HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972 06 21 CC MIN1972 06 21 CC MIN(ÌìÖžpeINDEX M 21, 1972 Minutes 5/8/72. 5/9/72, 5/10/72. 6/7/72, 6/13/72 Approved Treasurer's Report 5/31/72 Received 6 Filed Res. No. 72-87 dates Dewnds Adopted City Charter Public Hearing Public Hearing Continued to 9/20/72 City Charter 2 71-S-57, 71-S-58. 71-S-59. 71-S-60 2 TestlBony on 71-S-58 Leonard Klfer 2 71-S-58 Continued to 7/5/72 3 71-S-57, 71-S-59, 71-S-60 Districts approved; costs confined 3 72-H-22 3 Res. Ho. 72-88 72-R-22) Adopted 4 71-M-67 Res. Ho. 72-89 Adopted 4 Oral Cc—unlcations SaB Sandoval re delivery fees for privilege of delivering In Baldwin Park C. N. to Investigate and report 4 Oral Ccmications Gloria look re City Hall renovations 4 Oral CM—ml cations T. E. Carpenter re authority to enter property by Enforcement Officer ORDINANCE NO. 642 /VENDING CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF THE CITY'S BUSINESS LICENSE ORDINANCE Introduced 5 6 Temporary Use Penal t Charter of Co—crce Carnival and 7 Fireworks, 6/29/72 7/4/72 Approved ft fees waived subject to conditions of Chief of Police Temporary Use Penrit NTS. ttartha Brandon Block party In 7 3400 block Pad4y Lane, 7/4/72 Approved subject to conditions Clain Harold D. Lawless Denied A referred to Insurance carrier 7 Clain Owen B. Thons Denied ft referred to Insurance carrier 7 Malver of Bid and Purchase of Equipment Authorized Intelligence 8 and Office Equlp-ent for Police Oepartaent funded under CCCJ Grant Civil Engineering Associate Hint— Qualifications for position 8 upgraded In Job specifications Charter of Cf—cm Agrccmnt No action taken until Budget approved 8 Short Fom Initiation 72-S-13 Declare Intent cause construction; 9 public hearing set for 7/5/72 Short Fbm Reports of Uork 71-S-61. 71-S-62. 71-S-63. 71-S-64; 9 districts approved and public hearing set for 7/19/72 Stem Drain Project No. 3350 L.A. Co. Rood Control District 9 authorized to proceed with construction and to occupy necessary area within City for construction, operation and Maintenance of drain Traffic Q—rfttee fteport Res. No. 72-90 Adopted ft Rec. Approved 10 Including stodies, Installation of stop signs, parking restric- tions. left-turn pocket at Hobil Oil Station at 605 ft Raima) Las Jtogeles Beautiful Certificate of Honorable teflon for Rwma 10 Installation of ri Boulevard Dedication Plaque proved in 11 R^k^^^^^^J^^^h^^^ kjftA^^ f^L^^Ai^^L k^^^^^b&^k^B M^^Bf acco——Ke ioui s«ecui preseMiw By Dm Cat My TiBJrl Report re Ibxtaized Tax Base for Baldwin P^rt 11 41 aDUC DIVISMII III OF MKT10 OF TK B-r. 11 ZMIRG CODE, COdSnUC OF SBCiIflg 95X1 9573, ncusnE, IBXTUG 10 2omc 11 TIE R-3 ZHK CRSE 0. A2C-C1) Ovci night Parking Proposed Ndlniia. To be set for public hearing 12 I—ICON. OOK Kuirr 10 nc PLAIK c—as- SUr Intm*Mid k tens of office) 14 9:03 p.«. 14 BIB] 37659-U01 1972-U02 06-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9837-U03 DO9922-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1972 06 21 CC MIN(ÌìÖžpeCG05500 UNOFFICIAL UNTIL APPROVED JUNE 21. 1972 7:30 P.M. REGULAR MEETING OF THE BALDWIN PARK CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS) 14403 East Pacific Avenue The City Council of the City of Baldwin Park met in regular session at the above place at 7:30 p.m. Councilman Gregory led the salute to the flag. Roll Call: Present: COUNCILMEN GREGORY, HAMILTON, KING, MC CARON AND MAYOR BLEWETT CITY MANAGER MOCALIS. CITY ATTORNEY FLANDRICK. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS PERRY, PLANNING DIRECTOR GORDON, FINANCE DIRECTOR DUNCAN. CHIEF OF POLICE ADAMS. CITY CLERK BALKUS Also Present: Absent: CITY TREASURER CALE 00- COUNCILMAN GREGORY MOVED THAT THE MINUTES OF MAY 8, 1972. MAY 9. 1972. MAY 10, 1972. JUNE 7. 1972 AND JUNE 13. 1972 BE APPROVED AND THAT FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN HAMILTON SECONDED. There were no objections. The motion carried and was so ordered. 00- COUNCILMAN HAMILTON MOVED THAT THE CITY TREASURER'S REPORT OF MAY 31. 1972 BE RECEIVED AND FILED. COUNCILMAN KING SECONDED. There were no objections. The motion carried and was so ordered. 00- RESOLUTION NO. 72-87 ALLOWING CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK COUNCILMAN KING MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 72-87 BE ADOPTED AM) THAT FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN HAMILTON SECONDED. Roll call. There were no objections. The Motion carried and was so ordered. 00- City Cleric Balkus administered the Oath to those in the audience desiring to be heard during the Meeting. 00- 7:30 P.M. having arrived* it was the tiMe and place fixed for a continued public hearing on the proposed City Charter. Continued from 8/4/71. 8/18/71. 9/15/71 and 12/15/71) Proper publication and postings had been accoMplished- There were no written protests. City Manager Mocalis reco—ended that the Matter of the proposed City Charter be continued for 90 days- Continued) FLAG SALUTE ROLL CALL MINUTES OF 5/8/72. 5/9/72. 5/10/72. 6/7/7? & 6/13/72 APPROVED TREASURER'S REPT OF 5/31/72 RECEIVED & FILEO RES. NO- 72-87 CLAIMS & DEMANDS 5074 5259 PAYROLL PERIOD 5/16/72 5/31/72 RES. NO. 72-87 ADOPTED OATH PUBLIC HEARING CITY CHARTER PUBLICATION, POSTINGS NO WRITTEN PROTESTS C.M. RECOMMENDS CONTINUATION BIB] 37659-U01 1972-U02 06-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9837-U03 DO9922-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1972 06 21 CC MIN(ÌìÖžpeCC055C1 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council COUNCILMAN KING MOVED THAT THE MATTER OF THE PROPOSED CITY CHARTER BE CONTINUED TO SEPTEMBER 20, 1972. COUNCILMAN GREGORY SECONDED. There were no objections- The motion carried and was so ordered. 