HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971 08 10 CC MIN1971 08 10 CC MIN(Ìì×µ pecco^oo ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BALDWIN PARK CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 10. 1971 CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS) 14403 East Pacific Avenue 7:30 P.M. The City Council of the City of Baldwin Park met In adjourned regular session at the above place at 7:30 P.M. Mayor Gregory led the salute to the flag. FLAG SALUTE Roll Call: Present: COUNCILMEN BLEWETT, HAMILTON, ROLL CALL KING. MC CARON AND MAYOR GREGORY Also Present: ACTING CITY MANAGER/CITY CLERK BALKUS. PLANNING DIRECTOR GORDON, FINANCE DIRECTOR DUNCAN, CHIEF OF POLICE ADAMS. CITY TREASURER CODLING Absent: CITY ATTORNEY FLANDRICK. CITY ENGINEER FRENCH 00" Mayor Gregory stated this meeting had been called to PURPOSE OF determine the additions or deletions of budgeted Items, MEETING and to set the tax rate. Finance Director Duncan reviewed her report of July 28, 1971 which listed tentative 1971-72 budget appropriations and estimated revenues; she also reviewed her report of August 10, 1971 which listed the assessed valuation. figures received from Los Angeles County. She commented that the State Board of Equalization had dropped $370.880.00. therefore reducing the net Increase. Mrs. Duncan stated that, using the present tax rate of 96 cents, 35 cents and 27 cents, the amount of monies that would accrue to the city Is $931,110.00; using the budgeted appropriations adopted by Council on June 22, 1971, with the changes and the revenue which will be received from the assessed valuation, the surplus will be 1) General Fund $51•159.00; 2) Recreation and Parks $15,508.00; and 3) Street Lighting $15,253.00, for a total surplus of $81,920.00. She stated that the budget for the General Fund presently totals $2,129,557, which Includes the provision for a Planning Assistant, a car for the Planning Department, a narcotics detail, clerk dispatcher, $2,000 buy money and $1,700 for an automobile, all for the Police Department. an additional street maintenance man and a car for the Engineering Department, totaling $3,000, and approximately $4,000 In the Finance Department* for L. A. County testing* In answer to Councilman McCaron's question, NTS. Duncan stated that prior to consideration of the assessed valuations, and Including the Chamber of Comerce's allocation, the budget had been balanced, with an excess of $4,900; she further stated that the General Fund xnunt of $2,129,557 on the budget recap dated July 27, 1971 Included the changes tentatively approved fey the Council on June 22, 1971. Discussion followed regarding approximate decrease in the tax rate if the budget were approved excluding the tentative changes; Finance Director Duncan indicated there Mould be an approximate decrease of 24 or 25 cents. CounciliBn HcCaron stated he felt none of these Items should be taken from the increased assessed valuation, and that the tax rate should be based on the original iiypssmont. i Continued) BIB] 37659-U01 1971-U02 08-U02 10-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9838-U03 DO9941-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1971 08 10 CC MIN(Ìì×µ pe0005101 Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council August 10, 1971 Page 2 He stated this would allow a balanced budget. Including the Chamber of Co—erce allocation, and an excess of $4.900. Councilnan Blewett concurred with Councilman HcCaron; he stated, however, that the Charter of Comerce had not been Included originally, and he felt If the other Items were to be excluded, this one should also be excluded. Finance Director Duncan clarified that the Chamber of Commerce allocation was not Included In the original budget that was presented to the Council* Mrs. Duncan reviewed the budget as of July 14, 1971, Indicating that at that tlie the General Fund appropriation was $1,931,000; to that was added salary Increases totaling 7-1/21. uniform allowance for Police and Public Works, disability Insurance coverage, the Chamber of Commerce, salary Increase for the City Attorney, and the L. A. County testing, which Items totaled $133,856; this amount added to the original amount, and balanced against the revenue left a contingency of $4.922.50. These Items were discussed prior to the meeting of June 22, 1971, at which time It was learned the assessed