium) was transferred to Recreation and Parks. He felt that the people are mostly upset about this juggling of the funds...taking $20,000.00 from the sewer fund, $10,000.00 from the lighting and $10,000.00 from the recreation and transferring to the General Fund for administration expenses. He felt that if there had been an overage, it should go back to the people. He said that Council appointed a Park Board to be an advisory committee and yet they do not have a budget; that the public should be better informed and if there was $10,000.00 left over in the General Fund why couldn't that be put on the 1971-72 budget, instead of spending it on guns. Mayor Gregory stated that the Council did not juggle" and that it was a poor choice of words. Regarding the $20,000.00 in the sewer fund, Mr. Dargus stated that in another couple of years the County is going to come up with a $10,000.00 bill to dean and flush the sewers and the City would need to have some money reac(y for that purpose, because the sewers are about 5 years old and they have to be flushed and cleaned about every 7 years. Mr. Nordby stated he thought Mr. Dargus was incoherent and he had no idea what Mr. Dargus was talking about. Mr- Dargus stated this was Mr. Nordby's standard answer; the other day somebody asked him about a personnel matter, and Mr. Nordby answered that the City Council hired him as City Manager and he was going to run it that way, that it was the Council who sets the policy, and you follow it. Mr. Nordby repeated his original statement that he thought Mr. Dargus was incoherent. Mayor Gregory stated Mr. Dargus had been at the budget meetings. so he couldn't saiy we had not been communicating; Mr. Dargus stated right, but this was the first meeting that there were over 5 or 10 people attending. Mayor Gregory stated there had been a full house at every budget meeting, and that it was an advertised fact that Council meets every 1st and 3rd Wednesday at a regular meeting, and it is announced at a regular meeting when the budget meetings are going to be held. She stated she had been on Council 8 years and she could recollect when there was not one person at the budget meetings, and it was good to see the employees and the citizens attending, and there was a marquee on the Civic Auditorium that announced the meetings. As far as juggling the funds, Mr. Dargus stated maybe it's a matter of a high-class word, but you're still taking money from one department and putting it into another. Mayor Gregory stated that was a process of budgeting, and it is necessary to make certain transfers. Mr. Dargus stated that when the money is budgeted for a certain item. such as the lighting district, it should stay in the lighting district to improve it, or in the sewer district the same way; and that there should be a better park program. Mayor Gregory commented that the City has a Parks Commission. Continued) BIB] 37659-U01 1971-U02 06-U02 22-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9838-U03 DO9988-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1971 06 22 CC MIN(ÌìÚ’peCC05C21 Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council In answer to Mr. Dargus, Mayor Gregory stated that Mr. Lucas had a budget, and it was the prerogative of the Commission to ask Mr. Lucas to bring this budget to the meetings and discuss anything they* re interested in; she didn't see where there was any real problem if the communication is there, Mr. Dargus stated they should have a budget to study in their spare time instead of the two hours at the meeting. Councilman Blewett stated that the Council does appoint a Recreation and Park Comnission and they are an advisory body to the Council and by virtue of being an advisory body to the Council it would not hurt the Council to see that they had copies of the Recreation and Parks portion of the budget. COUNCILMAN BLEWETT MOVED THAT THE MEMBERS OF THE RECREATION AND PARK COMMISSION AND THE PLANNING COWISSION RECEIVE COPIES OF THE ANNUAL BUDGET. COUNCILMAN KING SECONDED. There were no objections. The motion carried and was so ordered. 00- Roy Zook, 4817 La Rica. stated he would like to know a little about the guns being purchased for the police department, how many guns we are getting, what equipment we are getting, such as extra clips, the basic price per unit, and where are we buying them or was it put out to competitive bids. Finance Director Duncan read the figures pertaining to purchase of the guns: June 22. 