00- It was the time and place fixed for a public hearing on Short Form Case Nos. 71-S-57, west side of Foster Avenue between Foster Circle and Frazier Street, for curb and gutter; 71-S-58, northwest side of Vineland Avenue between Rexwood Street and Merced Avenue* for sidewalk and drive approach; 71-S-59, east side of Bleecker Street between Arrow Highway and Nubia Street, for curb and gutter; and 71-S-60, south side of Palm Avenue between Walnut Street and Merced Avenue, for curb and gutter. Proper postings and mailings had been accomplished. There were no written protests. TESTIMONY WAS GIVEN BY: Leonard Kifer, 3367 Vineland Avenue, stated that when he first received the notice of the proposed improvements, he had called to see what the cost would be, and received a price from the Engineering Department of $175. When he came in to pay, he was fold the amount was $245, so he paid $175 and stated he would have to pay the rest later. He received a bill the other day for $116.53, which would make his cost close to $300, and he asked for an explana- tion. Director of Public Works Perry stated that the work on Parcel 2 amounted to $291.53, minus the partial payment of $175. which left a balance of $116.53. Mr. Perry explained that had Mr. Kifer had the work completed before the City contractor did it, there would have been no adninistrative costs, which were $50 plus $5 for the permit, Discussion followed regarding information received by Mr. Kifer at the time he made the partial payment, and regarding the various amounts involved. Mr. Kifer presented his receipt for the partial payment, and Finance Director Duncan, after reviewing the receipt. informed Council that Public Works Permit No. 10345 was issued in the amount of $175 and showed receipt of $175; however, it did not indicate the balance due or the original amount. Mayor Blewett suggested that, in the future, the receipts should indicate the original amount and the balance due. Mr. Kifer stated that when they first received notice that the improvements were to be constructed, there was nothing mentioned about adninistrative costs. Mayor Blewett explained that this had always been the policy of the City; it takes a certain amount of staff tine to formulate a district, and if City labor is involved, it Is attempted to have each district pay for the amount of City time involved. Continued) June 21. 1972 Page 2 CHARTER CONTFUET TO 9/20/72 PUBLIC HEARING SHORT FORMS 71-S-57 C&G) 71-S-58 S&DA) 71-S-59 C&G) 71-S-60 C&G) POSTINGS & MAILINGS NO WRITTEN PROTESTS TESTIMONY LEONARD KIFER 3367 VINELAND AVF. RE 71-S-58 DISCUSSION BIB] 37659-U01 1972-U02 06-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9837-U03 DO9922-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1972 06 21 CC MIN(ÌìÖžpe0005^0^ Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council June 21. 1972 Page 3 Councilman McCaron pointed out that the matter appeared to hinge on timing, in that if the entire amount had been paid in advance of the work, there would have been no administrative costs. He was under the impression there were no administrative costs if the amount were paid prior to the time the charges were sent to the tax collector's office; however, this case would indicate that the costs were added prior to that time. He felt Council should consider the timing to determine whether it should remain as it is or whether a change might be in order. Mayor Blewett felt that possibly some arrangement could be made in this case whereby the administrative costs could be waived. Mr. Perry suggested that the administra- tive costs be prorated according to when the partial payment was made and when the work was completed. Councilman McCaron suggested continuing this case to the next meeting, which would allow time to arrive at an equitable solution, and also allow Mr. Perry time to pre- pare a report regarding timing in such cases in order for Council to make a decision on the policy. As there was no one in the audience desiring to speak either in behalf of or in opposition to 71-S-57, 71-S-59, or 71-S-60, Mayor Blewett declared the public hearing closed. COUNCILMAN KING MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE SHORT FORM DISTRICTS 71-S-57, 71-S-59 AND 71-S-60 AND CONFIRM THE COSTS FOR EACH PARCEL CONCERNED AS SET FORTH IN THE REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS. AND THAT 71-S-58 BE CONTINUED TO JULY 5. 1972. COUNCILMAN GREGORY SECONDED. There were no objections. The motion carried and was so ordered. 00- It was the time and place fixed for a public hearing on 72-N-22 to determine whether certain premises and buildings and structures constitute a public nuisance at 3819 Stichman Avenue. Proper postings and mailings had been accomplished. There were no written protests. Director of Public Works Perry stated that the buildings had been heavily damaged by fire, and presented photographs of the property. He stated he had received a letter from the attorney representing the property owners stating that they were going through their insurance company to tear down the structures, and requesting that 90 days be given to abate the nuisance. As there was no one in the audience desiring to speak either in behalf of or in opposition to 72-N-22. Mayor Blewett declared the public hearing closed. RESOLUTION NO. 72-88 FINDING AND DETERMINING THE EXISTENCE OF A PUBLIC NUISAPiCE AND ORDERING THE SAME ABATED 72-N-22) Mr- Perry stated that under Section 2 a time limit of 90" days should be established. I ntinued) 71-S-58 CONT. TO 7/5/72 DPW TO REPORT TO COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING DECLARED CLOSED 71-S-57. 59 & 60 APPROVE DISTRICTS; CONFIRM COSTS 71-S-57, 59 & 60; 71-S-58 CONT. TO 7/5/72 PUBLIC HEARING PUBLIC NUISANCE 72-N-22 POSTINGS & MAILINGS NO WRITTEN PROTESTS RESUME PHOTOS PUBLIC HEARING DECLARED CLOSED 72-N-22 RES. NO. 72-88 ORDER ABATEMENT 72-N-22 SECTION 2 90" DAYS TO ABATE BIB] 37659-U01 1972-U02 06-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9837-U03 DO9922-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1972 06 21 CC MIN(ÌìÖžpeCC055C3 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council COUNCILMAN HAMILTON MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 72-88 BE ADOPTED AND THAT FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN GREGORY SECONDED. There were no objections. The motion carried and was so ordered, 00- It was the time and place fixed for a public hearing on 71-N-67, to confirm the City Manager's report regarding certain special assessments at 13226 Ramona Boulevard- Proper postings and mailings had been accomplished. There were no written protests, Director of Public Works Perry presented before" and after" photographs of the property. As there was no one in the audience desiring to speak either in behalf of or in opposition to 71-N-67, Mayor Blewett declared the public hearing closed. RESOLUTION NO. 72-89 CONFIRMING THE CITY MANAGER'S REPORT REGARDING CERTAIN SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 71-N-67) COUNCILMAN KING MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 72-89 BE ADOPTED AND THAT FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN HAMILTON SECONDED. There were no objections. The motion carried and was so ordered. 