valuations would bring over $100,000, and other Items were then discussed. Councilman Hamilton stated he understood the additions, such as the narcotics detail, cars, street maintenance man, etc. were contingent upon receipt of revenue other than property tax. Councilman King stated If Council felt there must be deletions, he would suggest deleting the Chamber of Co—erce's allocation, and also deleting the Increase In the City * Manager's salary, he felt the narcotics detail was most Important and that the City could not afford to delete chis service to the con—mi ty. Councilman Blewett stated he felt the Chamber of CoMnerce had Inproved their program; however, he felt a narcotics program was badly needed In the cowunity. and that It held a higher priority than did the Chamber of Commerce. Councilman KcCaron commented that the civic clubs In the co-unity were donating money for narcotics education. He further stated that, along with the police officers, there was a need for greater enforcement by the courts, and narcotics officers alone would not solve the problem. He cemented that there had been narcotics officers In the past, but the program had been discontinued. Chief Adams explained that at a time when the narcotics problem had gotten out of hand, they had pulled officers off patrol duty to work narcotics, and when the problem had subsided somewhat, the officers were put back on their regular duty, as the patrols were working shorthanded while the men were on narcotics duty; however, while they were so engaged, the program was very effective In the co-unity. Mayor Gregory asked whether the efforts of the schools and the civic groups were enough for narcotics enforcement In the co-unity. Chief Adams stated that the police, the courts, schools, free clinics, and civic groups were all necessary for an effective program. Councilman King agreed It was a three-fold program education, enforcement, and rehabilitation. Councilman Hamilton noted that during the time the narcotics detail had been In effect, there had been a decrease In other crimes, such as burglaries. Continued) BIB] 37659-U01 1971-U02 08-U02 10-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9838-U03 DO9941-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1971 08 10 CC MIN(Ìì×µ pecc^ca Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council August 10. 1971 Page 3 Councilman Hamilton stated he felt very strongly that the narcotics program was needed. COuncilnan HcCarcn conoented he had not Intended to inpty that it was not needed, but that Cowcil had agreed it would not cone out of the property taxes, but from other revenue which right be realized. Finance Director Duncan stated she had checked with Senator Song's office, and the tippler's tax was dead". and it appeared the sane would happen to the gasoline tax; the only other area for any additional-revenue would be the in-lieu. which is the vehicle licensing revenue. She stated the original budget amount for the in-lieu was $335,000, and she felt $15,000 could be added to that, inasmuch as the City had received that much during the current year. Councilman Hamilton observed that, according to Mrs. Duncan*s figures. Council could adopt a11 the items and still cut the taxes approximately 13 cents; however, the items should be carefully considered to determine whether they were essential and, if not, they should be deleted and the property tax cut more. 00- Councilman Hamilton agreed that the items should be considered and voted upon individually. COUNCILMAN BLEWETT MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL DELETE THE POSITION OF ADMINISTRATIVE INTERN FROM THE BUDGET. COUNCILMAN HAMILTON SECONDED- There were no objections. The motion carried and was so ordered. 