1971 Page 18 REC. & PARK COM. J PLANNING COM. TO RECEIVE COPIES OF ANNUAL BUDGET Cost of gun Safety arm Magazine Clip- Holster Pouch TOTAL Complete) $ 1?9.81 + sales 31.00 + sales 4.83 + sales 13.00 + sates 6.57 + sales tax 6.49 tax 1.55 tax 24 tax 65 tax 33 $ 136.30 32.55 5.07 13.65 6.90 $ 194.47 She explained that 55 guns were purchased at wholesale and therefore. Council waived the bidding procedure. The make of the guns is Colt", and is the one the rangemaster suggested and was chosen after much research and comparison. Five companies were solicited for bids and this was the best price. Mr. Zook asked whether these would be issued to the officers only as long as they were in the Baldwin Park Police Department. Mrs. Duncan stated this was correct and ownership was retained by the City; they wilt be serviced by the police department, and the life expectancy is to be 7 10 years. Mr. Zook stated he was mainly interested in why we didn't go out for competitive bidding, and Mrs. Duncan stated that sometimes in going out for bids. as in the case of automobiles, we defeat our own purpose. Mr. Zook stated he had the answers he wanted; he didn't know about the safety" thing, because a Colt has plenty of built-in safety, but this evidently is something they want. He thanked the Mayor and Council. 00- AT 9:42 P.M. COUNCILMAN HAMILTON MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADJOURN. COUNCILMAN MC CARON SECONDED. There were no objections. The motion carried and was so ordered. ADJOURNED 9:42 P.M. 00- s^^^^-^ QL CLERK THELMA L. BALKUS. CIT————————— APPROVED: /^ Wl Date of Distribution to City Council:_ Date of Distribution to Departments: /^ 1971 1971 BIB] 37659-U01 1971-U02 06-U02 22-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9838-U03 DO9988-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 peM:D5Cl5 Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council June 22, 1971 Page 12 Councilman Hamilton stated that regarding the added expenses, he thought it had been agreed that they would be deferred for 90 days and then take another look at the budget, and if this money is forthcoming then we could 90 ahead and implement these badly needed positions. If the gas tax, which he doesn't agree with, and the tippler's tax go through, that is about $170,000.00 and we could put a11 of these badly needed programs in the budget, and that is the reason for the 90 day deferment. COUNCILMAN HAMILTON MOVED THAT THE 1971-72 BUDGET BE ADOPTED AS PRESENTED. WITH THE CHANGES OF 4 ADDED EMPLOYEES AND THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY TESTING DEFERRED FOR 90 DAYS AND T^AT THE BUDGET BE REVIEWED IN 90 DAYS. COUNCILMAN MC CARON SECONDED. Councilman McCaron stated this should be set to coincide with the time the tax rate is sAt. Councilman Hamilton stated he would revise the motion, with consent of the second. Councilman McCaron agreed. COUNCILMAN HAMILTON MOVED THAT THE 1971-72 BUDGET BE ADOPTED AS PRESENTED. WITH THE CHANGES. AND THE FIVE 5) ADDITIONAL EMPLOYEES AND THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY TESTING BE DEFERRED FOR REVIEW UNTIL AUGUST 18. COUNCILMAN MC CARON SECONDED. Finance Director Duncan explained that the only deletion necessary was the Planning Assistant's salary for three months, because the rest of the figures were included already, and included 7 1/2% for the employees, S% for the department heads, and wilt include the pickup of the health and accident increase and the disability. She asked for clarification that! the only item to be deleted would be the Assistant Planner's salary for 3 months. Councilmen Hamilton and McCaron stated their motion was meant to delete the 5 positions. Finance Director Duncan stated that the three people for the police department and the one for street maintenance had already been figured as an October 1 starting date, so the only items it would be necessary to delete are the 3 months salary for the Planning Assistant and the projected cost of the Los Angeles County testing. COUNCILMAN HAMILTON WITHDREW HIS MOTION. COUNCILMAN MC CARON WITHDREW HIS SECOND. COUNCILMAN KING MOVED THAT THE 1971-72 BUDGET BE ADOPTED AS PRESENTED WITH THE CHANGES AND DELETIONS AS INDICATED BY THE CITY MANAGER, AND THAT THE BUDGET BE AMENDED IF NECESSARY AT THE APPROPRIATE TIME. COUNCILMAN BLEWETT SECONDED. Councilman McCaron stated that as he understood it the intent was not to took toward the property tax to cover a11 of this, and Councilman King replied that was the intent; he stated we have an expected revenue; we have been short in many areas, wages, and these other critical areas as mentioned, so the revenues derived we are putting to good use, and we are neither dropping nor raising the taxes per se. Councilman Blewett stated basically the County Assessor comes around every five years; we have had in our Country the past five years inflation running very dose to between 6 and 7%; the Los Angeles Times reported that Baldwin Park's assessed valuation increased this year 35% in most areas, so that's 7% a year, and that's not an unreasonable increase in assessed valuation. Baldwin Park's problems are created because we're one of the lowest in the county in receipts from property taxes and, additionally, we're one of the lowest in receipts from sales taxes, and those are the two Continued) BIB] 37659-U01 1971-U02 06-U02 22-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9838-U03 DO9988-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06