00- Under Oral Comnumcations, Mr. Sam Sandoval, 4561 Monterey Avenue, addressed the Council. He stated that he wished to go on record as registering a complaint that Baldwin Park was missing out on a conservative figure of $7,200 per year by not collecting fees that should be charged to drivers and delivery men who have businesses out of Baldwin Park* and who are supposed to pay for the privilege of delivering in Baldwin Park. Mr. Sandoval stated he had to pay $36 a year, and he knew for a fact that his competitors did not have to pay a fee, because Baldwin Park did not have one. He stated he had approached some of the Councilmen several months ago, but to date nothing had been done about the problem; thus, his reason for appearing before Council this evening. Mayor Blewett directed City Manager Mocalis to Investigate the matter and report to the Council at the next regular meeting on July 5, 1972. 00- Mrs. Gloria Zook, 4817 La Rica, stated she had read in the paper that City Hall was going to be renovated, and wondered how long this would delay the building of a new City Hall, which Mas desperately needed. She felt that the estimated $20,000 surplus In the budget could be used to purchase a minibus, or something else needed for the City, rather than fixing up an old building. Continued) June 21. 1972 Page 4 RES. NO. 72-88 ADOPTED PUBLIC HEARING PUBLIC NUISANCE 71-N-67 POSTINGS & MAILINGS NO WRITTEN PROTESTS PHOTOS PUBLIC HEARING DECLARED CLOSED 71-N-67 RES. NO. 72-89 CONFIRM COSTS 71-N-67 RES. NO. 72-89 ADOPTED SAM SANDOVAL 4561 MONTEREY AVE. RE DELIVERY FEES CITY MGR. TO INVESTIGATE & REPORT ON 7/5/72 GLORIA ZOOK 4817 LA RICA RE CITY HALL RENOVATIONS BIB] 37659-U01 1972-U02 06-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9837-U03 DO9922-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1972 06 21 CC MIN(ÌìÖžpeRegular MpeMnq of the ISoldwin Park Mty Council June 1, 1W Paqo 5 City Manager Mocalis stated he had received a call this date that the House of Representatives had passed the closed rule on revenue sharing, which gives an excellent chance of it passing the lower House; he further stated that his information was that the Senate was in favor of the Bill- If revenue sharing was passed, the return to Baldwin Park would be approximately $612,000 per year and it was hoped that a major portion of this money would be out aside for a new City Hall. Mr, Mocalis stated that it had been recommended that the renovations be made to the present City Hall not only because of the overcrowded conditions, inadequate air conditioning, leaking roof, etc., but to improve service and provide more convenience for the citizens. He indicated it would probably be three years before a new City Hall could be built, if revenue sharing money were used, and in the meantime, he felt the expenditure was justified and would be money well spent for both the staff and the citizens 00- T. E. Carpenter, 4346 Jerry Avenue, stated he wished to question misuse of authority. He stated that quite a few citizens who owned rental property had told him that as soon as the renters had moved a hazardous" occupancy siqn had been put on the building; apparently the Enforcement Officer had been through the buildings and had made a determination. He stated the people who had talked to him did not feel this was the democratic way to handle this. Mr- Carpenter stated he had researched the Public Nuisance Ordinance, and in the ordinance it does not say how the City gains entry to property. He then researched the Uniform Building Code. under which the City operates. He quoted from Section 201, Right of Entry, which indicates that if a building or premises is occupied, an official shall present proper credentials and demand entry; if a building or premises is unoccupied, the official shall first make a reasonable effort to locate the owner or other persons having charge or control of the building or premises and demand entry. Mr. Carpenter stated that, in his opinion, a minimum reasonable effort was to go through the City files which tell who owns every piece of property to try to contact the owner. He pointed out that the Code further states that If entry Is refused, the official has the recourse c-f the remedy provided by law. Mr. Carpenter further stated that the remedy provided by law is Included In the Code of Civil Procedure, Section 1822.54, Inspection Warrants, and he read paragraphs from this Section- Mr- Carpenter stated that a person had the right, guaranteed by the Constitution, to refuse entry. If a warrant is Issued and entry is still denied, then the person is subject to a misdemeanor charge- Mr. Carpenter stated that, as he had been told, the author- ity which has been used in the past is that the Officer goes onto the property, puts a sign on, and then notifies the people. He stated that the point he wished to make was that the owner should be notified and given the oppor- tunity to deny entry if he sees fit- He asked that the matter be investigated, and if it is found that the practice exists as he has been informed, that it be discontinued. Continued) T. E. CARPE^TF" 4346 JERRY Avr. RE AUTHORITY T( ENTER PROPERTY BV ENFORCEMENT OFFICER BIB] 37659-U01 1972-U02 06-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9837-U03 DO9922-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1972 06 21 CC MIN(ÌìÖžpeCC055G-3 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council June 21, 197? Page 6 Mayor Blewett pointed out that the people who had talked to Mr. Carpenter were the so-called victims but who were, in reality, the people who were victimizing the City- He stated that public nuisances do not find their way to a solution until government steps