00- COUNCILMAN HAMILTON MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL DELETE THE ITEM OF COUKTY TESTING FROM THE BUDGET- COUNCILMAN MC CARON SECONDED. Discussion followed. Councilman King stated he felt that the hidden costs of testing by our personnel were fairly close to what the County would charge, and that their procedure, insofar as varied tests, would be better- Mrs- Duncan stated that in the Police Department, where most of the testing is required, there has been very tittle turnover; they are using the same tests, with revisions, and are not spending money on personnel, although there may be some man hours lost. She commented, however, that whether or not the County testing is used for one or many applicants, the entire amount must be paid. Councilman Hamilton stated he felt this amount was too much, considering the small turnover in personnel. Councilman Btewett stated he was in favor of an outside agency doing the testing, and this would eliminate allegations that the testing was unfair- Councilman King agreed with Councilman Blewett that this was an inportant aspect. Discussion followed regarding the nmrtber of persons who icht 3e tested n a certain period of tiae, and Chief Adams explained ie procedure i/sed in the Police Department for prarotto^i' xamnations, stating that tests were urcnasea froai Puolic Personnel Service and administered y someone fro^ City Hall; the applicants are then ntervieNeo oy an oral board chosen, where possible, from cities iv-ose o^erarion and general concern is much like 3a1dh1n Par< s. Continued) DELETE ADMIN. INTERN POSITION DELETE COUNTY TESTING DISCUSSION BIB] 37659-U01 1971-U02 08-U02 10-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9838-U03 DO9941-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1971 08 10 CC MIN(Ìì×µ peGC05103 Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council August 10, 1971 Page 4 Chief Adams further explained that on an entrance examination, the applicant Is given an I.Q. test obtained from the library, which Is equivalent to Grade 13, and Includes English, mathematics, reading comprehension, and general adaptability to police work; the applicant then goes before an oral board made up of a lieutenant, two sergeants, and one or two patrolmen from the Department, as these are the people he will work with and who will supervise him. He stated that If the County were to do the testing, he would still feel It Incunbent on him to duplicate somewhat so that he would be satisfied that the person was competent, because he and his men would have to work with that person* Councilman Blewett suggested that possibly the Chief could get together with the County to work out a system that would be agreeable to him, rather than duplicate the testing. Chief Adams stated he had been In contact with Mr. John Emery, a representative of the County, who was Instrumental In setting up the Police Officers Recruit Testing program, comprised of eight cities In the beach areas. Special tests and special oral examinations were set up for the group. The same type program was attempted in the San Gabriel Valley, but only Baldwin Park and two other cities were interested in joining the program. However, in their general testing, you do not have the latitude, in setting up an oral board, for instance, in that there might be one police officer on the board, but the others might be from the County office, a personnel manager, etc.. who are not thoroughly familiar with police work. Councilman McCaron commented that if there had been allegations of unfair testing, a complaint should have been made to the Council so that everyone would have been aware of it. Councilman Blewett stated the matter had been discussed at a Council meeting in the past. Mc»yor Gregory stated that perhaps more research was necessary into methods of testing, and she would like to consider the matter again at a future date. Roll call on the motion to delete the County testing from the budget. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN HAMILTON, MC CARON AND MAYOR GREGORY NOES: COUNCILMEN BLEWETT AND KING 00- COUNCILMAN BLEWETT MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL GRANT A SALARY INCREASE OF $1.268 TO THE CITY ATTORNEY. COUNCILMAN KING SECONDED. There were no objections. The motion carried and was so ordered. 00- COUNCILMAN MC CARON MOVED THAT THE POSITION OF ASSISTANT PLANNER BE DELETED FROM THE BUDGET. COUNCILMAN HAMILTON SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMAN MC CARON, HAMILTON AND MAYOR GREGORY NOES: COUNCILMEN BLEWETT AND KING 00- MOTION CARRIED DELETE COUNTY TESTING SALARY INCREASE CITY ATTORNEY DELETE ASSISTANT PLANNER POSITION BIB] 37659-U01 1971-U02 08-U02 10-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9838-U03 DO9941-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1971 08 10 CC MIN(Ìì×µ peW05104 Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council Councilman McCaron asked whether these Items were being deleted temporarily at this point, with reconsideration contingent upon receipt of additional revenue, other than property taxes. Mayor Gregory stated this was her preference. There were no objections. 