in and forces abatement, and he felt the people in the community had served a mandate to the Council that they approve of the cleaning up of the properties in the community- Mayor Blewett agreed that no person's constitutional rights should be violated but stated he did not believe they had been, and that when a public nuisance is discovered, action should be taken to abate it. Mr. Carpenter stated he was not arguing that public nuisances should not be abated, only that the owrer be notified before entry is made and given the right to deny entry if he so desires. Mr. Carpenter stated that, if necessary, he would go through the records and contact property owners to determine how many had been contacted to permit entry, according to the law. Councilman Hamilton asked whether Mr. Carpenter knew for a fact that City officials had entered premises without per- mission or without seeking permission, and Mr, Carpenter replied he knew only what he had heard. City Attorney Flandrick commented that, basically, Mr. Carpenter was correct in his analysis of the Public Nuisance Ordinance. Mr. Flandrick stated that the Code was in the process of being revised, and a part of that revision included the Public Nuisance Abatement Ordinance, as well as revisions to the Uniform Building Code with regard to the entry of buildings. Mr. Carpenter thanked Council for allowing him to make his presentation. 00- City Attorney Flandrick read by title: ORDINANCE NO. 642 AMENDING CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF THE CITY'S BUSINESS LICENSE ORDINANCE ORD. NO. 642 AMEND BUS. LIC. CR FINGERPRINTING FEE He stated that the change in the ordinance was the deletion of a specific fee of $3.00 for solicitors, and that the filing fee hereafter would be set by the Finance Director; the reason for this is that there is a fingerprinting require- ment that entails a cross-charge by the State. The State alters their fee periodically, and the proposed change in the ordinance would allow the City's fee to be amended con- sistent with the State fee, whatever it may be in the future- Councilman McCaron felt there should be further clarification REPORT TO RF W! on this before the ordinance was adopted- City Attorney TO COUNCIL BEFORE Flandrick suggested that first reading could be held on the ADOPTION OF ORD. ordinance, and a report made to the Council, after which the ordinance could or could not be adopted, as desired. Council concurred. Mrs. Duncan stated she would nake a report on July 5. COUNCILMAN GREGORY MOVED THAT FURTHER READING OF ORDINANCE FURTHER RD£. WAIVT^ NO. 642 BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN KING SECONDED. There were no ORD- NO. 64? objections. The motion carried and was so ordered. COUNCILMAN GREGORY MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO- 642 BE INTRODUCED- ORD. HO. 642 COUNCILMAN KING SECONDED. There were no objections. The INTRODL'CED motion carried and was so ordered. 00- BIB] 37659-U01 1972-U02 06-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9837-U03 DO9922-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1972 06 21 CC MIN(ÌìÖžpeC0055GG Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council City Clerk Balkus presented a request for a Temporary Use Permit from the Chamber of Commerce for a carnival and a fireworks show at Sierra Vista High School. The carnival will be June 29 through July 4 and the fireworks will be on the evening of July 4. 1972, Mrs. Balkus directed Council's attention to the recommendation of the Chief of Police regarding acceptable games and security provisions- COUNCILMAN KING MOVED THAT THE TEMPORARY USE PERMIT BE APPROVED AND FEES BE WAIVED, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS AS SET FORTH BY THE CHIEF OF POLICE. COUNCILMAN GREGORY SECONDED. Councilman Gregory asked Chief Adams whether police officers would be present in addition to the required number of adult chaperones. Chief Adams stated no officers would be regularly assigned; however, there would be routine periodic checks. June 21. 1972 Page 7 T.U.P. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CARNIVAL AND FIREWORKS 6/29/72 7/4/72 T.U.P. APPROVED & FEES WAIVED SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS OF CHIEF OF POLICE There were no objections to the motion. and was so ordered. The motion carried MOTION CARRIED 00- City Clerk Balkus presented a request for a Temporary Use Permit from Mrs. Martha Brandon for a block party in the 3400 block of Paddy Lane on July 4, 1972 from noon until midnight. COUNCILMAN GREGORY MOVED THAT THE TEMPORARY USE PERMIT BE APPROVED SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS THAT NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES BE SERVED OR CONSUMED ON THE STREET. NO DANGEROUS FIREWORKS, APPLICANT ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY. PROVIDE BARRI- CADES. PROVIDE READILY IDENTIFIABLE CHAPERONES AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CLEANUP. COUNCILMAN KING SECONDED. There were no objections. The motion carried and was so ordered. 00- City Clerk Balkus presented a claim in the name of Harold D. Lawless, 14640 California Street. She recommended that the claim be denied and referred to the insurance carrier. COUNCILMAN GREGORY MOVED THAT THE CLAIM BE DENIED AND REFERRED TO THE INSURANCE CARRIER. COUNCILMAN KING SECONDED. There were no objections. The motion carried and was so ordered. 00- City Clerk Balkus presented a claim in the name of Owen B. Thomas, Goleta. California, regarding a Police Academy Grant. She recommended that the claim be denied and referred to the insurance carrier. COUNCILMAN GREGORY MOVED THAT THE CLAIM BE DENIED AND REFERRED TO THE INSURANCE CARRIER. COUHCILWN HAMILTON SECONDED. There were no objections. The motion carried and was so ordered. 00- T.U.P. BLOCK PARTY 3400 BLK. PADDY LN. MRS. MARTHA BRANDON T.U.P. APPROVED SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS CLAIM HAROLD D. LAWLESS CLAIM DENIED & REFERRED TO INS. CARRIER CLAIM OWEN B. THOMAS CLAIM DENIED & REFERRED TO INS. CARRIER BIB] 37659-U01 1972-U02 06-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9837-U03 DO9922-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1972 06 21 CC MIN(ÌìÖž peoc.