00- COUNCILMAN MC CARON MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL DELETE THE AUTOMOBILE FOR THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT FROM THE BUDGET. COUNCILMAN KING SECONDED. Discussion followed regarding how critical the need was for a new vehicle. Planning Director Gordon stated that he felt the need for the manpower was more critical, as the department would be definitely crippled, particularly In the areas of development of the General Plan and enforcement. Councilman Hamilton stated that, because of the increased work load In the Planning Department, perhaps the assistant planner position should be reconsidered. Councilman Blewett commented that there was a critical zoning problem In the northeast section of the City, from Nubia to Arrow Highway, and he felt that this was an area of primary concern. Mayor Gregory recalled that there had been previous discussion regarding the assistant planner acting also as a zoning enforcement officer. Councilman King concurred with Councilman Hamilton, in that he felt Council should reconsider this position. He stated there was a dire need for this individual. COUNCILMAN BLEWETT MOVED THAT THE POSITION OF ASSISTANT PLANNER BE REINSTATED- COUNCILMAN KING SECONDED. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BLEWETT, KING, HAMILTON AND MAYOR GREGORY NOES: COUNCILMAN MC CARON Roll call on the motion to delete the automobile for the Planning Department. There were no objections. The motion carried and was so ordered. 00- COUNCILMAN MC CARON MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL DELETE THE $1.700 EXPENDITURE FOR ROOF MAINTENANCE FROM THE BUDGET. COUNCILMAN BLEWETT SECONDED. Councilman King conroented that if this money were not allocated, we might have to spend a lot more in the long run. Councilman McCaron stated that originally $800 had been requested, and he felt this amount was sufficient. pending receipt of additional revenue. Roll call on the motion. There were no objections. The motion carried and was so ordered. 00- COUNCILMAN MC CARON MOVED THAT THE ALLOCATION OF $16,000 TO THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BE INCLUDED IN THE BUDGET. COUNCILMAN HAMILTON SECONDED. Roll call. There were no objections- The motion carried and was so ordered. 00- August 10, 1971 Page 5 RECONSIDERATION OF DELETED ITEMS CON- TINGENT UPON RECEIPT OF ADDITIONAL REVENUE DELETE AUTO FOR PLANNING DEPT. POSITION OF ASST. PLANNER REINSTATED MOTION CARRIED DELETE AUTO PLANNING DEPT- DELETE ROOF MAINTENANCE MOTION CARRIED INCLUDE ALLOCATION TO CHAWER OF COWERCE IN BUDGET BIB] 37659-U01 1971-U02 08-U02 10-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9838-U03 DO9941-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1971 08 10 CC MIN(Ìì×µ peAdjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council COUNCILMAN HC CARON MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL DELETE THE NARCOTICS PERSONNEL FROM THE BUDGET. COUNCILMAN BLEWETT SECONDED. Councilman Blewett asked for clarification that the requested narcotics personnel would be used exclusively for narcotics enforcement. Chief Adams explained that two experienced officers would be transferred to the narcotics detail and the allocation would be used to hire two replacements; however, the narcotics personnel would be full-time, 12 months a year. Roll call on the motion. AYES: COUNCILMAN MC CARON NOES: COUNCILMEN BLEWETT, HAMILTON, KING AND MAYOR GREGORY The motion failed to carry. Auqust 10, 1971 Page 6 DELETE NARCOTICS PERSONNEL MOTION FAILED TO CARRY 00- COUNCILMAN BLEWETT MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL DELETE THE AUTOMOBILE FOR THE POLICE DEPARTWNT FROM THE BUDGET. COUNCILMAN MC CARON SECONDED. DELETE AUTO FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT Discussion followed regarding this being the car to be used by the narcotics personnel. Chief Adams stated that they would prefer to purchase a car at an auction, which would bear no resemblance to any vehicle presently used by the Department, Inasmuch as this type operation must be surreptitious. The vehicle would not be subjected to constant use, as Is a patrol car, and would be operated by the same drivers all the time, which would cause less wear