&P^0^ Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council City Manager Mocalis stated that the Police Department had received a grant from the California Council on Criminal Justice for the purchase of intelligence and office equip- ment; the funds must be expended by June 30, 1972 or the grant will be lost. He stated that since there was only one vendor for each type of equipment listed, it was recommended that the Council approve a waiver of bids and authorize purchase of the itemized equipment in the amount of $11,272.80. Councilman King asked how long it would take for the City to be reimbursed for the funds expended. Mr, Mocalis stated the funds had already been received, so there would be no direct cost to the City. Councilman King asked whether there would be a need for additional personnel, along with the equipment. Mr. Mocalis stated no additional personnel would be required with this equipment; this equipment is part of a larger grant which totals almost a million dollars, and this could be tenned the inception of the larger grant. In answer to Councilman McCaron, Mr. Mocalis stated that Bel! and Howell manufactured and sold the equipment; there was only one source and, therefore, going through the usual bid procedure would be a waste of the taxpayers' money. COUNCILMAN MC CARON MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZE WAIVER OF BID PROCEDURE AND PURCHASE OF INTELLIGENCE AND OFFICE EQUIPMENT FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT FUNDED UNDER CCCJ GRANT NO. 1175. COUNCILMAN HAMILTON SECONDED. There were no objections. The motion carried and was so ordered. 00- City Manager Mocalis presented a request for a change in the minimum qualifications for the position of Civil Engineering Associate as stated in the job description. He stated the Director of Public Works had requested that applicants hold a B.S. degree in Civil Engineering and have three, rather than two years experience in full-time municipal engineering work; a valid California Engineer-in-Training certificate would be desirable. Mr. Mocalis stated this was an upgrade in the position, and there was no change anticipated in the salary cost. COUNCILMAN KING MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CONCUR WITH THE CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION TO CHANGE THE MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS FOR THE POSITION OF CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATE STATED IN THE JOB SPECIFICATIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUEST OF THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS. COUNCILMAN GREGORY SECONDED. There were no objections. The motion carried and was so ordered. 00- City Manager Mocalis stated he had received this date a letter from the Chamber of Connerce which included, among other things, an Agreement to become effective in July 1972. Mr. Mocalis stated he had checked the agreement and It is the same as that which has been in effect in past years, and the amounts of money are the same; however, he reco—ended that no action be taken on the agreement until the Budget has been approved. 0- June 21. 1972 Page 8 REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF BID PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FOR POLICE DEPT- UNDER CCCJ GRANT WAIVER OF BID AND PURCHASE OF EQUIP- MENT AUTHORIZED REQUEST FOR CHANGE IN QUALIFICATIONS FOR CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATE CONCUR WITH C.M. RECOMM. TO CHANGE MIN- QUAL. FOR CIVIL ENGR. ASSOC. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AGREEMENT NO ACTION TO BE TAKEN UNTIL BUDGET APPROVED BIB] 37659-U01 1972-U02 06-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9837-U03 DO9922-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1972 06 21 CC MIN(ÌìÖž pe0^69 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council Director of Public Works Perry reviewed his report on the initiation of Short Form 1911 Act Case No. 72-S-13. south side of Arrow Highway between Heintz Street and Eiton Street, for curb, gutter, sidewalk and drive approach. Mr. Perry stated this case had been continued from June 7, ig72 for clarification of Councilman Gregory's question regarding the properties at 15012 and 15006 Arrow Highway. where it appeared that a building was in a partially improved and a partially unimproved area. Mr. Perry stated that the buildings are on separate lots with separate ownerships; however, the way they are constructed gives the appearance of one building. COUNCILMAN KING MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL HEREBY DECLARE ITS INTENTION TO CAUSE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 5870 ET SEQ. OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. AND SET THE MATTER FOR HEARING ON JULY 5. 1972 72-S-13). COUNCILMAN MC CARON SECONDED. There were no objections. The motion carried and was so ordered. 00- Director of Public Works Perry presented reports of work completed under the Short Form 1911 Act on 71-S-61. south side of Palm Avenue between Merced Avenue and Jerry Avenue, for curb and gutter; 71-S-62. south side of Palm Avenue between Baldwin Park Boulevard and Maine Avenue, for curb and gutter; 71-S-63, north side of Palm Avenue between Baldwin Park Boulevard and Maine Avenue, for curb and gutter; and 71-S-64. north side of Masline Street between Landis Avenue and the westerly terminus of Masline Street, for sidewalk and drive approach. COUNCILMAN KING MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE THE COMPLETION OF THE DISTRICTS AND SET A HEARING DATE OF JULY 19, 1972 TO HEAR ANY PROTESTS OR OBJECTIONS TO THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION 71-S-61, 71-S-62. 71-S-63, 71-S-64). COUNCILMAN HAMILTON SECONDED. There were no objections. The motion carried and was so ordered. 