and tear. Mayor Gregory Inquired as to whether the money for this vehicle could be obtained from any other portion of the budget. Finance Director Duncan stated she knew of no place In the budget where this money could be obtained. Roll call on the motion: AYES: COUNCILMAN MC CAROM NOES: COUNCILMEN BLEWETT, HAMILTON, KING AND MAYOR GREGORY DISCUSSION The motion failed to carry. NOTION FAILED TO C W 00- COUNCILMAN MC CARON MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL DELETE THE NARCOTICS BUY MONEY FROM THE BUDGET. MAYOR GREGORY SECONDED Councilman King asked the Chief of Police what would be the least amount of money the narcotics detail could work with. Chief Adams stated it depended on how the cases would go-in some instances the Department is reinbursed by State and Federal agencies where undercover purchases are made; however, if cases are lost, the woney is also lost. He stated that Most buys are in the area of $20 to $100; if an iMediate arrest is effected, the woney can be taken right back and is not lost. Continued) DELETE BUY NOMEY BIB] 37659-U01 1971-U02 08-U02 10-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9838-U03 DO9941-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1971 08 10 CC MIN(Ìì×µ peCC0510(> Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council Discussion followed regarding penalties Imposed by the Courts on narcotics offenders. Chief Adams stated that the Courts were still lenient regarding Marijuana offenses, but Mere getting more strict in the area of hard narcotics, such as heroin, Morphine, etc. Roll call on the notion: AYES: COUNCILMAN MC CAROM NOES: MAYOR GREGORY, COUNCILHEN BLENETT. HAMILTON AND KING The motion failed to carry. Auqust 10. 1971 Page 7 DISCUSSION MOTION FAILED TO CARRY 00- COUNCILMAN MC CARON MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL DELETE THE POSITION OF DISPATCHER FROM THE BUDGET. COUNCILMAN KING SECONDED. Councilman King asked Chief Adams to explain the need for the dispatcher. Chief Adams stated that there are 21 shifts each week, and with four people, only 20 are covered, so they are one shift short each week, plus whenever someone is on vacation or out on sick leave, a patrolman must be taken off the street to work on the desk. He stated that covering vacations and sick time encompasses about four months work, and the dispatcher would also be working in the Records Section, typing reports, preparing complaints for court. Indexing files, preparing warrants and subpoenas for service, etc. Roll call on the motion: AYES: COUNCILMAN MC CARON NOES: COUNCILMEN KING, BLEWETT, HAMILTON AND MAYOR GREGORY The motion failed to carry* DELETE DISPATCHER POSITION MOTION FAILED TO CARRY 00- COUNCILMAN MC CARON MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL DELETE THE AUTOMOBILE FOR THE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FROM THE BUDGET. COUNCILMAN KING SECONDED. Planning Director Gordon explained that there had been quite a maintenance problem with the enforcement car, and the new car would be assigned to the City Engineer and the other cars moved down accordingly. Discussion followed. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIUEN MC CARON, KING, BLEWETT, HAMILTON AND MAYOR GREGORY DELETE AUTOMOBILE FOR ENGR. OEPT. MOTION CARRIED NOES: NONE 00- BIB] 37659-U01 1971-U02 08-U02 10-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9838-U03 DO9941-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1971 08 10 CC MIN(Ìì×µ peL0051G7 Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council COUNCILMAN HC CARON MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL DELETE THE POSITION OF MAINTENANCE MAN FROM THE BUDGET. COUNCILMAN HAMILTON SECONDED. Discussion followed regarding the additional landscaping maintenance which will be required because of the Ramona Boulevard project. Planning Director Gordon cemented that there Is also an excessive backlog on tree tri—ring, and the City receives about 20 to 25 complaints a month on this. Councilman Hamilton stated he had received complaints regarding tree trinming. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN MC CARON. KING AND MAYOR GREGORY NOES: COUNCILMEN HAMILTON AND BLENETT 00- Councllman King suggested that the 5t salary Increase In the City Manager's salary be deleted. In that the beginning salary would probably be sufficient for a qualified new Manager. Finance Director Ouncan stated this amount would be $1,185 + fringe benefits In the approximate amount of $300, for a total reduction In the City Manager's budget of approximately $1.485. COUNCILMAN KING MOVED THAT THE 5t SALARY INCREASE FOR THE CITY MANAGER BE DELETED FROM THE BUDGET. COUNCILMAN MC CARON SECONDED. Councilman Blewett stated he would agree with the deletion; however, he would like Council to remain flexible In the area of salary so that a potentially excellent City Manager candidate would not be lost because the salary was Irrevocably fixed. Roll call on the motion. There were no objections. The motion carried and was so ordered. 00- Finance Director Duncan recapped the deletions from the budget, as follows: Administrative Intern $948, County Testing $3.988, Planning Car $3,000, Engineering Car $3.000, Maintenance Man $6,868, Roof Repair $1,700, and City Manager's Salary and Fringe Benefits $1,485; Total: $20,989. 00- AT 9:03 P.M. COUNCILMAN KING MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. COUNCILMAN BLEWETT SECONDED. There were no objections. The motion carried and was so ordered. 00- AT 9:13 P.M. THE CITY COUNCIL RECONVENED IN REGULAR SESSION. Roll call same as at 7:30 P.M. 00- Finance Director Duncan stated that In adding the deletions of $20,989 to the surplus of $51,159, the General Fund Tax Rate could be reduced by 11 cents, the Street Lighting Tax Rate by 2 cents, and the Recreation and Parks Tax Rate by 2 cents, for a total reduction of 15 cents. Continued) August 10, 1971 Page 8 DELETE MAINTENANCE MAN POSITION MOTION CARRIED DELETE 51 SALARY INCREASE FOR CITY MANAGER MOTION CARRIED TOTAL DELETIONS $20,989 9:03 P.M. RECESS 9:13 P.M. RECONVENE REDUCTIONS IN TAX RATES GEN. FUND lit; ST. LIGHTING 2<; REC. ft PKS. 2<; TOTAL: 15i BIB] 37659-U01 1971-U02 08-U02 10-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9838-U03 DO9941-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1971 08 10 CC MIN(Ìì×µ peAdjourned Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council 005109 S August 10, 1971 Page 9 Finance Director Duncan stated this would reduce the General Fund rate froi 96 cents to 85 cents, the Street Lighting rate froi 27 cents to 25 cents• and the Recreation and Parks rate fro 35 cents to 33 cents. In response to Councllian King's question, Mrs. Duncan stated the In lieu nonles had not been added to the revenue In her calculations. Finance Director Duncan read by title: RESOLUTION NO. 71-208 FIXING THE AMOUNT OF MONEY NECESSARY TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING JULY 1, 1971 Mrs. Duncan stated that the anount to be Inserted under Section a) was $739.771. and the amount to be Inserted under Section b) was $156,731. COUNCILMAN BLEHETT MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 71-208 BE ADOPTED AND THAT FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN KING SECONDED. Roll call. There were no objections. The motion carried and was so ordered. Finance Director Duncan read by title: RESOLUTION NO. 71-209 FIXING THE RATE OF TAXES AND LEVYING TAXES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING JULY 1, 1971 Mrs. Duncan stated that the tax rate under Section a) General Fund would be 85 cents, under Section b) Municipal Lighting District would be 25 cents, and under Section c) Recreation and Parks would be 33 cents. COUNCILMAN KING MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 71-209 BE ADOPTED AND THAT FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN BLEWETT SECONDED. Roll call. There were no objections. The motion carried and was so ordered. 00- AT 9:23 P.M. COUNCILMAN MC CARON MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADJOURN. COUNCILMAN KING SECONDED. There were no objections. The motion carried and was so ordered. 00- RES. NO. 71-208 FIX AKT. OF MONEY NECESSARY TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION COMMENCING 7/1/71 SEC. a) $739,771 SEC. b) $156.731 RES. NO. 71-208 ADOPTED RES. NO. 71-209 FIX TAX RATE SEC. a) 85 CENTS SEC. b) 25 CENTS SEC. c) 33 CENTS RES. NO. 71-209 ADOPTED ADJOURN 9:23 P.M. THELW I. BALHB, CITY CLERK APPROVED: T^W^^^t)/'/ 1971 Date of Distribution to City Council: /a^/^^^^ Jl" L^JL. Date of Distribution to Departments: 1971 1971 BIB] 37659-U01 1971-U02 08-U02 10-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9838-U03 DO9941-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06