00- Oirector of Public Works Perry presented a request from the Los Angeles County Flood Control District for permission to construct Storm Drain Project No. 3350. This project is primarily within the City of E1 Monte, but enters Baldwin Park on its western boundary by Twin Lakes Golf Course. He stated the District requires the approval of the plans and specifications for this project authorizing them to proceed with the construction and to occupy the necessary area within the City to construct, operate and maintain the drain. COUNCILMAN KING MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT TO PROCEED WITH CONSTRUCTION UNDER STORM DRAIN PROJECT NO- 3350. AND THAT PERMISSION BE GRANTED FOR THE DISTRICT TO OCCUPY THE NECESSARY AREA WITHIN THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK TO CONSTRUCT. OPERATE AND MAINTAIN THE DRAIN. COUNCILWN HAMILTON SECONDED- There were no objections- The otion carried and was so ordered. 00- June 21. 1972 Page 9 S. F. INITIATION 72-S-13 CGS&DA) DECLARE INTENT CAUSE CONSTRUCTION 72-S-13 P.H. 7/5/72 REPORTS OF WORK 71-S-61 C&G) 71-S-62 C&G) 71-S-63 C&G) 71-S-64 S&DA) APPROVE DISTRICTS SET HEARING DATE 71-S-61. 62, 63. 64 P.H. 7/19/72 STOW DRAIN PROJECT NO. 3350 AUTHORIZE L.A. CO. FLOOD CONTROL DIST- TO PROCEED WITH CONSTRUCTION ft OCCUPY NEC. AREA WITHIN CITY FOR CONST.. OPERATION & WINT. OF DRAIN BIB] 37659-U01 1972-U02 06-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9837-U03 DO9922-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1972 06 21 CC MIN(ÌìÖž pecco^scy Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council Director of Public Works Perry reviewed the Traffic Committee report dated June 21, 1972, consisting of 12 items. Items 1 through 11 consisted of studies to improve traffic flow. installation of stop signs, and restrictive parking, etc. at various locations. Item 12 was a request by the Mobit Oil Company to install a left-hand turn pocket for westbound traffic at their station adjacent to the 605 Freeway along Ramona Boulevard. Mobil Oil had indicated by letter that if Council approved this change, Mobil Oil would bear alt the costs of providing the left-turn pocket. Mr. Perry stated it was not felt this would be a hazard, but would provide easy access to the station and possibly prevent cars from making illegal moves to enter the station, and recomnended the request be approved. Discussion followed on various items, and Mr. Perry clarified the proposed intentions on these items, and the effects the innovations would have on parking, signalization, cross-traffic, etc. RESOLUTION NO. 72-90 IMPOSING CERTAIN VEHICULAR TRAFFIC REGULATIONS COUNCILMAN HAMILTON MOVED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 72-90 BE ADOPTED AND THAT FURTHER READING BE WAIVED. AND THAT THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE TRAFFIC COWITTEE BE APPROVED. COUNCILMAN GREGORY SECONDED. There were no objections. The motion carried and was so ordered. 00- Director of Public Works Perry presented Council with a Certificate of honorable mention for 1972 from the Los Angeles Beautiful awards program for the Ramona Boulevard project. Mr. Perry stated that in another year, when the plants and landscaping have matured somewhat, the City could be in a position to receive an award, and the staff would enter a nomination to the Los Angeles Beautiful Coninunlty Improvement and Beautifi cation Program. Mayor Blewett contented that It had been an enjoyable experience to accept the award for the City at a luncheon at Oescanso Gardens In La Canada. 00- Director of Public Works Perry stated that the City had received a plaque fron La^oan & Associates at the dedica- tion of Ranona Boulevard, which had been presented to the Council on May 17, 1972. At that t1«e, the Council directed Mr. Perry to Make a study and report to the Council on a possible permanent location for the plaque. Nr. Perry presented an artist's sketch and photographs depicting incorporation of the plaque with the Shultis Horse Trough. uhich Is of historical value to the City, and which would be placed at the northeast Intersection of ttalne and Ramna, adjacent to the large BalArin Park" sign. COuncllun HcCaron felt that the Horse Trough held sow history, and that It should be left as It is. Continued) June 21. 1972 Page 10 TRAFFIC COMMITTEE REPORT INCLUDING STUDIES. INSTALL. OF STOP SIGNS. PARKING RESTRICTIONS LEFT-TURN POCKET AT MOBIL OIL STATION AT 605 FWY. & RAMONA RES. NO. 72-90 IMPOSE TRAFFIC RFGS RES. 72-90 ADOPTED; REC. OF TRAFFIC COMM. APPROVED LOS ANGELES BEAUTIFUL CERT. OF HON. MENTION FOR RAMONA PROJECT INSTALLATION OF RAMONA BLVD. DEDICATION PLAQUE BIB] 37659-U01 1972-U02 06-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9837-U03 DO9922-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1972 06 21 CC MIN(ÌìÖž 1972 06 21 CC MIN(ÌìÖž peCCQ5511 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council June 21. 1W Page I? OVERSIGHT PAR*.nr PROPOSED OPDIW^ City Manager Mocalis presented a proposed ordinance relating to overnight parking, stating that at the last Council meeting, the City Council requested that the staff investigate the present overnight parting situation in the City. The Chief of Police performed a research study and presented a proposal, from which the sample" ordinance was prepared for discussion purposes. Mr. Mocalis stated that, basically, the ordinance would provide a vehicle whereby the City could ascertain whether citizens do not have capacity to park their automobiles on private property, and it sets up the apparatus whereby they could pay an investigation fee and, subsequently, obtain an annual overnight parking permit. He stated the Police Department would perform the inspection, and the Traffic Committee would then make a determination whether the overnight parking permit should be issued to the applicant. Mr. Mocalis stated that the City presently has an ordinance prohibiting overnight parking; however, it is recognized that some citizens do have a bona fide need to park their vehicles on the public street at night; it is felt that the proposed ordinance meets the needs of the Police and the citizenry- Councilman McCaron felt the proposed ordinance should be set for public hearing to determine the feelings of the citizens. Council concurred, and Mayor Blewett directed that the matter be set for public hearing. PROPOSED ORD. TC S; SET FOR PUBLIC HG. 00- Mayor Blewett presented a proposed ordinance pertaining PROPOSED ORD. R'_ to changing the terms of office for the Planning Commission PLAN. COMM. T0^ from 4 years to 2 years. OF OFFICE Councilman McCaron felt that a possible change of four members one year and three members the next year would be a severe change, considering the amount of time it takes an individual to become acquainted with the aspects of Planning and the requirements of the Compissioners, and to perform his duty properly. He felt it took about two years to really leam all the facets of the ordinances and duties in order to make intelligent and proper decisions. Councilman McCaron further stated that two Comniss toners' terms had expired, and they Mere to be either reappointed or replaced, and this ordinance would automatically reappoint all seven Berbers—four for one year and three for two years, as Indicated In Section 3 paragraph b). Mayor Blewett explained that the ordinance Mould not go into effect for at least 30 days and, in the Interim, the Council could determine whether the two nepers now serving without benefit of co—nssion should be reappointed. Councilman HcCaron questioned the reasons for the desired change. Counc11»n King stated that. In his opinion, it took 10 or 11 onths to get your feet on the ground" en the Planning Co—ission, but the latter 12 onths would certainly give indication to the City Council whether or not an individual is qualified to continue in such a capacity. Continued) BIB] 37659-U01 1972-U02 06-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9837-U03 DO9922-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1972 06 21 CC MIN(ÌìÖžpe00^12 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council June 1, W? Page 13 Councilman McCaron pointed out that the Comnission serves at the pleasure of the City Council, and Council can vacate any of the seats at any time. Councilman King stated this was true, but he felt if a person was well qualified and Council felt he had not served too long, he should be reinstated, but two years would give an analysis and summation of his work on the Comnission or Board. Mayor Blewett stated that there were several members of the Comnission who had served many years, and with distinction; however, he felt that after a certain tiro it was good to have change. He stated that if the voters seek change in the City Council, they have an opportunity to make that change, but this is not so with the Commission. He felt that other people in the coinnunity should be given an oppor- tunity to serve and to present fresh ideas, and that the way to do this was to require the elected officials to make that choice at more frequent intervals than they have been doing in the past. Councilman Hamilton felt Councilman King had made a good point in that if a Commissioner is doing a good job, he could always be reappointed. He stated that in his four years on Council no one had been replaced by the Council, only the regular expiration of the four-year terms; he stated he favored the two-year appointment, and a good Conmissioner could be reappointed at the end of that two- year period. Councilman McCaron felt that in order to get the best from some of the Coranissi oners. they should serve a minimum of four years; two years is not enough. He stated if it was felt that a Coimiissioner was not performing. Council could ask for his resignation or vacate the seat at any time- Discussion followed. COUNCILMAN MC CARON MOVED THAT THF PROPOSED ORDINANCE CHANGING THE PLANNING COMMISSIONERS' TERMS FROM FOUR YEARS TO TWO YEARS BE DROPPED. The motion died for lack of a second. City Clerk Balkus read by title: ORDINANCE NO. 643 AMENDING CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF THE BALDWIN PARK MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION COUNCILMAN GREGORY MOVED THAT FURTHER READING OF ORDINANCE KO. 643 BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN KING SECONDED. Councilman Hamilton questioned whether this matter should be set for public hearing. City Attorney Flandrick stated it was not required, but Council could do so if desired. Discussion followed regarding Section 3(b) of the proposed ordinance. City Attorney Flandrick stated that the term present members" referred to those persons who are Tneinbers of the Planning Conan'ssion as of the effective date of the ordinance. oiscussion MOTION TO PR'1" PROPOSED ORC. WION OIFP ORO. 0. 6^ AMEND BPMC P? PIAWT^G CWl-"'.^- FURTHEP R0(-. i'AIV1'- ORD. NO. W oiscussior; There were no objections to the motion- and was so ordered. The iBOti-cm carried MOTION CARRIED Continued) BIB] 37659-U01 1972-U02 06-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9837-U03 DO9922-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1972 06 21 CC MIN(ÌìÖžpeCC05513 Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council COUNCILMAN GREGORY MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 643 BE INTRODUCED. COUNCILMAN KING SECONDED. Roll call. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN GREGORY, KING, HAMILTON AND MAYOR BLEWETT NOES: COUNCILMAN MC CARON 00- June 21. 197? Page 14 ORD. NO. 643 INTRODUCED AT 9:03 P.M.. COUNCILMAN MC CARON MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADJOURN TO 7:30 P.M.. FRIDAY. JUNE 23. 1972 IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE CITY HALL. COUNCILMAN KING SECONDED. There were no objections- The motion carried and was so ordered. 00- ADJOURN 9:03 P.r^ TO 7:30 P.M. FRIDAY. 6/23/72 APPROVED: w^ 6 1972 Date of Distr^ution to City Council: Date of Distribution to Departments: L 6^^^ 3^> 1972 / L^.^ 3^ 197? BIB] 37659-U01 1972-U02 06-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9837-U03 DO9922-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1972 06 21 CC MIN(ÌìÖžpeREGULAR MEETING OF THE BALDWIN PARK CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS) 14403 East Pacific Avenue The City Council of the City of Baldwin Park met in regular session at the above place at 7:30 p.m. Councilman Gregory led the salute to the flag. Roll Call: Present: COUNCILMEN GREGORY, HAMILTON, KING, MC CARON AND MAYOR BLEWETT Also Present: CITY MANAGER MOCALIS, CITY ATTORNEY FLANDRICK, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS PERRY, PLANNING DIRECTOR GORDON, FINANCE DIRECTOR DUNCAN, CHIEF OF POLICE ADAMS, CITY CLERK BALKUS Absent: CITY TREASURER CALE 00" CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Proposed City Charter Continued from 8/4/71, 8/18/71, 9/15/71 and 12/15/71) JUNE 21. 1972 7:30 P.M. FLAG SALUTE ROLL CALL CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARINGS CONTINUED TO SEPT. 20, 1972 Short Form 1911 Act Parcel Cost 2. 71-S-58 Northwest side of Vineland Avenue between Rexwood Street and Merced Avenue S&DA) 00- AT 9:03 P.M., COUNCILMAN MC CARON MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADJOURN TO 7:30 P.M., FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1972 IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE CITY HALL. COUNCILMAN KING SECONDED. There were no objections. The motion carried and was so ordered. 00- CONTINUED TO JULY 5, 1972 ADJOURN 9:03 P.M. TO 7:30 P.M. FRIDAY, 6/23/72 JZA^r HELMA L. BALKUS, CITY CLERK DATED: June 22, 1972 TIME: 10:00 A.M. BIB] 37659-U01 1972-U02 06-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9837-U03 DO9922-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1972 06 21 CC MIN(ÌìÖžpeAFFIDAVIT OF POSTING NOTICE OF ABJOURNHENT OF MEETING STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES) SS: CITY OF BALDWIN PARK THELMA L» BALKUS, being first duly sworn, says and deposes: that I am the duly chosen, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City Council of the City of Baldwin Park; that at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Baldwin Park held June 21 19 72 said meeting was ordered adjourned to the time and place specified in the Notice of the Adjournment ATTACHED HERETO: that on June 22 1972 at the hour of 10:00 a.m,. I posted a copy of said Notice at a conspicuous place on or near the door of the place at which said meeting of June 21___, 19 72 was held. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of \^^i^ 19^..~7 Notary Public 1n and for said County and State THELMA S. DUNCAN NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES COUNTY MyCommission Expires Feb. 25,1975 14403 E. Pacific Ave,, Baldwin Park, Calif. 91706 BIB] 37659-U01 1972-U02 06-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9837-U03 DO9922-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 1972 06 21 CC MIN(ÌìÖžpeREGULAR MEETING OF THE BALDWIN PARK CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS) 14403 East Pacific Avenue The City Council of the City of Baldwin Park met in regular session at the above place at 7:30 p.m. Councilman Gregory led the salute to the flag. Roll Call: Present: COUNCILMEN GREGORY. HAMILTON, KING. MC CARON AND MAYOR BLEWETT Also Present: CITY MANAGER MOCALIS. CITY ATTORNEY FLANDRICK, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS PERRY, PLANNING DIRECTOR GORDON, FINANCE DIRECTOR DUNCAN, CHIEF OF POLICE ADAMS, CITY CLERK BALKUS Absent: CITY TREASURER CALE 00- AT 9:03 P.M., COUNCILMAN MC CARON MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADJOURN TO 7:30 P.M., FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1972 IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE CITY HALL. COUNCILMAN KING SECONDED. There were no objections. The motion carried and was so ordered. 00- JUNE 21, 1972 7:30 P.M. FLAG SALUTE ROLL CALL ADJOURN 9:03 P.M TO 7:30 P.M. FRIDAY, 6/23/72 DATED: June 22. 1972 TIME: 10:00 A.M. BIB] 37659-U01 1972-U02 06-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9837-U03 DO9922-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06 peroo^i.o Regular Meeting of the Baldwin Park City Council June 21. 1972 Page 11 Mr. Perry presented an alternate sketch of a possible method of displaying the plaque, if Council did not concur in the use of the Horse Trough. Councilman Gregory suggested that possibly the plaque could be displayed in a manner similar to the monument" indicating the entry to the City on Badillo Street. Mr. Perry stated this could be done, but would be fairly expensive, whereas the other two suggestions could be accomplished more economically. COUNCILMAN MC CARON MOVED THAT THE COUNCIL APPROVE INSTALLATION OF THE PLAQUE IN A MANNER ALONG THE LINES OF THE ALTERNATE SKETCH PRESENTED BY THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS. COUNCILMAN HAMILTON SECONDED. Mr. Perry asked what Council desired regarding placement of the Horse Trough. Councilman McCaron stated the Trough had a definite spot originally, and felt it could be put In the same spot it had occupied before the improvements were made. Roll call on the motion. There were no objections. The notion carried and was so ordered. 00- Planning Director Gordon stated that Council had received copies of a report prepared by Cal Poly students contain- ing recomnendatlons for the General Plan which would aximize the tax base. He commented that the report contained some good ideas which possibly might be Incorporated Into the General Plan which would be under- going revision In the near future. Mr. Gordon stated copies of the report would be made available to the public by contacting the Planning Office and requesting same. Mayor Blewett recomnended that anyone Interested in Baldwin Park government read the report, stating that it was a very good and interesting report and contained some fine ideas. 00- City Clerk Balkus read by title: APPROVE INSTALLATION ALONG LINES OF ALTERNATE SKETCH MOTION CARRIED REPORT BY CAL POLY STUDENTS RE MAXIMIZED TAX BASF COPIES AVAILABLE TO PUBLIC ORDINANCE NO. 641 AMENDING DIVISION III OF PART 10 OF THE BALDWIN PARK ZONING CODE. CONSISTING OF SECTIONS 9570 THROUGH 9573. INCLUSIVE. RELATING TO ZONING REGULATIONS IN THE R-3 ZONE CASE NO. AZC-61) COUNCILMAN KING MOVED THAT FURTHER READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 641 BE WAIVED. COUNCILMAN HAMILTON SECONDED. There were no objections. The motion carried and was so ordered. COUNCILMAN KING MOVED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 641 BE ADOPTED. COUNCILMAN HAMILTON SECONDED. Roll call. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN KING, HAMILTON, MC CARON AND MAYOR BLEWETT ABSTAIN: COUNCILMAN GREGORY on- ORD. NO. 641 AMEND ZONING REGS RE R-3 ZONE AZC-61) FURTHER RDG, WAIVED ORD. NO. 641 ORD. NO. 641 ADOPTED BIB] 37659-U01 1972-U02 06-U02 21-U02 CC-U02 MIN-U02 LI1-U03 FO9591-U03 FO9837-U03 DO9922-U03 C4-U03 MINUTES1-U03 2/6/2003-U04 ROBIN-U04 REGULAR-U05 SESSION-U05 CITY-U06 COUNCIL-U06